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Happy Days - Season 1

Happy Days - Season 1

Happy Days is a beloved American television sitcom that aired from 1974 to 1984. Set in the 1950s and early 1960s, the series followed the lives of a group of friends and family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With its catchy theme song, iconic characters, and wholesome storylines, Happy Days quickly became a cultural phenomenon and remains a classic to this day.

The main cast of Happy Days included the talented and lovable actors:

1. Ron Howard as Richie Cunningham: With his boy-next-door charm, Ron Howard brought the character of Richie to life. Richie was an intelligent and good-natured teenager who often found himself in comical situations.

2. Marion Ross as Marion Cunningham: Marion portrayed Richie's loving and nurturing mother, whose sense of humor and warmth made her a fan favorite.

3. Tom Bosley as Howard Cunningham: Playing the role of Richie's father, Tom Bosley embodied Howard Cunningham's kind-hearted and wise character. Known for his famous catchphrase "Sit on it!", Bosley's portrayal added a layer of depth and humor to the show.

4. Erin Moran as Joanie Cunningham: Erin Moran portrayed Richie's spunky and mischievous little sister, Joanie. Her character provided comedic relief and brought a youthful enthusiasm to the series.

5. Anson Williams as Potsie Weber: Anson Williams played Richie's best friend, Potsie. Known for his unique vocal talent, Potsie often showcased his singing abilities on the show and added a dose of charm to the group.

6. Don Most as Ralph Malph: Don Most portrayed Ralph, another close friend of Richie's. Known for his infectious laugh and humorous antics, Ralph was a source of constant amusement on the show.

7. Henry Winkler as Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli: One of the most iconic characters in television history, Henry Winkler's portrayal of Fonzie, or "The Fonz," became a cultural phenomenon. With his leather jacket, slicked-back hair, and thumbs-up gesture, Fonzie became the epitome of cool. Despite starting as a minor character, Fonzie's popularity soared, making him an essential part of the show.

Happy Days resonated with audiences of all ages due to its nostalgic portrayal of the post-World War II era. The series captured the innocence of the 1950s and early 1960s, depicting a simpler time filled with family values, close-knit friendships, and a strong sense of community. The show's lighthearted humor and relatable characters made it a feel-good experience for viewers.

The theme song, "Happy Days," performed by Pratt & McClain, perfectly captured the spirit and energy of the show. Its catchy melody and uplifting lyrics instantly became an iconic part of television history. You can play and download these sounds [here](insert link).

Throughout its ten-season run, Happy Days tackled various storylines, highlighting the joys and trials of adolescence, family dynamics, and the pursuit of the American dream. The show gained a massive following and launched several spin-offs, including "Laverne & Shirley" and "Mork & Mindy," further cementing its cultural impact.

Happy Days not only entertained but also served as a time capsule, depicting the fashions, music, and social norms of its era. From Fonzie's iconic "Ay!," to the Cunningham family's living room, to Arnold's Drive-In, the show transported viewers to a bygone era.

In conclusion, Happy Days remains an influential and beloved television series that captured the hearts of millions. With its memorable cast, catchy theme song, and nostalgic setting, the show continues to bring joy and laughter to audiences today. If you're looking for a nostalgic trip down memory lane, you can play and download the sounds of Happy Days [here](insert link).

A card was ripped so they put in a new deck?
A craft handed down to me by my great uncle Nat King Kong.
A cultural void in his life.
A Diedre can be quite a surprise.
A female sheep.
A fish with a Mona Lisa smile.
A hundred and seventy five dollars.
A lady Marine.
A lot of boys Richard's age have their own cars.
A lot of distinguished men wear tuxedos.
A map, huh?
A new car? That'd be cool.
A one, two. A one, two, three, and...
A refund? I ain't no department store.
A rugged fish.
A")! Requests?
About getting anything started at the lake.
About me and Mary Lou Milligan?
About the way you were at Uncle Leo's wedding in Atlantic City.
About this bomb shelter thing.
Absolutely nobody is allowed to leave his seat during a quiz.
Actually, you're a very nice guy, I've always said that to the guys.
After a while, you get used to it.
After all, they might decide to have a dance in the intensive care ward.
All except old Roscoe, the lube man.
All he talks about is his lumbago.
All he tried to do was make out with the Senior Chipmunks.
All I can do is offer you advice.
All I had to do was to swallow a few live goldfish.
All I have is $100 in my savings.
All I know is, whenever I leave your house,
All I'm saying is Mary Lou's a nice girl.
All nominees for prom queen should check in with Miss Folson
All right, all right.
All right, all right. All together now, all right?
All right, back to the salt mines, guys.
All right, but tell me what you did so I don't do exactly the same thing.
All right, cats and kittens, that's all the popping for tonight.
All right, class.
All right, Cunningham. Cunningham.
All right, Dad.
All right, dear.
All right, everybody in the waiting room until somebody picks you up.
All right, Fonz. You came to the prom.
All right, Fonzie.
All right, Fred, what's bothering you? Is it your father in law?
All right, gentlemen, the name of the game is five card draw,
All right, get ready,
All right, I'll go.
All right, now look, I'm gonna call all your parents
All right, pretend you're not talking to me. Turn around.
All right, Roscoe's in and he raises you one.
All right, Sloppy Sixties is over.
All right, then, well...
All right, we'll be anonymous legends.
All right, you guys, back to the table.
All right, you want some advice? Here's some advice.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. All right.
All right. Bring it around to the shop.
All right. How about a little seven card high low.
All right. Oh, don't you all look lovely.
All right. Richie.
All rights reserved. No part of this book..."
All that talk about feeling out of place. That's just an excuse, Marion.
All they do is stick you in this room and rip out your throat.
All we had was some beer
All you cats who couldn't make it to the show,
All you do is go down to Principal Faraday's office and explain it to him.
All you gotta do
Always remember, before you pull out, take the speaker off.
Am I prejudiced? It's hard to tell.
An $8.50 colour converter.
AN for Fonzie stand and holler. Yeah!
And a discount coupon to have my ears pierced.
And a racoon coat.
And after everything that happened,
And also a pretty good basketball player.
And another thing, I'm not too choked up about this chair.
And Arlene's Gloria's best friend. I told her we'd double, and...
And buddies should help buddies, right?
And decided against buying the shelter.
And don't worry about dessert, she'll be wearing it.
And dragging are gonna be around a long time, you know.
And drop that flag. Got it?
And drop that flag. Got it?
And even getting rid of his name. So why don't you just give it to me?
And every night she let you kiss her, right?
And everyone, including our children, have got to live with it.
And find that the whole world has been destroyed,
And for the reception, I'll make some delicious cheese dips
And gave him a just punishment.
And give me brandy and warm water.
And he didn't just write, "I love you." He did it symbolically
And he didn't tell me until we were leaving
And he has to go out into the world and broaden his horizons.
And he ought to go back and tell the truth.
And he realises that there's more to life than just being a mechanic
And he wants to finish his education
And he's gonna have more pain than me because he's taller.
And here, will you lock up when you leave?
And his mother and I are concerned about his safety.
And hope someday she'll call me up.
And how many ancient Egyptians do you see around today, huh?
And I admit I was... I was quite a hustler.
And I bet you never would have guessed that I have one of these.
And I came out looking for my... son, and...
And I can even put up with the wedding being held here.
And I couldn't help notice you were staring.
And I didn't even get a date.
And I do agree with the part about not fighting.
And I don't know anybody else in this town. So how about it?
And I don't like someone calling my dinner a murdered animal.
And I don't think he's gonna be too understanding.
And I don't think it's gonna be a landslide.
And I don't want any of that beatnik stuff during dinner, either.
And I figure that hot rods
And I got the talent.
And I hate tuxedos, and now I know why Dracula was so irritable.
And I know a lot of jokes.
And I need you to help me out.
And I owe you one.
And I took her home, but I don't even know her name.
And I was a little thinner.
And I was wondering if you'd read some of it.
And I went with the church choir to Ann Arbor.
And I'd say that that doesn't happen every day in this neighbourhood.
And I'll go along with whatever you decide.
And I'll see you tomorrow.
And I'll take care of Richie.
And I'll tell you what, instead of using these cards
And I'm an honour student
And I'm gonna get back every cent I paid them.
And I'm gonna recommend it to my friends.
And I'm gonna win your money back, but not with that deck.
And I'm sure he'll have your daughter home very soon.
And I've really enjoyed studying with you, Richie.
And if they don't drop the bomb I won't have any friends.
And if you don't stop moving you're gonna have
And in laws and stuff. I mean, all those people.
And it didn't say nothing in there yet.
And it didn't sound good. And then one day,
And it happened. Am I scaring you?
And it was obvious that we weren't right for each other.
And it's duller than school.
And just where do you think you're going?
And last Arbor Day she was picked as "Miss Sapling."
And let me handle plastered.
And let the honey coat your throat.
And look at this one. Now, why have you got the word "oops" written on it?
And maybe the kids will change things.
And Mr. Finley ripped the phone right off the wall.
And Mr. Fitzsimmons punched you in the eye.
And my father owns a hardware store on the corner of Alcott...
And my legs are stiff from sitting like a pretzel.
And now Miss Teen Angel and her runner up
And now the happy couple are off on their honeymoon.
And now they're going to mark it.
And now you're playing musical chairs and there's no music.
And now, I am going to write it on the bathroom wall. In blue.
And now, without much further ado, the event you've all been waiting for.
And of course you wanna be right near Pop, right?
And play with your Hula Hoop for a while?
And Potsie got his bike back.
And pretend to be Tinker Bell. I'll see if I can find them.
And punch out the biggest guy.
And Rex the Wonder Horse.
And right now I am a very tense man.
And right now, I'm using the term loosely.
And she is Arlene Holder.
And she loves when you blow in her ear.
And she loves you and you should have kids.
And she should only make one sandwich for the picnic."
And she wants you to meet her and someone named Trudy at Arnold's.
And show you where we're gonna build it.
And since we're studying together
And so I was leaving town and my car broke down.
And starve yourself to death.
And stay there until somebody dances with him.
And take out a piece of paper for a pop quiz.
And take your time.
And tell me what you think of it.
And that buying a junky old car like that was really stupid.
And that dumb bird messed up my notes at the window.
And that these hands are registered with the FBI as lethal weapons.
And that wedding is gonna take place right here in this house.
And the best way to show you've been around is, when you read, sort of:
And the choo choo isn't gonna help this time.
And the entire backfield of Whitman High.
And the portable radio.
And the truth is, I haven't had much time to do my own.
And then before you know it, I got a lot of kids.
And then Fonzie came in and saved us,
And then heading out for the submarine races?
And then we are gonna see the best show of our lives.
And then we'll decide what to do.
And then whatever.
And then you and I are going to the frat house,
And then your friend wouldn't be moping around all the time.
And there are about six little things you gotta do first.
And there she is again alone...
And there's something extra for yourself.
And they could decide to drop it on us.
And think about what it's gonna be like
And this Fonzie person will all feel much better. Take my word for it.
And walk around looking like the Good Fairy.
And watch.
And we Dukes always keep our word.
And we had the wildest water bomb fight.
And we're going down there to take it back.
And we've been playing it all night.
And when they come to me, I don't look at the colour,
And who knows? Someday, chicken in a basket.
And won $50 in a poker game.
And you can see patches of blue underneath.
And you don't mind
And you keep an eye on her.
And you know they've all been in trouble with the police?
And you know what your brother is like without a basketball.
And you know why?
And you said I didn't.
And you twisted your hair a lot.
And you'll have your tonsils out by 6 that afternoon.
And you're the most worldly person around here.
And your mother's out buying some more jelly beans
And, Richard, I don't wanna see her smoking any of those funny cigarettes.
Another bingo.
Another cultural evening.
Another family meeting? That's two in one week.
Anybody who'd rob the place is at the rock 'n' roll show.
Anything we have's yours.
Anyway, I got a '39 box...
Anyway, Rich, I'll tell you one thing.
Anyway, thank you for what you did.
Are there any requests? I know most of the hit parade.
Are they gone?
Are we getting warm?
Are you a psychiatrist?
Are you and Rich having a fight?
Are you ashamed of me?
Are you chicken?
Are you coming with us, dear?
Are you going to the drag race?
Are you gonna build a bomb shelter in your yard?
Are you gonna punish me now or in the morning?
Are you guys sure you know how to play?
Are you kidding?
Are you kidding? I'd bet everything on that.
Are you kidding? Ralph Malph says they're a sure hickey.
Are you kidding? She's not going with Bag, but a Demon.
Are you planning to live around here?
Are you sure you want that?
Are you sure? I did this when I was in the seventh grade.
Are you telling me that living through a bomb
Aren't you two gonna dance?
Aren't you, Rich?
Arlene has her heart set on going to this thing.
Arlene's really gonna be happy about this.
Arthur says if we want olive oil we gotta buy two salads.
As a matter of fact, keep doing it until I say stop.
As a sort of a personal little secret message to Nikita Khrushchev
As if nothing happened, huh?
Ask Rich, he'll know.
At first you put them on my car, and now I find them on my girl.
At his father in law's office.
At least it'll all be over soon.
At least you can give us some advice.
At the World Series, he could throw out the first snowball.
Ate those itty bitty fish alive...
Aunt Bessie's bringing the slides from her trip to Yonkers.
B plus.
Baby, please say yes.
Babysitting with Mary Lou Milligan. Man, oh, man.
Barbara Jo always takes things really seriously.
Be a friend good and true And pay a visit long past due
Beatnik stuff?
Because I got wounded by a grenade.
Because I'm not opening that door for anyone.
Because it's always dark at 3:00 in the morning.
Because she should be there any minute.
Because she was travelling Europe with the Army.
Because she wouldn't and he was embarrassed he didn't.
Because we weren't gonna spend all our time talking,
Because we're white and they're black.
Because whenever I study with boys all they think about is how to kiss me.
Because you're white and I'm black.
Because, you know, helping someone else cheat is just like...
Bed spins?
Before they leave, I think you'd like to read this.
Being the head of the house is a lonely job.
Believe me, I'll understand. But please, think about it first.
Besides, I didn't either.
Besides, I thought Dad showed a lot of spunk.
Besides, you look so handsome when you're all dressed up.
Besides, you've gotta live here, not me.
Best part comes at the late show.
Bet you wouldn't tell that pretty little nurse that she's a bigot.
Bingo? What bingo?
Bird, beat it, bird, you're on my notes. Bird.
Bird, look what you did to my notes.
Box of candy on Valentine's Day anonymously. He was a devil.
Boy, have you got it M A D E. It'll be a great place to take the chicks.
Boy, I'd hate to be you after school.
Boy, oh, boy, there's sure some dodoes around here.
Boy, Rich, are we dumb. Taken in by the old Hoboken Hustle.
Boy, this thing's cost us a fortune.
Boy, will we talk.
Boy, you really yelled at me then.
Boys, boys, no skating in the hall.
Brian, what are you doing?
Bright boy.
But after a while, I won out.
But afterwards, you get to eat as much ice cream as you want.
But at least he went in his sleep.
But before I bring up Miss Teen Angel,
But do you know what's really missing?
But do you think that's wise, mixing jelly beans and egg salad so soon?
But don't ask me to help.
But don't mention it to everybody, all right?
But even if it was, there wouldn't be a problem.
But good daddies better not make a habit of it.
But he only writes for Humpty Dumpty Magazine.
But he sleeps with me.
But how am I gonna get them all on my bike at the same time?
But how does the sheep fit in?
But I already sold them to Iggy Wilson.
But I couldn't help noticing that there's a man in the kitchen.
But I did not know she was also a lush.
But I did see a house on the block that I might buy.
But I don't get it. See you later, Richie.
But I don't know what happens when the girl takes me home.
But I don't think it would do you any good to go on down to the pool hall
But I think I ought to tell you I only eat vegetables.
But I think that you should handle measles, mumps and the grippe,
But I think you look more like My Little Margie.
But I thought he would wait until after the wedding.
But I thought you wanted to be a cop.
But I was talking to my mother last night
But I was thinking that I might drop by anyway.
But I was wondering if you're free for this Friday.
But I'm not crazy about tattoos.
But I've heard that one before.
But if he lost it playing cards, well, then it's lost.
But if it's gonna make you uncomfortable,
But if you eat any, you usually throw up. Then your throat kills you.
But if you keep after them sooner or later they'll come around.
But it was the truth.
But let Richie hold the money.
But listen, this is real good material.
But my mother wants me to get a crew cut.
But next time, it won't be.
But no way can I put up with that piano playing.
But now she's going outwith me.
But she came down with the Asiatic flu.
But she was also the prom queen
But someday when we come out of this shelter
But that I am gonna be the best man at his wedding.
But that other guy had a fistful of Gorgeous George's curls.
But the important thing is to make them think you know all about poker.
But there's no trouble here.
But there's something I have to take care of at Arnold's. I'll be right back.
But they were walking with the beat.
But they're our neighbours.
But this is something that I honestly believe in.
But to bust heads over Potsie's little two wheeler, huh?
But we didn't.
But we don't have a bomb shelter.
But we made it just in time for the submarine races.
But we sort of lost the last hand, though.
But what? Now, look, it's too late to have a last fling,
But you and Potsie will have to work a couple of weekends in the store.
But you had to go out and have a nasty old drag race.
But you have to be smart to play.
But you haven't touched your food, dear.
But you should know not to sit close to Daddy when wrestling is on.
But you showed real responsibility staying in the store like that,
But you sure have rotten luck.
But you're compounding your tardiness by speaking in class.
But you're the only guy I knew who could get a truck.
But, Dad, she might do some of her funniest falling tonight.
But, look, I'll tell you what, why don't I pay you in chips? Here.
But, Marion, it doesn't have to be spotless, it's just a garbage can.
But, Richard, I think I was wrong last night.
But, well, dragging's against the law.
But, you know,
Buttons? Rich, it's either snaps or hooks.
By following his sister, "Hot Lips" MacDonald.
By guys who are in the Demons,
By jackets with Demons written on it
By just staring at her?
By the head of the house and that is me.
By the time you save them, your favourite shows will be off the air.
By the way, you can call me Marsha.
Bye bye.
Bye, Richie.
Bye, Sweetheart.
Bye. Thanks again for bringing him home.
Called "Favourite Recipes of Hollywood Wives."
Can I give you a lift home?
Can I make a suggestion?
Can we afford a bomb shelter?
Can we discuss arts and crafts later?
Can we go to bed now?
Can we have your attention?
Can you fall in love with a girl who has a reputation?
Can you rabbit punch?
Can you wait just a second, Richie? I'm almost through with the headline.
Can't you see I'm trying to make time with a chick?
Care to join us for a sandwich?
Carlsbad Caverns? Hey, that sounds neat.
Carol Rensco? She's old hat. We broke up Wednesday.
Carol, what he says.
Carol's family doesn't have many friends on this side of town.
Certainly not his grades from last semester.
Chaperones aren't supposed to dance when they're on duty.
Chaperoning Richie's prom is an honour.
Charlie McCarthy.
Charmaine, the chick across the room.
Checking to make sure all the numbers are there, that's all.
Cheers, Potsie.
Chuck Berry, the Mellow Kings, Gloria Hoffsteader and me.
Chuck is doing much better this year, dear.
Chuck, I've told you not to dribble in the house.
Cindy, do you think I'm cute?
Cindy, I know you think of me as this nice, sort of square,
Cindy, I'd really like to talk to you about something.
Cindy. You can't be in love with her. I am. Right, Rich? I told you at lunch.
Class, we have a new student.
Closest I ever came was when I got stuck in the elevator with Ziggy Wilson.
Come and help me in the kitchen, dear, or you'll be the last fall.
Come here and hold up Cloris for a minute, will you?
Come here, I'll make you a deal.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here. What's up?
Come in.
Come on in, Dad.
Come on, act cool.
Come on, burger, no onions. Who's the kid with good breath?
Come on, Dad, throw out the dice.
Come on, Dad.
Come on, dear. Eat your breakfast.
Come on, Fonz, you can do it. Come on.
Come on, Fonz.
Come on, guys, I'm busy as a one armed paper hanger.
Come on, he won enough already.
Come on, honey, I don't have all day.
Come on, one more spoonful. The doctor says it's good for you.
Come on, Potsie, it's your imagination. She's a college girl.
Come on, Rich, let's sneak out.
Come on, Rich.
Come on, Rich.
Come on, Rich. I'm your best friend. You can tell me. How far did you get?
Come on, this is fantastic.
Come on, we got time for one more order of milk.
Come on, who gets the black cow?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Everything to you is such a big event.
Come on. I got something to show you.
Come on. Let's get something to eat, Rich.
Come on. Step right off.
Congratulations. You made it through the first step.
Cooty has a colour TV.
Cops. Cops.
Copyright, 1947, by E.P. Dutton and Company, Incorporated.
Cough. You know, like when you got a cough.
Could I bring a date to the shelter?
Could I see it again?
Could I use your phone? I'm sorry to bother you.
Could we sit down on the couch for this next thing?
Could we sort of hurry, Dad?
Couldn't be that you had too much to drink, now, could it?
Couldn't you give me a few details? I've been waiting a long time.
Couldn't you sleep with something smaller?
Couldn't you speed it up, huh? We're supposed to meet Ralph.
Cunningham, come here.
Cut the deck, but don't show me your card.
Cute. Know what I mean? You know what I mean?
Cutter's rod took longer than I expected.
Cutting classes, showing my tattoo to the chicks.
Dad asked him to stay until after the wedding.
Dad invited somebody over to the house for dinner.
Dad thinks you look like Doris Day.
Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?
Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?
Dad, how did you know about this Hoboken Hustle thing?
Dad, I don't understand what's happening.
Dad, I just wanna do my part as a good American.
Dad, I really have something that I have...
Dad, I sure am glad that you're not gonna
Dad, I think you understand me a lot better than I thought you did.
Dad, I thought the idea was to win the money back.
Dad, I want you to meet my friend Miss Verna Laverne.
Dad, Mom, can I talk to you for a second?
Dad, my collar stays are in the bathroom.
Dad, remember the last time I ran away from home?
Dad, she has nowhere to go.
Dad, tell me,
Dad, the bed's doing flip flops.
Dad, the way I figure it is
Dad, there's something I better tell you about the drill today.
Dad, there's something I'd like
Dad, we figured that if things come down
Dad, what I wanted to talk about...
Dad, you don't understand. You're not even trying to understand.
Dad, you know the front door to the store? Well, it's locked.
Dad, you said you usually stay at the store until 9:00 on Saturdays.
Dad, you're only gonna be gone a little while. Are you scared?
Daddies are allowed to stay out as late as they want.
Daddy dented my whole body.
Dance a little, write a couple of things on the bathroom wall, go home.
David and Ricky don't have cars. Beaver doesn't have a car.
Daylight scenes?
Dear, I don't like to hear you talk like that.
Dear, I told you not to wear your ears at the table.
Dear, I'm sure that's not why those nice people at Nash invented that seat.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today
Debbie Hochhouser, who also bites.
Dedicated to Richard's first bowl of oatmeal.
Definitely strawberry. Orange makes my lips break out.
Devilled ham.
Did he mention if I had a good time?
Did I hear someone mention a drag race?
Did I miss anything good today at Arnold's?
Did I tell you to raise your hand yet?
Did it have a warranty?
Did it leave a will?
Did Mary Lou say she wanted to go outwith me?
Did she ever go outwith you?
Did somebody call me?
Did they put your tonsils in a bottle?
Did you ever play against Jim Thorpe?
Did you ever play poker?
Did you ever take out a girl with hooks?
Did you ever think about getting married?
Did you ever think that ours
Did you happen to notice our son?
Did you happen to see a red station Waggon
Did you have plans, dear?
Did you meet a girl there and walk her home?
Did you try blowing in her ear?
Did you, Richie?
Didn't I just buy you new spark plugs, huh?
Didn't raise my son to be a soldier.
Didn't wanna dance with you, huh?
Didn't you think Frankie Molina was an all right guy today?
Diedre can stay but she's your responsibility
Do I have to leave?
Do it all the time.
Do we have to sit this way every time we watch TV?
Do you always study in the living room?
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
Do you have your own bomb shelter?
Do you know any Count Basie?
Do you know how long it takes to put on mascara?
Do you know how much beating up the Dukes can do in five minutes?
Do you like to win, Potsie?
Do you mind if we talk for a couple minutes?
Do you realise someday an Eskimo could become president?
Do you remember our prom?
Do you think he could adopt me before my father gets home?
Do you use op. Cit. Or ibid.?
Do you want me to tell him about the tattoo?
Do you want me to turn down the lights?
Do you want these guys to think you're some kind of flaky kid?
Does he have to miss the show, Howard?
Does Mr. Candlestick Maker beat Old Maid?
Doesn't look like a hickey.
Doesn't Richard look nice tonight.
Doesn't she look pretty, Richard?
Don't ask.
Don't come too close, Marion. I may be contagious.
Don't ever use the word "stole" around here.
Don't fight in front of the children.
Don't grab my sweater.
Don't let them talk you into doing anything you don't wanna do.
Don't mention it.
Don't mention it. Well, I better be going.
Don't take it too hard. It'll probably blow over by the time you're 30.
Don't tell everybody I got a bomb shelter.
Don't tell me, you're starting your own teenage gang.
Don't threaten me, Richard.
Don't touch these chairs, Marion.
Don't worry about it, huh? My boss ain't gonna miss the truck
Don't worry about it. Take it from me.
Don't worry, Ralph, we'll be there.
Don't worry, Rich. When it's over, we'll laugh about it.
Don't worry.
Don't worry. He's doing some last minute work on my rod.
Don't you ever worry about them dropping the big one?
Don't you get the best oil?
Don't you got any manners at all?
Don't you knock before you come into a man's office?
Don't you know this is Dukes' turf?
Don't you realise there's a lovely girl waiting inside
Don't you think that it was guilt that made you ask Fred
Don't you think we should move the bathroom somewhere else
Don't you think you boys should say something?
Don't you worry, Marion. He is not getting a tattoo.
Dorothy Roadwald says you did a little babysitting over the weekend.
Double sundae for the kid whose teeth must be rotting right out of his head.
Dr. McKay's asking Dad why he has a sock around his neck.
Dr. McKay's in there with Daddy.
Drop dead.
During a drill you go where you'd go for the real thing.
E W E? I love "ewe."
Eight blocks at a full trot.
Eight, 10, king, seven.
Either Fonzie wants you or he has the whooping cough.
Elizabeth Taylor made it for Eddie Fisher on their honeymoon.
English book.
Ernie, just before you came in we took another vote
Especially against Skizzy.
Especially one that comes out of a cake.
Espresso we got. You want love, go home to your teddy bear.
Even bomb shelter salesmen have feelings.
Even Dracula wears a tuxedo.
Even the birds are against him.
Even the laundry can't give you that kind of service on your shirts.
Ever since I got pregnant.
Every night now for a week.
Every time he comes to this house, he wears the same shirt.
Every time somebody didn't tip, he'd crush their butter.
Every time you brought the water bucket
Everybody gets it. Even Eskimos get cold feet.
Everybody goes to the drive in movie.
Everybody got their angel dust?
Everybody who's grounded better beat it. Come on.
Everyone's not in the picture.
Everything, including the money that we earned.
Everything's checked here but the football field.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Except for the funny white spots on the wall.
Excuse me, I think we're ready to start now.
Excuse me, Mr. Cunningham,
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Fred, Aunt Natty wants to meet you.
Family meetings are no fun.
Feel free. Do what you want.
Fellow leathernecks, I give you Verna Laverne.
Fifty dollars.
Fighting's no good. Guys can get hurt. I can get hurt.
Fine, Pots. Come on, Richie, move.
Fire, hospital.
First door on your left.
First one out of the game is a draft dodger.
First she drags me here, now she's Teen Angel. I can't win.
First, we have to find out if you're really Demon material.
Five minutes? Oh, no.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Folks, I think we're ready to start the wedding now.
Fonzie felt that there was a...
Fonzie fixed it up.
Fonzie is driving Ralph's car.
Fonzie says you're gonna help him cheat.
Fonzie took it off our hands for $25.
Fonzie used to be a Demon.
Fonzie wasn't mad at all. We're still good friends.
Fonzie will be here soon as he finishes working on Cutter Margolin's headers.
Fonzie, didn't you ever regret dropping out?
Fonzie, how did you know that that speaker's busted?
Fonzie, I gotta tell you something.
Fonzie, I'm sorry, but I can't cheat.
Fonzie, that's terrific.
Fonzie, watch this. Wait till you see this. It's gonna be great.
Fonzie, we need the advice of a worldly person.
Fonzie, you remember my parents.
Fonzie, you should have seen the party we went to last night.
Fonzie, you were in the Demons, weren't you?
Fonzie? I have a problem.
Fonzie's a hood.
Fonzie's a hood.
Fonzie's right. All the Demons are bananas.
For a drag race?
For a pregnant beatnik.
For crying out loud, I feel like I'm in church.
For having the cleanest restrooms.
For lots of things. For running errands for Mom.
For once I looked into her eyes I knew I'd found my purpose.
For once I looked into her eyes I knew I'd found my purpose.
For the rest of the entire prom.
For those hoodlums down at the pool hall.
For your dancing pleasure, music by Billy Comstock and the Chords.
Frankie Molina is not that bad.
Frankie Molina is the leader of the Dukes voluntarily.
Frankie said he owed you a favour.
Frankie, can't you see that there is honour in settling things
Frankie, there's your pigeon.
Fred, say hello to one of our neighbours, Mrs. Finley.
Fred, this is no time to be shooting baskets.
Fred, you and I aren't getting married.
Fred's marrying a hometown girl here on Sunday.
From Punky MacDonald.
From school and this is just sort of a message to her.
From the kitchen.
Fuel pump, you know
Funny as a crutch, Ralph.
Funny cigarettes?
Funny? What's funny?
Future generations?
Gainsborough put those nice little 2's in his eyes for a reason.
Gasoline is Skizzy's best.
Gee, can I talk to you for a minute?
Gee, Dad, this party is really a big deal.
Gee, fellas, I'm terribly sorry. I thought for a minute you pulled a fast one.
Gee, I didn't know. Congratulations. I love weddings.
Gee, Potsie, I shouldn't be meeting a girl today.
Gee, Potsie, you should act this nice all the time.
Gee, you know, I hear the Giants might move to San Francisco.