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Home > Rebecca (1940)
Rebecca (1940)

Rebecca (1940)

Rebecca is a suspenseful and haunting film directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1940. Based on the novel by Daphne du Maurier, the movie tells the story of a young woman who marries a wealthy widower, only to find herself haunted by the lingering presence of his deceased first wife, Rebecca. The film stars Joan Fontaine as the naive and unnamed protagonist, alongside Laurence Olivier as the brooding Maxim de Winter.

The atmospheric soundtrack, composed by Franz Waxman, is an essential component of the film's eerie ambiance. From the haunting tones of the main theme to the suspenseful orchestral cues, the music perfectly captures the film's sinister atmosphere and adds to the tension that slowly engulfs the characters.

If you are a fan of classics or enjoy atmospheric movie scores, you can immerse yourself in the sounds of Rebecca (1940). You can easily play and download the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack here, allowing yourself to relive the gripping mystery of this timeless Hitchcock masterpiece.

A large tray of cigarette stubs beside her.
A little air will do you good.
A little sailboat.
A sweet, curly headed little child.
About showing me the run of things?
About that other body.
After all, I am responsible for your behavior here.
Ah, here she is... the missing link,
Ah, look, now. Look at that.
Ah, my suggestion didn't seem to go at all well. I'm sorry.
Ah, somebody else had the same idea.
Ah. You're like a little trades union, all of you, aren't you?
Ah... oh... perfectly lovely.
All night long, night after night,
All right, dear.
All right, Frank. I'll go and look for Maxim.
All right, go ahead. Make the most of it.
All right, if you think you'd enjoy it.
All the time, whenever I meet anyone,
All we want you to do is tell us what you saw.
Am I boring you with all this?
Among the family portraits that would suit you.
An operation would have been no earthly use at all.
An operation would have been no earthly use at all.
And a lot of young people would come up from London and turn the house into a night club.
And a squall hit the boat with nobody at the helm.
And a sudden gust of wind came down,
And another thing.
And apart from that, Colonel, do you mean to tell me that if you wanted to commit suicide,
And drove it again and again through the planking of the hull.
And finally there was Manderley.
And for a while I could not enter...
And forgot to say anything about it.
And from my point of view, it's very refreshing...
And from now on you'll stick to your job.
And give her away, admit that our marriage was a rotten fraud.
And have lived in all my life.
And he died last summer, and then I took this job.
And hovered an instant like a dark hand before a face.
And how do you get along with Mrs. Danvers?
And how does the bride find herself today?
And I asked whose house it was, and the old lady said, That's Manderley.
And I believed them, completely.
And I do want to make a success of it...
And I I'd better say good bye now.
And I keep it here always.
And I knew then I couldn't stand this life of filth and deceit any longer.
And I must be near you so that no matter what happens,
And I must congratulate you on the way Maxim looks.
And I promise you, you wouldn't be ashamed of me.
And I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree.
And I think you're behaving splendidly over all this.
And I won't believe it.
And I'd prefer that Mr. De Winter weren't troubled with them either.
And I'll give the bride away. But our luggage.
And I'm afraid something might have happened to him.
And if my guess is right, Crawley,
And if you'll all excuse me for a moment, I'll supply that too.
And it never faded, never got stale.
And let me tell you, Favell, blackmail is not much of a profession,
And listen to the sea?
And little by little had encroached upon the drive...
And live the memory all over again.
And Major Lacy are expected for luncheon.
And make Mr. De Winter happy.
And Mr. De Winter has never complained.
And now Max and that dear little bride of his...
And on this date she returned to me for his report.
And passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.
And people will visit us and envy us...
And say we're the luckiest, happiest couple in the country.
And she must resent you bitterly.
And suddenly it seemed to me that light came from the windows.
And telephoning in the morning room after breakfast.
And the blackmailer sometimes finds himself in jail at the end of it.
And the public is admitted here, you know, once a week.
And the tide's been knocking her against the ridge,
And then a cloud came upon the moon...
And then she would say,
And then there was only my father.
And there could never be any gossip about me.
And they're always kept tight closed when you're afloat.
And told me all about herself.
And watch you and Mr. De Winter together.
And we know how to deal with it in our part of the worid, strange as it may seem to you.
And what did you find to do with yourself while he was painting his tree?
And what have you done to your hair?
And what particular moment would you want to keep?
And what's more, she had the foresight to put the date on it.
And when I was married, I was told I was the luckiest man in the worid.
And worse than before.
And yet you deliberately suggested I wear it!
And you've conceived a schoolgirl crush on him.
And, if you'll forgive me, modesty...
And, in fact, if I may coin a phrase, leave no stone unturned.
And, oh yes, I remember she said something...
And, oh, all the things that are so important in a woman.
And, um, how is dear old Max?
Anybody would think you were afraid of them.
Apparently, Mrs. De Winter broke the cupid herself...
Are those all Rebecca's things down there?
Are we? I don't know.
Are you absolutely sure you left those messages for Mr. De Winter?
Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, Maxim?
Are you the first one down? Where's the child?
Aren't you going to kill me?
As if I needed reminding.
As to why Mrs. De Winter should have taken her life?
As you seem to have worked out the whole thing so carefully,
Awfully foolish of me fainting like that.
Awfully glad to meet you.
Be careful, Favell. You've brought an accusation of murder.
Beauty and wit and intelligence...
Because I love you so much.
Because I put it there.
Because the first people will be arriving any moment.
Because we caught him once, Rebecca and I, peering at us through the cottage window.
Because you knew I was dull and gauche and inexperienced...
Because, you see, we got on so well together.
Before she married, she was the beautiful Rebecca Hildreth, you know.
Being ordered about by an ex chorus girl.
Ben, have you seen Mr. De Winter anywhere?
Better blow your nose.
Better let your wife know. She'll be getting worried.
Better than you ever expected. I was rather worried about you at first.
BlackJack Brady was his name.
Bless you for that.
Breeding, brains and beauty.
Bury them, eh, what?
But a cable came this morning announcing...
But after a while, she began to grow careless.
But as I advanced, I was aware that a change had come upon it.
But before we end this conversation...
But do sit down and have some coffee.
But every day I realize things that she had and that I lack:
But he ought to have more luck this time.
But he was always hanging about. He must have seen this whole thing.
But I can assure you that it is not the note of a woman...
But I can't wait here alone.
But I don't conduct this inquiry for my own amusement.
But I don't suppose he'll lose his temper with you.
But I don't think anything will be necessary.
But i it's the picture, the one in the gallery.
But I know now that when she told me about the child,
But I never had a moment's happiness with her.
But I shouldn't have any more to do with her than you can help.
But I wonder Maxim hasn't been at you.
But I'm getting rid of that nurse today,
But I've known all along that Rebecca would win in the end.
But if you ever need a new car, Colonel, just let me know.
But if you think I just asked you out of kindness or charity,
But in my official capacity,
But in my opinion, she was scuttled.
But it can be very, very exasperating.
But it can't be as bad as all that.
But it seemed to me the 'oles looked as if she'd made 'em from the inside.
But it's too late, my darling.
But now, I don't suppose I shall ever see it again.
But people didn't understand him.
But she kept saying that I was quite different from what she expected.
But she was alone.
But she's too strong for you. You can't fight her.
But sometimes in my dreams...
But then, of course, you know the whole story.
But there's one more thing you'll want to know: The name of the murderer.
But this will be your last, so make the most of it.
But why do you choose me for your charity?
But you certainly have your work cut out as mistress of Manderley.
But you didn't kill her! It was an accident!
But you don't think I'm the Big Bad Wolf, do you?
But you have qualities that are just as important...
But you were just a teeny, weeny bit forward with Mr. De Winter.
But you'll find one in the morning room.
By the way, my dear, don't think that I mean to be unkind,
By the way, what do you do with old bones?
Bye bye, Danny.
Came across the hull of another boat...
Can you enlighten us as to why Mrs. De Winter...
Can you think of any reason why Mrs. De Winter should have taken her own life?
Can't I help you? I could at least lick the stamps.
Colonel Julyan, Mrs. Danvers. I believe you know everyone else.
ColonelJulyan called. He's the chief constable of the county.
ColonelJulyan, his is Mr. Favell.
Come along, darling.
Come along, Mr. Jack, or someone may see you.
Come along. We needn't talk to each other if we don't feel like it.
Come here!
Come in.
Come in.
Come in.
Come on, Danny, hair drill, she would say.
Come on, Favell. Let's go.
Come on, Jasper.
Come on, Jasper. Come and take some of that fat off.
Come on, out with it!
Come, Colonel, as an officer of the law,
Come, come. Did you see Mrs. De Winter get into her boat that last night?
Come, don't sit there gawking. Let's go upstairs.
Come, I'll take you home.
Come, we'll go home, have some tea and forget all about it.
Come. I'll show you her dressing room.
Concerning the late Mrs. De Winter's activities on the day of her death,
Could you supply a reason, Dr. Baker, for Mrs. De Winter's suicide?
Couldn't have been no accident, not with her knowledge of boats.
Crawley didn't have much success with Rebecca,
Danny didn't tell you, did she? I am Rebecca's favorite cousin.
Danny, all your precautions were in vain.
Danny! What the devil!
Darling, could we have a costume ball...
Darling, please be careful.
Darling, wait here a few moments.
Did she say anything when you told her?
Did you ever see anything so delicate?
Did you want to see me, Mrs. Danvers?
Do you like my hair?
Do you really think so? Now, where's my fan?
Do you remember that cliff where you first saw me in Monte Carlo?
Do you suppose that sudden departure was intended to be funny?
Do you think that's very silly?
Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?
Do you wish anything, madam?
Do you? Do you?
Does this bother you?
Don't be afraid.
Don't be silly. Pure wool, old boy.
Don't be so silly. She's exactly what I told you she'd be.
Don't bother about him. He can't come to any harm. He'll find his own way back.
Don't bother, Favell. I think I can tell Dr. Baker.
Don't I?
Don't look at me like that.
Don't mind my saying so, but why don't you do something about your hair?
Don't think about it anymore.
Don't worry, darling. I'll be back in time to protect you from her.
Don't worry, dear.
Don't worry. Don't worry. You won't have to say a word.
Don't you belong on the estate?
Dr. Baker, 165 Goldhawk Road, Shepherd's Bush.
Dr. Baker, you may have seen Mr. De Winter's name in the papers recently.
Dreadful thing, dreadful.
Dressed in black satin, with a string of pearis.
Dudley Tennant. Admiral and Lady Burbank.
Either you go to America with Mrs. Van Hopper,
Enchanted by her, as everyone was.
Even in the same dress, you couldn't compare.
Evening, Robert. Not very good weather for the ball.
Everything is kept just as Mrs. De Winter liked it.
Excuse me, sir, but there's a little more to it than that.
Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be a schoolmaster?
Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you?
Excuse me. He's quite harmless.
Family honor.
Fare thee well.
Favell used to visit her here in this cottage.
Fearful lot of stuff piled up while Maxim was away.
Feel this.
Find ColonelJulyan. Tell him I want to see him immediately.
Find the pieces, see if they can be mended and tell Robert to dry his tears.
Fine blow to my conceit, that's all.
For her murder, you mean. She was going to have a kid, wasn't she?
For last night, my stupidity about the costume.
For the love of Pete! Come here!
For the number of lessons you've had, you ought to be ready for Wimbledon.
For the way was barred to me.
Forgiven you? What have I got to forgive you for?
Four days after we were married.
Frank, what's the matter? Is anything wrong?
Frith! Frith! Mrs. De Winter. Where is she?
George Fortescue Maximilian de Winter.
George Fortescue Maximilian. But you needn't bother with them all at once.
Get reservations on the Aquitania, and we'll take the 12:30 train for Cherbourg.
Getting acquainted with your new home?
Giles, you're very much in the way here. Go somewhere else.
Give me a chocolate, quick!
Go and question Dr. Baker. He'll tell you why Rebecca went to him...
Go on and don't dawdle!
Go on, open the door and get out.
Go on... go on.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Van Hopper. How are you feeling?
Good bye, Crawley. Maxim's got a great friend.
Good bye, Giles. Thanks for coming, old boy.
Good bye, my dear, and good luck!
Good bye, my dear. Forgive me for asking you so many rude questions.
Good bye. It's been fun meeting you.
Good evening, madam.
Good evening, Mr. De Winter.
Good night, Danny, and step into her bed.
Gossip? What do you mean?
Has anyone ever discussed these holes with you before?
Has Beatrice been at you?
Has Mr. De Winter come in yet?
Hasn't Mr. De Winter suggested anything?
Have a look at The Times. There's a thrilling article...
Have a nice little place with a few acres of shooting.
Have we time, do you think, before dinner?
Have you a private room, please?
Have you anything I could tie him with?
Have you forgiven me?
Having breathed a word of all this to me.
He ain't your'n.
He broke one of the ports and looked into the cabin.
He doesn't exactly approve of me.
He doesn't need you.
He just couldn't go on living alone.
He nearly went off his head.
He never talks about it, of course, but he's a broken man.
He painted trees. At least it was one tree.
He picked her up in the South of France, didn't he?
He says I've forgotten the proof that we're married.
He travels fastest who travels alone.
He wants to know if I could possibly have made a mistake...
He was always giving her expensive gifts, the whole year round.
He was hung a month after I caught him.
He won't be back till noon?
He would most certainly have called me back.
He's a local man. Knew it instantly.
He's been asked by the police to go to the mortuary.
He's got his memories.
He's like an old mother hen with his bills and rents and taxes.
He's so particular about clothes.
Hello, Danny? I just wanted to tell you the news.
Hello, darling.
Hello, Favell. You looking for me, Maxim?
Hello, Frank. Hello, Frank. Yes.
Hello, wait a minute.
Hello? Hel...
Hello. Give me the desk, please.
Hello. Starting to rain. We'd better hurry up.
Hello. What are you doing here? Anything the matter?
Hello. What's the idea? Adam and Eve?
Hello. You'll find Mrs. Van Hopper waiting outside in her car.
Her black hair blowing in the wind,
Her rings, bracelets she always wore.
Her shadow has been between us all the time,
Here I am, dear. It's Bee. I've come to give you a hand.
Here we are, Frith. Everybody well?
Here, have a spot of this. Do you good.
Here, have this. Put it over your head.
Hmm. Mrs. De Winter.
Hope this will do, Mr. De Winter.
How about you, Max? Have one on me. I feel I can afford to play host.
How can I answer you when I don't know the answer myself?
How could I even ask you to love me when I knew you loved Rebecca still?
How could we be close when I knew you were always thinking of Rebecca?
How did they recognize it?
How did you know, Maxim?
How did you manage it? Still waters certainly run deep.
How do you do?
How do you do?
How do you do? I I'm Maxim's wife.
How do you do? Well, I must say you're quite different from what I expected.
How do you mean?
How funny you are.
How funny. How supremely, wonderfully funny.
How romantic. Who is the lucky lady?
How tiresome of him not to be here when we arrive, and how typical!
Huh, you must. Nothing else to do down here.
Hurry up and get a maid to help with the packing. We've no time to waste.
Hurry up, Jasper! For heaven's sake!
Hurry up, Jasper! For heaven's sake!
Hurry up. I want to play some rummy.
Hurry up. I want you to make some calls.
I I didn't mean to say anything against Mrs. Danvers.
I I don't know. I just said it for something to say.
I I manage the estate for Maxim.
I always used to wait up for her, no matter how late.
I am Mrs. De Winter now.
I apologize for depriving you of your companion in this abrupt way.
I asked her to go to bed, but she wouldn't hear of it.
I asked you to come out with me because I wanted your company.
I asked you up here in order to tell you of my engagement.
I assure you we'd not be troubling you if it were not necessary.
I beg pardon, madam.
I came here when the first Mrs. De Winter was a bride.
I can almost hear it now.
I can look it up in my engagement diary if you like.
I can see by the way you dress, you don't care a hoot how you look.
I can well understand that. As for me,
I can't ever remember enjoying swimming in England untilJune, can you?
I can't forget what it's done to you.
I can't get over the feeling something's wrong.
I can't tell you how glad I am that you've married Maxim.
I carried her out to the boat.
I climbed over into the dinghy and pulled away.
I decided to come down here and have it out with both of them.
I didn't expect the whole staff to be in attendance.
I didn't expect to see you, Mrs. Danvers.
I didn't kill her, Frank.
I didn't know companionship could be bought.
I didn't like to. I thought it would remind you of Rebecca.
I didn't see nothin'.
I didn't see nothin'. I don't want to go to the asylum.
I do go back to the strange days of my life...
I do, so help me God.
I don't ask that you should love me. I won't ask impossible things.
I don't belong in your sort of worid, for one thing.
I don't envy you the privilege.
I don't know anything about that.
I don't know if you've ever experienced the feeling...
I don't know nothin'. I don't want to go to the asylum.
I don't know what you mean.
I don't know. I didn't like to.
I don't mind this whole thing, except for you.
I don't think he ever notices what I wear.
I don't think it's wise for you to come here, Mr. Jack.
I don't want soft words and a bedside manner.
I don't want to know. I don't want to know.
I embroidered this case for her myself,
I entirely agree with you, Colonel.
I fancy I hear her just behind me.
I feel as though I'd, I'd collected a whole shelf full of bottles.
I found out about it, and I warned her...
I frightened you, didn't I? You thought I was mad.
I had opened up the seacocks, and the water began to come in fast.
I hated her.
I have a little note here which puts that possibility quite out of court.
I have a very impressive array of first names.
I have everything in readiness for you.
I have no alternative but to pursue his accusation.
I have something terribly important to tell you. Rebecca.
I have the evening papers, madam.
I have to ask you a very personal question.
I have to go over the place with Frank to make sure he hasn't lost any of it.
I hear he went up to London, left his little bride all alone.
I hope Alice was satisfactory, madam.
I hope you approve the new decoration of these rooms, madam.
I hope you haven't been to too much trouble.
I identified it, but I knew it wasn't Rebecca.
I imagine that's about the solution of it, don't you think so, Crawley?
I just knew I had to do something, anything.
I keep her underwear on this side.
I killed that when I told you about Rebecca.
I knew she was not the type to accept a lie.
I knew where Rebecca's body was.
I knew you were going to bring that up, Colonel.
I knew you were thinking,
I know it's a terrible thing to say, sir,
I know of no reason whatever.
I know that dog. He comes fr' the house.
I know they're all thinking the same thing.
I looked up the word companion in the dictionary once.
I looked upon a desolate shell...
I love you more than anything in the worid.
I mean, the late Mrs. De Winter always did her correspondence...
I merely said I hoped to give up selling cars and retire.
I merely thought that you might find a costume...
I must have struck her.
I must say I feel a little like the poor relation,
I must say, old Danvers keeps the house looking lovely.
I nearly did sometimes, but you never seemed close enough.
I never had the remotest idea. Neither did Danny, I'm sure.
I never have any fear of drowning, have you?
I noticed a window wasn't closed, and I came up to see if I could fasten it.
I often said Mrs. De Winter was a born sailor.
I only followed out Mr. De Winter's instructions.
I only want to see justice done, Colonel.
I presume you'll be available for us then?
I promise you I won't be any trouble to you.
I pulled back into the cove.
I put her in the cabin.
I remember her standing here holding out her hand for the photograph.
I remember when I was younger there was a well known writer...
I remember wondering why she was still smiling...
I repeat what I said.
I saw the boat heel over... and sink.
I say, marriage with Max is not exactly a bed of roses, is it?
I see. You're going to hold de Winter's hand through all this...
I sent her to a well known specialist for an examination and X rays,
I shall always love you.
I shall apologize to Robert, of course.
I shall give you both my congratulations and blessings.
I shall hate it. I shall be miserable.
I should be only too pleased to do anything that might help the family.
I should have asked you to have lunch with me even if you hadn't upset the vase so clumsily.
I should have remembered the name de Winter.
I should never have accepted her dirty bargain, but I did.
I simply can't believe it.
I sometimes seem to fly off the handle for no reason at all.
I suppose he just can't get over his wife's death.
I suppose he just can't get over his wife's death.
I suppose he was in love with me and wasn't quite sure of himself.
I suppose I have to hand it to you for a fast worker.
I suppose I ought to scold you for not...
I suppose I went mad for a moment.
I suppose I'd better have it. Wretched stuff!
I suppose Mrs. De Winter went below for something...
I suppose she was the most beautiful creature I ever saw.
I suppose the old girl can't wait to look you over.
I suppose you've been at Manderley for many years, longer than anyone else.
I suppose you've had a look at the pro, and he's desperately handsome...
I suppose...
I take it the official nature of this visit makes it necessary for me to...
I think he might be interested to hear your proposition. Go on, tell him all about it.
I think I'll go downstairs now.
I think we had better conduct it over at the inn.
I think we'd like some tea, Frith.
I think you'd better go before Maxim gets back.
I thought that Favell was with her,
I told you once that I'd done a very selfish thing in marrying you.
I told you you should have had some breakfast.
I understand, madam. Permit me to say that we're all most distressed outside.
I understand. Can I offer you gentlemen a glass of sherry?
I used to listen to him walking up and down, up and down,
I want to know the truth, she said.
I want you to get rid of all these things.
I wanted to kill her.
I warned her, but she shrugged her shoulders.
I was afraid he'd think me a fool.
I was angry with you, wasn't I?
I was in a shop once, and I saw a postcard...
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day...
I was looking for Mr. De Winter.
I was only walking.
I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers...
I was ready to show it to you every day.
I was younger then and tremendously conscious of the family honor.
I watched you go down... just as I watched her a year ago.
I weren't doin' nothin'. I was just puttin' my shells away.
I wish I could get some more speed out of this thing.
I wish I had a drink.
I wish I had a young bride of three months waiting for me at home.
I wish you could be spared the publicity of it, but I'm afraid that's impossible.
I wish you would go home. You ought not to be here through all this.
I won't stand this any longer! And you might as well know now...
I won't tell. I'll design my costume...
I wonder how she likes it now,
I wonder if I did a very selfish thing in marrying you.
I wonder if Mr. De Winter is still in the hotel.
I, I do wish I could help with some of it.
I, I was down at the cottage on the beach the other day.
I'd be the perfect mother, just as I've been the perfect wife.
I'd like to have your advice on how to live comfortably without hard work.
I'd like to know if you approve of the menu.
I'd like to leave a forwarding address if they happen to find that book.
I'd rather you didn't, darling.
I'd stand behind her like this and brush away for 20 minutes at a time.
I'll be at the inquest tomorrow, Maxim... quite unofficially, you know.
I'll be back the very first thing in the morning, and I won't even stop to sleep.
I'll be happy with that.
I'll be waiting for you.
I'll be your friend, your companion.
I'll bring the sandwiches immediately, madam.
I'll dress in here. I shan't be long
I'll go and see if there's anything left in my room.
I'll go away.
I'll go up and give her a hand.
I'll make a bargain with you, she said.
I'll never come to Monte Carlo out of season again.
I'll remind you of this one day, and you won't believe me.
I'll see the coroner and have the inquest postponed pending further evidence.
I'll try and find Maxim, shall I?
I'm afraid I don't possess one. Perhaps you'd like to do it for me?
I'm afraid I must contradict you. You shall both have coffee with me.
I'm afraid that would not do for very long, madam.
I'm afraid the fire is not usually lit in the library until the afternoon.
I'm afraid we shall have to question this Dr. Baker.
I'm all right, Hilda. Thank you very much.
I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool.
I'm awfully sorry, darling. It was very careless of me.
I'm awfully sorry. I'm afraid I can't help you.
I'm glad there's someone in the family to welcome me back to Manderley.
I'm just a lonely old bachelor.
I'm not much of a companion to you, am I?
I'm not, you know. I'm a perfectly ordinary, harmless bloke.
I'm so glad you called me, Mr. De Winter.
I'm so sorry. Do you mind if I put this there?
I'm so sorry. Do you mind if I put this there?
I'm sorry I was so rude to you yesterday.
I'm sorry I was such a time, but I had to find a rope forJasper.
I'm sorry to drag you back for further questioning, Mr. De Winter.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. But I, I only thought...
I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm sure you could have it copied.
I'm touched by your solicitude, but if you don't mind, we'd rather like to have our lunch.
I'm trying to clear her name of the suspicion of suicide.
I'm very difficult to live with.
I'm very happy for you both. When and where is the wedding to be?
I've always heard of the Manderley Ball. Now I'm really going to see one.
I've been asked to stay to tea, Danny, and I've a good mind to accept.
I've been crying all morning because I thought I'd never see you again.
I've been simply breathless to pick up all the news.
I've been thinking of nothing else since it happened.
I've come to say good bye. We're going away.
I've heard Mr. De Winter say that this is his favorite of all the paintings.
I've just seen the doctor and I'm going down to Manderley right away.
I've loved you, my darling.
I've made you cry. Forgive me.
I've made you unhappy. Somehow I've hurt you.
I've managed the house since Mrs. De Winter's death,
I've never attended a Mrs. De Winter in my life.
I've never been to a large party, but I could learn what to do.
I've never figured out what it would cost a year,
I've often wondered what it would be like to retire to the country,
I've read enough detective stories to know that there must always be a motive.
I've seen his face, his eyes.
If anyone of that name paid you a visit on that date.
If I had a home like Manderley, I should certainly never come to Monte.
If I made it worth his while.
If I'm for it, you can tell me right away.
If she doesn't like you, she'll tell you so to your face.
If she'd very kindly come up and see me in my room?
If that stupid coroner hadn't been a snob,
If there's anything you want done, madam, you have only to tell me.
If they find out it was Rebecca,
If you don't think we are happy,
If you had my memories, you wouldn't go there or even think about it!
If you wouldn't mention this little visit to your revered husband.
In a few hours...
In a short time, she would have been under morphia.
In a week or so.
In fact, I'd prefer to forget everything that happened this afternoon.
In the planking of the late Mrs. De Winter's boat?
Incidentally, I was out on a party on that night,
Is anything wrong, madam?
Is it possible to repair the ornament, madam?
Is something worrying you, Maxim?
Is that my food? I'm famished. I didn't have any breakfast.
Is that so? This is a surprise. I'd known her a long time.
Is the only thing that interests anybody down here.
Isn't he rather afraid that somebody might come down and carry you off?
Isn't there anything I could get for you, madam?
It appears Mrs. Danvers has accused Robert...
It can bring a lot of trouble to a great many people,
It had an old paper and different hangings.
It isn't that. It's just that I feel at such a disadvantage.
It isn't true. It isn't true. She would have told me.
It ought to give you the thrill of your life, Max,
It rather reminds me of our coastline at home. Do you know Cornwall at all?
It said, a friend of the bosom.
It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive,
It seems there's to be a coroner's inquest, madam?
It should be in a conservatory,
It started raining.
It was a Christmas present from Mr. De Winter.
It was all a mistake, Mrs. Danvers.
It was Mrs. De Winter's room.
It was never used much, except for occasional visitors.
It was very dark. There was no moon.
It wasn't a very attractive thing to say, was it?
It would be much better if you didn't pretend.
It would have been so easy. Remember the precipice?
It wouldn't make for sanity, would it, living with the devil?
It'll be so hard on poor Maxim.
It's a lovely name that rolls off the tongue so easily:
It's a lovely room, isn't it?
It's a pity some of you fellows haven't anything better to do.
It's a pity you have to grow up.
It's a ship aground, sending up rockets.
It's about Robert, sir.
It's going to make all the difference to his life.
It's gone forever.
It's gone.
It's gone.
It's got to be the body of someone you've never seen before.
It's impossible to thank you for your kindness to us through all this.
It's in the winter that you see the Northern Lights, isn't it?
It's Lady Caroline de Winter, one of his ancestors.
It's not only in this room. It's in all the rooms in the house.
It's not used now.
It's one of the biggest places in that part of the country, and you can't beat it for beauty.
It's ready in the library, sir.
It's Rebecca's body lying there on the cabin floor.
It's ridiculous even listening to all this.
It's so nice to run into you here,
It's so soothing.
It's still used on great occasions, such as a big dinner or a ball,
It's the most beautiful room in the house...
It's too late.
It's usual for ladies in your position to have a personal maid.
Jasper, quiet!
Jasper! Here, not that way!
Jasper! Jasper!
Je vous remercie mille fois, madame. Merci.
Just a moment, please.
Just as you used to?
Just as you're trying most desperately to forget.
Just be yourself, and they'll all adore you.
Just because he's the big noise around here and he's actually permitted you to dine with him.
Just now, Mrs. Van Hopper. Just a few minutes ago.
Just when I was beginning to despair of finding any old friends here in Monte.
Keeping us from one another.
Kindliness and sincerity...
Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.
Leave that. Leave that. Go and lay another place at my table.
Let's go home. Jasper. Jas...
Let's have whatever you think that Mrs. De Winter would have wanted.
Let's leave the unhappy couple to spend their last moments together alone.
Listen to it.
Listen to the sea.
Live in her house, walk in her steps, take the things that were hers.
Look at that.
Look down there. It's easy, isn't it?
Look, you can see my hand through it.
Looking for me? Oh, I didn't make you jump, did I?
Looks as though we might have a shower, but you won't mind that, will you?
Love was a game to her. It made her laugh, I tell you.
Lunch! I say, what a jolly idea! Rather like a picnic, isn't it?
Lying on that cabin floor on the bottom of the sea.
Madame, madame, combien c'a fait? Tout de tout?
Manderley... secretive and silent.
Maxim went up to identify her. It was horrible for him.
Maxim, can't we start all over again?
Maxim, does anyone else know this?
Maxim, I wanted to tell you, but, um, well, I forgot.
Maxim, what are you trying to tell me?
Maxim, what's the matter? What have I said?
Maxim, when are you going to have parties here again like the old days?
Maxim, why didn't you tell me before?
Maxim, why do you say this? Of course we're companions.
Maxim! Maxim!
Maxim! What's the matter?
Maxim's sister or even the servants,
May I go now?
Mean more to a husband than all the wit and beauty in the worid.
Men loathe that sort of thing. Oh, come. Don't sulk.
Monsieur! Vous avez oubliez votre carnet de mariage.
Moonlight can play odd tricks upon the fancy,
More important, if I may say so.
Most giris would give their eyes for a chance to see Monte.
Most giris would give their eyes for a chance to see Monte.
Mr. Crawley, please don't think me morbidly curious.
Mr. De Winter informed me that his sister Mrs. Lacy...
Mr. De Winter is having coffee with me. Ask that stupid waiter for another cup.
Mr. De Winter just ordered breakfast in his room, mademoiselle.
Mr. De Winter says please for you to come up to his room.
Mr. De Winter, however painful it may be,
Mr. De Winter, I want you to believe we all feel very deeply for you,
Mr. De Winter, please.
Mr. De Winter, please.
Mr. De Winter? Why, certainly.
Mr. Frith thought you might like to have some lunch from the house and sent me with it.
Mr. Tabb, would you step forward, please?
Mrs. Danvers is the housekeeper. Just leave it to her.
Mrs. Danvers must be furious with me.
Mrs. Danvers, I intend to say nothing to Mr. De Winter about Mr. Favell's visit.
Mrs. Danvers, it has been suggested...
Mrs. Danvers. She's gone mad.
Mrs. Danvers' orders, sir.
Mrs. De Winter was deliberately murdered.
Mrs. De Winter was most particular about sauces.