Ass right
Bad things
Diffrent Strokes Theme Song
Don't be afraid
Don't cha
Don't you
Feel me snake my way all up inside and through you
Garry Coleman Assault Trial
Gary Coleman Sounds Sound
Guess what baby
Guilty feelings
Ha ha ha ha
Hamline on my floor playing with my model trains right now
Help me help you
Hey baby
Hey baby
Hi there
I have a little masking i'm put it on right now
I know how it is
I'll put on some nice adult contemporary music to set the mood
I'm going to ask you one more time
I'm gonna take ya
I'm making tracks baby
I'm small
I'm small
I'm wearing brown pants an old navy crew neck and a pair of red sketches
Imagine my tiny body crawling all over you boo
It won't hurt
It Won't Hurt Much
Kimberly Meeting The Boys
Let me tell you what i'm wearing
Lots my name
Makin tracks
Meeting With Mr
My thumbs move almost at the speed of light
Oh just lay bag and listen
Saying goodbye to his goldfish
Slowly from behind
Sound really pretty
Talking About His Goldfish
Talking About Their Records
We all have those guilty feelings in our hearts
We can play some playstation
We've all did bad things baby
What you talking about asshole?
What's my name
Whatchoo talkin' about Willis
When you see my skills you'll get hot
Why don't you flip over on your stomach
You are the most special girl in the world
You go where i'm gonna take you
You like that don't you
You sound really pretty