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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Episode VIII (2017)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Episode VIII (2017)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII) is an epic science fiction film released in 2017 and is the eighth installment in the Star Wars saga. Directed by Rian Johnson, the film continues the incredible story set in a galaxy far, far away.

Continuing the journey of Rey, portrayed by Daisy Ridley, The Last Jedi follows her training with the exiled Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, played by the iconic Mark Hamill. Meanwhile, the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa, portrayed by the late Carrie Fisher, fights against the relentless First Order, headed by the menacing Supreme Leader Snoke, played by Andy Serkis.

The cast of this critically acclaimed film also includes John Boyega as Finn, a reformed stormtrooper who becomes a vital part of the Resistance, and Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron, a skilled pilot fighting alongside the heroes. Another standout character is Kylo Ren, expertly portrayed by Adam Driver, torn between his connection to both the light and dark sides of the Force.

Filled with action-packed sequences, breathtaking visual effects, and emotional storytelling, Star Wars: The Last Jedi captivates viewers in a galaxy that has captured the hearts and imaginations of fans for decades. The film delves deeper into the mythology and secrets of the force, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats throughout the thrilling narrative.

In addition to the mesmerizing visuals, Star Wars: The Last Jedi boasts an extraordinary musical score composed by the legendary John Williams. Williams' iconic compositions not only enhance the atmosphere of each scene but have become synonymous with the Star Wars franchise itself.

If you're a fan or simply looking to immerse yourself in the incredible soundscape of this film, you can play and download these sounds here. Experience the power and emotion of John Williams' score, the intense battles, and the epic spaceships as they come to life through your speakers.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi represents a continuation of the timeless and beloved Star Wars saga, captivating audiences with its stunning visuals and gripping storytelling. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to this expansive universe, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression. So sit back, relax, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey in a galaxy far, far away.

A cloaked binary beacon.
A cur's weakness, properly manipulated,
A dark place.
A Force.
A legend.
A new Vader.
A place.
A single light fighter.
A tension, a balance,
A weakness in my apprentice.
A what now?
According to your evacuation designation.
ACKBAR: All craft, full engines!
ACKBAR: Full astern. Rotate shields!
ACKBAR: We need to what?
Active tracking.
Admiral Ackbar, all our leadership, they're gone.
Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan.
Admiral, swing us around!
After the Rebels are gone,
Ah, Skywalker.
Ah, this guy was an arms dealer.
Ah, you do.
Alas, you're no Vader.
All bets on the table right now, right now!
All clear! Bring the bombs.
All craft, pull away!
All fighters!
All firepower on those speeders.
All of them?
All right, ground forces, lay down some fire!
All right, listen up.
All right, shields are up so they can't hit us from orbit.
All right, so until she gets back, what's the plan?
All right, taking out the cannons now.
All right, that is pretty much nowhere.
All right. Hurry.
All transports must be cleared...
Almost there.
Almost there.
An ace pilot, a poet with a blaster.
An energy.
An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebellion.
And a dozen students,
And a Jedi who saved him.
And all of it.
And as long as it does,
And ask about Finn.
And because of that,
And began a training temple.
And begun the priming sequence.
And Ben Solo,
And between it all?
And beyond that, something truly special.
And don't get drawn in too close till they roll that cannon out front.
And for the briefest moment of pure instinct,
And fulfill your destiny.
And he feared it.
And he turned on me.
And helping the good.
And here comes the parade.
And hide till the First Order passes.
And I became a legend.
And I can't save him.
And I need help.
And I was left with shame,
And I will not be the last Jedi.
And I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed.
And I'm afraid.
And in my hubris,
And inside you?
And it was beyond what I ever imagined.
And its shields are down.
And kills his true enemy!
And light to meet it.
And look at you,
And make things float.
And may the Force be with us.
And me.
And now,
And now,
And obliterate the entire island.
And slaughtered the rest.
And slip right through.
And that, at the end, it would show me what I came to see.
And the end of everything I love because of what he will become.
And the good.
And the last thing I saw
And the last thing we need right now.
And their fuel reserve?
And then I saw
And they put their hope in it.
And they've done it.
And this is the lesson.
And we need to shake 'em before we can find a new base, so, what's our plan?
And when I kill you,
And who do you think these people are?
And why they need to end.
And with consequence.
And you didn't even try to stop yourself.
And you didn't fail Kylo.
And you were not wise enough to resist the bait.
And you were running away.
And you,
And you're welcome.
And you've just hidden it away.
And you've told us nothing!
Anyway, uh...
Are the auto cannons primed?
Are you fueling up the transports?
Are you kidding me? Look at us.
As he senses yours.
As solid as I'm seeing you.
As soon as I launch, you jump back out of range.
At least you're stealing from the bad guys
At the end.
At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise
Battle of Chyron Belt Admiral Holdo?
BB 8, my weapons systems are down.
BB 8! Wait, are you flying that thing?
Because I was Luke Skywalker.
Because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force.
Because of what I saw,
Ben, no!
Ben, no!
Ben, when we touched hands,
Beneath the island.
Best conductor.
Bested by a girl who had never held a lightsaber!
Blip bloppity bloop,
Blow that piece of junk out of the sky!
BOMBARDIER: I've got a visual on the target.
Bombardiers, begin your drop sequence.
BOMBER #1: You get us there, we'll give it to them.
Bombers, keep that tight formation.
Bombs away!
BOTH: ...has a dedicated power breaker.
BOTH: Ahhh!
BOTH: from the lead ship.
BOTH: May the Force be...
Bring me down to him.
But heavily armored with enough power
But I didn't.
But I know my son is gone.
But I'm not coming back.
But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds,
But it was me.
But it wasn't sadness or pain.
But my ship has fallen under attack,
But no one's coming.
But no response.
But no something, n n no doing.
But not to me.
But now it's awake.
But that library contained nothing that the girl Rey
But the galaxy has lost all its hope.
But the principle must be the same as any active tracker.
But their medical frigate is out of fuel
But then I looked inside,
But there exists a pre "do it" conversation about price.
But they just lit off toward the casino.
But this facility is such a maze of endless tunnels
But this fleet is doomed, and if my friend comes back to it, she's doomed, too.
But we can't get to the tracker.
But we have to buy time.
But we're not alone.
But weakness,
But what is it?
But you can't stop needing them.
But you saw there was conflict inside him.
But, lucky for you,
But... Wait, but who knows where the breaker room is on a Star Destroyer?
By jumping in an X wing and blowing something up!
By our calculation,
By the time I realized
C 3PO: BB 8 has analyzed the mine's schematics.
C 3PO: Commander... Captain Dameron, Admiral Holdo was looking for you.
C 3PO: If I must be the sole voice of reason,
C 3PO: Master Luke.
C 3PO: My audio sensors no longer detect the...
C 3PO: Oh, dear. Oh, dear!
C 3PO: Oh, my.
C 3PO: Quite definitely possible.
Can be a sharp tool.
Can he hear me?
Can you feel that?
Can you see my surroundings?
Canto Bight? No, no. That's... Maz...
Captain Canady, why aren't you blasting that puny ship?
Chewie, peel off from the battle.
Chewie, what are you doing here?
Clear all launch traffic.
Clear the bridge, escort the officers down to the hangar.
Close your eyes.
Closer, I said.
Come closer, child.
Come on, give it full thrusters. Full speed!
Come on!
Come on! We gotta hold them till they pull up that cannon!
Come on.
Complete your training,
Concentrate all fire on the speeders!
Concentrate rear shields.
CONNIX: Admiral,
CONNIX: That was crazy, man.
Copy that, Blue Leader.
Copy that.
Could I do it?
Couldn't help but overhear all the stuff
Course you do.
Create the Empire, and wipe them out.
CREW MEMBER: Right away, admiral.
CROUPIER: Where are your manners, more like?
D D Did you do this?
D D Don't let the wrapper fool you, friend.
D'ACY: General Organa,
D'ACY: Leia was the sole survivor on the bridge.
D'ACY: The mineral planet, Crait.
D'ACY: When we get to the Outer Rim, I have a contact there.
Darkness rises,
Dead heroes.
Deal me in.
Death and decay,
Destroy it.
Destroy that last bomber!
Did he tell you what happened that night?
Did he tell you what happened?
Did you come back to say you forgive me?
Did you create Kylo Ren?
Did you do it?
Did you find the Master Codebreaker?
Did you hear a word I just said?
Direct hit! Dreadnought down!
Disable the tracker.
Disengage now...
DJ: Ah.
DJ: Cloaking our approach. We should be off their scopes.
DJ: Guys, I wanna keep helping.
DJ: Haysian smelt.
DJ: S S Sorry, I just
DJ: Um, I can do it.
DJ: What?
Do it.
Do it.
Do you have something, a cowl or something you could put on?
Do you think you got him?
Do you wanna know the truth about your parents?
Does not already possess.
Doing talking with Resistance heroes is not my forte.
Doing talking.
Don't do this, Ben.
Don't do this.
Don't get distracted, our goal...
Don't wait for me! Jump in and fire her up!
Draw them away from the speeders.
Drop the payload now!
Engage your mono ski.
EVACUATION OFFICER: We're not clear yet.
Every word in that sentence was wrong.
Every word of what you just said was wrong.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Technicians, lock down supplies for launch conditions.
FEMALE MONITOR: General, Supreme Leader Snoke is making contact from his ship.
FEMALE PA ANNOUNCER: Turbolink banks seven and eight are offline due to maintenance.
FEMALE PILOT: (ON RADIO) Cloaking device activated.
Fighters, break off!
Fighters, protect the bombers.
Find the Master Codebreaker.
Finish this?
Finn, let me learn you something big.
FINN: A battering ram cannon.
FINN: All right, making my final approach.
FINN: Aw, yes! This place is great!
FINN: Come on, how's it going?
FINN: Give it back!
FINN: I can't move. I can't move.
FINN: Maz? What is happening?
FINN: Okay, it's heavily armored.
FINN: So this is it.
FINN: Stop enjoying this! Stop enjoying this!
FINN: We've covered this whole casino.
Finn! Finn, buddy.
Finn? It's too late! Don't do this!
Finn? We're ready to make the jump!
Fire at will.
Fire on the base!
Five bloody minutes ago.
FN 2187.
Follow him.
Follow me.
Follow my lead.
Folly, failure also.
Foolish child,
For many years, there was balance
For the Jedi Order to end.
For the survival of this ship, its crew, and the Resistance.
For the training and creation of Darth Vader.
For the transports to escape,
For you to look past a pile of old books, hmm?
For you, all is lost.
For your dreadnought plan
Forget the munitions, there's no time. Just get everyone on the transports.
Four hundred of us
Four parsecs to go. This thing really cooks.
From stories.
From the forest.
Fuel reserves at six hours.
Fuel resources for just one jump.
Full engines ahead.
Full speed to planetfall.
Full speed!
General Hux.
General, Resistance ship approaching. Guns and shields in attack mode.
Get all our forces down to that Resistance base.
Get out of range of the Star Destroyers and the fighters will fall back.
Get that shield door down!
Get this man off my bridge.
Give it back.
Give me
Go away.
Go away.
Go back! Gather your weapons!
Go, go, go! Whoo!
Godspeed, Rebels!
Good guys, bad guys,
Good instinct, Threepio. Go with that.
Good luck?
Good time to figure out how we get back to the fleet?
Gotta get back to what I was doing, so...
GUARD: Why you little...
Gunners, look alive.
GURNEY OPERATOR: Okay, help me push him up, guys.
Guys, I can do it.
Ha tuk ga.
Han was Han about it, but...
Happy beeps here, buddy, come on.
Happy beeps.
Have the cruiser prepped for lightspeed.
Have you seen something?
He had vanished with a handful of my students.
He ignites it,
He said you're coming back with us.
He says I stole it.
He told us the truth.
He would bring destruction, and pain, and death,
He'll never penetrate our armor.
He's a master codebreaker,
He's clearing out our surface cannons.
He's doing this for a reason.
He's going for the dreadnought.
He's insane.
He's not trying to penetrate our armor.
He's one man against an army.
He's only getting stronger.
He's stalling so we can escape.
Heeded my words not, did you?
Hell, how did he get in here?
Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi.
Hey, hands up!
Hey, sacred island, watch the language.
Hey! Need a lift?
Hey. Hi.
His equal in the light would rise.
Hold your fire!
HOLDO: Thank you, Commander.
HOLDO: That one's a troublemaker.
Holds long enough for us to get help.
Hope lives in the galaxy.
How did you find me?
How do we build a Rebellion from this?
How do we sneak the two of you onto Snoke's Destroyer?
How'd you two meet?
How's Rey gonna find us now?
How's your wound?
Hyperspace tracking is new tech
Hypocrisy, hubris.
I am relieving you of your command
I am, sir.
I believe he's tooling with you, sir.
I came to face him, Leia.
I came to this island to die.
I can do it.
I can hear you. Can you hear me?
I can't be what she needs me to be.
I can't feel my teeth.
I can't lose 'em!
I can't see yours.
I can't take any more.
I can't teach you.
I cannot be beaten.
I cannot be betrayed,
I changed my hair.
I could break you into old man S S Snoke's boudoir.
I cut a d d deal.
I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise.
I don't know what it is
I don't like these rust buckets and I don't like our odds, but...
I don't think they like me.
I don't understand.
I failed you, Ben.
I failed.
I feel the conflict in you.
I felt it, too.
I felt it.
I gotta get this beacon far away from here.
I have an urgent communiqué for General Hugs.
I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
I held out hope for so long,
I hope you understand what you're doing.
I just hope we're in time.
I just wanna know what's going on.
I killed Han Solo.
I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you.
I knew it was leading somewhere.
I know everything I need to know about you.
I know this place.
I know what I have to do.
I know what you're gonna say.
I know when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn.
I know where the nearest escape pods are.
I know you are.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I like him.
I like where your head's at, but no.
I need a med pack!
I need someone to show me my place in all this.
I need you to learn that.
I only know one option.
I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person...
I saved you,
I saw darkness.
I saw his future.
I saw it.
I saw something, too.
I saw what all masters live to see.
I saw who your parents are.
I saw your future.
I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true.
I see his every intent.
I see his mind,
I see it. Tallie, they've targeted the fleet
I see them! Chewie, there!
I stoked Ren's conflicted soul.
I think we lost him!
I thought I could train him, I could pass on my strengths.
I thought you would be the one to snuff it out.
I took him,
I understand.
I want every gun we have to fire on that man.
I want you to join me.
I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger,
I was almost there.
I was cleaning my blaster. It went off.
I was mistaken.
I was no match for the darkness rising in him,
I was not deserting.
I was weak.
I was wrong.
I will have killed the last Jedi.
I will never train another generation of Jedi.
I will teach you the ways of the Jedi
I wish I could make you understand.
I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy, beautiful town.
I won't.
I work behind pipes all day.
I'd never felt so alone.
I'd rather not do this now.
I'd seen it in moments during his training.
I'd sensed it building in him.
I'll be here to jump us to lightspeed.
I'll destroy her,
I'll take it in my chambers.
I'll try again.
I'm a little tied down right now.
I'm ending all of this.
I'm from the Resistance.
I'm gonna burn it down.
I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?
I'm just glad you're here
I'm not leaving without you!
I'm on a roll.
I'm Poe.
I'm Rose.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm taking you to the brig and turning you in for desertion.
I'm the guy that used to mop it.
I've dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you.
I've given everything I have to you.
I've gotta get this...
I've never felt any...
I've never seen a real one.
I've seen this raw strength only once before,
I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy.
If he were turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide.
If I can get us there, I can shut their tracker down.
If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn.
If she was wrong, she deserves to know why.
If she were here, she'd say save your sorrow for after the fight.
If the beacon's right beneath us, they've got to be somewhere.
If the price is right,
If there are any allies to the Resistance,
If they move, stun them.
If we can't blow up three tiny cruisers?
If we sneak on board the lead Destroyer and disable the tracker
If you get through, check their status.
If you only believe in it when you can see it...
In a mask.
In Ben Solo.
In every corner of the galaxy,
In Han Solo,
In protecting the light than she was
In such a place of power?
In the casino on Canto Bight.
In your performance cannot be overstated.
Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet.
Inside me
Is it true? Did you try to murder him?
Is just beginning.
Is out.
Is that Haysian smelt?
Is that why you came?
Is there any way that we can take care of this ourselves?
Is this all that's left?
Is unconscious but recovering.
Island natives.
It didn't scare me enough then.
It does now.
It is not correct protocol.
It is.
It isn't too late.
It offered something you needed.
It passed like a fleeting shadow.
It sounds like this codebreaker fellow can do everything.
It was a Jedi Master who was responsible
It was I who bridged your minds.
It was peace and purpose.
It was too late.
It was worth it, though.
It wasn't.
It will be your downfall.
It would be quite against my programming
It'll crack that door open like an egg.
It'll save the fleet and it'll save Rey.
It's a "need to know" plan, and she doesn't.
It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people
It's a terrible place filled with the worst people in the galaxy.
It's all a machine, partner.
It's an A class process, they'll control it from the main bridge.
It's been an honor, admiral.
It's calling me.
It's cold.
It's empty.
It's just a matter of time.
It's just business.
It's just their main cruiser now.
It's Kylo Ren.
It's nice that way.
It's not about lifting rocks.
It's not every day we get a shot at a dreadnought, so let's make this count.
It's not your ship.
It's now or never!
It's now or never.
It's so good to see you.
It's tearing you apart.
It's the energy between all things,
It's time for the Jedi to end.
It's time to let old things die.
It's your greatest weakness.
Jedi Master.
Jedi Master.
Join me.
Just breathe.
Just buy us a little more time.
Just give it to me one more time, simpler.
Just keep it tight
Just like me, they're the last of the Jedi religion.
Just like your father.
Just luck.
Just now when we touched hands,
Just the shape of it, but solid and clear.
Just this morning, I've had to stun
Just you.
Keep scanning for life forms.
Keep the door covered and don't advance until I say.
Keep your fire on the transports.
Kill it if you have to.
Kylo failed you.
KYLO REN: General Hux,
KYLO REN: He had sensed my power,
KYLO REN: It's nothing.
KYLO REN: Yeah, me, too.
Leave this island now!
Leia blamed Snoke,
Leia sent me here with hope.
LEIA: Commander. That is an or...
LEIA: Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ship.
LEIA: Just for the record, Commander Dameron, I'm with the droid on this one.
LEIA: Poe.
Lesson one, sit here, legs crossed.
Let it all die.
Let me see them.
Let the past die.
Let's at least remind them that we're still here.
Let's find him and get out of here.
Let's finish this.
Let's get me those fuel projections.
Let's go, BB 8.
Let's go, chrome dome.
Let's hope this works.
Let's make this hurt.
Let's see who formerly owned this gorgeous hunk uh.
Lifting rocks.
Live free, don't join.
Long live the Supreme Leader.
Long story. We'll tell you on the Falcon.
Look closer.
Look here now.
Look out!
Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him,
Look, I'm not a Resistance hero, but it was nice talking to you, Rose.
Look, this whole place is beautiful. I mean, come on.
Look, we can't outrun the First Order fleet.
Looking for them everywhere,
Lose Rey, we must not.
Lost Ben Solo, you did.
Luke is gone.
Luke Skywalker,
LUKE: Breathe.
LUKE: Built a thousand generations ago
LUKE: Can't imagine why.
LUKE: He must have thought I was dead.
LUKE: I went to confront him.
LUKE: Impressive.
LUKE: Lesson two.
LUKE: Let's get started.
LUKE: Wait.
LUKE: Who are you?
LUKE: Wow, it must be really strong with you.
LUKE: You think what?
LUKE: You're wasting your time.
Luke's facing him alone.
Made his bank selling weapons to the bad guys.
Made up words.
Maintain our current course.
Make 'em hurt.
MALE ANNOUNCER: Green Squadron to launch position.
MALE COMMANDER: (ON RADIO) Copy that. We see it.
MALE PA ANNOUNCER: Please board the transports
MALE SCOUT: (ON RADIO) The cannon is warming up now.
MALE SCOUT: Preparing to fire.
Master Skywalker?
Master Yoda.
May the Force be with you always.
May the Force be with you.
Maz said this Master Codebreaker would have a red plom bloom on his lapel.
Me and the First Order codeage go way back.
Me, too.
Med pack!
MEDIC: Life signs are weak, but she's fighting.
Miniaturized Death Star tech.
Missed you, have I.
Move! Go, go! Quick!
Move! Move! (SHRIEKS)
Move! Out of the way, everybody! Give room!
Murderous snake.
My faith in you is restored.
My nephew with that mighty Skywalker blood.
My parents,
My worthy apprentice,
N N Need a lift?
Neither are you.
Never here, now, hmm?
No leaders.
No one's ever really gone.
No prisoners.
No quarter.
No, General...
No, no, no!
No, no. We are the spark that'll light the fire
No, no. You're still holding on! Let go!
No, she isn't.
No, they're bio hexacrypt and rescrambled every hour.
No, wait. Please, don't!
No, wait. Wait.