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Home > Sweet Anita Phrases
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A completely external to those 3 categories. Um, so like why does everyone snap to anyone trying to take my money away from me and.
A lot of the prejudices that we have towards gay men are about them lowering themselves to female status.
Accountable. Absolutely.
All of these people who immediately go you're a socialist, you're a communist, and they can only think of those two things, but they don't actually know.
All the people who made baby formula that was contaminated.
Also, press 1. Like I'm going to ask you a question. Do you think Andrew Tate is a gold digger?
And a lot of these people get exposed to chemicals and they breathe them in and it can have permanent impacts on their health.
And also even if someone made it easy.
And also it's very natural for some people to hate the things that they're insecure about in other people.
And also this would limit our brain growth and development.
And as well, people can should be allowed to be silly.
And being able to bribe their way out of any accountability for the people that they gave cancer to you over decades.
And can you agree that human life would be meaningless without potatoes?
And capitalism is fucked. 99% of people will live and die poor and suffer.
And every time a group of people gained any power.
And every time there is a threat from a specific group of people.
And flushable toilets? You mean irrigation? Yeah, I feel like irrigation is part of hygiene.
And he resents that. Sir.
And I don't know how you'd feel.
And I get it, cause I've been in pain too. But if you haven't left yet.
And I had nowhere to go. And I was royally fucked, right?
And I had. I was caring for my mom, and I had hundreds of rescue animals at the time.
And I hope that that doesn't discourage you.
And I think when a behavior becomes harmful is when it no longer benefits you and it harms the people around you when you go along with it, right?
And I'd hope that in that situation, you wouldn't expect the world to be laughing at you and blaming you for what was done.
And I'm really proud of the people that risk everything and fight hard to make sure that they can afford to raise their kids.
And if I put you in that position as a child, you might be in their position now.
And if people are going to do it to you either way, you might as well not do it for free. You might as well benefit from it, and it adds a sense of control.
And in that circumstance, like the way that you'd adjust.
And in those countries, if you look at the model for what makes it like that?
And it can also shape them to be prey to this exact behaviour from their partner as well. This isn't a gender thing. It's not like women crave abuse.
And it did nothing. They don't rule the world today.
And it took so much work and anger and shame for him to get slim.
And it's because they crave a bad boy is arrogant, evil, cruel, sexist and will keep you single.
And it's not your choice. Then you just feel worthless and you feel.
And it's still scuffed. OK, giving.
And it's worked for thousands of years and I can give you many examples.
And just like dating different people than them.
And knowing nothing about the situation, you immediately assault them for having been victims.
And like ability to enjoy existence.
And no one suggesting that we go like ask Stalin or whatever to go and tell us how to run a country.
And one of the ways that they started dividing and conquering was they planted the seed amongst the men in the villages that they were being humiliated.
And sexism is capitalistic by nature.
And so he came into an inheritance and he offered to buy the house.
And so I feel like at at the point where you realize there's no accountability for them making false promises, even though it's ruining our lives.
And so repetition compulsion could take many different forms.
And so that isn't quite the same as someone wanting abuse. That's people not knowing that they can have anything other than abuse.
And so this idea that abuse only happens to women.
And so yeah, without cooking it's much, much harder to get that many calories, unfortunately.
And so, like when that demographic of people were easy to mobilize.
And that allows them to relive a traumatic moment, but instead of having a fear response, they start to have a sexual or aroused response because they've lived this scenario so many times after and...
And that that's not the same thing as being attracted to violence or it being your own fuck.
And that was completely removed when the Romans came.
And that whole division of labour, the nuclear family, was enforced and designed as a way to.
And that you don't require those sorts of things in order to establish any monetary system whatsoever.
And that's a huge stereotype when women go away like a bad boy.
And that's part of the therapy process is helping you untangle how these situations arise.
And that's so weird to me because he grew up obese.
And that's still unhealthy. Wouldn't you consider that irrational?
And the only way that that could be challenged at present legally is with strikes.
And the thing with that is it's not just going to hurt you, it's going to hurt everyone who connects with you, and then you'll be alone and you'll be hurt twice. Three times, actually.
And then being handed less money than it takes to eat each week.
And then saying it doesn't work if nobody's happy and that situation is dumb.
And then they go to work the next day and they keep contributing to the system. That's fucking them.
And there's still not a fault. Someone does something malicious to them. The only person at fault is the malicious person.
And these men internalized it and felt embarrassed. And they started to take domineering roles, and they started to fight against their women and started working with their women, which halved thei...
And they did that to you. And you're feeling anger.
And they do. Yep. And they should get exactly what they want.
And they explained this doesn't mean you brought it on yourself, and it doesn't mean that you want this to happen.
And they got robbed, even if someone was wearing like a a very sexy outfit.
And they just when it was discovered, they just sold it in unregulated countries and killed lizard babies.
And they only measure other political systems by the worst examples of them.
And they said it was humiliating. And you're not really manly. You should own your women.
And they slowly encroach on your self esteem.
And they still have power over you because they're making you a shit person.
And they work really fucking hard. Really long hours.
And to make it incredibly difficult for them to get out of those circumstances.
And try to do a job that we all fucking need and suffer for it as if it's some sort of punishment at the end.
And um, he can't stand fat people. He hates them.
And um, I couldn't find another place to rent which would take that many animals. So I was stranded and they were selling the house soon.
And um. I feel like most of us would die without nurses.
And we are prayed to you, billionaires stealing from us and holding the country's wealth.
And when he offered to buy the house and just to help me out.
And when they find a loving, happy relationship, they're often like, Oh my God, it could have been like this. I had no idea. And they're so happy.
And with people who have been victims of domestic violence, for example.
And yeah, we've always loved starch. Starchy carbs have been.
And you are like you just want to sugar Mama.
And you can't have it both ways either. You are the bottom G.
And you deserve to be single if you think women want you to beat them.
And you don't want to feel angry and unforgiving whenever other people go through a hard time.
And you know we won't have to pay anyone to take care of you in your retirement.
And you've got to stop them. The uneducated, the savages from from coming up into our ranks. You're one of us now.
Anyone can lie about who they are. But I could be a serial killer and just say, yeah, I've never murdered anyone.
Are heavily capitalist because they were introduced to control and profit from specific groups of people.
Are not regulated and can lobby to protect themselves from any fallout of their actions.
Are social. But they can also be herbivores.
Arguing that cannabis made a smart I don't think anyone could argue at that point at all.
As a cleaner, 100% great, yeah, I think cleaning is really important, don't you? I mean.
At a present time, right? And at the moment what you're seeing is a more capitalistic than socialistic structure, especially in the in the UK. Bitch.
At any cost.
At some point, you will be the victim of a crime or you will be the victim of a manipulator.
Because he couldn't make the money himself, and if that's how he did it.
Because he wouldn't be able to work this many hours in a day.
Because it's often invisible to you, and that's not your fault.
Because of capitalism? Conveniently forget that.
Because of capitalism. Because the companies that sell you your shit.
Because repetition compulsion, often subconsciously.
Because that's not my qualification. But what I can point out to you is where you're being manipulated and where it directly harms you to go along with the status quo as it is right now.
Because the poor white people had more in common with the black people who were being enslaved and taken advantage of.
Because we wouldn't be as intelligent as we are today without cooking food.
Because without them, they'd be deadly.
Because your brain constantly tries to relive the moment in a way that changes the narrative.
Behind the postal workers and behind them all, like they do, deserve their it's essential workers.
Being a nurse is hard enough. It's psychologically damaging. Why should we be expecting them to live in fucking poverty? We shouldn't.
But anyone with any qualifications would think you're a prick for what you're saying right now, because it's well understood psychology that people often repeat.
But he sounds like a scrounger to me. He couldn't earn his own money, so he conned it out of his.
But he's so he has so much hatred towards himself of becoming that way.
But I could get with someone new and they might never know. Like that's the kind of thing you find out down the line.
But I don't like victim blamers.
But I wouldn't say his victims were silly because he did it to them.
But if if you feel like everyone's going to do this to you anyway, everyone's gonna **** you anyway, you're never safe around anyone anyway.
But like the Vikings and many other groups that we would consider white, looking back on history, we'd go, you're a white person. They were white people. They didn't really classify themselves as w...
But like we are heavily reliant on starchy vegetables and have been since before we were even humans.
But no one's going to trust you and get close to you if you savage them the minute they make a mistake or get harmed.
But obviously we can all agree that dictators and massacres are wrong, no matter what political system it's under.
But the truth of the matter is right. As someone who has been in a relationship with someone who started being violent with me, the truth of the matter is that usually violent people lie and they p...
But they'll just be plague after plague, completely eradicating you over and over again.
But they're kind of denigrated. They considered less important than doctors.
But we were also breaking down foods into manageable portions. So even if you weren't eating meat.
But when we became a very monetary, very capitalistic system.
By allowing themselves to be penetrated. We don't like it when men adopt feminine traits and we ridicule men.
By letting their women boss them around or have any decision making.
By slowly encroaching your freedoms. So what my ex did was he waited. He didn't start hitting me until he had me in a financial vice.
By that classification, because it divided and conquered and it pitted people against each other.
Capitalism is you would make it so that you gauge what makes happier cultures, because there are happier cultures than our own all around the world.
Capitalism. You all know that, right? Like, capitalism as it is now is definitely the reason why anyone would idolize that guy.
CK Boy, thank you so much. I appreciate it, Hun.
Clean air. Um, more affordable food.
Cleaners are making sure it's possible to have public spaces.
Communism 2 decades to establish itself.
Communists like how? Why? Why are they the only two options? And if you don't like those options, come up with a better one, because capitalism is killing your kids.
Complete socialism doesn't seem to work, and complete capitalism doesn't seem to work.
Completely different brain than cannabis does, so I don't think anyone's actually.
Create a non capitalistic society is immediately either going to be socialist or.
Dictators who created mass atrocities.
Do they crave an abusive boyfriend? I don't think so. I think that's quite naive when it comes to psychology.
Doesn't cannabis stunt great bang growth in children as well? What the stone deep theory is based around magic mushrooms. Magic mushrooms definitely activate different regions of the brain and do s...
Easy. Like it's not out of our reach to adjust this system. There are tried and true proven methods.
Education, healthcare and transport for all.
Either of them mean and they just think about evil dictators in other countries, even though there have been plenty of capitalist evil.
Even though they lived off purely me. So meat doesn't make your brain bigger. Most of the social species we consider to be highly intelligent.
Every year, their manifesto says they'll they're so proud of the NHS and they'll keep funding it and they'll keep.
Everything he did was kind of. He wants to be a capped man, but he still wants to act like he's the top dog.
Exist and also measuring them when categorically every time a country takes on these values like capitalist or socialist, no communist or socialist.
Feel angry about a system that they're currently in. They complain, but they don't do anything about it. And they do do the odd tweet and they have a little bit of a moan.
Fell to poor hygiene. With the invention of soap.
Femininity is an underclass, and it's degrading to stoop to it.
Fire and then hygiene allowed us to build civilizations because you can have the stone.
For a crime, I'd blame the perpetrator because at the end of the day people should be able to cartwheel down the street naked and expect not to be ****d.
For a multitude of social services if.
For example, we need more money and more funding for our NHS so more people can access healthcare for free.
For those people, you can start implementing them in your own regions, in your own countries. That's totally doable. There are other countries leading the way in pioneering and things like.
For way longer than us.
Forever. Soap was far more transformative.
Girlfriend, then force them into camming.
God knows how long. Probably longer than we've even existed.
Group. That's a work description, not a race of people.
Have never built towards those aims. Never.
Having more food, having more quality, being free.
He couldn't make enough money by himself, so he went and found some mommies to go and do it for him.
He may well just be angry at victims because he's been a victim himself.
He said yeah, and then he started being violent and controlling because he knew he could get away with it because what was I gonna do? Where was I gonna go?
He threatened them with violence.
He turned like that. Or was there people who have been abused or disrespected their whole childhood and don't know what a loving, caring relationship looks like?
He was an anyone who's been abused now.
He went to the casinos and thought, I'll turn this, I'll turn it into more, but he lost like 40K.
He'd hold it over me all the time. It'd be like, well, your mum would be out on the streets, you're disabled, mum would be out on the streets.
He's a gold digger. And isn't that supposedly, by the conventional archetype of masculine ease, such a beta thing to do?
He's scrounging off sugar Mamas.
How much of your check will you be donating to the nurses?
Humans evolved intelligence due to eating mushrooms. My biggest problem with the stoned ape theory.
I absolutely don't think that someone should work in misery, that they should train and train and train.
I could be a serial abuser. I could have beaten thousands of men and women in my lifetime.
I definitely agree. My mom was a nurse for so many years and the payment wasn't enough.
I don't believe the stern dank theory 1 bit.
I don't psychopaths in my life and I'm not 100% free of trauma like you're assuming. And that's why I'm judgmental of people who love their abuser, because I have had real abuse and I'm not like that.
I don't think that that would work. I think like if if it took me researching this.
I feel like cleaners have always been underpaid and they're really essential too.
I feel like I'm gonna get your name wrong every single month that you're here.
I feel like making um so basically.
I guess the king to have fresh flowers in his palace. Do you know how much we pay for?
I hope that they receive psychological care and that they don't.
I know that when I went to a domestic violence centre, um, they did say that. What most commonly happens is that.
I mean, like the popularity of Andrew Tate is literally a symptom of.
I mean, press one if you're unhappy with your current living circumstances.
I mean, reindeer have been getting high on mushrooms.
I never want to be around victim blamers because I know that if anything bad happens to me, you'll be the one laughing.
I really do pizza and Dement.
I think it's absolutely fair to take action and they should.
I think soap is more essential than the Internet, even though the Internet is huge and has transformed society.
I think the ideal here is that we all get along, we're all kind to each other, we stop exploiting each other, and we mutually work with each other to improve.
I think you're just in pain still and you're projecting.
I thought being a gold digger and marrying for like status and getting with someone because they're rich or important.
I treat them with dignity and sympathy. I don't immediately assume they brought it on themselves or treat them terribly. That's just awful.
I was like, ohh, that would absolutely save me because you could become the landlord and we could just give you the money and that way we don't have to move and everyone saved, right?
I wasn't making a sweeping statement about women. I was insulting those specific girls.
I won't deny that.
I would never ridicule someone for being in that situation. What the fuck?
I wouldn't disagree with you.
I'd rather I be minorly inconvenienced for a short period of time.
I'd say Andrew Tate, silly if he trafficked people.
I'm not angry at you and I don't think that you're being stupid.
I'm not even exaggerating. We wouldn't have the population we have today without them. They're so essential.
I'm not the kind of person that is safe to connect with.
If he had to go home and wash his own clothes, cook his own food, shop for his own shit.
If someone ridiculed you for having learned that lesson.
If the problems of capitalism are inherent to its systematic structure, then what good would adjusting it do?
If we're just force women to think it's their job to do.
If you consider your role to be a carer and you'll live longer than him anyway, so we won't have to put any money towards putting words of people in care.
If you don't understand the situation, why the fuck you judging it?
If you're saying that your reaction to trauma is the only one that's allowed, and anyone who doesn't react like you deserves to be spat on.
If you're used to it, this just looks like human interaction. And obviously those people find you because everyone else can't stand them.
In back before the Romans invaded in the UK.
In the early capitalistic system, as a poor white person, you had no power and you couldn't really.
In the US. So by separating them, they divided up.
In what sense? In that he got with girls so they could pay his way.
Insects that secrete a toxin that gets them high.
Into thinking that you're paying taxes but actually just taking a bigger share of their money than they are actually aware of.
Is literally. There are multiple other species that get high.
Is stay at home. You do all the caring, cooking, cleaning. You do all of the.
Isn't it fucked up though to go oh you poor women were abused and sex trafficked?
It creates stability and growth.
It just tastes nice.
It wasn't ever a meritocracy. So you could say, well, you're still black so you can't. Well, you're still a woman so you can't and it would trap people providing free labour.
It's a grueling line of work. It's not pleasant. You have to deal with things that nobody else wants to deal with, and hygiene is how society thrives.
It's like homophobes who hate gay people. There are so many examples of when people are really hurt by something because it reminds them of themselves.
It's not a protein shake or anything, but it's good.
It's really challenging. That's high pressure. If you fuck up, someone dies.
It's silly to do things that put you in danger, though, and at some point you'll do it too.
It's simply the psychology of trauma and how it causes something called repetition compulsion, which makes you relive the worst moments of your life.
It's so absurd. Um. But also it doesn't stop us from making new political systems and coming up with new financial structures.
It's unpleasant and it's grueling and it's tiresome.
Just like doing something that puts them at risk or makes them vulnerable, I would never blame them.
Like enslave 50% of the population and we know this. There is so much evidence of this.
Like imagine working so hard for that and then doing so much.
Like it's destroyed your life and your self esteem and everything.
Like most of the early metropolises and cities that ever came up and existed.
Like not being able to raise your fucking kids without government assistance.
Like overall, hygiene was the most transformative thing for our species. That and cooking food.
Like people like to think he made all this money from fighting, but you only made 70K from fighting and he gambled a significant portion of it away.
Like really severe health problems in your life.
Like sexism is imposed by capitalism because it means that you can monetize 50% of the workforce.
Like so many of you will have asthma, so many of you will have.
Like starchy, carbs and sweets have been a huge aspect of us as our and our development.
Like the classification of the white man.
Like the manufacturer of talcum powder denying that there was aspect of asbestos in their stuff.
Like the person who cleans the loos at your work is saving your life.
Like there are so many animals throughout like that are highly, highly intelligent.
Like there are so many other species, intelligent species even, that deliberately get drunk or high, bees get high.
Like we don't get to write that off and make the country pay for it, so neither should they.
Like we would all be nomads roaming.
Like what? Like I when I hear someone just gone through a bad time, or someone's been awful towards someone.
Like you'd expect people to be paid really well to do that job. You have to train for it. You have to dedicate.
Like, I do think it's pretty important it's it's potatoes are a significant proportion of my mental health.
Like, I think that's where they lost a lot of money, is just dating the wrong person.
Like, this stuff wouldn't happen to people if we didn't have a capitalistic structure, because money wouldn't be power.
Like. Elephants, herbivores, gorillas, herbivores.
Like. That yeah, he's just.
Like. Yeah.
Line of work to be a nurse because we need them so badly.
Makes you relive the same situation over and over again, even if you don't want to, even if you find it unpleasant or shocking or harmful.
Might be worth going to therapy, but everyone else and for yourself.
More socialist policies, right?
Move up in the world. It wasn't really very easy, and it wasn't possible for most people as white.
My ex. He was obese for the first half of his life.
No matter what they did. And that's immensely profitable.
Not having to fear prejudice, these sorts of things, right? I think we can all mutually agree that that is the ideal and that is what society strives for. And I just don't think that a lot of the c...
Not just what they did to you, but anyone who's in any victim situation.
Nurses would get nowhere. They need infrastructure. Strange and also.
Of their contribution like.
Oh, and you'll also be hurt when you're raging at people who've done nothing to you simply because they've also suffered abuse.
On a personal note.
One of the most important inventions by human beings to date.
Or the size of your home, or whether or not you have to share it with other people.
Or you're earning for yourself like you can't have it both ways. So if all of your money is generated from scamming Cam girls.
Our current House of Parliament. Do you know how much money we could save?
Painfully clear. The system is fucking most of us.
People end up in a cycle where they end up with an another abuser after the first one.
People who are poor to improve their circumstances.
People who were beaten as children quite often get with abusers as adults, whether they're male or female.
Posh overpriced dinners and bottled water.
Predators for billions of years that never got intelligent.
Press 1 If you think Andrew takes a gold digger.
Press 1 If you're unhappy with your wage or the way that you have to live.
Right, you would be condensing loads of calories into a small portion.
Right. And so, like, when men tell themselves I'm it's a nice guy narrative, and I'll keep you signal single. Like I'm a nice guy and I deserve a partner. But women like bad boys, and I'm just too ...
Right. And yet we've had several 1000 years, at least of capitalism to get it to this point.
Roughed about like they're work is dangerous, hard, and grueling. It's emotionally taxing. You see people die.
Sexually abused as children quite often become sex workers as adults.
She wear makeup and clothes like that are feminine because we think that.
She'd support all the people going on strike in the UK and you think more people should join?
Significant portion of your life to training for this shit.
Smallest bottle and mug I don't know.
So before you judge that guy, I would genuinely consider that.
So he started building. He started getting with girls so that they could pay his way, and that's how he got all his money.
So I don't know. I would find it very, very difficult to give you every last detail of a magical plan to fix the economy in any country.
So I'd really recommend if you wanna heal and you want to feel OK.
So if it happens to you for free all the time and you're helpless.
So like we have had systems for thousands of years which had equality.
So like, they have power over you because they got to decide who you are, dude.
So no matter how much education you got, no matter how much you improved your circumstances, no matter how many qualifications you got, no matter how much experience you got.
So of course they should strike. I'd rather people be striking.
So people who were often abused or.
So prejudice. Things like homophobia, sexism and racism.
So they go. You you are you are like one of us now.
So those are be my answers to those questions.
So we could grow thicker and fatter.
So we don't actually pay them a living wage and it's terrible.
So we'll say about that is if you convince yourself that women crave a bad boy, and your idea of a bad boy is Andrew Tate.
So what it was was, um, my landlord died the minute I moved into my place.
So what you need is to bring more socialist values into this capitalist system.
So when people are horrible and they're horrible to you.
So yeah, the huge spurring of our brain growth seems to have gotten along adjacently with our discovery of.
So you no longer have to associate it with trauma. So an example of this is.
So, like, I guess I would consider that hygiene too, because we were making meat safe to eat.
So, um, the way that you would fix that is you'd make.
Someone smacking them around in a wife beater shirt and ignoring them half a day to watch football and cheating on her when she's.
Sounds like we should be asking those women how to make money.
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Teachers are also underpaid as well. Yep.
That are just mainly herbivores, so.
That being done, yeah, but no, you can be dumb and still not want to emulate that guy. What makes his?
That Cam girl business where he seduced women got them to be his.
That caring role? Um, and then we don't care what happens to you when you die alone. Who cares?
That is a socialist sentiment, not a taplist one, and we currently have a capitalist government who's slowly privatizing privatizing our NHS.
That is all a capitalist structure. All of it.
That now he just sees that in other people who have the same problem.
That side of the family, like women, had, you know, significant roles. They were doctors, lawyers and all sorts of important roles in society.
That the one who made the choice to do that. They're the one who should be punished.
That they can do this for themselves, their families, you know, for the people that.
That was even slightly paler or white that suddenly become white people.
That would be definitely a way and I think like if you couldn't criticize capitalism, you have.
That's hideous.
That's inherently a stupid theory, because there have been.
That's why they don't date me. And it's such an appealing ethos that so many people have adopted it in their heads. Women like bad boys and a bad boy is an abuser.
The expenses that they claim are massive. There are huge expenses candles amongst.
The fundamental building blocks of capitalism as it is now.
The girls don't know how to make money, though, because they crave an abusive boyfriend who'll steal it.
The House of Parliament, because it's a fucking lot.
The metal pizza and metal guy. Oh my God that is a mouthful and 1/2 but thank you so much for the 29 months.
The nurses have to collect food stamps to feed their fucking kids.
The rich white people pit the poor white people against them.
The same mistake over and over again throughout their life and get trapped in a cycle.
The whole narrative appealing is capitalism.
The world every day progressively, right? Not just in getting richer, but having cleaner air.
The, you know, the force coming against them, they're like, oh shit.
Then how can he possibly give any financial advice?
There are people who've been through abuse who get into BDSM, either a sadist or masochist.
There are so many psychological reasons why someone can end up in a cycle of abuse.
There are women. There was a woman who found a dead body and it was so traumatizing for her and she ended up being in searches for missing people over and over again.
There should definitely, most definitely be a way for the public to hold people in power accountable.
There's a lot of money going into unnecessary aspects.
These are quite average sized I think.
They careful, like I feel like nurses shouldn't live off food stamps and we've waited and we've been promised by the government that they'll improve things for nurses every year.
They get past spat on, shat on, treated terribly.
They go with them willingly, as far as I know. Well, here's the thing. You don't know anything.
They have always built towards production and growth.
They imagine a guy with a motorcycle and a leather jacket. He'll take them.
They should be paid very fucking well.
They should strike.
They stopped stealing from us because, you know, we bring in pack lunches to our works.
They were beaten multiple times when trying to invade the UK.
They're making you abuse other people. And so they still have power over you because.
They're the one who made the silly choice, too, because they ruined their own life.
To areas where these specific things were available.
To be stolen from like even if someone was like wearing a gold watch in a poor area.
To do crazy new things they don't picture.
To do so, um. And I think that would be adjusting capitalism.
Um, and this happened with women and men as well when the Romans came over?
Um, how much of your paycheck? Do you know how much of your paycheck you pay for the queen to have fresh flowers in her paperwork?
Um, I don't claim expenses on any lunches I have.
Um, Limas will intentionally stress out.
Um, they were used against black people. So when black people wanted to gain the vote and everything.
Um. And purportedly according to the press and according to witnesses.
Um. And so without that system, we are prey to slavery. We are prey to poverty?
Understanding this, sympathizing and donating my money on a personal level.
Unions. Yeah, absolutely. I think that that. I'm really proud that.
Until they prove it over time and it sounds like overtime when they did try to escape.
Was a capitalist endeavor. There was no such classification.
Was a feminine thing.
Was violent with them. If they tried to escape the situation. He basically had them pay his way. He got with women for their money.
We and there are multiple other primates that intentionally get high.
We didn't know many of the groups like the Saxons, the Vikings, the Vikings were a.
We disregard them and consider them easily replaceable.
We give them rights and then we keep them fighting with another group and tell them that that other group is the problem.
We go to war with them and destroy them before they have a chance to to establish themselves.
We got society. And so like.
We lost a lot of our equality. So does that mean we should abolish capitalism or adjust it? I don't know. I'm not an expert, but I do know it's.
We need them. They shouldn't have to live horrible lives for us to have the things that we take for granted.
We started domesticating plants so that they grew thicker and fatter.
We were really, really progressive. We had female warriors and we had female ancestral swords which were passed down from women to women throughout the.
We're not the first animals to get stoned off mushrooms.
We've always been heavily reliant on routes, leaves, bugs and occasionally meats like that is a typical primate diet.
We've always needed them.
Weird chem.
Well, someone do, or someone will target you for something. There are bad people in the world. It's inevitable you'll come across one of them.
Well, there are several different ways to deal with abuse. So many different people like you can raise twins in exactly the same circumstances, and they might develop completely different coping me...
Well, who knows what these girls learned. Any lesson they'll probably just get with someone else like that.
Well. Vegetarianism.
What are you drinking, cuel?
What are you gonna do about it? And so he was really nice and sweet up until that point and the minute he had a position of power three years in.
When I get that, you're in pain.
When I'm at my lowest point and I need support and I've just learned a hard lesson.
When they were walking home alone, even if somebody was, I don't know.
Where partners abuse them, they quite often accidentally, without intending to.
Where people on average are very satisfied with their life and very happy with how things are going and wouldn't change much and generally enjoy the way that they exist according to your multitude ...
Which is something he advised that other people do to women as well.
Which is something that be furious if we did to them. Um, so yeah, I don't know if that's very smart. And also thinking that those are the only two categories of system that could own ever.
Which wasn't the case.
Which would and your brain runs on calories. People think it's protein that makes your grip brain grow, but.
Why would anyone want to know you when they know that this is how you feel about people when they hit their hardest point?
With a sex worker example, if you can create a scenario where you benefit from it, then it's no longer exploitative and it's less humiliating.
Without actually paying them any wages, you can just enslave or women you can say your role.
Without being attracted to violence at all, end up being abused again.
Without soap, there would be none of us. Without soap there would be no cities. Without cities there would be no society.
Wouldn't you consider that silly? Why are you blaming these women for being silly if you don't have a rational response to trauma either?
Yeah, I don't think meat makes you smart. I don't think protein inherently triggers brain growth.
Yeah, I think like it's really, really dangerous when you make it a really unappealing.
Yeah, I'm behind the nurses and behind the train workers and behind the firemen.
Yeah, so sexism comes from capitalism.
Yeah, soap is one of the most important inventions by society.
Year on, year on year, they've been lying.
You can have the people, you can have the resources.
You can't know anything, um. But the the the additional thing to that is like.
You care for the elderly and sick. You stay at home and care for your kids.
You did make a good case here. Not gonna lie. Yeah. I kind of feel like it's inevitable at this point that you kind of have to acknowledge that.
You do lots of at home Hospice care, I guess, and you do all of this for free.
You keep one worker provided for so he can provide he can work for longer hours.
You know dolphins have been passed in the puffer fish getting high on puffer fish for.
You know these sorts of things, so we could just model off of them.
You know, at the end of the day, people should just expect not to be robbed.
You know, cooking at home and taking care of his kids, which is what you picture.
You know, partners. And that's just ridiculous.
You know, people are standing up and not taking it because I feel like when people.
You know, there are so many other species. It's very well documented. We are not the first animal to get stoned.
You know, there's no way to 100% know that someone is who they say they are.
You know, they'll keep hospitals less busy, they'll employ more nurses, more doctors. They'll give them higher wages. And it's never been true. Year on year, they've been lying.
You know.
You know. Because I barely know anyone who's genuinely concerned with the system, and that's the way it's designed to be.
You might as well be getting paid for it, and that way you can have the life you want.
You need a high amount of calories to run a intelligent brain.
You need an equal measure of both in order for a society to succeed.
You see horrible things happen to people. It's emotionally disturbing.
You still have work to do, Bud. Because you're using what they did to you.
You stupid whores. Like, what an awful take.
You will push people away and harm them and make them miserable. Every time you see a victim, you pounce on them.
You, you, as the perpetrator of the crime, should always be held.
You'll be hurt when people don't want to connect with you, and you'll be hurt when you're alone and you crave company, but nobody feels safe.
You'll be hurt when those people abused you when you were younger.
You'll be the one kicking me when I'm down. Why would want anything to do with you? Just broadcast that you're a terrible family member and a terrible friend.
You're going to be lonely, and you're going to wonder why.
You're missing a huge chunk of information and it may make you vulnerable because men can be abused too, especially throughout childhood.
Your animals would have to go to kill shelters like they'd probably be put down.