A big shot businessman. I seen him on the TV news... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A bullshit President! from JFK (1991) Thriller
A call is made. Maybe to someone like my superior officer General Y. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A confessed homosexual. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A considerable portion of the brain was missing. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A crank making calls. Happens a dozen times a day at the office. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A diversionary shot gets the Secret Service looking one way. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A few people on the inside. Pentagon, CIA. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A fifth or possibly a quarter of the back of the head had been blasted out... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A fine man. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A great day for this country. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A heroin addict injecting himself at the wall. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A lead says he's closely connected to these events... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A light blue Valiant. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A long freight was in there... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A lot of smoke, but some fire. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A Lt. Colonel testifies that... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A man called and asked her height, her weight from JFK (1991) Thriller
A man named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as a suspect... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A man shot the President! from JFK (1991) Thriller
A man with a similar name worked at the Chamber of Commerce. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A month before, in Dallas, UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson was spit on and hit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A patsy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A policeman hit me. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A quiet little chat between gentlemen. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A Russian exam. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A second shot hit him in the face. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A secret Pentagon guy, supplying the hardware: from JFK (1991) Thriller
A single bullet must account for the seven wounds in Kennedy and Connally. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A source said he might have been a getaway pilot for Oswald. from JFK (1991) Thriller
A telex disappears from every FBI office in this country? from JFK (1991) Thriller
A third of a combat division was returning from Germany... from JFK (1991) Thriller
A very great actor has just given us a great performance. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Abraham Zapruder. from JFK (1991) Thriller
According to Baker, absolutely not. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Acquilla Clemons... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Address? from JFK (1991) Thriller
After a stint in the Marines... from JFK (1991) Thriller
After all, why would Oswald kill Officer Tippit... from JFK (1991) Thriller
After dinner, you paid him to have sex. from JFK (1991) Thriller
After extensive questioning and a background check... from JFK (1991) Thriller
After I came back... from JFK (1991) Thriller
After the arrest, 544 Camp St. never appeared on the pamphlets again. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Again and again credible testimony's ignored. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Again. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Agency plays for keeps. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ain't nice, it says, we've spent over $8,000 on unexplained investigative expenses... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ain't that the devil's piss! from JFK (1991) Thriller
All classified as secret on the grounds of national security. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All day the kids asked, "Where's Daddy?" What should I tell them? from JFK (1991) Thriller
All four of us railroad men... from JFK (1991) Thriller
All I know is he died suddenly. Just before the Warren Report came out. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All I know is sometimes he sends me some cases. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All I saw were the railroad workers and Dallas' finest. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All I wanted in the world... from JFK (1991) Thriller
All it takes is one Judas. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All our weapons! from JFK (1991) Thriller
All out of this office. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All rabid anti Communists. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All right, Willie. Thanks. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All Secret Servicemen in Dallas are accounted for. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All this blubbering over that no count son of a bitch! from JFK (1991) Thriller
All those important people studied it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All under the control of General Y. from JFK (1991) Thriller
All worked for the CIA. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Alongside his beautiful and elegant wife, Jacqueline Bouvier... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Always some harebrained scheme. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Am I? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Among them, Clay Shaw, here before you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
An American naturalist wrote: from JFK (1991) Thriller
An identical bullet... from JFK (1991) Thriller
An inspired act of God should happen here and put a Texan in the White House! from JFK (1991) Thriller
An intuition, maybe. The President killed in spite of his warning. from JFK (1991) Thriller
An office building, a high powered rifle. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And he appears on a local TV debate. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And I am not going along on this one. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And I won't live to see you some other time. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And if there was a second rifleman... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And it is the best indication of a massive plot in Dallas. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And leave two unsigned suicide notes? from JFK (1991) Thriller
And now King. Don't you think this has something to do with that? from JFK (1991) Thriller
And once you conclude... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And Oswald. Army Intell had a Lee Harvey Oswald on file. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And that last shot... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And that Ruby knew Oswald for years. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And the first would be the best. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And the sheriff's report... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And the truth is on your side, bubba. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And then... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And there's his old buddy Miguel Torres. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And they defrocked me! from JFK (1991) Thriller
And they say that this... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And though no one saw him walking... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And we are all mortal. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And we used those guys against the Communists. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And we would not ask questions or attack Jim Garrison. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And what once looked normal seems insane. from JFK (1991) Thriller
And when you are called to look at the wounds of the dead President... from JFK (1991) Thriller
And you, Miss Cox. It's been most pleasant. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Andrews has been convicted of perjury on this matter. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Another nut. Jesus Christ, anybody can get a rifle in Texas! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Any aliases? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Any more on Oswald or Shaw? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anybody want to quit? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anyone else? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anything more specific, Jack? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anything new? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anything on the hoboes? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anything to say in your defense? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Anything unusual about him... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Are we going away, Daddy? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Are you giving me an ultimatum? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Are you going to resign? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Are you kidding? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Are you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Around 12:15, leaving the building to see the motorcade... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Around this time, another shot misses the car completely... from JFK (1991) Thriller
As a pathologist, it was your obligation to explore... from JFK (1991) Thriller
As a result, the peace summit between Khrushchev and Eisenhower failed. from JFK (1991) Thriller
As early as 12:44, only 14 minutes after the assassination... from JFK (1991) Thriller
As far as Oswald's associates, one name keeps popping up: David Ferrie. from JFK (1991) Thriller
As I recall, Admiral Kenney, Navy Surgeon General... from JFK (1991) Thriller
As you know, President Kennedy was assassinated on Friday. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ask the question. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ask the two men who profited most from the assassination... from JFK (1991) Thriller
At 12:34 p. m, the Washington telephone system went out for an hour. from JFK (1991) Thriller
At least we'll strike the first blow. from JFK (1991) Thriller
At police headquarters, he was booked for murdering Tippit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
At that moment, second Oswalds pop up all over Dallas... from JFK (1991) Thriller
At the age of 24... from JFK (1991) Thriller
At the same time, Bonnie Ray Williams is supposedly eating lunch in the sixth floor. from JFK (1991) Thriller
At the scene, Officer Poe marks his initials on the shells... from JFK (1991) Thriller
B team, one rifleman and one spotter with access to the building... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Back, and to the left. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Back, and to the left. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Back, and to the left. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Banister has someone using the name Oswald to buy the trucks. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Banister's office was part of the supply line... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Barely conscious of his surroundings. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bastard should've been prosecuted as a traitor when he got off the boat. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Be still my heart. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bear in mind, this may affect the rest of your careers, your lives. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because he was a Communist. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because it still belongs to us... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because they care. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because they want their country back. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because they want to know the truth. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Because when a coup d'Γ©tat has occurred... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Been too busy. Elected men can't have as much fun as they used to. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Before this Kennedy thing, your children mattered most. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bell was nearly bankrupt when First National Bank of Boston asked the CIA... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bertrand is not Shaw, scout's honor. And you can tell him I said so. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Beverly, tell Mr. Garrison about the Carousel Club. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Big Jim gave strict orders. No FBl. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Big money. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Big money. $100 billion. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Big. White hair. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bill doesn't scare that easy. Somebody got to his thinking. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bill Williams has links to the CIA through his family... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bill, what the hell are you doing here? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bill's convenient separation from Janet allows Marina to move into her house... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Black Ops. Assassinations. Coups d'etat... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Black Ops. People in my business. My superior might call Col. Reich and say: from JFK (1991) Thriller
Black. Give it to me. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Black. My neck is killing me. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Blood transfusions are being given. A priest has administered the last rites. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boom! Get the kill shot. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boss, are you calling the President a murderer? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boss, aren't you being a little hard? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boss, I'm sorry. I'm just looking out for you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boss'd fry me in hog fat if he knew I talked to you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boss's got a problem. Real serious. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Both brothers? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Boys said they didn't get any. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Brewer leads the cops into the theater... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bring back memories of Willie O'Keefe? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bring them on. Bring their college degrees in here, I got nothing to hide. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Bullshit! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Businessmen, politicians from Austin, LBJ's friends from JFK (1991) Thriller
But all that ended on the 22nd of November, 1963. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But already their papers had the entire history... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But as a covert operator... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But as the government sees you as children... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But as we get older we know this isn't true. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But he never does any propaganda for the Russians. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But he'd contacted them already... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But he's lying through his teeth. I won't let go of him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But he's stationed at a top secret air base in Japan... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But I treated him good. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But I'm telling my eight year old son to keep himself physically fit... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But if you let yourself be too scared... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But in November, a week after the murder of Vietnamese President Diem... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But it's difficult to know. What're you thinking? from JFK (1991) Thriller
But it's even spookier than we thought. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But Jack was exciting. There were always cops there. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But none of this happened. It violated our most basic protection codes. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But one of the results was... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But somebody's got to try, goddamn it! from JFK (1991) Thriller
But someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But the FBI test fired the rifle to see if it could be done. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But the phone call never came. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But then the body was illegally moved to Washington for the autopsy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But there may be a high level of iodine in the spinal fluid. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But they weren't protecting clients. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But this conversation is best kept out of the everyday bustle of this office. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But three cars came in during this time... from JFK (1991) Thriller
But use your eyes, your common sense. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But we are nowhere closer to the truth. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But what if the note described the assassination attempt on JFK? from JFK (1991) Thriller
But who was impersonating them? from JFK (1991) Thriller
But why was he appointed to investigate Kennedy's death? The man who fired him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But you couldn't approach them. They're wise. from JFK (1991) Thriller
But you were a qualified pathologist. Was the Army General? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Buying ammunition, getting a telescopic sight fixed. from JFK (1991) Thriller
By coincidence, Banister, before he was FBl, was ONl. from JFK (1991) Thriller
By the time it reached shore... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cabell was his Deputy for nine years. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Call him Oswald's handler. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Calm down. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Camelot in smithereens. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can you ascertain if there's Proloid in his system? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can you get some sworn statements? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can you take me with you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can't imagine where. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can't remember his name, but Oswald was with him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Can't. If I go to him our investigation will hit the front pages. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Castro being assassinated by the mob by us... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Castro is a successful revolutionary... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Castro was almost with us till we tried to whack him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
CBS News projects Sen. Robert Kennedy... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Champagne? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Charles Brehm, a combat vet. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Check out Eladio del Valle. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Check out his record. Find any friends or associates from last summer. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Check them out. Here, in Miami. Dallas. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Check with him. Have a nice vacation. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Chief, maybe you had too much to drink. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cigarette butts. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Bertrand is Clay Shaw? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Bertrand is Clay Shaw. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Bertrand. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Bertrand. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Bertrand. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Shaw is important. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay Shaw. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clay something. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Clear the door! Watch out! Move! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Col. Finck, are you saying someone told you not to dissect the neck? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Come hunt for Easter eggs. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Come on in. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Come on, think! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Comes to the Quarter. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Communist, Marxist Leninist, what's the difference? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Congratulations. You're Page One. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Connally yells, "My God! They're going to kill us all! " from JFK (1991) Thriller
Connally, you will notice, shows no sign of being hit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Connally's head turns slightly to the right. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Consequently, a whole new form of government will take over. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Convicted of pandering and soliciting. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cops back then, they were bad. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Could the mob change the parade route? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Could the mob send Oswald to Russia and get him back? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cuban. Friends who'd done stuff in the bush with him. Place was a mess. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cubans coming, going. And Christ, they all looked the same to me. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Cubans or right wing extremists. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Daddy loves you both. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Daddy never keeps his promises. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Daddy said it's okay if I'm quiet. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dallas Times Herald photographer got great shots. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dallas was a slowpokin' town then. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Damn! Wait a minute! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dave Ferrie took me there expressly to meet him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dave Ferrie's dead. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dave pulled out some clippings. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dave's mind was a mess. He had caged mice... from JFK (1991) Thriller
David Ferrie. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Defendant didn't have his lawyer present. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Defense contractors, oil bankers. Just conversation. from JFK (1991) Thriller
DeMohrenschildt draws a picture of Oswald as an intellectual... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Deputy director of the CIA. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Despite the fact he has no license, and doesn't know how to drive... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Did he pay you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Did you bag any? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Did you enter Virginia in a beauty contest? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Did you ever once stop to consider his feelings? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Did your office plant that garbage in the paper? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Didn't Hoover say something about leaves falling in November? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Didn't know shit, anyway. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Didn't the Warren Commission call him? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Different addresses, different entrances, both going to the same place... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dig, you're the only one to bring a trial in Kennedy's murder. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dinner's just about ready. from JFK (1991) Thriller
District Attorney Garrison to see Prisoner 5388. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do I have to spell it out for you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do I have to spell it out for you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do not forget... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you agree that this is a full vindication of the Warren Commission? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you have a response? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you have rifles in there? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you mean some transients? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you remember my orders about passing on rumors... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you think we're nuts? It's been a zoo since that broke. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Do you want to watch TV? Are you all right? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Doctor Peters. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Does he have any problems with Uncle Sam? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Does it matter who shot... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Doesn't add up. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Domingo Benevides... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't get me started on that. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't get me wrong. He's not one of those limp wrists. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't get sidetracked. How'd he get back to the States? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't leave me here! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't let him in. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't matter to me! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't take my word for it. Do your own thinking. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't tell me you don't remember. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't think that I don't. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't underestimate the budget cuts that Kennedy called for in March of 1963. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't worry. There's only 20 or 30 million people watching this tonight. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Don't you love us anymore? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dozens of witnesses heard the shots... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Dumb question. Put your hands down. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Each of these key witnesses has no doubt whatsoever... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper, heard two beeps on a car horn. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Early for Mardi Gras, isn't it? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Early November, at a downtown Dallas Lincoln dealership... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Early that fateful summer... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Eisenhower always rode in open top. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Either they told him they'd close down the plotters... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Either we pull out now or we go through heavy flak together. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Either you give the grand jury Clay Bertrand's real identity... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Especially in the homosexual underworld. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Even if we hadn't let him ride with the bubble top off... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ever use any aliases? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Every degree of mind and spirit that I possess will be devoted... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Every time he goes over to Saigon for a fact finding mission... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everybody came. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everybody in the power structure... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everybody. The Agency, mob, Cubans. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everyone in those days knew Jack was in the mob. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everything is cellularized. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Everything was just frozen. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ex FBI man. Died a couple of years ago. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Except for one man. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Except to say you're close. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Exception taken. That case is on appeal. from JFK (1991) Thriller
False statements and press leaks about Oswald circulate the globe. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fascism! from JFK (1991) Thriller
FBI didn't find a goddamn thing. from JFK (1991) Thriller
FBI tried two sets of tests. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ferrie did a lot of the training. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ferrie strike you as the kind of person with a low metabolism? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ferrie was the only one to express any kind of remorse about the whole thing. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ferrie's friend, Eladio del Valle, was found... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fifty fake business fronts to launder money. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fifty one witnesses thought they heard shots from the grassy knoll... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Finally they left and I was alone with Dave... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Find Clay Bertrand. Start by checking around the Quarter. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Find out the defense budget since the war began. $75 going on $100 billion. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fine. from JFK (1991) Thriller
First time a DA can't get a tax record. from JFK (1991) Thriller
First, we heard that Cuban exiles killed the President. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Five bullets, one blank. No one's guilty. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Follow the Cubans. from JFK (1991) Thriller
For God's sake, the President was shot. from JFK (1991) Thriller
For the first time... from JFK (1991) Thriller
For the head shot. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Found another note. Same thing. No name. No signature. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Found his body in his apartment two hours ago. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frame 161, Kennedy stops waving as he hears something. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frame 193, the second shot hits Kennedy in the throat from the front. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frame 225, Kennedy emerges from behind the road sign. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frame 238. The fourth shot. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frame 313, takes Kennedy in the head from the front. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frank, you're wasting your time here. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Friday. from JFK (1991) Thriller
From Dallas... from JFK (1991) Thriller
From here on... from JFK (1991) Thriller
From this meeting... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Frontal shot. Flat, low trajectory. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Ft. Jefferson, Bayou Bluff, Morgan City, you name it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fuck! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Fucking out of control. All these hippies running around on drugs. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Gave me his grammar school records. It's a study of his pubic hairs. from JFK (1991) Thriller
General Dynamics of Fort Worth, Texas. Who owns that? from JFK (1991) Thriller
General Y flies in the assassins. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Gentlemen, I am not going to let Vietnam go like China did. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Gentlemen, will you please rise and follow me. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get a hold of yourself! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get a receipt. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get her out of here. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get in the car. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get the FBl, the CIA and the Dallas Police to mess up the investigation? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Get the Warren Commission appointed to cover it up? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Getting angry doesn't accomplish a damn thing. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Getting every crazed Klansman after us! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Give him a medal for shooting Kennedy! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Glad you came. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Go back to Moscow! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Go on. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Go. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goddamn it! We've got one of them. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goddamn peace treaties! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goddamn. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goes by another name. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goes to show you can never know about some people. Am I right, Jack? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Going to rifle ranges. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Goodbye, ladies and gentlemen. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Got a surprise for you tonight. Tried something new. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Got canned after an alleged homosexual incident. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Got his hand on the chicken switch. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Got the Dalai Lama out. We were good. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Graveyard. Dead. August this year. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Grimy young hoodlums who will say and do anything! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Guess who used it? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Guy who ran the International Trade Mart? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hardly, I'd say the opposite. Maybe hypertension. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Has affairs with local girls. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Has he ignored the Mafia connections to this conspiracy... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Has the jury reached a verdict? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Have you ever been a contract agent for the CIA? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Have you ever met David Ferrie? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Have you ever met Lee Harvey Oswald? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Haven't seen you much lately. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He buys a Coke... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He came to me bawling his eyes out. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He can't afford to implement it before the election. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He can't go down any further. We must protect him full time. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He did so much for this country, for colored people. Why? from JFK (1991) Thriller
He didn't look like he had any money, and he was in a bad mood. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He disappears for six weeks, presumably with the KGB. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He doesn't know the unseen forces ranging against him. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He dropped Oswald off on the voter's line. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He flopped over on his stomach... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He gave TFX fighter contracts only to those counties that will matter in '64. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He gives me the willies. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He goes to the Texas Theater, possibly a prearranged meeting point. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He good man. Good husband. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He got only two more Russian words right than wrong. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He had a violent temper. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He had on a sports shirt and pants, but he had dirty fingernails. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He had something to do with money, because Banister never kissed ass... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He headed the Chicago office. When he retired he became a private eye here. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He is 35 years older than Oswald, who is only 23 and supposedly broke. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He is a part of the Dallas Petroleum Club, speaks five languages... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He keeps changing his story. We can't call him to a grand jury. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He meets Marina. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He no shoot anyone. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He practically lived there. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He privately claims the CIA lied to him... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He produced credentials showing him to be Secret Service. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He promised those motherfuckers too much! from JFK (1991) Thriller
He puts on his jacket, grabs his. 38 revolver... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He refused to invade Cuba in 1962. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He said he was a representative of Warren International Trade Mart. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He said he'd be cut loose if he copped to the DA's office. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He seeks the truth. So do we. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He seems pretty cool for a man under pressure. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He sees nobody. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He sends Connally's bloody suit to the cleaners. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He served in your Civil Air Patrol unit when he was a teenager. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He set out to withdraw from Vietnam. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He shot him on TV! from JFK (1991) Thriller
He signed a treaty to ban nuclear testing. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He spent last summer in New Orleans and was arrested... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He started in on Kennedy again. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He told McNamara he would pull out the goddamn advisors! from JFK (1991) Thriller
He told me... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He told the FBl, "Shut up the camp. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He took the rules of covert warfare he'd used abroad... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He wanted to be a priest. They defrocked him 'cause he was queer. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He wanted to call off the moon race and cooperate with the Soviets. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was a foot soldier. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was a wannabe. No one liked him. Thought he was a snitch. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was an intelligence agent for our government and remained one till he died. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was arrested for fighting with anti Castro Cubans. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was by himself as usual, appeared to be having lunch. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was his brother. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was in a booth on the right side of the room. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was in military intelligence, that's why he was trained in Russian. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was in the Warren Report. He got Oswald a lawyer. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was my paymaster when I flew missions into Cuba. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was running his camp north of Lake Pontchartrain. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was told to be at the Book Depository that day... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was tortured, shot point blank in the heart, his skull split open with an ax. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was totally sane when we took his affidavit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He was under orders. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He wasn't very handsome. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He wasted a month trying to prove... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'd been obsessed with Castro and Kennedy for months. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'd die quickly. A heart storm or a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'd have about as much use for Russian as a cat has for pajamas. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'll keep deteriorating. We'll get more out of him when he cracks. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'll never make it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He'll use them, too. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's a butch John. Meet him on the street, you'd never snap. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's been fighting us. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's been in trouble before. He was a hot shot pilot for Eastern Airlines. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's coming soon. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's discharged... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's done so much for the city, restoring the Quarter. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's given 5,000 rubles, a roomy apartment with a balcony. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's never given reasons for his arrest. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's never investigated or charged for revealing classified information... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's not in. Can someone else help you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's sorry he's late, but he promised he'd be here. from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's taken to a radio factory in Minsk... from JFK (1991) Thriller
He's there until 12:15, maybe 12:20. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Headed the Anti Communist League of the Caribbean. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hell, Guy's dead, so it don't matter no more. It was all about those... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hell, no! I'm going to run again, and I'm going to win! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hello, is this Jim Garrison's daughter? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Help! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Her uncle is a colonel in Soviet intelligence. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Here he comes! from JFK (1991) Thriller
Here's to the New Frontier. from JFK (1991) Thriller
His boss was the one on the Warren Commission... from JFK (1991) Thriller
His closest friend is an oilman, named George DeMohrenschildt. from JFK (1991) Thriller
His ear blew off and he turned real white. from JFK (1991) Thriller
His job is to speak as often as possible of the nation's desire for peace... from JFK (1991) Thriller
His real name's Frankie Jenkins, but it would be so uncouth during dinner... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hoffa, Trafficante, Marcello, they hire some guns and do Kennedy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hold that thought. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hold your horses. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Honorable Judge Edward A. Haggerty, Jr. presiding. Be seated. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hoover at the FBI has a memo dated June of 1960... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hope to start... from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hope you like squab. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hosty tore it up and flushed it down the toilet. from JFK (1991) Thriller
How are you? Nice to see you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
How could I? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How do we know that? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How do you know who your daddy is? 'Cause your mama told you so. from JFK (1991) Thriller
How many corpses do you need to figure out what's going on? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How many men? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How many more political murders disguised as heart attacks... from JFK (1991) Thriller
How many plane and car crashes will occur... from JFK (1991) Thriller
How the hell can you keep a conspiracy going... from JFK (1991) Thriller
How was your mousse? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How you doing? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How'd so many people keep such a secret? from JFK (1991) Thriller
How'd you find out David Ferrie drove to Texas that day? from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hundreds of documents could help prove this conspiracy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
Hunters. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I ain't cooperating with no one! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I always lock my files! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I am not resisting arrest! I am not resisting arrest! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I am? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I am. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I beat them all. Am I communicating with you? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I believe Oswald sent information through Hosty. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I call him Smedley. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I call them as I see them! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can give you the background. You find the foreground, the little things. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can only say I'm sorry. I just don't have rabbits on my mind. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't believe a man as intelligent as Earl Warren read those volumes. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't believe it, Mr. Banister, Oswald is down on Canal Street... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't believe it. An experienced police captain and a crowd of FBI agents... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't believe they killed him because he wanted to change things. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't believe you're saying this! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't figure out why he orders a traceable weapon... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't pull the teams to watch Ferrie. I promised him! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I can't remember last night, let alone three years ago, Boss. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I cannot fight you and the whole world too! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I checked it out and found that someone... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I congratulate Mr. Shaw. Most defendants must wait for trial... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I could give you a false name, but I won't. Call me "X." from JFK (1991) Thriller
I couldn't be more serious, Jack. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I did. We sang together at the Royal Orleans, remember? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I didn't say that. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I didn't speak to him, but I recognized him clearly. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I didn't talk to nobody. I was on drugs at the hospital. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I didn't think much about it then. It's just bullshit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I do request someone to come forward... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I do. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't appreciate you dumping this paranoid garbage on me... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't buy it! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't buy it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't care about Oswald. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't doubt their involvement at a low level. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't have much of a case. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know that name. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know what I am charged with... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know who or why. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know, Jasper. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't know. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't like it when you and Mommy fight. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't remember his name. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't remember the other guy's name. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't see any violence. Heart attack, maybe an aneurysm. Natural causes. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't think so. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I don't understand. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I doubt this Attorney General would qualify for my staff. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I enjoyed meeting with you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I expected that two months ago. They're wasting their time. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I extend to you and your families my best wishes for a happy Easter. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I found Clay Bertrand. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I get out of here, I'll come see you. We can have fun! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I go about my business, make money, help society the best I can... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I got confused. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I got nothing but time. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I got something to show you. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I guess I am. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I had a life too, you know! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I had the cause of death. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I had... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I hadn't been ice skating lately. Some young friends and I... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I hate to get him dragged into this. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I hate to think they blame it on silly, fucking Oswald. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I have here some $8,000 in these letters... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I have to go away. Just for a short while. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I have too much facts... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I haven't slept since that article. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I haven't yet. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I hear the NSC meeting was a real barn burner. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I heard Dr. Humes stating... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I heard shots from over there. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I heard the report and saw smoke, six or eight feet above the ground. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I helped evacuate part of Nazi intelligence at the end of the war. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just don't know who to trust anymore. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just don't know. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just don't want to do it. Now, what else? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just handled their private eye work as it came in for Guy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just hope it was worth my while, Mr...? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just stood there watching. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I just want to raise our children and live a normal life. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I keep thinking about that Tuesday... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I knew Allen Dulles well. I often briefed him in his house. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I knew something was crooked as a dog's hind leg. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I know nothing more than that. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I know what you're going through with Ferrie. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I know you know who Clay Bertrand is. Stop eating that crabmeat and listen. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I looked up and saw smoke coming from over there, on the knoll. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I love Lee... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I made it clear to the Warren people. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I may not remember a name, but I always remember a face. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I mean, we got leaks everywhere. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I met him sometime in... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I must ask the jury to leave the court. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I need clarification about the night Guy Banister beat you over the head. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I need more men. I got to get him in. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I never believed it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I never realized Kennedy was so dangerous to the establishment. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I never saw him before in my life. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I never thought for a second I was. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I never thought it'd come to this. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I often have a friend sit at one end while I sit at the other. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I owe that to Jack Kennedy and the country. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I really don't know... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I recognized him and I told them so. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I remember 'cause they were the only white strangers around that day. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I remember Ferrie speaking at a meeting of some veterans' group... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I remember him because of his limp. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I remember now. I'm sorry. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I remember. You make quite an impression. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I respect this country's institutions! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I said to my family, "That's the man I saw in the truck. " from JFK (1991) Thriller
I said, Oswald must've flipped. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I saw a girl the other day. Pregnant. You could see her whole belly. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I saw a man run from the fence toward those railroad cars. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I saw him in the office once. He looked out of place. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I saw this one man running from the corner of the Book Depository... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I sealed off the area and held off the trains till they could be examined. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I seen his face when it hit. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I sent him up for burglary. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I should show you some pictures so you can understand... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I shouldn't talk about it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I sometimes think things have gone downhill since Kennedy died. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I spent much of September of '63... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I stepped down to the curb and yelled: from JFK (1991) Thriller
I submit to you that what took place on November 22, 1963... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I suppose I could use a pot of hot coffee and a few packs of Luckys. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I think he's doing a pretty good job. If he succeeds, in my opinion... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I think he's given everything we've got to the feds. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I think it would be apparent to anyone... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I think the point of the Mexican episode was to lay the blame on Fidel Castro. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I think you'll find it interesting. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I thought a motorcycle had backfired. I looked to my left. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I thought I was shooting at that son of a bitch Kennedy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I thought maybe our guys had shot back and got one of them. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I thought we were on the same side. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I told that Bertrand cat right off this ain't my scene. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I told the FBI that call was a figment of my imagination. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I told you I was talking to Shaw. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I took it once for a low thyroid condition. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I took nine judges on here in New Orleans. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I took this picture to two experts. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I understand the pressure you're under. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I used to have lunch with him. John Birch Society, Minutemen. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want a Shirley Temple! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want an answer! Did you plant it? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want my life back! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want to show you something. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want to tell the truth. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I want your pictures. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison. Two wars. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was driving on Elm Street toward the underpass in a rented car. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was never part of the operation. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was on my way back, in New Zealand... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was sent by my superior, we'll call him "Y"... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was standing next to Mary Moorman, who took the photo when he was killed. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I was told the family wanted the examination of the head. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I wasn't hard to find, wearing that red raincoat. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I will kill! In the White House! Stab him in the heart! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I wish to renounce my citizenship... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I won't confirm, deny nor discuss, Sharon. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I won't have any ultimatum put to me, Lou. I'll accept your resignation. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I wondered if it could've been because... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I would say that he is the killer... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I wouldn't believe anything Habighorst said anyway. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Heads will roll. Hear about Lemnitzer? from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'd hate to be in your shoes today. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'd love you to go on the record, but I'm in no hurry. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'd say he got intelligence training. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll come to that later. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll do the dishes. You take Eb up. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll drink to that. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll fucking die! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll get it. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll go you one better. Maybe Oswald... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll make speeches where I can and make additional money. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll never forget that day. There was a lot of traffic... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'll take them to my mother's. You spend a week. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm a pilot myself. Flew grasshoppers for the field artillery in the war. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm already in jail. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm an international businessman. The Trade Mart I founded... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm ashamed to be an American today. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm aware of our friendship, but I'll call you before the grand jury. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm coming to Washington! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm committed... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm giving this office $6,000 from my National Guard savings account. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm going home and cook some Γ©touffΓ©e. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm going home to get a decent day's work done. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm going. I've got to get home, Chief. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm just a patsy! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm just unable to describe... from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm leaving you! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm not with the Agency, Mr. Garrison. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm one of fucking Garrison's suspects. I can't go home! from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm onto Ferrie's Cuban paymaster, Eladio del Valle. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm Oswald. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm scared. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm so fucking exhausted, I can't see straight. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean to walk out on you like that. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm sorry to interrupt this holiday. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm sorry, buddy. from JFK (1991) Thriller
I'm sorry, the meeting took much longer than expected. from JFK (1991) Thriller