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Three Thousand Years of Longing

Three Thousand Years of Longing

"Three Thousand Years of Longing" is a mesmerizing movie that takes the audience on a captivating journey through time and emotions. Released in 2021, this film is helmed by the critically acclaimed director George Miller, known for his iconic work in the "Mad Max" series. With his unique vision and storytelling prowess, Miller weaves a tale that explores the depths of longing and desire.

The powerful and evocative music for "Three Thousand Years of Longing" is composed by the renowned musician Hans Zimmer. Known for his masterful compositions in movies like "Gladiator" and "Inception," Zimmer's score elevates the film's themes and immerses the viewer in this spellbinding narrative. The soundtrack is a blend of haunting melodies, enchanting orchestration, and ethereal vocals. You can enjoy and download these soul-stirring sounds by visiting the official movie website, where the soundtrack is available for purchase.

The movie stars two acting powerhouses who bring their immense talent to the screen. Tilda Swinton portrays Elizabeth, a mysterious and alluring character with a timeless presence. Swinton's ability to convey emotions through nuanced performances shines through in this role. Her ethereal beauty and enigmatic aura perfectly encapsulate the enigma of the film.

Opposite Swinton, we have Viggo Mortensen, playing the role of Adam, a weary and tormented man who has been longing for something his whole life. Mortensen's portrayal adds depth and complexity to the character, and his chemistry with Swinton creates electrifying on-screen moments.

"Three Thousand Years of Longing" also features an exceptional supporting cast, including the talented Indian actor Irrfan Khan. Known for his remarkable performances in movies like "The Lunchbox" and "Slumdog Millionaire," Khan brings his trademark charm and intensity to the role of a mystical guide who helps Elizabeth and Adam uncover the truth behind their desires.

The movie takes place in various stunning locations, including the bustling streets of Istanbul, the mystical deserts of Egypt, and the vibrant landscapes of India. The exquisite cinematography by John Seale, known for his work on "The English Patient" and "The Talented Mr. Ripley," captures the rich tapestry of these settings, enhancing the atmosphere and taking the viewers on a visual feast.

As the story unfolds, the audience is transported through time, from ancient civilizations to modern-day metropolises. The meticulously designed set pieces and costumes immerse the viewers in each era, highlighting the stark contrast between the past and the present.

"Three Thousand Years of Longing" delves deep into the human psyche, exploring themes of desire, longing, and the consequences of unfulfilled yearning. It challenges the audience to reflect on their own desires and the lengths they would go to in pursuit of them. The film's thought-provoking narrative, combined with the exceptional performances and masterful direction, make it a must-watch for lovers of cinema.

So, whether it is the soul-stirring music composed by Hans Zimmer or the captivating performances of Tilda Swinton, Viggo Mortensen, and Irrfan Khan, "Three Thousand Years of Longing" promises an unforgettable cinematic experience. Immerse yourself in this tale of longing and desire by playing and downloading the sounds that accompany this mesmerizing film. Head over to the official website and embark on a journey that will leave you pondering the depths of your own desires.

A "Nightingale's Eye."
A breath in a bottle.
A child, of fire and dust.
A Djinn has all the time in the world.
A Djinn?
A dream, perhaps,
A key to open the doors of her perception.
A language to explain the forces
A long, bracing walk.
A mistake to love someone entirely?
A more convenient size, I see.
A mortal will never know, but a Djinn might.
A number of power.
A vast gizmo which probed the essence of matter.
A widow of the Sultan, Ahmed the First.
About the ways of humans.
About trickster Djinn,
About what?
Absence of desire means enlightenment.
After which I would be grateful
Ah, it's quite a story.
Ah, we'll play the ukulele.
Aliens, whatever helps.
Alithea Binnie, you are a liar!
Alithea, how can it be...
Alithea, I loved her.
Alithea, there is a place for me here.
Alithea: (softly) Oh. Sorry.
Alithea: (whispers) My Djinn.
Alithea: All right.
Alithea: Apart from the usual aches and pains,
Alithea: Every listening ear was yours.
Alithea: He told me I...
Alithea: He would visit from time to time,
Alithea: Hello, Clementine.
Alithea: I leave for London today.
Alithea: If there is fate, can we escape it?
Alithea: Just a minute!
Alithea: My Djinn told me,
Alithea: Oh, I know where this is going.
Alithea: Oh?
Alithea: Only an emanation of an absence.
Alithea: Quite the prison.
Alithea: The way my brain is wired is... is the...
Alithea: This wishing...
Alithea: What are we to do with longings awoken?
Alithea: Why did she not make a wish to be free?
Alithea: Why? When I feel so well?
Alithea: You know, I am actually a child.
Alithea: You know, I've never said this to you before.
Alithea: You were undone by silliness yet again.
All in the palace flee to the streets,
All knowledge
All murmuring at once.
All of it.
All of this since I was trapped in Zefir's bottle.
All right. All right.
All the stories and the paintings.
All these astonishments, in less than 200 years.
All who cherish him are dead.
Almost emancipated and tethered to this world
Alone by choice.
Also doomed me.
Also, I have a confession to make.
Ambushing me.
Amina: Gosh. (exclaiming)
An emanation?
An illegal taxi driver, more likely.
And a girl in love.
And after that, he disappeared altogether.
And all gods and monsters
And an ifrit to whisper the mother's name.
And are reduced to metaphor.
And arrest a fatal bleeding.
And becomes Sultan Murad the Fourth.
And brings them to his couch.
And caught up by the usual intrigues,
And did not talk to her at all.
And disappointment.
And does that work?
And draw him back to the secret bathroom.
And dropped a hot tear.
And every time, it would appease.
And finally, I wish for another one of those.
And for her, that was more than enough.
And Handel wrote music about it.
And he always disappeared when I had a headache,
And I am saddled with the one
And I do this piteously for 100 years,
And I don't want it to get damaged.
And I filled this journal, bulging with facts.
And I had great trouble rousing her.
And I knew what her first wish would be.
And I lost my heart to her.
And I return to my homeland in a day's time.
And I to spirit away at last to the Realm of Djinn.
And I'll give it to someone more gullible?
And in one of those shops, there are three rooms.
And in the ending?
And it is always wise
And it was bad.
And languished for 2,500 years.
And likely heir to his mighty throne.
And more durable.
And my patience is rewarded.
And only here to grant your heart's desire.
And replace him with Mustafa.
And she agreed with all that I said,
And she desired you in return?
And she did, on the instant.
And she flourished in every way.
And she revealed herself to me by the things she had made.
And she saw that I was desperate
And she sought to protect his throne
And so on, and so on.
And so she granted him what he most desired,
And so, I was cast into the Red Sea
And that friendship turns to love.
And that is going to be a problem.
And that is how the good Lord meant us to be.
And that love you gave to your genius, Zefir.
And that would finally liberate you?
And the boys are next in line for the throne.
And the third one, "I miss my friends..."
And the timeless cities of the Levant...
And the ways in which they manipulate wishing
And the whispers soon spread throughout the seraglio.
And then as it happens,
And then I saw a dish, a great dish
And then in 1620,
And then she tries something very shrewd.
And then to any god I may not know.
And then, finally,
And theoretically safe.
And there I am,
And there, among the eunuchs,
And they would grasp each vivid moment.
And this boy, Enzo,
And this is the story
And this small pebble, like all stories, must end.
And this way, the solutions came to her.
And though he returns a conqueror,
And to rule indefinitely, he must be rid of all rivals.
And to the Djinn made of subtle fire.
And to this end, she had the prince watched
And told her what women most desire.
And told him he was right.
And walked on the bottom of the sea,
And was angry without knowing why.
And was finally alone,
And we can avoid all traps.
And we turn on each other.
And what was the complexion of this husband?
And when he wasn't with her,
And when I have exhausted this many, many times,
And when I would return, she would be waiting for me.
And when she had finished satisfying him
And when she was to bear a child,
And when that does not work,
And when, still, I find no answers,
And where is he?
And who are you?
And with every failure, my will begins to fade.
And yet, here you are.
And yet, I am here.
And yet, you herd your intelligence to great effect.
And you are giving me a headache.
And you say that you and I are the authors of this story.
And you would abandon yourself to this?
And you're a coward.
And you're asking me for three.
And you're wrong.
And your bottle,
And, uh,
And, uh, and my solitude.
And, uh, if this is Cesm i Bulbul,
And, uh, it all began to feel silly.
And, uh... and we became
Anyone that could help me.
Anything to draw them to me.
Anything you hanker for?
Apart from sleep,
Are you a wife? A widow?
Are you a witch...
Are you happy?
Aren't you the lucky one?
Around 1845, there were these glassmakers in Incirkoy.
As a consequence of the wishes she made?
As a Djinn, I am endlessly curious
As a love token from her husband.
As Dr. Binnie has encouraged us to understand,
As she walked across the floor,
As the fates would have it, my bottle came to her
As you are dust, I am made of subtle fire.
At 20, he leads his armies to war.
At that time, I found myself in a school for girls.
At university.
Autumn through winter to spring and summer,
Back in a minute.
Back in Istanbul,
Beautiful and true.
Because at this moment,
Because I cried out my heart's desire.
Because we often ask ourselves,
Behind all wonder and catastrophe,
Bend your head.
Big Brother...
Birds belong in the air. Fish belong in the sea.
Blessed be his memory.
But at the age of 11, he ascends the throne
But he just sits, and howls, and drinks until he is empty.
But he was never far away
But her mind was richer and lovelier,
But his voice was crushed and his breath stopped
But I am also a narratologist,
But I began to beg, shamelessly.
But I begin to understand these transmissions.
But I fancy somehow it involved
But I tell you this,
But I, like a fool, went on telling her
But I'm not able to write myself out of it.
But it is a story. It is your story,
But it'll be better if you're there.
But it's in all the holy books.
But of course, you are human.
But she could not solve this puzzle.
But she had already decided on her second wish.
But she ran into the hands of the assassins.
But the more realism I tried to insert,
But the thing is this,
But the truth is, I am just an idiot
But they cannot produce an immortal scion
But this is more likely a recent imitation.
But this is my home. It's my sanctuary.
But we all have desires,
But when she used
But without thinking,
But you and I are the authors of this story,
But you creatures of dust have...
But you realize, don't you,
But you were rendered invisible.
But you're both pitiful.
But you're here because of her folly.
By a third wish unperformed.
By all accounts, she was very beautiful.
By desire.
By every measure, his favorite.
By many probing eyes.
By telling each other stories.
By telling each other...
By the narratives of science.
By the string of his father's bow.
Can only produce a seedless mule.
Can you come back later, please?
Can you hear me?
Can you imagine the loneliness?
Cannot wait to see where it goes.
Catastrophic! (echoes)
Chickpeas, cloves, pistachio.
Choose something less forlorn.
Clem. Fanny.
Clementine: Did you have any trouble?
Clementine: It could be her.
Clementine: You misunderstand.
Come away, Clem. Let the crazy lady be.
Common to all the stories of humankind.
Contrary to reason, yes.
Could nobody else complete the wish?
Despite all my warnings,
Despite all the whiz bang,
Despite the pain of the raucous skies,
Determined to draw him back to the stone.
Did it matter to you what kind of wish
Did you see him?
Didn't she go to him?
Djinn don't sleep.
Djinn don't sleep.
Djinn, ghosts,
Djinn, speak to me.
Do you agree?
Do you know the answer to her question?
Do you know what this is?
Do you not know?
Don't goad me.
Don't say that!
Each story we tell is a fragment
Einstein: Nein, nein, nein.
Eldest son of Suleiman the Magnificent,
Electromagnetic fields and forces...
Embarrassed by our British culture, are we?
Emerging from a dungeon into the sunlight.
Emmeline: ...gonna have a resolution.
Er, runny, please.
Even against the gestures of submission
Even if they remain hidden from us.
Even though Truth stood before them naked,
Even with his own life.
Ever present in all cultures, in all mythologies,
Every time, except for the last.
Every voice, every scent, and touch.
Everyone, including the servants,
Everything was mystery.
Everywhere one goes, ethnics.
Except, of course, she was Sheba.
Except, she said, if she were a man,
Fallen into your careful hands.
Fanny: It's not natural.
Fanny: Whoever could that be at this hour?
Fanny. Are you well?
Find expression even today.
First, she arranges for him to be perpetually drunk.
Flee in fear or fall to his impatience.
For a Djinn, it is the closest we ever come to death.
For endless wishes.
For freedom and conversation.
For I knew it would strengthen us.
For I was condemned to the bottle.
For I, too, love being lost in his stories.
For in this state,
For she had acquired a mastery of love craft,
For they fear Murad's grief will incur fresh murder.
For this release.
From a red glass jar,
From all corners of the empire,
From his bloodlust with other gratifications.
From the bottom of that pile,
From the British Council.
From the Greeks, to the Romans, to the Norse,
From the lungs of the glassblowers.
Full of insistent voices and rushing faces.
Funny little story. I mean, you probably know it.
Gaggles of girls.
Gel. Gel.
Given she was carrying the son of the next Sultan.
Good morning.
Governor of Damascus.
Grant me my wish.
Guiding us through time.
Gulten, meantime, saw no reason
Gunhan: (muffled) Alithea!
Gunhan: Alithea.
Gunhan: Are you okay?
Gunhan: Forgive me, Alithea. Are you sure?
Gunhan: I don't know. She just fell.
Gunhan: Shouldn't you see a doctor?
Gunhan: So, how would you explain
Gunhan: So, what happened back there?
Gunhan: You are behaving like a child. Do you know that?
Had I known what was to come,
Had she not been clumsy
Had she not been free to roam,
Had she not decided to take a bath,
Hands up.
Happy because she was independent,
Hate prevails.
Have managed to eclipse
He always stayed longer than he should,
He battles alongside his men
He believes he is invincible,
He believes the greater the expanse of flesh,
He came from across the deserts to woo her.
He came to me, out of an emptiness.
He cannot shed his robes of blood.
He could speak to the beasts of the earth,
He cried out to his Janissaries,
He found ants to discover the thread of silk,
He has to produce male children.
He is a...
He is dead!
He is dead!
He is even more lost to me.
He is last of the Ottoman line.
He loves me.
He promised to return in her lifetime,
He scuttled off when you arrived.
He sent for her.
He told me stories in a language
He vanishes.
He was hot to touch.
He was much older than her, and kind,
He would go in eager exploration of the world.
He'll be staying for a while.
He's a baby.
He's going to be too weak to lift the stone.
He's in Hackney, with Emmeline Porter.
Her business was story.
Her intellect would have been ordinarily accepted.
Her mother was a Djinn.
Her name is Sugar Lump.
Here's what I'll do. I will make three wishes.
Hidden under the loosened stone
His complexion?
His warriors believe he is going soft,
Hope comes in the form of a boy with a sword.
Hope is a monster, Alithea, and I am its plaything.
How are we to know if it's ever real?
How can I persuade you
How can you explain the seasons?
How can you rely on those called upon to wish?
How come you found your way into my bottle?
How could he ever rule?
How do you know you can rely on me?
How else?
How it might overwhelm?
How my bottle came from the bottom of the Red Sea...
How were you caught in the first place?
How's that?
However, I'm afraid it may be too much to ask.
Humankind is...
Humankind, what a conundrum.
Hurrem is coming for you...
I also see it and feel it.
I am a Djinn.
I am a literary scholar.
I am a transmitter. (chuckles)
I am beholden to you
I am determined to draw him back to the stone.
I am finally able to get his attention
I am god fearing and honorable,
I am here, and we have work to do.
I am in Turkey for a conference.
I am not one of them.
I am only a Djinn.
I am rather more likely to be embarrassed by anybody
I believe she's back.
I believe there are those who need to believe in them.
I beseech Boschkolo to keep me always in the bottle.
I brought her books and writings,
I burned it all in the school furnace.
I can adapt.
I can push them away.
I can.
I cannot for the life of me summon up one eligible wish.
I caught myself stopping her lest she make her third wish.
I cautioned her to hide the bottle
I chose a memento.
I could do that for her.
I daresay I'm content, and gratefully so.
I despair of ever seeing him again.
I did all that I could to dissuade her.
I did once have a husband.
I do what I can to fit in.
I do.
I don't suppose you speak English?
I don't want to interrupt, but I do have a question.
I ended up in this as a consequence of Zefir.
I expanded into the space of my own life.
I feared he would leave, and so I wrote him down.
I felt silly.
I find feelings through stories.
I first saw Hurrem.
I follow him everywhere,
I followed their scent, their every step.
I have a wish.
I have all the time in the world.
I have no children, no siblings, no parents.
I have prepared something for us.
I have your breakfast.
I hope so. I do hope so.
I just want to talk about love.
I knew as well as any of her female slaves
I knew that I was lost.
I know that somewhere in Murad's bloodline
I know, but...
I know.
I like it.
I listen gratefully,
I loved her anger.
I loved her more than Sheba.
I loved my power
I loved the fervor of her mind.
I made a mess of it.
I made it clear that I meant her no harm,
I made these for you.
I may be a Djinn, but I'm also a fool
I mean, animals do have a natural habitat.
I might grieve a loss and betrayal, but, uh,
I might have become more, but for Solomon.
I must grant you
I need to be more careful in the future.
I need to take this slow. (sighs)
I need to tell you about my next incarceration.
I needn't have ordered breakfast.
I play a trick on myself.
I pray to any god I know,
I pray to Boschkolo for my release,
I pray to remain in the bottle.
I return to my prayer and my rage.
I saw at once that she was sharp,
I saw many things.
I saw the beasts of the forest,
I saw the mountains, the oceans...
I should feel sorry for them.
I spend my time in waking dreams
I suspect that's why I like stories.
I taught her astronomy, mathematic,
I taught her to dream as Djinn do, awake.
I think it's a warning.
I told her my story, as I have told you,
I took away your power to grant it.
I took my bottle and conjured oils
I took some classes...
I took to wandering the palace in search of its intrigues.
I tricked us both.
I tried to attract the attention of someone,
I tried to warn her to be careful.
I try not to fight it off.
I visited the Collider.
I wait until he is alone.
I want it.
I want knowledge.
I want nothing to do with devious Djinn.
I want our solitudes to be together.
I want that longing you felt for the Queen of Sheba,
I want that love professed in ageless tales.
I was about to take them by force,
I was her plaything. Her confidante.
I was imprisoned by Solomon precisely
I was in every way free.
I was incapable of reading feelings.
I was incapable of reading his feelings.
I was like a prisoner
I was nothing to her.
I was plagued with happiness,
I was... Well, I am a solitary creature by nature.
I watched a human look into the living brain of another
I went to Mustafa.
I whispered her name.
I will be caught between worlds,
I will overcome them. I can do that for you.
I wish for a sip of this tea.
I wish for you to love me in return.
I wish that you return to where you belong.
I wish to acquire...
I wish to be pregnant.
I wish you to speak to me.
I worried that my Gulten might be caught in this web.
I would come in and out of her sleeping chamber.
I would leave her room and journey the skies.
I would prefer that it didn't go in the...
I would tell her of my day, and she would faint with joy
I would've risked the furies of Iblis
I, more than anybody, I should've known that.
I... I thought, um,
I... I'm at a point in my life where I have all I need.
I'd be more careful if I were you.
I'll soon get used to it.
I'm able to draw him to the stone.
I'm all ears.
I'm beginning to think I'm in the presence
I'm going to close my eyes and count to three,
I'm happy you think so.
I'm here because of a genius.
I'm here to love you.
I'm home!
I'm not getting back in the bottle.
I'm not getting back in the bottle.
I'm not going to screw this up again.
I'm not putting up with any more of this.
I'm not sure how it works.
I'm not sure, but it could be Cesm i Bulbul,
Ibrahim, I suppose, becomes Sultan?
If I tell it as a fairy tale.
If I'm content, why tempt fate?
If it's about wishing, it's a cautionary tale.
If she does not wish...
If that's so,
If you do not know, I cannot tell you.
If you don't have the means
If you don't know that the Earth
If you make no wish at all,
If you think keeping someone like a bird in a cage is kind.
If you would be gone.
In an endless shape shifting mosaic.
In any case, few would believe me.
In each other's minds and bodies.
In favor of her own sons over his beloved Mustafa.
In the beginning, it was glowing.
In the beginning, we took pleasure
In the Caucasus and Mesopotamia.
In the ceaseless game of power.
In the courtyard of the concubines
In the days that followed,
In the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul,
In the palace of a thousand rooms,
In the seraglio.
In the smallest of those rooms,
In this room,
In your own time.
Including me?
Into the presence of his father,
Into their hands,
Invisible and alone, for all of time.
Is a wonder, Alithea.
Is being undermined.
Is it a truth, or simply a madness?
Is it all too much to ask?
Is it too much?
Is it within my power?
Is it your heart's desire?
Is she with someone?
Is that possible?
Is there any life in you? Are you even alive?
Isn't it all too much?
It all evaporated,
It became my greatest desire to... to keep her,
It debauches him royally.
It is quite a story.
It is very delicate,
It is your nature to be mortal.
It manifests rudely from time to time.
It metastasizes and outlives love.
It takes charge for a moment, and then it steps back.
It was as if she was waiting for me.
It was so easy.
It will be amazing.
It will melt in your mouth.
It will not be damaged. Please put through X ray.
It would not have overfilled.
It's a gift of oneself given freely.
It's a hazardous art.
It's a saltshaker.
It's been damaged by fire. Pick something else.
It's desperate. You must help me.
It's going to be a very big problem.
It's how they live. What they believe.
It's more like a vapor,
It's my heart's desire.
It's nan e nokhodchi. Chickpeas, cloves, pistachio.
It's not much of a story.
It's not something one can ever ask for.
It's not such an easy place nowadays.
It's quite fragile.
It's science. It's a scientific fact.
It's the Agatha Christie room.
It's true, but human beings are capable
Its rules quickly learn, I find.
Jack: This is exciting!
Jolly good, Dr. Binnie. I hope you are well rested.
Just a few words and she could have been free
Just one more wish.
King Solomon?
Known only to the dead Gulten.
Kosem needs to protect the throne.
Languages, poetry.
Lately, my imagination's been getting the better of me.
Left to my own oblivion,
Lest its powers fall into other hands.
Let me guess. No one dies in it.
Like a ghost.
Like the genius da Vinci,
Like Tiny Einstein?
Living off the exercise of her scholarly mind.
Long after she begged him to leave.
Love is a gift.
Love is not something we come to by reason.
Madam, I was there.
Madam, your yearnings are not at all clear to me.
Made a masterpiece of her manipulations,
Make a wish!
Make it your heart's desire.
Married at 12 to a wealthy merchant.
May I ask you something?
Mine to be immortal.
More interested in his poetry
More or less.
More than your own freedom?
Murad is back.
Murad! (echoing)
Must close door.
My Djinn, if this world is not for you,
My fate turns specifically on this fetish.
My impossible.
My love?
My name is Alithea Binnie.
My name is Alithea.
My stars, how I tried.
My story is true.
My Sultan.
My work would be so much easier.
Mythology is what we knew back then.
Never have I wanted a creature so.
Nine, ten.
No one to know me, nor feel me, nor sense me.
No wish was made to save us both.
No, I could not wish for more.
No, in fact, I was free.
No, no, no.
No, no, no. He was not of flesh and blood.
No, thank you, Gunhan.
No! No X ray! Please!
No! Nyet!
No. It is science.
No. It's your obligation.
No. Never.
No. No.
None end happily.
Nor can I absolve sin
Nor may you wish for eternal life.
Nor treat me casually.
Not even if it were profoundly evil?
Not even the ones that are supposed to be jokes.
Not for him.
Not if it meant my freedom.
Not in battle.
Not necessarily.
Not to be complacent.
Now, let's, uh, not get ahead of ourselves.
Now, the poor girl told me
Number one. I wish your headache were gone.
Number two.