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Starcraft Sounds

Starcraft Sounds

The original StarCraft, its Brood War expansion, and StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty are free to download and play from Blizzard's website. StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm expansion, which was released in March 2013, is a remastered version of the original StarCraft.
See also: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, StarCraft II, StarCraft (video game), Races of StarCraft, Characters of StarCraft, StarCraft: Brood War.

Abandoning auxiliary structure
About time
Acknowledged HQ
Add-on Complete
Additional supply depots required
Affirmative sir
Ah thats the stuff
Ah yeah
All crews reporting.
All right
Alright then
Alright! Bring it on
And dispense some indiscriminate justice
And now I gotta put up with this too
Anytime you're ready
Are you going to give me orders
Are you trying to get invited to my next BBQ?
At what the hell I need that college money
Attack formation
Base is under attack
Battle cruiser operational
Buckle Up
Call the shot
Can I take your order
Channel open
Checklist completed SOB
Checklist protocol initiated
Cloaking SFX
Come again
Commlink Online
Coordinates received
Damn I'm taking orders from a pup
Death cry
Decisive action
Delighted to sir!
Do you mind
Doesn't take a telepath to know what you're thinking
E=Mc... Doh, let me get my notepad.
Easily amused
Everybody 's gotta die sometime red
Explorer reporting
FDIC approved
Fire it up
Firebat death
Flamethrower SFX
Ghost Death
Ghost reportin
Give me something to shoot
Go ahead commander
Go ahead commander
Go ahead HQ
Go ahead taccom.
Go go go
Goliath online
Good day commander
Got any questions about propane
Greetings command
Hailing Frequencies Open
Hang on. We're in for some chop
Hey there
Hey, how’d I get here?
Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces
How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit
How y'all doing
I am invincible. That's right!
I can't believe it put me in one of these things
I can't build it some things in the way
I can't build there
I copy that
I dig
I don't have time to fuck around
I gotcha
I gotta get me one of these
I haven't got all day
I hear that
I like the cut of your jib
I love the smell of napalm
I read ya
I read you
I read you, sir
I really have to go number one
I tell you what I think i'll join up
I think we may have a gas leak
I thought
I vote we frag this commander
I want to be all I can be
I'm a little claustrophobic though
I'm about to drop the hammer
I'm about to overload my aggression inhibiters
I'm all over it
I'm goin
I'm gone
I'm here
I'm just curious why I'm so good
I'm listen
I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight
I'm not reading you clearly
I'm ready
I'm waiting on you
I've got a job to do
I've gotta get outta here
Identify target
Identify yourself
If it weren't for these damn neural implants you be a smoking crater by now
In a general for fifteen years
In case of a water landing you may be used as a flotation device
In the pipe, five by five
In transit HQ
Input coordinates
Insufficient vespene gas
Is something burning
It'd be a pleasure
Jacked up and good to go
Job's finished
Keep it up, I dare ya
Landing sequence interrupted
Last transmission breaking up come back
Let's Burn
Let's move
Let's roll
Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting
Lockdown SFX
Make it happen
Make up your mind
Marine death
Medic Death
Mil-Spec ED-209 on
Mm, fusion, eh? I'll have to remember that.
Move it!
Navcomm locked
Nearly everyone visual
Need a light?
Never Know What Hit em
No problem
No sweat
Not enough energy
Not enough minerals
Not equipped with shields
Nothing like good smoke
Now reap the whirlwind
Nuclear launch detected
Nuclear missile ready
Nuclear target
Oh is that it
Oh my god he's whacked
Oh yeah
Or propane accessories
Order sir
Orders received
Orders, captain? (SCV)
Parasite SFX
Raynor here
Ready to roll out
Receiving headquarters
Receiving transmission
Reporting for duty
Reporting in
Research complete
Right away sir
Right on
Rock N roll
Roger that
Running level one diagnostic
Scan SFX
SCV good to go sir
Set the course
Shields up weapons online
Should work
Siege Tank 1
Siege Tank 2
Somebody call for an exterminator
Something on your mind
Something you wanted
Sounds fun
Standing by
Standing by
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Starcraft Sounds Sound
Strap yourselves in void
Sure thing
Systems functional
Take it slow
Take your arms and legs inside to tell this ride comes to a full and complete stop
Target designated
That's what you need
The Flight of the Valkyries
Then i'll scratch you along with the aliens
Thinking the same thing
This is Jimmy
This Korhol outfit's a mess
This morning
This should be good
To hurl chunks please use a vomit bag in front of you
Transmit cord
Transmit orders
Umass time to play games
Unacceptable landing zone
Upgrade complete
USDA selected
Vector locked in
Wanna turn a favor
We all need some good old-fashioned discipline
We are getting way behind schedule
We gotta move
What is your major malfunction/
What now?
What's up
What's your problem is
When removing your overhead luggage weighs be careful
Who do you want
Wraith awaiting launch orders
Yeah, I'm going
Yes sir
Yes sir?
You ain't around here
You call down the thunder
You get up an annoying people don't you
You got it
You got my attention
You keep pushing this boy
You know the best star fighter in the fleet is
You want a piece of me boy
Your forces are under attack
Yours truly