Are you on the list no but I believe my friends are perhaps you know them franklin grant and jackson
Aren't you due back at the laboratory to get your bolts tightened
Back off monkey boy before I tell your daddy you're running this place like it's your own personal piggy bank
Bazooka I have a permit for that
Bonus for god sake
Boy you really narrowed it down
Can't make the scene if you don't have the green
Fortunately funeral bouquets are deductible
Geez I figured you had a sense of humor after all you married her!
Going on
He was a little weight
Hello cherie we meet again! is it fate is it meant to be it is written in the stars that we are destined to fraternize i'd like to think so
Hey maybe i'll give you a call sometime
Hey! watch it i'm a bleeder
Hi i'm looking for ray finkle and a clean pair of shorts
Hold on sugar daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight
Hold onto your lug nuts it's time for an overhaul
How are you this afternoon
How do
How do (2)
How do I get drones that would be on the seventh floor stairs right over there
I cant lie!!
I don't tell
I like I love
I really wanna know my name
I think he wants to communicate
I'd like to ask you a few questions
I'm bruce nolan for
I'm just messing with you
I'm warning you i'm seriously stressed out here
If I get a good lawyer and strike up a deal I can be out of here in about 10000 years
Is that your final answer our surveys god bing ding ding ding ding ding ding ding well it was nice to meet you got thank you for the grand canyon and good luck with the apocalypse or by the way you...
It's party time p a r t
Kiss me my dear and I will reveal my croissant I will spread your pate I will dip my ladle in your vichyssoise
Let's rock this joint
Look at that! it's exactly two seconds before I honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head
Look ma i'm road kill!
Man i'm tired of being right
Me no I don't even have a car you know 'cause they pollute
No it wasn't me it was the one armed man
Now you have to ask yourself one question do I feel lucky well do you punks
Oh alrighty that
Oh i'm jamkaran
Oh yeah
One in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night
Or we can just take all your money and throw it in a big mattress back there
Put me down right now or I am never coming back here thanks
Put your hands up but you told me to freeze alright alright unfreeze
Ray pingel
Smoking! (2)
So what are you trying to say
Take care now bye bye then
Thank you so much
That sounds so familiar
That's a spicy meatball
The brake drums are shot and you need a new transmission what all I wanted was an oil change
There you go son now get out of here you bother me
This guy's incorrigible
This is incredible with these powers I could be a superhero I could fight crime protect the innocent work for world peace but first
Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world
Where were you last night the girls and I were looking all over for you did you happen to look outside in the gutter
Who is best cloud
Why because I gotta
You got me partner
You were good kid real good but as long as i'm around you'll always be second best see
You're rude
(elvis voice) thank you very much