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Cobra Kai (2018) - Season 4

Cobra Kai (2018) - Season 4

Unfortunately, I am an AI language model and I do not have the ability to provide live updates or current information about ongoing television shows or movies. As of my last update in September 2021, Cobra Kai Season 4 has not been released. However, I can provide you with some general information about Cobra Kai and the previous seasons.

Cobra Kai is a popular American television series that premiered in 2018. It serves as a continuation of the iconic film franchise, "The Karate Kid," which began in 1984. The series is available for streaming on Netflix. Cobra Kai Season 1 and 2 were initially produced by YouTube Premium, but Netflix acquired the series in 2020 and released Season 3, which gained even more popularity and acclaim.

Cobra Kai is set 34 years after the original "Karate Kid" movie and follows the lives of the characters from the original films, Daniel LaRusso (played by Ralph Macchio) and Johnny Lawrence (played by William Zabka). The story delves into their rivalries, personal struggles, and the role karate plays in their lives. The show takes a fresh perspective, giving Johnny Lawrence a redemption arc and exploring the complexities of his character.

In addition to Macchio and Zabka, Cobra Kai features an ensemble cast of talented actors and introduces new characters that bring their own conflicts to the series. Some of the notable cast members include Xolo Mariduena as Miguel Diaz, Tanner Buchanan as Robby Keene, Mary Mouser as Samantha LaRusso, and Martin Kove as John Kreese. The show brings back many familiar faces from the original movies, delighting fans who have followed the franchise for decades.

Cobra Kai has received critical acclaim for its nostalgic feel, engaging storytelling, and its ability to appeal to both longtime fans of "The Karate Kid" and new audiences alike. It successfully blends elements of comedy, drama, and action, creating a unique and addictive viewing experience.

While Season 4 information might not be available at this time, fans eagerly await its release to continue the gripping storyline. The previous season left audiences on the edge of their seats, with Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence teaming up to face their greatest challenge yet. The fourth season is highly anticipated, as it promises to build upon the intense rivalries, character dynamics, and the ongoing exploration of the Cobra Kai karate philosophy.

As for playing and downloading sounds from Cobra Kai, you may be referring to the show's soundtrack, which is known for its nostalgic '80s vibe and energetic rock music. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide you with a direct platform to play and download the sounds. However, streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music often have official soundtracks available for listening or downloading. You can search for the Cobra Kai soundtrack on these platforms to enjoy the music from the series.

Please note that this information might not be up-to-date, and I encourage you to check for the latest news about Cobra Kai Season 4 on reliable entertainment websites or streaming platforms.

A check?
A Chili's or a Marie Callender's. A Red Lobster.
A deal's a deal.
A flying tornado kick.
A joker, an embarrassment.
A judge is gonna take one look at you
A loser?
A lot of things. I don't know where to start.
A man can't stand,
A man of his word.
A photo of you kicking someone in the face.
A small boy was thrown through our window.
A weapon like,
Actually, I'm, uh... I'm looking forward to the tournament.
Afraid that I would end up like you.
Afraid you're a little rusty?
After a hard day of honest work, we're crushing beers,
After a hard day of honest work, we're crushing beers,
After everything, do you think I care about a stupid trophy?
After that tournament, I hit rock bottom.
After we win the All Valley.
Ah sah!
Ah, another fresh one comin' in hot.
Ah, come on, Johnny.
Ah, I'm sure kids would love that.
Ah, that's not gonna work.
Ah, this is just...
Ah, you see?
Ais! Ais!
Ais! Ais!
Ais! Ais!
Ais! Ais! Ais!
Ais! Ais! Ais! Ais! Ais!
All because of the rivalry you had with Miyagi.
All by herself.
All he has to do is score one more point and LaRusso is the winner.
All I can do is run.
All I can say now is
All I had to do was wind you up and get out of the way.
All I know is the girls' division is mine.
All I want to do is try to break the pattern, Daniel.
All I'm trying to do is help you doormats survive the All Valley.
All right, Eagles, follow me.
All right, fall in.
All right, folks.
All right, go run some laps. Maybe it'll jog your memories.
All right, good.
All right, good. Let's warm up
All right, guys, everybody take five. Walk it off. Looking good, looking good!
All right, guys. Score's two to two. Ready? Fight!
All right, he's a sexual too. Check him out. Total stud.
All right, just remember your fundamentals.
All right, LaRusso.
All right, LaRusso. Let's see your moves.
All right, let me... Oh, I forgot my water bottle in your car.
All right, line up!
All right, look...
All right, no offense,
All right, on the mat.
All right, prepare for combat.
All right, remember, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso.
All right, so she's a little late, no big deal. Just a few minutes.
All right, stand back. It's comin' down!
All right, then prove it. Fight for it.
All right, this looks good.
All right, tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables.
All right, who's first?
All right, who's next?
All right, you can do this.
All right, you know how they make that loaded potato soup?
All right? I promise.
All right? Junbi stance.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Cool. Hey, guys, let's go, let's go!
All right. Don't forget to breathe out there. How you feeling?
All right. Everybody now. One big happy family. Let's go.
All right. Here, you be him so I can try this at game speed.
All right. I know I was a dick, but I'm sorry.
All right. Ready to kick some ass?
All right. Sub out!
All right. We've got a half hour. Show your back who's boss.
All right. Well, stay dry, my friend. [chuckles]
All right. You've seen her fight before
All she has to do to get what she wants is make a puppy dog face and say please.
All you ever do is talk about Mr. Miyagi. Okay, I get it.
All your life, the world's been trying to make you less of a man.
All your training has brought you to this moment.
Almost born on it too.
Also, this is really gonna sting.
Ambition without knowledge
An abandoned factory
An eagle embraces the pain!
An eagle knows it has to make the first move.
An eagle knows it has to make the first move.
And a bunch of other Dungeon Lord losers are meeting at Balboa Park tomorrow night.
And above all,
And after I beat Barnes, I never saw Silver again.
And as much as you try to clean your life up,
And attack it.
And before you know it, level 12.
And by "prank," I meant I took a baseball bat to my math tutor's car.
And carved into his very being.
And clearly hasn't figured out his own life.
And corn and flour tortillas.
And defending champion Miguel Diaz!
And deserves so much better.
And did they win 'cause they played better defense?
And don't worry about Lawrence. I'll take good care of him too.
And especially you.
And everything would be sunshine and roses?
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And fight!
And finally...
And follow my lead.
And follow up, should I be calling the police?
And go off into the sunset.
And he chose to become a drunk loser who still hasn't figured out his own life.
And he left you with that mark on your head.
And he taught Sam her first move, the wax on, wax off, okay.
And he took it upon himself to jump rank and take point?
And he wins,
And he'll get the message.
And his confidence?
And honestly, I am too.
And I always will.
And I assure you,
And I blamed her for taking it all away from me.
And I can prepare you for an actual fight.
And I didn't want to be like him. Or Sid. Or my own dad.
And I don't care if you have a Mohawk, or a mullet,
And I fell for it.
And I I served my time, Sensei sir.
And I just want you to know that whatever happens at that tournament,
And I knew that would take you into a downward spiral.
And I know what's been holding me back.
And I saw one of the cooks dip his balls in the miso.
And I saw the sequels too.
And I should know because I used to be one of them.
And I thought I could use Cobra Kai to control that.
And I took all that bullshit I felt from them and I put it on Robby's life.
And I was bored to death.
And I was pretty good at karate, was talking to chicks.
And I was right.
And I'll always be grateful for it.
And I'll be back here with the Miyagi Dos.
And I'll do anything to prove my loyalty.
And I'll use whatever it takes to win.
And I'm lucky it didn't ruin my life.
And I'm not gonna leave you behind now.
And I'm supposed to go to school and be best friends with a psycho?
And I've got my agent looking for other locations for when we expand.
And if I can help Robby win,
And if I'm wrong, I just hope that you'll forgive me.
And if you are not prepared to put in 200%,
And if you don't watch where you step...
And if you're going,
And it feels kinda weird to say it out loud, but...
And it made me wonder...
And it will be again.
And it's not exactly a first date story.
And it's not Raymond anymore.
And it's not so easy looking for another one when you're on probation.
And Johnny Lawrence
And just breathe and follow me.
And last year's runner up.
And laugh you straight outta court.
And learn Cobra Kai's Way of the Fist!
And let you know...
And look! There she is now, trying to blend in with the crowd!
And make no mistake, we all have one.
And make sure that Louis doesn't go anywhere near the Doyona reps.
And maybe someday,
And Miguel makes it to the final
And mine
And next year I'll be 18.
And no weapons.
And not a word of this to Daniel.
And now he is here to help you prepare for the All Valley.
And now I get to do what I love every damn day.
And now the dojo,
And now you do, so I'm gonna go back to my apartment.
And of course I wish Robby was here.
And on the backs of both All Valley champions.
And once he loses, it won't matter if he welches.
And one of the most ferocious fighters in the history of the sport.
And quickly became one of the greatest underdogs
And realize who we really are.
And relax.
And representing Miyagi Do Karate,
And revenge...
And roll your sloppy ass out of our neighborhood.
And since the points get higher in each round...
And some nachos with extra cheese and jalapeño poppers, all right?
And somehow that worked.
And still the baddest dojo in the Valley,
And still the most badass name for a dojo,
And strength.
And takes over the kids' training.
And tear down the neo masculine hierarchy to confront internalized sexism.
And th they want me on the team, sir.
And that someday you'd also be the one who'd be protecting this family.
And that was before he sicced a rabid dog on Eli.
And that wasn't the first time.
And that witch has been spotted at kids' parties all over the Valley.
And that's not even counting stealing his girl.
And that's where we're gonna do it.
And the best part is we have a whole stable of hot young dudes,
And the only other person who knows how to teach Cobra Kai
And the only way she can be destroyed is with a glitter bomb.
And the only way to do that is to forget about the past.
And the winner of the Grand Champion trophy
And then he'll worm his way in.
And then my parents divorced anyway.
And then we'll tally all the points
And there's gonna be a separate girls' division. So that means...
And these older kids started messing with me.
And this is a lot to ask...
And this would be the perfect venue to show the whole world
And this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been.
And throw them off balance.
And to ask if my sister's disability came in yet.
And to beat the enemy, it helps to know the enemy's playbook.
And to figure that out, I think I need to know where I came from.
And tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC.
And use what we teach them to create their own way.
And we can use that to set traps.
And we should use the wisdom we've learned.
And we're all gonna follow Sensei Kreese's orders today, aren't we?
And we're just as proud to announce
And what if I didn't?
And what is that way?
And what were we meant to be, Johnny?
And when he's done with you, you won't be you anymore.
And when we win,
And when you become a freshman next year,
And who's that?
And why shouldn't she?
And with that, Miyagi Do vaults into the overall lead!
And with them,
And without your defense, you have nothing.
And you can be too.
And you can't do that unless you jump.
And you get to know forever
And you get to pick out what flavor Gatorade I buy next.
And you had to go mess with my head by dredging up the past.
And you know what I'm doing right now?
And you know what?
And you like that?
And you need a male champion.
And you were about to be beaten.
And you were in Cobra Kai longer than him.
And you were worried about my influence on your kids?
And you will
And you'll hope it's not too late to change course.
And young women.
And your mom. And your mom's friends. Hola.
And your team needs you.
And yours is still being written.
And, uh, you're gonna like this too.
And, um,
And, um,
Another one for me.
Another one. Seriously, Daniel?
Anthony and the others have been cyberbullying Mr. Payne for some time.
Anthony LaRusso was your bully?
Anthony, get ready for your first Miyagi Do lesson
Anthony, you can't just pay people to do the hard work.
Any advice on the last point?
Any of you.
Any spare cash she had, she put in a jar. She called it "The Daniel Fund."
Anything that could potentially be used as a weapon
Anything you need, I'm there for you. Your whole life.
Anything you wanna say before the fight?
Anything you wanna say to the camera, Sensei Lawrence?
Anything you wanna tell me?
Anyway, this coach, the guy gets no respect,
Anyway, uh, the dragon breathed hot fire at the prince, melting his sword
Anyway, you used to love to babysit Cindee. Oh, hi!
Anyways, my dad, he wants me to go to Harvard,
Anyways, uh, I just wanted to wish you good luck.
Apparently. Should've seen this coming.
Are any other Cobra Kais from your past gonna come and destroy our lives?
Are they still watching?
Are those real koi?
Are we done, or do I have to sit here and freeze my nuts off to find inner peace?
Are you fighting your friend or your opponent?
Are you guys gonna beat up this Hawk dude?
Are you hearing anything we're saying to you?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you?
Arms out.
As Cobra Kai takes the lead, with our qualifier rounds up next.
As current senseis cannot serve on the board.
As he and Demetri Alexopoulos battle it out
As I'll ever be.
As if you haven't gotten into Sam's head with all your Eagle crap.
As long as LaRusso and Lawrence are together,
As long as sensei over here brings everyone back in one piece.
As long as she's in school, she has something to lose.
As long as, uh, you can help me hot wire this thing?
As of March 2019,
As you can see, our core demo are middle aged men and their sons.
As you know, our enemies are working together.
Ask him who's his favorite character.
Ask me anything about karate or '80s rock or Rowdy Roddy Piper, I'm your guy,
Ask your father and LaRusso.
At Eagle Fang Karate, we don't believe in fighting dirty
At Eagle Fang we confront that phrase and make it empowering for all.
At first I thought it was a little weird that you two were together
At first I thought it was part of the evil looking design.
At first, I didn't want to join Cobra Kai.
At least I'm not straddling the fence.
At least we haven't beat each other up yet.
At least you had some training.
At least you know how he'll fight. Because Johnny taught you too.
At the last second, I slip under, shoulder check him in the balls,
At the next meeting, I'm calling for a vote of no confidence.
At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness.
Attacked my daughter.
Attention. Chae ryut.
Attracted to each other...
Automatic transmissions?
Avoiding your Auntie Kandace now, sweetheart? Ignoring my calls?
Aw, hell yeah! Hope you all like Glacial Freeze.
Baby, you got this!
Back in the '80s,
Back on the mat.
Back to the hospital? Or to jail?
Back to your corners.
Bad news. I just found out my dad's wedding is gonna be in Sydney.
Balance good.
Balance is crucial.
Based on your track record, you don't have the best judgment.
Be careful with this, okay?
Be the mentor I wish I had when I was younger.
Beat him pretty bad.
Beat me up.
Beautiful. Let's get the LaRussos together. Anthony!
Because even if you win,
Because everyone has a weakness, John.
Because here comes Samantha LaRusso and Miyagi Do.
Because I am done playing games with you.
Because I wanted you to be happy, but...
Because if you don't, it's gonna hold you back forever.
Because no matter what people say,
Because no one's ever been such a piece of shit to you!
Because of my situation at home,
Because of you, I spent half the game in the box.
Because some freeloader was blaring shitty Metallica all night.
Because that's exactly what he wants.
Because the more we fight with each other, the harder it is on the kids.
Because the Terry Silver that I knew
Because there is only one way.
Because there's a lot of land mines out there,
Because tonight,
Because we are just getting started!
Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals! [chuckles]
Because we have something that Cobra Kai doesn't...
Because you are an unemployed man baby on probation.
Because you're gonna be in a world of pain.
Been sitting in my cellar for years, waiting for the right moment.
Before you vanished?
Begin a new era.
Believe me, Amanda, I want things to go back to normal too.
Believe me, I'd rather be training to fight Tory.
Beowulf. Um, spoiler alert, it's not even about a werewolf.
Bert. Hey, Bert. Psst. Bert.
Best defense is more offense.
Better than turning my champion into a pussy
Big circles.
Blew himself to kingdom come. [chuckles]
Bow to each other.
Bow. Go to your side.
Brandon is eight.
Break the news somewhere nice.
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe through. You got this. Come on, Demetri.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Bullshit. I proved my loyalty.
Bullshit. No way is Lexi DiMarco going out with you.
Business can't survive another PR nightmare.
Bust out some of that karate!
Bust out some of that Miyagi shit. Come on, LaPusso.
But a new deck would mean a lot more room for training.
But also not super surprised.
But an eagle's response is fight and flight.
But ASU's like the Harvard of the west coast.
But believe me, I never stopped caring about you.
But don't forget it saved your ass a few weeks ago from Kreese.
But don't think I'm going easy on you now, old man.
But don't worry, I know a great repair guy.
But don't worry. There's not gonna be any fight.
But eventually,
But first, you need a gi.
But for me,
But h how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?
But he chose Diaz.
But he gave me an A, though, so there's an upside.
But he had to look special for the special lady.
But I am not gonna be a pawn in this bet you've made with my dad and Mr. LaRusso.
But I built myself back up.
But I can't carry...
But I do know about Cobra Kai.
But I don't know if I can ever go back to a normal life.
But I figured I would just, I don't know, get over it
But I forgot one of his most important lessons.
But I have no idea how you pulled that off.
But I know it will make you feel better.
But I need to know that you got that message.
But I never told you why.
But I see now
But I still have some fight left in me.
But I think the highlight of my night was still your dance moves.
But I think the highlight of my night was still your dance moves.
But I think we can agree we have to try and make this thing work.
But I thought it was the best way, maybe the only way,
But I wanna make sure that we're both on the same page.
But I want to so bad.
But I want you to let it go.
But I was wrong.
But I wasn't gonna let the cycle repeat itself.
But I'm back now,
But I'm not gonna have that fear again, because I'm better than you.
But if I could just win this one time,
But if Johnny and I can just actually work together,
But if the past bothers you so much, maybe you've got some unresolved issues.
But if there's one kind of person I know,
But if we're gonna do that, we have to learn from our mistakes.
But if you dig in and follow our lead,
But if you do things the right way, you'll see results.
But if you don't get off my property right now, I swear...
But if you so much as look at me funny, I will kick your ass for a third time.
But if you touch one hair on her head before then,
But it didn't.
But it doesn't matter, I can handle my own shit.
But it just made things worse and now it's never gonna get better.
But it never really leaves you.
But it's just putting me more on edge.
But it's not about how you start.
But it's not gonna be as exciting if you're not there.
But it's not your fault you don't know the genre.
But it's time to put the past behind us, all right? Don't worry.
But just so I'm clear, you're not actually going to fight him, right?
But listen, think of it like a video game.
But Miguel saved the day.
But Mr. Miyagi had to see his father and, um...
But none of that matters unless you have balance.
But not as much as it sucks to be bullied.
But now I'm gonna prove myself to you, sir.
But now,
But now?
But one thing's for sure,
But other than that, Sensei's a good guy. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.
But overcoming that fear is the fight I have to face
But rivalries
But Silver won't stop there. Okay?
But some of us actually care about tradition.
But some of us actually care about tradition.
But sometimes avoiding conflict is one of the most heroic things a person can do.
But sometimes you gotta show your toughness.
But that doesn't mean you have to make the wrong choice.
But that girl's asking for trouble. She broke into my house.
But that means you have to stay in the fight. All right? Bow.
But the dragon carried me there so he could eat me alive.
But the more you play, the more skills you get,
But the ones that were,
But the story doesn't end there.
But then the valiant prince came to my rescue.
But there's a dark horse...
But there's a time to fight.
But there's too much at stake
But these kids, they're still growing.
But they are destined to fail.
But they can't stop me using the lessons I learned from Sensei Lawrence.
But they're under new management.
But we don't believe in aggression. That's not how we act.
But we have a lot to discuss.
But we have different ways of getting you there.
But we have seen an uptick in young female interest.
But we have seen an uptick in young female interest.
But we have three fighters still alive.
But we'll figure it out together.
But we're finally here.
But we're not exactly center mat material.
But what about the dojo? We... We were just about to open it.
But what I'm really rooting for
But what if I... don't want to stop learning Miyagi Do?
But whatever it is, we expect there to be a severe punishment for this.
But when I saw him today, it, uh...
But when it comes to, you know, this?
But will you help me
But with such a tight spread, it's still anyone's game.
But with these new changes, I think having Sam on our team would really help.
But you ain't seen nothing yet.
But you already did.
But you can't fault her for having issues with you after what you did.
But you did.
But you gotta do something for me.
But you guys know I love to compete,
But you have to prove that you're worthy.
But you just had to push it and make it personal.
But you keep your cars and your cash away from my son.
But you need to fall back in line
But you never told me you were in the military.
But you put me in a situation where I had to join a dojo.
But you were down two zero.
But you're afraid.
But you're playing with poison.
But your family would have to sign off.
But, as I got older,
But, hey, look, let's do dinner tomorrow. You can make those Manwiches?
But, Sensei, I'm, um,
ButI liked you for your energy, your confidence.
Butterfingers, huh?
By a show of hands, do we all agree on the changes?
By all means, take their tips, but be discreet about it.
By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves.
By making sure Sam doesn't get hurt.
By sudden death overtime!
By taking your fears and turning them into a weapon.
By the time the tournament comes around,
Call me that one more time and you'll regret it.
Call that detective. Tell him his John Doe is awake.
Can be a little confusing.
Can be crowned Grand Champion.
Can be good sometimes.
Can be part of our championship dojo
Can I help you?
Can it, Bert.
Can they reign supreme once more?
Can we please just calm down and keep this professional?
Can we talk?
Can you blame her? She was practically raised on that showroom floor.
Can you do that?
Can you rise to that for me?
Can't believe we finally get a night to ourselves.
Can't say the same for you though,
Can't wait to get hit. Gotta strike before the hit gets to you.
Capital punishment is a legal penalty of the US state of California.
Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker.
Carmen, on the night of what happened at the LaRusso house,
Carmen, when it comes to us, I can't sit in the back seat any longer.
Carmen. His girlfriend.
Carrie Underwood!
Catch a fish. But since I know you Eagle Fangs like a bit of competition,
Center yourself, Johnny.
Challenge accepted.
Change course.
Check this out.
Chip away at you. And push you past your limits.
Choke on it.
Clearly the blue mats led to a surge in attendance.
Clearly, I don't know what I'm doing.
Clearly, Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang came to play.
Clinging to some bullshit happy ending.
Co founder of Cobra Kai
Coached by her father and sensei,
Coached by her senseis John Kreese and Terry Silver.
Cobra Kai can teach you how.
Cobra Kai doesn't follow the same rules.
Cobra Kai is gonna be the only destination for karate in the Valley.
Cobra Kai never backs down from a fight.
Cobra Kai pops out your shoulder, be ready to fight with one arm.
Cobra Kai, and you, will be out of business.
Cobra Kai, it was never about revenge.
Cobra Kai!
Cobra Kai?
Cobra Kai.
Cobra Kai's gonna die.
Come back on the mat. Grow some pubes. Let's go.
Come on
Come on out.
Come on, Chris, you got this.
Come on, get in.
Come on, guys. We're outta here.
Come on, Johnny, time to wake up. I'm ready for Eagle Fang training.
Come on, LaRusso, you gotta stop that!
Come on, let's try it again. Let's go. Let's go, come on.
Come on, ref! She was out of bounds! Where are your eyes?
Come on, Ref! She went out after she got hit!
Come on, Sam.
Come on, what's up?
Come on, who's the loser now?
Come on, you maggots! Faster!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Compared to what Tory's done?
Come on. Let's find him.
Come on. My sister always promised to take care of me. She taught you better.
Come on. No mercy.
Come on. Show me.
Come out, you sons of bitches!
Come over for a bite? Something I've been wanting to talk about
Come to 7010 Halbert.
Coming up next.
Compared to Sensei Lawrence's training, today's gonna be a vacation.
Compared to that hunk of junk, this is gonna be a piece of cake.
Competitors, take your position.
Competitors, to the mat.
Consider me an admirer from afar.
Continue fighting.
Continue the lesson.
Corner of Magnolia and Lankershim. You know it well.
Could you keep it down? I'm trying to teach.
Could've fooled me. I don't remember seeing you at the fight.
Couldn't help but notice you circled your opponent.
Couldn't tell if my dad went for it or not.
Countdown clock?
Crashing you know who's big night would be a way to get your opponents off balance.
Cruise is the worst in that.
Dad can't get along with his high school rival
Dad spent all day with my brother. I had to babysit the Miyagi Dos.
Dad. Dad, hey. You're, uh, back early.
Damn it!
Damn right. Look what they did.
Daniel LaRusso!
Daniel LaRusso!
Daniel, if you would have told me a year ago
Danny boy?
Defense is boring.
Demetri Alexopoulos from Miyagi Do Karate,
Demetri won! That puts him in the quarterfinals with me and Hawk.
Demetri, be the hero. Come on.
Depends on how late I have to work tonight.
Diaz, a word.
Diaz. It's time to get ready.
Diaz. You hungry? I'll make your favorite.
Diazes, get together.
Did he do it alone? No. He and Apollo had to work together.
Did I detect a note of rapprochement in the air?
Did I really have to come?
Did I say take it easy?
Did I say the last place I want to spend my Saturday?
Did I tell you about the time I was arrested?
Did you even know he was going?
Did you just ask me to prom?
Did you know LaRusso showed Miguel Top Gun?
Didn't mean there wasn't someone who could fill that role.
Didn't you hear? The All Valley has separate gender divisions.
Die, evil witch!
Dinner is served.
Do any of you know any girls?
Do exactly what you just did, disguise it in a counter.
Do I look like I pee sitting down?
Do not let anything
Do not let history repeat itself.
Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment.
Do you feel sorry for yourself?
Do you have any friends, Raymond?
Do you hear that?
Do you really think Kreese is gonna shut down Cobra Kai if he loses?
Do you remember that man Sid we went out to dinner with?
Do you remember the cage?
Do you remember when we got back from 'Nam?
Do you understand me?
Do you wanna fight him?
Does not exist.
Does this have something to do with the guy at the dojo?
Does this mean I've passed my Eagle Fang training?
Does this newcomer have what it takes to win it all?
Does your dad know you're here?
Doesn't matter. He's trapped.
Doesn't mean it's gonna work this time.
Doesn't wait around for a fish to jump in its feet.
Doing great.
Doing what? I didn't ask.
Dojos from all across the Valley
Don't be a pansy. It's almost over.
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't disrespect my dojo in front of your students.
Don't do anything stupid. You already got kicked out of school.
Don't even ask.
Don't even go there with me, Johnny.
Don't I get a choice?
Don't know how they got that milk in the locker.
Don't know if they got that. Wanna translate?
Don't let it eat you up. Trust me.
Don't let your emotions control you.
Don't let your opponent think whatever they want.
Don't need to last forever.
Don't question me, Newark!
Don't say that. He's a very accomplished man.
Don't tell anyone I told you that.
Don't tell me how to run my class. I'll do whatever I want.
Don't understand how I'm gonna use it.
Don't worry about a thing.
Don't worry about him. Hazing the new guy. It's a good thing.
Don't worry about it. Focus on your combos.
Don't worry about them.
Don't worry, I'll bring him back in one piece.
Don't worry, man. I'll go easy on you.
Don't worry, Mom. If something feels off, I won't fight.
Don't worry, okay?