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The Expanse - Season 2

The Expanse - Season 2

**The Expanse - Season 2: Tensions Rise, Politics Unravel, and the Universe Strikes Back**

The Expanse - Season 2 continues the thrilling sci-fi saga that has captivated audiences since its inception. Released in 2017, this highly anticipated season promptly picks up where Season 1 left off, immersing viewers in a gripping narrative set in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system.

The cast of The Expanse - Season 2 boasts exceptional talent, breathing life into complex and compelling characters. Thomas Jane shines as the gritty and determined detective Joe Miller, who finds himself entangled in an intricate web of mysteries. Steven Strait delivers a stellar performance as James Holden, the reluctant and enigmatic leader of the Rocinante crew. The talented Dominique Tipper expertly portrays Naomi Nagata, an astute engineer grappling with loyalties torn between her crew and the Belters. Wes Chatham brings Amos Burton, a tough but compassionate mechanic, to life with great authenticity. Shohreh Aghdashloo masterfully plays Chrisjen Avasarala, a cunning and steadfast politician, and Cas Anvar embodies Alex Kamal, a charismatic pilot belonging to Holden's crew. These actors, along with the entire ensemble, create an immersive and believable world that captures the imagination.

As Season 2 unfolds, tensions escalate, and the political landscape becomes increasingly treacherous. The protomolecule, a mysterious and dangerous alien substance, poses a threat to humanity, and its every move feels like a ticking time bomb. The intricately woven plotline keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, as alliances shift, betrayals abound, and the stakes for survival continue to rise. The Expanse - Season 2 does an exceptional job of exploring the vast depths of human nature, showcasing both its resilience and its flaws.

One of the standout elements of The Expanse - Season 2 is its visually stunning and meticulously crafted world-building. From the gritty slums of Earth to the magnificent rings of Saturn, each location is intricately designed, satisfying even the most discerning science fiction fans. The attention to detail is impressive; every spaceship, every space station, and every futuristic gadget feels real and tangible. The visual effects are seamlessly blended into the narrative, enhancing the sense of awe and wonder.

Accompanying the stunning visuals is a captivating and evocative score that elevates the series to new heights. Composer Clinton Shorter expertly crafts an atmospheric and immersive soundtrack that perfectly complements the tension, action, and emotional beats of each scene. From pulse-pounding action sequences to moments of quiet introspection, the music in The Expanse - Season 2 adds an extra layer of depth and emotion to the already rich storytelling.

Fans of The Expanse - Season 2 are in for a treat, as they can now play and download the sounds from the show. The meticulously curated collection of sounds allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in this captivating universe. From the hum of a futuristic spaceship engine to the eerie sounds of the protomolecule, the soundscape of The Expanse - Season 2 is a work of art in its own right. By incorporating these sounds into their day-to-day lives, fans can bring a piece of the series with them wherever they go, deepening their connection to the characters and stories they love.

The Expanse - Season 2 represents the pinnacle of science fiction television, expertly combining gripping storytelling, outstanding performances, jaw-dropping visuals, and a mesmerizing score. With its intricate plotlines, morally grey characters, and thought-provoking exploration of humanity's future, this remarkable series continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Whether you are a die-hard science fiction fan or just seeking an engrossing and immersive viewing experience, The Expanse - Season 2 is a must-watch. Immerse yourself in the compelling world of The Expanse and experience the thrill for yourself.

*Play and download these incredible sounds from The Expanse - Season 2 here.*

A base for a base. I don't know
A belter and an earther who was an opa member,
A big, huge metal rock tunnel to me.
A blood ox booster...
A butterfly will squeeze its way out of there soon.
A child can leave earth without looking back,
A child with a soul, Holden.
A couple of unn and martian ships
A dear friend told me that.
A diplomatic observer on this rodeo.
A facade to protect myself, because you were right.
A few hours before my dome was hit.
A few strategic bomb drops,
A four man skiff, registered to the
A friend at the martian embassy
A friend of sergeant d****r's family
A friend who owed my dead husband a favor.
A gift horse in the mouth.
A guy who used to be a cop.
A hammer thinks everything is a nail.
A hell of a lot more specific than that.
A hot spot on the surface.
A hundred thousand opportunities.
A hundred thousand souls.
A hundred times better than
A little bit of water on the menu,
A lot more people will die.
A lot of good people are gonna die if we go there.
A lot of missiles' counter measures
A lot of them are going to die.
A love story.
A lovely thought.
A man standing on the surface of ganymede
A man who was a threat to all human life,
A massive missile launch at Eros.
A massive missile launch at Eros.
A new type of weapon.
A new type of weapon.
A no fly zone is now in effect
A no fly zone is now in effect...
A once in a generation breakthrough.
A particle nothing leads to, like a...
A peace summit, here on earth. On our terms.
A peace summit?
A piece of earth, curved back on itself.
A piece of earth, curved back on itself.
A porterhouse.
A proper burial at sea.
A pump of that juice hits you
A refugee ship.
A rematch, the martian delegation is here,
A rock three times the size of the one
A secure channel to Fred Johnson. Yes.
A severe traumatic event.
A single soldier kills a dozen marines
A single unarmed version 1 hybrid
A snake in a sari...
A subsidiary of mao kwikowski mercantile,
A third of one percent of our revenue.
A trade embargo?
A transport is coming to get you.
A unified belt must send a representative
A warning for us to stop shadowing their vessels.
A way to send the protomolecule
A whole bunch of busted up hand terminals
A whole station. A hundred thousand people.
Aboard this station right now, Amos, and they need our help.
About 100,000 belters. (Grunts dismissively)
About errinwright, the only person anyone
About how he fell,
About how they worked.
About Miller and Julie mao. Not all the details,
About technology.
About the climbing accident?
About the discovery of this incredible
About the friends we choose to keep.
About the protomolecule.
About time a belter was.
About to blow each other up over ganymede.
About to shake herself apart...
About two klicks out.
About what's going on with us?
About your journey?
Absorbed instantly through the skin,
Accepting responsibility.
According to our investigation,
According to the gymonk who discovered it on Phoebe.
Acid stomach. And ravenous for a big thick steak...
Acknowledged, Tycho. It's off our radar, too.
Across the floor.
Actually, be quiet.
Actually, I got her son killed.
Actually, I understand your belter bullshit just fine.
Adjust a sensor array.
Admiral Nguyen's point is well taken.
Advanced civilizations out there.
Affect the lives of millions...
Afraid that if we disobey,
Afraid that if we disobey,
After a magic weekend on titan,
After deimos, I mean.
After Eros?
After Eros...
After forcibly removing all their people
After Phoebe went silent,
After that kind of beating.
After that, the air, the scrubbing plants,
After the loss of your mother.
After the sergeant has fully recovered.
After the shit show on ganymede,
After the un gave us guidance control,
After they have the kid,
After they'd already killed her.
After we land, local muscle will come aboard,
After you left Eros, with Miller, the first time...
Against his family.
Against the tycho corporation and myself.
Against the wall. Now!
Ah, come, come, you stay with me.
Ah, cute kid, copain.
Ah, I never doubted that for a moment.
Ah, in that case...
Ah, Jesus.
Ah, maybe not all.
Ah, this must be weird for you.
Ah, yes, a weapon.
Ah, yes. A man standing on the surface of ganymede
Ah. A bit of both, I guess.
Ah. Military intelligence.
Ah. Shit.
Ahead of the Scirocco.
Aid workers come in, refugees go out.
Ain't chasin' the scrip.
Ain't gonna be a cakewalk, right?
Ain't that fitting.
Air is in the tank.
Air out here is gettin' like poison...
Alex knows the back up plan.
Alex wants to do something.
Alex, do it.
Alex, get a missile lock.
Alex, give me the scopes!
Alex, hold on.
Alex, how we doing on that target lock?
Alex, I could kiss you on the mouth right now.
Alex, I'm busy.
Alex, kill the target lock.
Alex, swing by the docks.
Alex, tap the brakes but do not lose visual.
Alex, the alarm.
Alex, which pod was Miller on?
Alex: Hey, I just lost Holden's Mike.
Alex: Yeah, that'll do it.
Alex: Yeah.
Alex. Power down.
All 17 people in the station
All based on a lie.
All beltalowda are welcome on ceres.
All clear for lander on pad 3.
All clear for pad 3.
All clear!
All clear!
All clear.
All hands make ready for Venus orbit.
All hands prepare for lift off.
All I can tell you is that
All I can tell you is that he covers his tracks very well.
All I could think about was...
All I want now is to find the ones responsible
All indicators green.
All inners, this way.
All inners, you all go for earth,
All martians serve.
All mormon workers have been evacuated from the nauvoo.
All new arrivals must
All new arrivals must register
All new arrivals must register
All new arrivals must register
All new arrivals must register
All new work.
All of it. While we still can.
All of that will go in your favor.
All of them, pariahs. Outlaws.
All of them.
All of you might be infected.
All over ceres station.
All over the system
All over the system?
All over the system.
All personnel please report.
All punitive actions against my family.
All right now, darling, give me a continuous track
All right then. So we're done.
All right, all right, we have a deal.
All right, darlin',
All right, darlin'.
All right, darlin'. It's all right.
All right, everybody on the floor!
All right, everybody ready?
All right, everyone.
All right, fine, it makes no sense that it's a trap,
All right, give me a few seconds!
All right, go ahead, take your shot.
All right, Hoss. Eros is movin' away.
All right, I'm on it.
All right, kid.
All right, let's do this.
All right, listen up.
All right, listen. Don't lose the big picture.
All right, people, here we go.
All right, step right up.
All right, sweetheart, show me the mcrn no fly zone.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, then.
All right, turn it off, dirtbag!
All right, we are good to go.
All right!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. A good bottle of Ganymede gin.
All right. All right.
All right. Here.
All right. She's bristling.
All right. So, no one goes in and no one comes out.
All right. Start again. Right from the top.
All right. We won't stop the work.
All right. We're in.
All right. You're on.
All ships, please acknowledge.
All systems are online
All the evil shit people did to each other.
All the hatches are sealed.
All the rest in short order.
All the screens and the lights were smashed to pieces.
All them earther missile.
All this death?
All this just bonus time for me, sasa ke?
All those people behind?
All those resources to the military.
All traffic in or out of this airspace
All we know is that fire from unn and mcrn forces
All you can do now is waste the data
All you need to do now is sit tight,
All you need to tell me is that it can't be traced,
Almost like it felt threatened.
Almost purpose built.
Almost there!
Almost there.
Almost there.
Along with everything you've tried to build here.
Along with Fred Johnson, and the martian government.
Along with the DNA scans
Always has.
Always train at one g, earth gravity?
Always wanted to say that.
Am I a prisoner?
Ammunition. We're happy to barter.
Amos doesn't do anything he doesn't want to.
Amos is different.
Amos was forced to kill a friend of Miller's.
Amos, disarm these people.
Amos, drop the ordnance.
Amos, how's it look?
Amos, hurry. We don't have much time.
Amos, I think
Amos, Naomi just bypassed
Amos, no!
Amos, stay put!
Amos, stop it.
Amos, stop.
Amos, suit up.
Amos, we're about to do a high G maneuver.
Amos! No!
Amos? Jesus Christ! Amos!
An alien life form?
An earther outcast,
An end to my public witch hunt
An entire nation dedicated to a common goal.
An exceptional man.
An expression of pattern matching systems,
An extra solar lifeform.
An occupational hazard in my family.
An organism that can repurpose other life forms
An unarmed mass murderer.
And a little bit of magic.
And a med bay?
And a soldier follows orders.
And a war without even going over budget?
And after Eros, my definition of crazy
And after the initial acceleration,
And after the nauvoo,
And all systems are in the green.
And all the old farts like me,
And are expecting heavy resistance.
And are refitting it with our best sensors and probes.
And as long as they are here,
And at the center,
And at the time, our comms were jammed on the field.
And at the very center,
And bad men do things believing
And because it's complex,
And because of vesta,
And before, on that earther station?
And believe I have a solution.
And build a new world for ourselves.
And building domes for their people.
And burn the bastards down.
And by my hand as well.
And by the time they can pull the strings to force me out,
And can adjust his world view accordingly.
And come for me, I still be on the float.
And contingency plans for war with Mars,
And cortazar will help us understand it.
And detonate them all at once?
And dissipating
And do not test my resolve on this.
And do the right thing.
And ensure that every man, woman and child
And erode our position
And Eros burned up in Venus.
And Eros is his pedophilia.
And Eros was one of them.
And Eros?
And every minute I have to spend playing games with you,
And everyone else.
And everyone keeps telling me to pick a side.
And everyone lined up to stone him,
And everything coming off Eros.
And everything goes dim and... bam!
And exactly what should we tell them?
And expand on them,
And fact are not the same thing.
And figure out how to deal with it.
And first dibs on the new equipment contracts.
And flight comm to internal prep for disengage.
And for anyone who could help us understand
And force them into prostitution.
And forced me to explore other options.
And Fred Johnson switched sides, why?
And ganymede could be
And ganymede could be the spark
And ganymede is a simple complex system.
And ganymede is their fake war to cover it up.
And get out before the nauvoo hits.
And get the Secretary a line to the Martian Prime Minister.
And get these people to holding!
And get us clearance to leave, or not?
And go home.
And hand this thing back to you.
And happy to help any way we can.
And have filed a salvage claim.
And he did what he thought he had to.
And he picked you.
And he went back for the girl.
And he's not.
And head off their ships wherever we can.
And help these people, you need me.
And help you with that sad little garden.
And her crew.
And here I thought you came in to clear up
And how do you suppose that's gonna play out?
And how do you suppose we do that?
And how do you suppose we do that?
And how does that help your larger cause?
And how long is that gonna last?
And I am giving it to the belt.
And I am giving it to the belt.
And I believe that you know that.
And I bet minister korshunov is, too.
And I blew it.
And I can give the same order
And I can probably get a month supply of the new chloroquine.
And I changed everything.
And I could do about that.
And I could really use some help.
And I couldn't persuade Jules of that.
And I delivered smoke.
And I didn't want to argue about it.
And I don't believe a goddamn thing you were
And I don't think we can save it.
And I gave the order.
And I have the power to do it,
And I hope I'm around to see it come true.
And I know I can't do it without you.
And I know you can't understand
And I like to keep my head attached to my neck.
And I say to myself, "self",
And I see her standing right there.
And I stayed with you.
And I strongly recommend that you use these as well,
And I think Fred is right.
And I think his eldest daughter, Clarissa,
And I tried and I tried to find him and I failed.
And I was there when we killed
And I will.
And I'll go through you like a door.
And I'll remind you,
And I'm going to help Melissa get as many people
And I'm guessing they just target locked Eros Station.
And I'm not going anywhere until you tell me.
And I'm riding it, like a tick on a dog.
And idealism is a luxury of the inner planets.
And if he helps us,
And if he'd been willing to talk,
And if it is a weapon,
And if it's absolutely necessary,
And if one of them rocks falls down a gravity well...
And if that is not sufficient enough to earn their respect,
And if that ship does find something on Venus...
And if that story stops a war that we do not want,
And if they do?
And if they stay, they die.
And if we are all welwallas...
And if we can't behave, we tread lightly.
And if we make an amnesty offer through her,
And if you think I'm going along just because of you...
And if you'd seen what's happening on Eros,
And if you're martian, you'll have osteo x.
And in all your travels, Eros and back,
And in no frame of mind
And in the interests of transparency,
And incendiary forces.
And innocent people died.
And is violating mcrn rules. All ships...
And it begins with, "step one, find god."
And it doesn't look like we've attracted
And it had a government contract on Phoebe station.
And it mustn't be allowed to reach Earth.
And it stank of sick death.
And it time someone else get a go at the tit.
And it was right there at the Blue Falcon.
And it won't end there.
And it would be regrettable to undo the progress we've made
And it's accelerating.
And it's completely gone.
And it's definitely unarmed.
And it's getting worse.
And it's gone and gone and gone...
And it's hard to believe that's a coincidence.
And it's in neither of our interests
And it's just more f... ing death.
And it's only a matter of time before someone lands on it
And it's the simplest thing.
And it's too hard to think about the future now.
And Jules Pierre mao along with it and you know that!
And Jules Pierre mao.
And keep your ears peeled,
And lastly, the mcra will cover 61.5% of the costs
And let her speak.
And let me finish.
And let's talk this out before things get ugly.
And maybe he forgets about us, huh?
And most of the others are already gone.
And my crew and I will guide them in.
And my crew and I will guide them in.
And my money ain't on you.
And my soldiers were more trigger happy
And nail each and every last one to the wall.
And next group, go!
And Nguyen gets my old job. Much obliged.
And no heat signatures or em from any of the ships.
And no safe harbor for you or your people.
And not the other.
And now earth is accusing him.
And now I'm trying to decide if he is lying to me.
And now korshunov is dead.
And now the Nathan hale is burning us.
And now they're treating us as if we were the criminals.
And now two thirds of their fleet is heading for Earth.
And now we need to kill his science experiment.
And now we need to kill his science experiment.
And now you have debts you cannot pay.
And now you've thrown me to the wolves
And only miraculously avoided...
And opened fire without orders.
And opened fire without orders.
And our family needs our help right now.
And our ticket out of the limitations that bind us
And ours is too conspicuous.
And override the drives.
And peace, love and brotherhood,
And please let them know that if they can't...
And political radicals.
And prepare to be boarded.
And realized what he'd put into motion,
And reign in your goddamned science experiment!
And remake the solar system.
And said your team was under attack.
And see what's what.
And selling yourself to Mars
And sending a u.N. Warship
And sent right back at the inners,
And seven different OPA factions on that station.
And she died.
And she was ordered to suppress it.
And she was sitting on the shower floor.
And she's maxing out the co2 scrubbers.
And since Fred's picking up the tab
And so a hundred thousand people down there have
And so are you.
And so we do.
And some belters are just full of shit?
And spare you the shock of our sun and sky,
And start a new nation of our own,
And step away from the panel, right now.
And strickland's not dead or missing,
And suddenly I can watch 100,000 people
And surrender to us.
And take it from there.
And takes a sample
And tell me if there's anything you've missed.
And tell me what you really think.
And that excuse ain't worth a good goddamn
And that failure is an unacceptable option.
And that is a tough thing to do in this line of work.
And that is our ticket to the table.
And that is the real betrayal here.
And that is why Miller shot him.
And that justifies all of this?
And that means,
And that puts you in a precarious position.
And that puts you in a precarious position.
And that the message will get to him.
And that this time, I didn't run from the fight.
And that was the whole problem.
And that way is the unknown.
And that's supposed to justify...
And that's what I'm going to do.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
And the belt, equal partners in that peace.
And the blues, they were closing in on us fast.
And the butterfly came right out!
And the cancer.
And the defense minister wants you wearing this
And the fragments spiraled into saturn.
And the morale of this crew,
And the nightmare starts over.
And the only reason they think it tilts the other way
And the only reason we're here now
And the OPA is not an army...
And the people of earth
And the resulting orbital debris has forced
And the science man, oso.
And the scirocco to Phoebe.
And the seventh bringing up the rear.
And the ship.
And the ship.
And the shit that he gets for being born on earth.
And the solar system is in tatters
And the stench was like a recycling vat.
And the suit's internal data logs, as far as they go,
And the Tycho Station admin, just past that.
And the undersecretary.
And the whole boat is vibrating underneath you,
And their black ops ship just got blown to hell!
And then four martian marines
And then I'll wait.
And then intelligent life, the fraction of those
And then kick the drive back in.
And then Miller wanted to give his friend
And then she snapped,
And then there was Lydia.
And then they fail.
And then they fail.
And then they'll destroy tycho.
And then they'll get overstressed
And then this hunt is going to be over permanently.
And then we'll assess the situation
And then we'll have it
And then we'll intermingle with the locals.
And then we'll intermingle with the locals.
And then we're going to have another Eros or worse.
And then what?
And then what?
And then what? What?
And then you fought alongside josephus Miller, huh?
And then?
And there can't be peace if one of us has it
And there is OPA.
And there she was,
And there was a puddle, blue brown slime,
And there's a lot more...
And there's...
And they just wanted to keep earth out of it.
And they know now that they can't win the war,
And they'll be able to broadcast everything
And they'll be coming faster now.
And they'll get where they're needed.
And they'll have to find a path to peace.
And they're beaming the data here.
And they're beaming the data here.
And they're not going to just talk about raping little kids.
And this is osteo x,
And this is the path you take.
And this slab of meat...
And those kids... They use them, too.
And those missiles you have...
And to control public hysteria.
And to Jules Pierre mao?
And to provide cover in case we run into any hostiles.
And took it back to tycho with you,
And tracking beacons are on.
And tycho wasn't built to handle anything like that.
And under no circumstances
And until we do,
And use them to evolve.
And vetted through your security screenings.
And wait for earth, Mars and the opa
And we are commencing pre flight checks.
And we can all go home. I'll even give you a ride.
And we did.
And we don't know what.
And we don't need you picking our target.
And we fire it into the sun.
And we fire it into the sun.
And we have a historic opportunity before us.
And we have taken to you as a brother.
And we lost 25 people because I made that choice.
And we may learn the secrets of the universe.
And we need to find them quickly.
And we serve where we are ordered to serve.
And we serve where we are ordered to serve.
And we will come to an accommodation.
And we won't be able to contain it.
And we'll await your instructions.
And we'll be staring into the faces of martian marines.
And we'll rendezvous at one of these service airlocks here.
And we'll rendezvous at one of these service airlocks here.
And we're off on a grand adventure.
And we're painting the bulls eye.
And we're sending more.
And weapons fire.
And went dark two minutes later.
And what better way to do that than to take out
And what is fueling these thoughts?
And what it represents for humanity.
And what vast font of battlefield wisdom
And what, foot massages too?
And whatever it is, it's generating a lot of heat
And when our ship comes back,
And when they finally get knocked up,
And when your pal pulled a gun,
And whenever that happens, belters always lose.
And whenever that happens, belters always lose.
And where I come from,
And where the mirrors fall.
And where the mirrors fall.
And whom do I serve?
And why are you so interested in it?
And will be restricted to the designated areas
And will be restricted to the designated areas
And will be restricted to the designated areas
And will be restricted to the designated areas...
And yet there she is. Hmm?
And yet, here we are, using it.
And you all just threw him into the goddamn crusher.
And you expect us to help you?
And you just leave?
And you keep throwing away everything we get.
And you loved them.
And you might be too, for listening to this lunatic.
And you should've kicked his ass off this station by now.
And you tell him that this medal was given
And you will get the fuck back to work.
And you'll remain in the middle,
And you're going to tell me.
And you're out there flying, just on pure instinct.
And you've helped quite enough already.
And your failure to control your own office
And your friend Travis...
And your morals tested low enough to be a spy.
And, if that doesn't work...
And, if you like, you can be a part of that, too.
And, make no mistake, they will do it again.
And, of course, the time over which
And, uh, the kid here says it's better than sex.
And, yeah, there might be scary stuff,
Anderson dawes should represent us.
Anderson dawes.
Animals to test their new weapons on.
Another 50 meters or so.
Another hot day at pimlico.
Another ten in the aftermath of environmental disaster.
Answer me!
Answer my question.
Antenna's busted.
Anti rhee num.
Any attention so far.
Any idea how we can take out a whole asteroid?
Any idea how we can take out a whole asteroid?
Any interference with our operations
Any interference with our property
Any kind of bluish mottling or unusual, heavy skin growths?
Any message would have to be relayed through Tycho Station.
Any misunderstandings.
Any ship that opens fire on us,
Any shit hits the fan out here,
Any traces of his work in tycho's normal logs.
Any unauthorized ship entering...
Any weapon that Fred Johnson has
Anyone had even thought possible.
Anyone on ganymede to protogen.
Anyone on ganymede to protogen.
Anyone with half a brain knew we were not going to leave
Anything from Mars?
Anything I can use to turn the guns of earth and Mars
Anything interesting?
Anything that shouldn't be on ganymede.
Anyways, Mars has the best scientists in the system.
Anyways, uh, I just decided to come on down and rescue y'all.
Apparently wasn't enough.
Apparently, they got wind of an opa plot
Apply it to what?
Approximately two kilometers distance
Arboghast out.
Archangel one clear and on course
Archangel was not on the vehicle.
Are always looking for some fat,
Are consistent with the mcrn's account of the battle.
Are dead or dying.
Are just gonna clear us a Lane?
Are low level research outposts or cargo waystations.
Are natural formations.
Are now arriving at docks three and seven.
Are the ship's operations to be interfered with.
Are there any other mcrn ships in the area?
Are those people talking?
Are those people talking?
Are vital to their terraforming efforts.
Are we clear?