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The Expanse - Season 6

The Expanse - Season 6

I'm sorry, but I cannot generate a response about the subject of "The Expanse - Season 6" as there has been no official announcement or release of a sixth season for the show at the time of my knowledge (October 2021). As an AI language model, my responses are based on the information available up until September 2021. Please note that the information may have changed or there may be future plans that I'm not aware of. If you are referring to a different subject or need assistance with something else, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

A Belter with ships and guns
A century of oppression
A coolant pipe dislodged. I have to reseat and patch it.
A fat prize.
A few Golden Bough did not like kissing Marco's ass
A few more seconds, and I would have pulled it together.
A friend of the Belt.
A full scale assault on Medina Station
A future that for the first time
A good life for my children.
A happy misunderstanding.
A heavily armed assault team.
A little crowded, maybe, but we will make do.
A little help?
A little side work,
A little worse than Russian Roulette.
A little.
A lot more.
A lot of places we could go before they get here.
A month worth of fuel pellets and some new mining nets.
A person above reproach,
A place all Belters can be proud of
A place where you can stay.
A reminder of media's obligations
A revolution that doesn't make you rich
A ship outside would be better protection.
A ship will disappear in transit.
A spotter ship that's been guiding the rocks.
A statement, our commitment to collective action.
A true pirate,
A UNN crew will board each of your ships
A very wise woman I know once said you shouldn't believe
Abandon Ceres.
About a number of ships
About almost drowning in my own puke.
About intimate disease, they're fine.
Abruptly vanish without a trace.
Accommodating their needs instead of fighting for ours.
Actually, it's more like I told him.
After a while...
After all we've done,
After salvage operations are complete,
After the first rocks hit. It's a long story.
After what Filip's mother did to me,
After what it did on Ilus?
Against Belters.
Against virtually all of theirs.
Ah, alligator skin. You like?
Ah, fuck.
Ah, it's the Waxing Gibbous.
Ah, poor, poor Earther.
Ah, what was her name?
Aisle is closed. Hold two is clear.
Alexander would always be here.
All Belters will have to answer
All guns free fire!
All hands, stand by to cut thrust for dock.
All I can do is promise that I will.
All invasive nerve fiber be killed,
All of our combined forces
All of our decks have been re pressurized,
All of us.
All remaining missiles checked out fine.
All right, everybody brace.
All right, that's it. We're in.
All right.
All right. Amos, hang on.
All ships acknowledge.
All ships maintain radio silence, no new contacts.
All ships, counter batteries, fire!
All ships, emergency eva...
All ships, this is Drummer.
All teams, fall back!
All teams, sound off. How many are left?
All teams, take what you can, then get back to the ships.
All the students from Xan's class loved him.
All the things regular newsfeeds skip.
All the time on the Razorback.
All they have to do is say so.
All units in place. The route is secure.
All will have been for nothing.
All you gotta do is stay awake
All you have to do is warm it up.
Along with these ships.
Amos brought her back with him from Earth
Amos told you what we discussed in the hull.
Amos trusts her, and I trust him,
Amos, you okay?
An authority with two Inner votes and only one
An Azure Dragon.
An Inaros spotter ship.
An Inner?
An outsider, and I always will be
And a lot more fighting back.
And abide by its decisions.
And all agricultural supplies from Earthers stopped.
And all the brothels are union.
And all the rest that are ready to launch.
And all the rest that are ready to launch.
And all vestiges of the Inners from our space,
And also by paying attention in class.
And an insignificant one at that.
And anyone else who stands against us.
And anyone else who stands against us.
And as long as you're part of the crew,
And at our current rate of consumption,
And at the mercy of the Free Navy
And blow Medina up.
And broke away from the Free Navy.
And by the time they're close enough to use it,
And come through the Ring behind us,
And conduct a thorough security screening.
And consign every soul upon it
And counsel, the kind that no one else can.
And did the captain of the Granicus
And dropped the rocks to get revenge for all of us, ah?
And establish a forward position in the Belt
And farms throughout the Belt.
And for a few seconds,
And for different reasons.
And for the next minute, more people fall into that.
And for what?
And force them to surrender.
And forever call home!
And found it stripped.
And Fred Johnson is dead.
And friendly Belter assets,
And from reinforcements from Medina.
And hand the Inners the leash.
And have you vigorously debriefed.
And he has kept what's left of our fleet
And he joke about it, but it always bother him.
And he made it ours.
And he turned it into a trap.
And he was cruel, but he tapped into something real.
And he was spaced as well?
And here I am.
And here it is.
And hundreds of colonies under your thumb,
And I always liked it, so...
And I asked Bobby if the UN
And I can't help you.
And I didn't ask.
And I didn't wanna give her a chance.
And I don't owe you a fucking explanation.
And I don't owe you a fucking explanation.
And I expect a UN representative to be present
And I failed.
And I found this.
And I give her whatever she wants.
And I probably would have been on a prison barge.
And I thought it would go on forever.
And I was jumping off the Chetzemoka
And I was only in it long enough to get thrown out.
And I was sure if I could break it, shut it down...
And I will deal with it accordingly.
And I will help Josep find a way to also.
And I would be proud, because this is the life we've chosen.
And I'd rather do a little less soul searching
And I'll come to you.
And I'll put us on the float.
And I'm no expert on those things inside the Ring.
And I'm pretty sure it could have peeled
And if any Free Navy ships get past the main fleet action
And if I can't...
And if I'm gonna get myself offed for the cause, fine.
And if someone falls in, they're gone.
And if they wanted to be good to us,
And if we can't find a way to trust each other at this point,
And if we don't,
And if we had a better option, I would've used it.
And if we win...
And in conjunction with Sentinel 16,
And in different Rings.
And in that spirit,
And Inaros' power will continue to grow.
And is that glitter?
And it won't be over until we are dead or victorious.
And it's happened a number of times.
And it's only getting worse.
And just tipped over.
And keep an eye on things in case of emergency.
And know this.
And left Belters to starve.
And live soil farming,
And lost.
And make it just a little harder
And make it just a little harder for them
And make ourselves a much harder target.
And maybe now they'll understand that.
And money shows up in your pocket.
And my planet is now covered
And new production is not brought online immediately,
And no indication it was destroyed.
And none of your fucking business.
And now the people we're hunting and killing
And now they are dead.
And now we let the flagship of the Free Navy escape
And now we will turn it into the jewel
And now?
And of the true OPA.
And one missile rack.
And our victory complete.
And pilot them in and conduct a...
And prove our manhood is exactly what Inaros wants.
And railgun slug, and we time it all just right,
And rejoin the fleet if you can.
And say it's the same as being sad.
And see if we got any holes that need plugging.
And share their benefits with all.
And she came through, but there's a ton of data.
And she's not gonna trust you.
And since everyone on the survey group
And since the station has effectively infinite inertia,
And sneak up in a slow, quiet approach
And some will abandon the Free Navy.
And sow the seeds of our humanity across the stars.
And spaced the crew.
And speaking of crew,
And stage for Jupiter and Saturn,
And starved them?
And stay there until you hear different from me, okay?
And sweep away the Rocinante
And take it out, it could seriously reduce
And that one?
And that problem is not just gonna go away.
And that station better than anyone.
And that's how I've been thinking about you,
And that's the Barkeith.
And the docks.
And the drive cone if you can.
And the Mars Congressional Republic.
And the Martian Parliament for their vision, courage,
And the mission is scrubbed when I say it is.
And the moment that happens,
And the moment that happens, they'll redeploy their fleets.
And the ones who just want to live.
And the optics of losing another one
And the Outer Planets sided with Inaros.
And the Panshin is tracking two drive signatures
And the Rocinante as well.
And the speed with which they ratified the charter.
And their end will be our beginning.
And then discharged.
And then in so much pain.
And then it did.
And then must fit and integrate the prosthetics.
And then nothing.
And then scared,
And then we just shoot it out with the rest?
And there was a lot,
And there's a problem with that.
And they come through, that'd take out a few of them.
And this is our ship, so that's the end of it.
And this message is for the traitor,
And this message is for the traitor, the coward,
And this type of ship wouldn't have
And timing them to keep them pinned down.
And tries to get you to change my mind,
And turned this up.
And two brand new frigates out of commission.
And unconditionally, we will open fire.
And under the withering fire of our new railguns,
And unless you surrender immediately
And unusual drive signatures and approach with caution.
And us safely behind those big Laconian guns.
And us.
And very, very angry and frightened.
And wait for my go signal.
And wait for the next time they slip up,
And waste energy.
And we all need to be able to count on you.
And we are pinned down taking heavy fire from the surface
And we are the ones responsible
And we can't give away our position.
And we can't help you in that fight anymore.
And we need a win.
And we need to reinforce the abutments.
And we still don't know what happened
And we will have peace again after they leave.
And we will, of course, keep you fully apprised.
And we'll have three more battleships
And we're gonna capture it.
And we're gonna put an end to it once and for all.
And we're in it now.
And we're not going to stop.
And we're not soldiers either.
And we're still at war.
And went looking for people worthy enough to fly it.
And what of it?
And when it's time to take the kill shot,
And when we sweep through the Ring one last time
And who knows what else?
And why is that?
And will be treated as sovereign territory.
And will engage.
And wonder with every new attack
And would have done.
And you can never take it back.
And you can't.
And you chose not to.
And you defended yourself.
And you know it.
And you know, you made some pretty big decisions
And you only worried about my emotional state.
And you pulled the punch.
And you would know.
And you?
And you?
And you'd like to exploit it.
And you'll all be dead, too.
And your comms director just blasted out
And? we can do it in person.
Annie's family came from L 4 with the survey group.
Another intel update on Free Navy assets came in.
Another million to one it's a dud?
Antennae, and sensor arrays.
Any Free Navy partisans
Any further communications will be refused, and any ships
Any of our passengers wants out,
Any other ships in the vicinity?
Any rock hopper with a standard mining kit could do this.
Anyone who wants access to that
Anything he could sell, he would steal.
Anything other than noodles, bars, and brothels?
Anytime anyone goes through a Ring,
Anytime he is out in vacuum, he gets dizzy,
Anytime soon.
Apolitical, with a history
Apprise them of our situation and set a rendezvous.
Archangel is in the dock.
Are a matter of national security
Are either dead or sulking around below decks,
Are not going to surrender, Naomi.
Are the same ones I used to call my own.
Are they...
Are you a rock jumper?
Are you getting paid extra for this?
Are you pissed at me for asking?
Are you planning on staying angry with him until then?
Are you really content with a little skim,
Are you speaking from experience?
Are you still in contact with them?
Are you talking to me?
Are you there?
Aren't good politically.
Aren't the same as the ones on Earth.
As an obligation.
As far as last stands go, that's the one I'd pick.
As if that could replace Alex.
As long as there are no disruptions.
As long as we try to kill Marco, I'm in.
As many shipyards as we can build,
As much as I could,
As much as usual.
As much metal as we can mine,
As President of the Transport Union,
As some expressed anger over what they believe
As soon as we're ship shape and secure, I will.
As the first President of the Transport Union.
Ask for mercy for them?
Assault team is three zero green.
Assault team, stand by! Setting evasion pattern to max.
Assault team, you are clear to land!
At a specific frequency.
At first, I just wanted to kill you.
At least four RPG launchers and heavy machine guns.
At least I say it to her face.
At least it wasn't the Inners who raided our supplies.
At least it wasn't the Inners who raided our supplies.
At least we killed 'em.
At least we're giving them a chance to land.
Attempting to enter our space will be destroyed.
Avasarala and her Inners are no better.
Avasarala and her Inners are no better.
Avasarala needs to see this.
Avasarala's lost strike teams before.
Aw, fuck it, we tried.
Aye aye, Captain.
Aye, aye, Captain.
Aye, captain.
Aye, Captain.
Baby girl?
Baby, I'm sorry. She's gone.
Back in line.
Back to Earth, institute in Paris,
Bad at looking out for himself, you know what I mean?
Bad batch, maybe, or some problems with his genetics.
Balance thrusters! Kill drives three and one!
Based in Medina Station, headed by someone with no allegiances,
Based on the data, it seems clear to me
Based on your numbers, a billion billion to one.
Battle stations!
Be made available to the crew at the end of our next shift.
Be nice if it stayed...
Be on the lookout for atypical hull profiles
Because I believe he's better with you at his side.
Because I got tired of listening
Because I know you will never be able
Because I still think we're the good guys,
Because if we're not trying to win this fight,
Because of me?
Because so many people were angry and frightened.
Because that is who I was.
Because that's what I've been hearing.
Because we didn't have anyone to bail us out.
Because what good would it have done?
Before I agreed to take this job,
Before the Free Navy can get any more entrenched.
Before they could spoil the plan.
Before they emptied that ship.
Before they get through the Ring.
Before they know what hit them.
Before they're launched, it'll be an accomplishment.
Before this ends.
Before you start the diagnostic.
Behind his railguns
Behind their drive cone
Beltalowda, Beltalowda,
Beltalowda, Beltalowda,
Beltalowda, Beltalowda,
Beltalowda, Beltalowda,
Beltalowda, Beltalowda, Beltalowda, Belt...
Belter control of the Ring colonies.
Belters are promised a future
Belters fighting alongside Inners
Belters trust her. Some will flock to her.
Belters will control the traffic through the Ring Space.
Beref mi ta kom ere Sirish.
Better looking than his father.
Better reason than most.
Blackout, vomit in his helmet.
Bloody their nose at least.
Boarding and shooting is a whole lot riskier
Bobbie D****r, Clarissa Mao.
Bobbie's shell open if it hit her.
Bosmang, two contact, inbound. Requesting tight beam.
Both competitive swimmers.
Both of them, and all their failures swept away.
Bravo, bring your team in first.
Bravo, we need to push.
Breaching now.
Bringing total casualties so far to 976.
Brothel first, though.
Building next to it is the control bunker.
Burning as hard as we can.
But also no torpedoes.
But always,
But at least we didn't lose.
But best of all,
But by then, Clarissa had...
But even in normal times, it will take weeks.
But for Camina Drummer and family...
But given the number of colony ships
But he is alone.
But he was.
But he's the commander in chief,
But hey,
But I am getting the distinct impression
But I can't say how well it bonded.
But I can't see how that was a right thing.
But I don't think we can win either.
But I have always considered
But I know someone who might be.
But I know you can fix him like you fixed Momma Bird.
But I made the call.
But I mean, I fought for my planet.
But I would accept my fate.
But I'm not rated to fly a ship like this.
But I'm seeing if there's another kind I can modify.
But if the crew thinks you've been shaken by the loss,
But if we lose faith, we can defeat ourselves.
But it makes losing them hurt less.
But it was always ours.
But it's a far cry from mil spec.
But it's a gracious impulse.
But it's clear that they are forming up
But it's made out of a metal we've never seen before.
But just go to your quarters
But Lauber crew got one repair skiff operational,
But maybe you could cut Peaches a fucking break,
But no matter where we come from or how we got here,
But none of them panned out. We could up the bounty.
But none to think I'm a liar.
But now is not the time for self pity bullshit.
But our missile ran dry.
But Sanjrani is not to be removed from the Station.
But she's no friend of Earth either,
But still hard as a coffin nail and twice as sharp.
But that could mean you... you pity him
But that couldn't be confirmed.
But the bad tissue must then be rooted out,
But the disappearances seem to be happening in clusters,
But the orders came direct
But the people there needed to believe that we could.
But the transport union itself.
But the window's closing fast.
But then a minute later,
But there are probably six.
But there's a chunk of something wedged
But they carry a good load out.
But they have been broken.
But they seem to be complying so far.
But this?
But we all know who is building a future for the Belt!
But we got a surprise for them too.
But we had a plan, and when you changed that plan
But we have no assets in range to intercept them.
But we have to.
But we still have a number of breaches in the outer hull.
But we were able to salvage some appropriate hull stock
But when things don't get better,
But with a keen eye for the possible.
But you can't let them blind you.
But you don't seem to like that.
But you have a following and you have style.
But you're not a government.
But...Marco pulled me back into it.
By 15% to 20% in the first year alone.
By giving me an interesting problem.
By pretending we're not.
By saying the Protomolecule was the key
By telling us about anything
By the time it arrives.
By the way, I quite liked
Camina Drummer did this to you.
Camina Drummer, how well do you know her?
Camina Drummer, on the legendary Tynan.
Camina, please.
Can I ask you a favor?
Can I get...all right.
Can I go with you?
Can I go with you?
Can you cook?
Can you do me a favor?
Can you get me a look at that intel?
Can you kill the reactor or not?
Can't say that I am.
Cannot be our only source of food.
Captain Drummer, we was Golden Bough.
Captain Drummer.
Captain, freighter is breaking up.
Captain, nothing in the region vectoring toward us.
Captain, scopes pick up one drive plume.
Cara where are you?
Cara, are you out there?
Cara, baby, what's wrong?
Cara, Cara, Cara!
Cara, Cara!
Cara, is that you?
Cara! We're gonna play soccer.
Cara? Cara!
Cargo won't be safe there.
Caring more for their own comforts
Ceres has no warships, no munitions,
Ceres has only enough food and air
Ceres is not Medina.
Ceres will be the capital city
Ceres will be the capital city of our Belter Nation.
Change of plans. Time to lock and load.
Changing course. Heading right for us.
Charges set.
Charlie, report.
Check it again. Someone is on their way.
Checked out fine prelaunch, too,
Checking drive signatures.
Checking, one, two, three, checking.
Chrissie'll know what to do with it.
Clarissa calls you boss now.
Clarissa, give me an update.
Clarissa, you need to find
Clarissa's hurt.
Clarissa's not answering her comm.
Class dismissed.
Clean yourself up and report to Ops for duty.
Clear this deck!
Collision alert! Multiple incoming!
Come back and find you.
Come here.
Come on, don't do this.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, we shall take this in now.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come to apologize?
Come, and it will be done.
Coming across the Pella in the first place,
Comms, give me a wide band.
Comms, open a channel. Wideband.
Concentrate all fire on the frigate.
Concentrate all fire on the frigate.
Considering what it's been through.
Control of the crossroads of empires?
Copy that. All pods, stand by for launch.
Copy that. Alpha team has six.
Copy that. Everyone hang on.
Corrido is dead.
Cost us all so much.
Could be a Duster frigate.
Could be as many as ten, from what I heard.
Could have launched rocks this big.
Could we use our reactor to power up the railguns?
Could wish for is to die fighting for the cause.
Could you be more vague?
Couldn't we just try something else for once?
Coward, Marco Inaros.
Cripple Medina, and reassert control of the Ring
Cut the chatter.
Damage amidships. Hull breach on deck four.
Darcy Okuda.
Dawes had a vision. I shared it.
Death for some is the price of our freedom and our future.
Definitely in this orbit.
Depending on what those railguns do.
Destroyed the three incoming rocks.
Detonators at your discretion.
Dictating the fate of our species for a generation.
Did I ask you?
Did I get it right?
Did I miss much?
Did you have a chance
Did you have a kid who died?
Did you think it wasn't going to work?
Didn't rally to the cause,
Didn't sound like much of a discussion.
Didn't we come here to shoot these people?
Disengage, collect survivors,
Do as you wish. It's of no concern to me.
Do not obliterate us all.
Do we have time for a tour?
Do what?
Do you believe that prick Inaros just cut and run?
Do you know when he'll be back?
Do you know who I am?
Do you need assistance?
Do you remember the first time you called me boss?
Do you think I could convince Chrissy
Do you think they're trying to get out?
Do you truly believe the odds are in our favor?
Do you truly believe the odds are in our favor?
Do you want me to tell you every time nothing happens?
Do you want to know when I realized
Doctors are expert liars.
Does anyone here really wanna cut and run?
Doesn't know where she'll get her food and water.
Doesn't matter if they're saints or assholes.
Doesn't seem too happy about it.
Dogs? What are you talking about?
Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone.
Don't get your hopes up.
Don't know; I haven't done a hull repair before.
Don't move!
Don't put yourself back under their yoke!
Don't tell me to calm down.
Don't try to make it sound like a success.
Don't waste your time on this.
Don't worry about me or Mei or the rest of us.
Don't worry about me. I'm not gonna say anything.
Don't worry, we're just switching the feed.
Don't worry. I'm gonna take care of you.
Don't worry. We can edit that out.
Don't you worry your pretty little head.
Don't you?
Don't. Please don't even try.
Don't. Please don't.
Done and done.
D****r! What the fuck are you doing?
Drive is still offline.
Drive signatures as ordered.
Drummer has no love for Marco,
Drummer is our enemy.
Drummer is our enemy. This is war.
Drummer raided a defenseless supply depot.
Drummer, how does it feel
During a routine security check.
During transits.
Each of these signals launched a rock.
Each roughly spanning the same amount of time.
Earth could use it now.
Earth hasn't seen a stealth rock in months.
Earth is dying.
Earth's ability to grow food.
Easy. We're just talking here.
Either with or without an antenna.
Eleven years ago, almost to the day.
Ended him.
Enough railgun rounds for a few good salvos.
Enough to get the job done.
Enough with all the hit and run guerilla war crap.
Equal status and dignity to Mars and Earth.
Erte unte Maresh xush fo gif xep fo da Belte.
Erte unte Maresh xush fo gif xep fo da Belte.
Especially after all you did for them on Ceres.
Especially in the last few weeks.
Even faster than before.
Even the parts we had to give up along the way.
Even though he'd never admit it, he needs you.
Even when they miss.
Every day, drink until the bartender kicked us out.
Every last one of their ships was annihilated.
Every night, go to bed with someone new.
Every officer on this ship
Every rock kills us a little more,
Every scrap of intel that Belter's holding back.
Every time anyone uses a Ring,
Every time I use my mods, I see his face.
Every time we kill another Belter ship.
Every time you wake up,
Every warship we've got right now.
Everybody on this ship has something they regret.
Everybody ready to get a little shorter?
Everybody suit up and strap in.
Everybody, brace for a hard spin.
Everyone being on the same side for once?