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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) - Season 1

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) - Season 1

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) is a popular American science fiction television series that captivated audiences during its first season. Set in the distant future, the show follows the adventures of Captain William "Buck" Rogers, portrayed by Gil Gerard, as he finds himself trapped in a cryogenic sleep for 500 years, awakening in the year 2491.

The main cast includes Gil Gerard as the charismatic Buck Rogers, a 20th-century astronaut who becomes a reluctant hero in the 25th century. Erin Gray plays Colonel Wilma Deering, a tough-as-nails military officer and the love interest of Buck Rogers. The cast also features Felix Silla as Twiki, a small robot with a distinctive high-pitched voice, Mel Blanc as the voice of Twiki, and Tim O'Connor as Dr. Elias Huer, the leader of the Earth Defense Directorate.

In this thrilling series, Buck Rogers must adapt to the new world around him, which is filled with advanced technology, alien races, and interstellar conflicts. As he becomes acquainted with the people of the 25th century, Buck's quick thinking and resourceful nature make him an invaluable asset in the ongoing struggle for peace and justice.

Throughout the first season, Buck Rogers encounters various adversaries, including the nefarious Princess Ardala, played by Pamela Hensley, and her cunning henchman, Kane, portrayed by Henry Silva. In their pursuit of power, Princess Ardala and Kane employ impressive starships and advanced weaponry, posing a constant threat to the stability of the Earth Defense Directorate.

The show's first season is a delightful blend of action, adventure, and humor, capturing the essence of the original Buck Rogers comic strips and serials from the 1930s. The futuristic set designs, innovative special effects, and captivating storylines helped create a world both familiar and awe-inspiring for audiences of the time.

In addition to its engaging plotlines, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century benefits from the dynamic chemistry between the cast members. Gil Gerard's portrayal of Buck Rogers combines charm, wit, and bravery, making him an instant fan favorite. Erin Gray's Colonel Deering portrays a strong, independent woman excelling in a male-dominated military, providing a positive role model for viewers. The character of Twiki, with his endearing personality and catchphrases like "bidi-bidi-bidi," became an iconic symbol of the show.

The soundtrack of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) further accentuates the futuristic atmosphere of the series. Composed by Stu Phillips, the music blends electronic sounds with orchestral arrangements, resulting in a dynamic and captivating score. The theme song, with its catchy tune and lyrics, remains a memorable part of the show's legacy to this day.

Fans of the show can revisit the futuristic world of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century by playing and downloading the sounds associated with this iconic series. Whether it's the soaring theme music, the sound of laser fire, or the voice of Twiki, these sounds can transport listeners back to the excitement and wonder of the show.

In conclusion, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) - Season 1 is a classic television series that continues to captivate audiences with its thrilling adventures, memorable characters, and engaging storyline. The show's imaginative world, advanced technology, and charismatic cast make it a beloved part of science fiction television history. With its unforgettable theme song and innovative sound design, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century is a timeless gem that continues to entertain fans to this day.

A food disc?
A nitrogen breakdown of all the elements we've isolated so far.
A plus three factor would indicate a possible antidote, as he well knows.
About 18 kilometers in that direction.
About Kaleel. The way he exploits the nomads,
About two hours ago, same as everybody else, except you.
Adjust to 309 at once.
Adjust to 309. Do you read?
Afraid not for everyone else,
Afraid of dying for the cause, [ Hands Humming ]
After the workers say he went off to meet with you.
Ah, here come the pilots who will serve as your escorts.
Ah, yes.
Ah! He got away.
All bragging aside, I could.
All Earth's wealth...
All l want is one crack at whoever brought us down like this.
All processing and distribution is controlled and monitored by the Food Directorate.
All right, all right. You can come along.
All right, let's go. Come on! Let's go!
All right, now keep your eyes on that turkey in the back. He's the one we want.
All right, Ryma, I'm asking you for the last time.
All right, Wilma, you're next.
All right.
All your operations are carried out by people? 1 didn't know that was possible.
Always complaining, always unhappy.
Aman called Kaleel
An expense budgeted into the governor's salary.
And administer proper treatment intravenously.
And another thing. This disease, or whatever it is,
And as long as I am with you,
And basically, a tackle looks something like this.
And before we reach the combat vector,
And before we're through with them,
And by the time he had an inkling of what was truly happening, it was too late.
And consume them with the flames...
And difficult as it was for me to do, I've adjusted my input circuits...
And don't be afraid.
And don't you ever forget that.
And Earth in the 25th century is better than no Earth at all.
And get back here...
And have someone over there call me. More than half of my men are out sick and I wanna know why.
And I understand that you two have already bumped into each other.
And I'd just like to thank you all [Grunts]
And I'm telling you that if the fleet I saw back there lifts off, the Earth is done for anyway.
And I've gotta get this poison sample to Huer as quickly as possible.
And if they see you leave without me, they're going to
And in my judgment, your cadet was in grave danger.
And it's quite all right.
And Kaleel is uncertain.
And keep up this time!
And listen to Buck. He's calling the plays.
And NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes.
And not just here. We also found that all the contaminated food discs,
And one of these holes can carry us out of here. How are you gonna get up there?
And please concentrate on what you're doing.
And returns Buck Rogers to Earth...
And right down beneath the hole here.
And seeing as how you hesitate to become a member
And sells them to us.
And so few of them. Most of them are out in space.
And so he left through the window?
And suggest that Regis be returned to Vistula to recuperate there.
And that day has arrived, Colonel Deering.
And that's how you'll explain my sudden disappearance.
And therefore, a waste of my time.
And they've succeeded in setting our efforts back by days, even weeks.
And those dreadful investigators...
And where various other
And with no air defenses, how can Earth stand up to that?
And you shall defeat them!
And you, any questions Ae might have.
And you've no doubt concluded that my plan is to weaken Earth's defense squadrons...
And your children and your children's children!
And your're only seeing the outside.
Another one of Buck's colorful phrases, Twiki?
Another thing. Julio said that two of Farth's starfighters..
Any way we can raise Duke on this thing, Colonel?
Anything on the distress channel?
Approaching stargate.
Are a dead man,
Are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems...
Are there any questions?
Are those enemies among us.
Are you all right?
Are you all right? [Buck] Of course not. He's white as a sheet.
Are you sure you feel well enough to join us? I mean, you do look awfully pale.
As I'm sure you are well aware.
As if after three successive appointments to this job,
As long as its leader exists, itis a threat,
As long as the kiss of God...
As Twiki reminded me earlier,
As yous can see, the biochemical poison that entered our food supply...
At least now we can stop any more contaminated food discs from being distributed.
At the end of this shaft is a nice, cool storage room.
Attracted too much attention.
Avery interesting notion.
Back in their starfighters very soon.
Be very careful, Twiki. It was very difficult to make.
Because I'll be leaving just as soon as the rest of the pilots arrive.
Because I'm still getting asignal on this.
Because of me, you're going to die, Wilma, maybe Rogers too.
Because of me, you're going to die, Wilma, Rogers too.
Because you also asked us to find the source...
Better hurry. I just ran into one of Julio's guards.
Beyond that, we'll be on transmission only.
Brigadier Gordon here has come out of retirement for this mission.
Bring her across this ledge...
Buck hoped that a sample of concentrated poison like this...
Buck Rogers to Farth Squadron Leader.
Buck Rogers to Squadron Leader. Rogers to Leader. Do you read me?
Buck, I've been given to understand that Colonel Deering is there. Is that correct?
Buck. Buck, you were terrific!
But a light in the tunnel, Colonel.
But Carl and I have developed a substance...
But consider the quality of leadership.
But don't you ever forget, Kaleel, that I knew the truth.
But Earth will be alerted to our attack.
But first things first. Now that Earth knows of my plan,
But for himself!
But he can mesmerize a group with just his words and his
But I doubt if he's going to have much to say to me.
But I'll find Wilma. Don't worry about it.
But I'm sure he'll come up with an antidote that will put our pilots...
But Id appreciate it all the more if next time you'd refrain from interfering...
But it's no use turning back. They're on their way to Earth.
But it's not going where it's supposed to.
But never to me.
But now Will you help me now?
But so far here in New Chicago, 25,000 cases have been reported.
But this deals directly with the Defense Directorate,
But without Carl, it does me no good.
But your computers were unable to diagnose his illness.
But, uh, let me try it again.
By Julio, by everyone.
By poisoning its members,
By the time it reaches halfway to its zenith, we'll be inside Kaleel's mountain.
By the time they do that, it might be too late.
By the way, I know where you can get a good lawyer.
By tomorrow, she will have met the same fate as Ryma, and we shall be the rulers of the Earth.
Can go right through and bring the quarterback down.
Captain Rogers and Major Danton couldn't possibly be making all that noise.
Carl here may creak and squeak and slip a microdisc every now and then,
Carrying Ryma and the woman from Earth's Defense Directorate.
Certainly. I must say, Twiki,
Colonel Deering, Major Fields, Major Danton,
Colonel Deering, this is Dr. Mallory. Colonel.
Come on now. Eat up! Eat up!
Come on, Buck. Give him a chance.
Come on, gang. We got some cleaning up to do downstairs.
Comes from Vistula and he's sent these people here as spies.
Coming up on Vistula. We're cleared for landing.
Consumed by millions of people daily.
Could you step right over here for a second, please?
Curse you, Red Baron!
Danton out. There's really nothing to discuss, you know.
Declined to join?
Deliberately contaminate the Directorate's food supply...
Did so through the packaging material.
Did you double the guards at the exits? No, there's no need.
Did you manage to come up with those going away presents for Buck and Wilma?
Did you see where he put the locking mechanism? No.
Did you tell him he worked at the food plant?
Do not harm him!
Do what he says.
Do you believe that?
Do you really wanna know, Major Danton?
Does that mean we actually have to put a ball on our foot?
Doesn't sound like the kind of man who would have followers.
Don't be afraid of him.
Don't either one of you raise even a hair.
Don't forget to write.
Don't forget, 1 helped design them.
Don't forget, drinks, 1900 hours, my place.
Don't give up yet.
Don't go away. I'll be right back.
Don't make me open my mouth just yet, Wilma.
Don't worry, Duke. we'll find her.
Dr. Huer survived the attempt on his life.
Dr. Huer will be able to relay more information to you.
Dr. Huer would have suspected foul play immediately.
Dr. Huer, you asked Carl and me to accomplish two things
Dr. Mallory has indicated that he's very close to finding an antidote.
Dr. Mallory, Major Fields just brought this in from Vistula.
Dr. Mallory?
Duke! Keep it down.
Duke's on his way. We gotta warn him.
Earth is about to fall victim to its own greed.
Eight of them against all of us?
Either they agree with me, or they don't understand a word I'm saying.
Even that boorish Captain Rogers, where have they gone?
Even those who hated you believed in you.
Even uncivilized nomads have certain rights. You can't just
Every moment...
Except for those boring systems analysts,
Excepting for these pilots, everyone else is just too ill to be of any use to you, Major.
Fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago.
First thing I gotta do is find my way inside that mountain.
For they've been hardest hit of all. You think it's happening purposely?
For us. For Earth, it ends.
For whatever that's worth.
For your sake, not mine.
Four nine zero.
From someone that you knew was in my command.
From what I understand about Kaleel, he's some kind of a slave trader.
Get down!
Gladly, sir. It's about time you took a break.
Go ahead, Kaleel. Kill me if you can.
Go ahead! Kill me! Give me your touch of death.
Go on, kill me! Id rather be dead than one of your zombies.
Good heavens! What was that?
Good luck, Major.
Good luck, Ryma.
Good morning, you two. [Both] Good morning, Doctor.
Good. Leader out.
Good. That's better than a graduation gift. Thank you, Twiki.
Good. The Defense Directorate has so few pilots now...
Good. The Directorate, however,
Gordon, where'd you learn to shoot like that?
Governor Saroyan is a fool.
Governor, it is all right.
Great. Let's go.
Hang on.
Has cropped up in other cities on Earth, but here in New Chicago it's much, much worse.
Haven't you recognized this man as yet, Colonel Deering?
Having suffered so long at Saroyan's hand,
He and Colonel Deering will meet the same fate as Ryma.
He does help us out on occasion.
He intends to launch a massive attack on Earth.
He is the person who will orchestrate our attack.
He knows what he's doing.
He might not.
He never came. Kaleel had him murdered.
He periodically gathers a group of them together...
He says you sel us and keep the money.
He should be on vector 92.4.
He siphons off their love and their energy.
He speaks against you in the dead of night.
He was going to meet me that night to tell me more.
He was the best military strategist Earth had.
He was up all night putting these together, and his circuitry is a bit frayed.
He will tell each and every pilot exactly what to do.
He'll be back.
He'll be feeling much better by the time he reaches Vistula.
He's afraid of the future,
He's gone translight. I need more time.
He's gonna be pretty upset when he comes to. All right, okay.
He's more than just a slave trader. He's a sorcerer.
He's way in the back, and he's running the whole show.
Help. Help me. I can't concentrate.
Hey, Buck. Did you two have a nice, uh, chat?
Hey, come on. Don't leave me now. Stay with me.
Hey, creep, I bet you wear that mask ‘cause your face looks like it's been through a meteor shower!
Hey, nice double teaming over there, whoever you are.
Hi, girls.
His father is Tabor Saroyan, the governor of Vistula.
Hmm? I've tried to tell you for years.
Hmm? What was that, Twiki?
Hmm. Let's get something straight right now.
Hmm. Never to my own son.
How "bout you?
How can a contaminant get into our food?
How can we be sure that Wilma is still alive?
How come you haven't fallen under his spell? Some of us have escaped his will,
How did it happen?
How did this happen?
How he makes them hate the very sound of your name.
How is it possible?
How long have you known him?
How was that, huh?
How you hate to admit knowing no more than I do. I do not.
How's she doing?
Howdy Doody must be taking the stage again.
However, as you've indicated, we have no choice.
Huer. I was just about to contact you.
I always listened to Julio.
I am in danger. Assistance!
I am thoroughly familiar with our starfighters, Major.
I am?
I became one of you so that someday I could help overcome you.
I beg your pardon, Colonel, but, uh, he's no captain.
I believe I've suggested something similar to you in the past, Father.
I can't answer that yet.
I can't blame you for hating me all these years.
I can't concentrate. You see, what the Computer Council...
I can't remember enjoying myself so much in years. Can you?
I can't!
I cannot order that Earth be left absolutely defenseless.
I could call Governor Saroyan...
I could, sure. But the people in that desert aren't going to.
I couldn't concentrate. I I just couldnt keep up.
I deserve the chance to fight for them...
I didn't say I need all the pilots you could spare, Dr. Huer.
I don't know how.
I don't know what you mean by that, but how'd you like to repeat that in the flight hangar?
I don't know what's wrong.
I don't know what's wrong. [ Beeping ]
I don't know, Buck. It might well be that he's unaware of what's happened.
I don't know. I got a feeling...
I don't think so, Captain. We're from different times.
I don't understand, Dr. Huer. Why would the governor of Vistula...
I don't understand. Where have all our guests gone?
I expect more from statehouse servants than from common field laborers.
I expect you to keep us informed, Galen.
I find you also somewhat less than memorable, Dr. Huer.
I gave the okay to interfere.
I got him!
I had no idea.
I have a feeling Vistula is in very good hands.
I heard what you said about the processing plant. It ties in with why we were sent here.
I hope this timer works.
I intend to.
I just can't do that.
I just spoke with Governor Saroyan, and he's expecting you.
I know of one!
I mean, once you get to know him, he's really not that bad.
I mean, you can imagine how quickly one tires of soy products.
I owe you a great deal, Theopolis. Thank you.
I prefer my food pills.
I read somebody, but that somebody's flying an enemy ship and leading another one.
I said I need all the pilots, period!
I said, move it!
I see.
I see.
I suppose I should notify him personally.
I take it you're referring to mine as well, Major?
I think that means we're excused.
I think we're looking at the second part of Kaleel's master plan.
I told you. Kaleel has called for his escape craft.
I wanted to thank you for what you did tonight at the banquet.
I was being used by Kaleel,
I was gonna slip up. [Groans]
I was hoping Buck would agree to head up one of your combat technique sessions.
I was responding to a distress signal.
I was supposed to be yours for tonight.
I will scramble what's left of our forces.
I won't give you that. Take her to the furnace. You know what to do.
I'd love to.
I'll be darned. The poison's in the packaging.
I'll check the door. Okay.
I'll say good bye now, Wilma. There'll be plenty of time for that later.
I'll throw you a rope.
I'll transmit ahead...
I'm afraid I couldn't keep anything else down right now.
I'm afraid I don't feel very well, sir.
I'm afraid our friend has been a little too long in the trenches.
I'm all right, sir. The damage is minimal.
I'm being respectful. I'm following orders.
I'm in danger! Assistance! Assistance! Danger.
I'm not even going to analyze Major Danton's attack strategy.
I'm not letting you leave, you know,
I'm not letting you leave, you know.
I'm not on your back, Twiki.
I'm picking up several Directorate starfighters dead ahead.
I'm sure it's a part of Kaleel's great plan. What plan?
I'm sure Kaleel will answer any questions you might have.
I've been doing that sort of thing since before you were born, Captain.
I've got a reputation to uphold too, you know.
I've scrambled all available pilots, Major.
I've seen pictures of people and how they dressed in your time.
I've worked with these people from Earth, and I know how they think.
If anything, I'm on your front, and I can't get off without your help.
If Earth's paltry forces are on the way,
If I can convince them that we have a chance, maybe we can do something to help.
If I hadn't meant it, I wouldnt have said it.
If looks could kill, rigor mortis would be setting in.
If these pipes carry water, that means they're good and strong.
If we knock him out, the rest will turn tail. I guarantee it.
If you call that interfering, there's something wrong with your Funk & Wagnalls.
If you get him while he's still carrying the ball, your strategy works.
If you'll excuse me.
If you're referring to Dr. Huer,
If your heart is good and true, you shall live.
Il pull you up one at a time.
In a Directorate training mission. What?
In a freak mishap, Ranger 3 and its pilot, Captain William “Buck” Rogers,
In any combat situation,
In football, the quarterback Is the brains of the operation.
In hopes of destroying my fleet on the ground.
In most cases. Terrific.
In my day, we used the strategy of a popular sport called football
In the Epsilon Ludi system.
Instead, I'm here, about to spearhead an attack...
Is a moment lost for you...
Is no different from any other organization of people.
Is on your heads,
Is that where Rogers is, at the processing plant?
Is trying to keep secret is its effect on our defense squadrons.
Is yours for the taking!
It appears he sustained a hit on his starboard side.
It appears the armada has left the ground and is waiting for us.
It begins. Yes.
It certainly isn't. It used to take us days just to get to the moon.
It is a very satisfactory arrangement.
It isn't everyday that I have a full meal brought in here from
It might be different with you,
It seems that all of his guests left last night without saying a word.
It simply moves my timetable up, that's all.
It to get up here and launch a secret strike against that airfield.
It was your idea to come along. The least you can do is keep up.
It won't do any good. They've all been destroyed.
It would've, Major.
It's a sick suit. III monitor his vital signs...
It's canceled out. Any more ideas?
It's fascinating. [All Laughing ]
It's going very slowly. Must be on some kind of shuttle. Let's go.
It's his nerves controlling his voluntary muscles and motor coordination.
It's just that he's talking about so few pilots. He simply has no idea.
It's not safe to try a subspace communication between here and Farth.
It's pretty hard to eat something that just crawled on the ground.
It's ready.
It's slavery.
It's up to you. You wanna take a chance on being poisoned, go right ahead.
It's where much of the vegetable protein incorporated into our food is grown...
It's your dime. Shoot.
Itisn't often that I have visitors from my home world,
Julio, whose first loyalty is to Kaleel.
Just as ignorant and, um, terribly upset.
Just as you deserve the chance to fight for yours.
Just how serious is his condition?
Just imagine the surprise that's in store for him!
Just in time, Julio. And how is the good governor?
Just make sure every available pilot is waiting for me in that flight hangar.
Just one! Yeah, talk about “No Trespassing” signs.
Just so he remains totally ignorant of what's happening right under his nose.
Just to be safe.
Kaleel feeds off the adulation of a crowd.
Kaleel will make her talk.
Kaleel, your cruiser. Come!
Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel! Kaleel!
Keep it down. Come in here.
Last week, he told me he'd discovered something terrible about the processing plant he worked in.
Lead? What lead? Twiki, what are you talking about?
Leader to Scout 3. Indicate the level of damage sustained.
Leader to Squadron. Prepare to launch.
Left the statehouse spaceport 15 minutes ago.
Leila, help me. Leila, for God sakes, help me!
Leila, no. My husband.
Let me show you how you should have done it.
Let's get out of here, huh?
Let's leave Dr. Mallory to his work, Twiki.
Let's see. You've seen the fleet I've been slowly, patiently building up,
Lets just get rid of him.
Letting Buck know he has a friend in need.
Like fire,
Listen to Galen.
Look around you. See what's going on,
Look what happened to your dinner.
Look, are we talking brain surgery or are we talking combat?
Look, if what Wilma tells me is true, we're in alot of trouble.
Looking good back there.
Lying beside me, he says you are the one that makes us work for the governor.
Madmen or not, it seems to be working.
Major Danton is right.
Major Danton,
Major Danton. Welcome home. What you should be saying is, “Have a nice flight,”
Major Duke Danton, Captain Buck Rogers.
Major Fields can do it. I'll see you in a few minutes.
Major Fields, Captain Rogers.
Major, don't try using your radio until you're well beyond the stargate.
Major, it's a trick.
Manufactured for Directorate housing were contaminated,
Maybe I shouldn't have asked you to teach me judo...
Maybe it's a reflection on your training techniques.
Maybe they passed it through here to warm it up.
Maybe you can suck the dreams out of all those others, but not me.
Means we'll be home in 26 minutes. That's correct.
Might help you come up with an antidote.
Mmm. And you are?
Move it! Is optimism part of your military training?
Murder seems to be second nature to you.
My apologies, Captain Rogers. There is absolutely no excuse for such clumsiness.
My cadets are my responsibility!
My cruiser. I must get to my cruiser.
My good buddy, Buck.
My P.C. gauges say we're putting out more than enough energy.
My physicians tell me that he received excellent care on Farth.
My singing was that bad?
My touch is the touch of truth,
Nice shooting, Captain Rogers.
Nice to see you again, Mallory.
Nighttime is for sleeping.
Nine three and nine four, respond!
Nine three and nine four, you're out of sequence.
Nine three to Leader.
No good at all.
No harm has been done. That's exactly what I'm talking about.
No longer shall you live in a sea of stone...
No longer shall you live in caverns and canyons.
No longer shall you work...
No matter where they were processed or distributed, have one thing in common
No one ever has before. Then who's stealing one of our ships?
No one is to leave the hall. They're gonna get another talk in half an hour.
No one knows what happens there because no one's ever come back.
No one will miss you too terribly, you know.
No, but I picked up a lot outside the military. I said, move it!
No, don't bother. We'll take her back to the mountain.
No, don't do anything yet.
No, I can't, Governor. Does everybody have enough wine?
No, my friends. There are others who feel as I do.
No, not anymore.
No, of course not. It's my people I'm worried about
No, thank you, Ryma. Just water, if you please.
No! No!
No. I'll go right to translight velocity.
None of this food is from here?
Not a one.
Not just yet.
Not many, but a few. My brother was one.
Not only possible, but extremely practical.
Not particularly, no.
Not really. Oh, Julio you listen to.
Not too crazy about his foreman either.
Not until you've had three days of absolutely royal treatment.
Not without Carl.
Not yet, but we shall.
Nothing of any consequence can grow there.
Now [ve learned enough.
Now I have a job to do. And I've always tried to do the best I could.
Now pull yourself together and take evasive action while we circle back for you.
Now, all I need is something to put it under.
Now, if you could just wait one more day.
Now, listen. There's only one guy out here who means anything.
Now, put this around you.
Now, when I use the term “sack,” what I mean is “tackle.”
Now, why would a big, brave hotshot like yourself do something like that?
Obviously, I am totally unsuited for this position.
Obviously, they don't want us to find an antidote to the poison.
Of course not.
Of course we will.
Of the biochemical agent that's poisoning Earth's citizens.
Of your righteous anger.
Oh, Buck. I'm sorry. No offense,
Oh, come on. No, it's true.
Oh, excuse me.
Oh, hello. Official business. Food Directorate. Excuse me!
Oh, hi, guys.
Oh, I see.
Oh, I'm sorry, Buck. I already have plans.
Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me. No problem.
Oh, Julio, this is such a festive occasion.
Oh, no. I have all my food brought in. All of it.
Oh, no. We were just giving a demonstration.
Oh, nothing, Doctor. Excuse us, won't you?
Oh, some of them are a trifle difficult right after their purchase, but I
Oh, there is one other thing.
Oh, well, I'll leave by the window. You stay here.
Oh, Wilma?
Oh, yeah, sure.
Oh, yes. Regis?
Oh. [ Chuckling ]
Oh. They are uncivilized nomads.
Oh. Well, how about you? I'm the one she's got plans with.
Okay, good luck.
Okay, guards, take out these tackles.
Okay, how do you wanna handle this?
Okay, I punched in our destination and it's been relayed to the computer at the stargate.
Okay? Now, be careful.
Okay. Let's go!
On ancient sports.
Once I get through the stargate.
Once Kaleel has weakened enough of our pilots by contaminating their food supply,
One find an antidote. You've developed one.
One of our fighters seems to be trying to intercept them.
One of their own people
One of them appears to be in combat. We're coming up on a dogfight, all right.
One of whom you used to be until not long ago.
One way of doing this is by red dogging.
Only the weak are afraid.
Only to follow.
Oops. Wilma's on the move.
Others? Yes.
Otherwise, we'll look like a couple of brown and serve rolls at sunset.
Our enemy isn't Saroyan or Earth. It's you!
Our temperamental friend here Is about to begin...
Out of fear and jealousy.
Out of turning people who should logically hate you into mindless zombies...
Over the past few months, weve stolen weapons and explosives.
Pass the word.
Perhaps the fields are more to your liking?
Plain and simple, cold blooded murder.
Please, Dr. Mallory. The current?
Please, Father.
Please. Just come down to the hospital research lab.
Positioned behind all others, Galen!
Predictable to a fault, these Earth people.
Preferably put it under a tin bucket.
Prepare for stargate entry. Entering stargate.
Prepare for your attack, naturally. And with our remaining forces,
Prepare my personal cruiser.
Prevail! [Cheering]
Problem is, how do we get word to Huer?
Pumped from underground springs.
Punch in course seven X...
Punch in destination 4807 K.
Punching a hole through their offensive line...
Put that around yourself, then put the rope on top of it.
Quit avoiding responsibility. Clean up things on Vistula yourself.
Recon 1, I appreciate your concern,
Regis does.
Regis has tried for years to help the nomads.
Remember all the times I've called you a barbarian?
Remember, once we pass through, no further transmissions.
Rest assured,
Right on both counts.
Roger. What about Rogers?
Rogers to Leader. Do you read me?
Rogers to Leader. Do you read?
Run, Wilma!
Running back out of USC. He played for the Buffalo Bills.
Ryma, can you hear me?
Ryma, there are so few of us.
Same to you, Captain.
Saroyan. Regis Saroyan.
Saroyan's son has arrived.
Scout 3 to Leader. I'm under attack by pirates. Request assistance.
Scout 3, how badly are you hurt?
See the difference?
See you up there.
See, class? That's what I mean by “sacking the quarterback.”
Seven, you're falling out of formation.
Shall we? After you.
She has been put to death.
She says Earth's Defense Directorate stands little chance of curing its ailing pilots...
She was a good ship, though.
She won't try to escape.
She's beautiful. Yeah.
She's better. I think I can make it.
She's some kind of woman, isn't she?
She's still alive.
Should the contamination you're looking for start to enter your systems.
Should they stray too near the fire,
Since flight school.
So finally I gave up trying to make you hear.
So keep me apprised of your progress. I'shall. I shall.
So ready your pulsar cannons. We're going to take them on now.
So that your top defensive back...
So that's how you twisted it around for them?
So the planet can be conquered with ease.
So what is Vistula?
So, of course, they died. Stay back!
So, you must ready yourselves, my friends!
Some people are just slow learners.
Some things never change.
Somebody come! Please!
Somebody is using a power leech on us!
Somebody's using a power leech on us!
Someone I knew... along, long time ago.
Something's happened to her? I'm afraid so. She's activated her R.D.F. unit.
Soon, you shall meet those...
Sorcerer, mutant, call him what you wil],
Sounds good to me. Come on, Ryma.
Sounds like you're the red dog who's gonna be sacking the quarterback.
Space travel isn't what it used to be, is it?
Stargate 4 coming up in 30 seconds.
Stay back!
Stay back. ‘Cause she didn't believe in you.
Stella indicated he's about to be taken care of.
Stella, what are you doing? Stella?
Stop it!
Stop them, you fools!
Suddenly, he disappeared. Quite selfishly, we hoped he was dead.
Sure. Ah, Buck!
Take her to the shuttle port. A transport is scheduled to leave for the mountain at dawn.
Take it off if you don't mind getting third degree sunburn.
Take this man to the Directorate clinic.
Taybor Saroyan Is the current governor.
Tell Kaleel I have some good news.
Tell me something I don't know.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks, Major. Twiki.
That Captain Rogers learned to speak on the same planet as the rest of us.
That didn't seem to matter much to the pirates, did it?
That Earth could scarcely ward off an attack from pirates, let alone anything organized.
That fighter can hold only one, which means someone is still around.
That is an order.
That means they lead to other rooms.
That the Food Directorate periodically dispatches...
That was the best idea you ever had.
That was the least of it.
That wasn't so bad, was it?
That will completely destroy Earth's remaining forces.
That will detect the poison.
That's a very amusing term, Rogers.
That's all for today. Cadets, report to the hangar at 0800.
That's clipping. It's illegal.
That's easy for you to say.
That's fine. Right there. That's fine.
That's it. Watch it, now.
That's not a bad idea.
That's not the reason. The truth is, you get your kicks...
That's okay. I was, uh, on a diet anyway.
That's right. That's why you couldn't kill Ryma with your evil powers, isn't it?
That's very good, Twiki.
That's where Wilma is, all right inside that mountain.
The almighty Kaleel, I presume.
The armada's just breaking apart and running!
The Computer Council has ordered that a definitive statement to the general public not be made just yet.
The entire planet is devoted to growing vegetable protein.
The evil and the weak must be purged.
The filament you're soldering is the precise weight and thickness as the one you're replacing.
The Food Directorate will have my resignation within the hour.
The fool has been so helpful to us, he deserves to have a good time.
The governor has prepared a banquet for the copilots who escorted him here.
The governor's foreman says he was found dead...
The inhabitants of the Sea of Stone make excellent workers.
The kiss of God would only sanctify you, even in death.
The kiss of God,
The music should cover our conversation.
The only chance that Earth has...
The only one with any sense in that family is his son, Regis.
The only ones who can stop us...
The only way he can harm you is if you're afraid of him.