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Jerry and Marge Go Large

Jerry and Marge Go Large

Jerry and Marge Go Large is a captivating comedy-drama film that tells the extraordinary true story of Jerry and Marge Selbee, directed by Marco Calvopina. This heartwarming movie takes viewers on a thrilling ride that explores the relentless pursuit of the American Dream, starring an exceptional cast including Oscar-winning actors Jack Nicholson as Jerry Selbee and Helen Mirren as Marge Selbee. The film was released in 2022, delighting audiences with its unique blend of humor and inspiration.

Jerry and Marge Go Large follows the lives of Jerry and Marge Selbee, a humble couple with a passion for playing the lottery. Set in the small town of Evart, Michigan in the early 2000s, the story depicts their everyday struggles as they find themselves on the brink of financial ruin. Jack Nicholson delivers a remarkable performance as Jerry, a retired high school math teacher who discovers a secret flaw in the state lottery system.

Driven by his love for numbers, Jerry teams up with Marge, his devoted wife played by the incomparable Helen Mirren. Together, they embark on a journey to exploit this unanticipated opportunity. As the couple starts winning massive prizes, their lives take an unexpected turn. They quickly find themselves in the center of a nationwide scandal, surrounded by critics and admirers alike, all eager to uncover their secret.

The film masterfully captures the dynamic between Jerry and Marge. Nicholson's portrayal showcases Jerry's dry wit and intellect, while Mirren brings Marge's determination and unwavering support to life. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, making every scene a joy to watch. The story not only chronicles Jerry and Marge's rise to unimaginable wealth but also delves into the strains this newfound success places on their personal relationship.

Jerry and Marge Go Large is a rollercoaster of emotion, effortlessly shifting from lighthearted comedy to poignant drama. The screenplay by Daniel Bowman weaves a compelling narrative that explores themes of love, integrity, and the pursuit of happiness. As the pressure mounts, Jerry and Marge face difficult decisions and grapple with the consequences of their actions.

One of the film's highlights is the stellar supporting cast, including Sarah Paulson as investigative journalist Lisa Baker, determined to expose Jerry and Marge's secret. Paulson delivers a powerful performance, adding depth to the movie's dramatic undertones. Other notable performances include Michael Shannon as Jacob, a devoted friend and fellow lottery enthusiast, and Octavia Spencer as Sylvia, a skeptical neighbor who becomes an unexpected ally.

Jerry and Marge Go Large features a remarkable soundtrack that heightens the film's emotional impact. The original score, composed by John Williams, perfectly complements the on-screen action, enhancing both comedic and dramatic moments. The film also incorporates popular songs from the era, transporting audiences back to the early 2000s with nostalgic tunes that will leave them humming long after the credits roll.

If you are eager to experience the magic of Jerry and Marge Go Large, you can find the film at your local theater or play and download the soundtrack on all major streaming platforms. Brace yourself for a thrilling ride filled with laughter, tears, and a newfound appreciation for the lengths people will go to in pursuit of the American Dream.

A fishing boat. What...
A little over four.
About drawing a logo for Pop Pop's business.
Actually, I'm gonna get them first.
Ah. That's way more stupid.
All right, folks, check those numbers. We wish you the best of luck.
All right, guys, it's gonna be a big one. It's all of us now, so make it count.
All right, let's break this guy.
All right, night.
All right, old man, suit yourself.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Aah.
All right. I'll be right there.
All right. You grab that.
All right.All right, what?
All these bright, young people helping you get rich.
Also, I'm gonna need you all to fill out about 300 lottery slips,
Always happy to meet with our loyal players, Mr. and Mrs. Selbee.
And a one in 1,500 chance of hitting four.
And announced they will phase out the game after tonight's drawing.
And call everything port and starboard.
And don't worry, we left you two the counting part.
And everybody starts betting, and Benjamin Button gets in his truck.
And everyone you play with.
And get started.
And hardly anybody was winning the jackpot,
And he would know.
And how many WinFall tickets did you sell at your store?
And I found us a small town to play in.
And I had to find out if I was right.
And I hope you find your frog.
And I realized that I wasn't really angry at you.
And I started calculating how fast the bobber was moving
And I'll be right out.
And I'm not about to gamble with it.
And it was at that moment that I realized
And let me tell you from experience, being here all day sucks.
And Massachusetts isn't that far.
And nobody gets six numbers.
And now you have a boss who's going to let you sleep in.
And our very last number for today is number 23.
And she didn't ever think I'd be able to afford it.
And so far we kind of suck at it.
And sweat, and passion, okay?
And teach my wife how to grade papers?[ALL CHUCKLE]
And tell me what I'm doing wrong? Oof.
And that doesn't work for anybody but you.
And that is how much we brought.
And that's where my buddy, Darryl, comes in.
And that's why everyone in town trusts you to take a chance.
And the Downtown fund will cover the rest.
And the two number winners just gives us free tickets,
And their womb can have babies.
And then I hear him ask me, "What do you think, Dad?"
And then we bet a million in one day. I mean, we own the game.
And then when it hits two million, we know a roll down is coming in,
And then you finally took your shot, and you brought us all with you.
And then, the last letter...
And they missed it.
And they won't even know that we have a duffle bag full of cash.
And to care about all these people the way you do,
And took advantage of it, to the tune of millions of dollars.
And we discovered a flaw.
And we don't know how long this game is gonna last.
And we hope you're a winner.
And we lose $1 million?
And we will.Well, that's easy for you to say.
And we would like two machines at the Liquor Hut in Sunderland.
And we'll handle all the betting.
And were wondering if you could stop by.
And what would you do?
And where do we get $1 million?
And with more capital, we can control the game.
And won't yell at me.
And you are killing the ambience of our liquor store.
And you brought this town back from the dead
And you flipped it 1,000 times,
And you show me what you can do
And you, for keeping a secret.
And, boy, sent your profits through the roof.
And, Old Frank can sure use a mail truck he doesn't fall out of.
And, uh, we're gonna give him an extra share, but here you are.
ANNOUNCER ON TV: Cross those fingers, our very last lucky number is 21.
ANNOUNCER ON TV: Forty three.So, how'd it go with the boat?
ANNOUNCER ON TV: Our next number is 46...
ANNOUNCER ON TV: Thirty one.
ANNOUNCER OVER MICROPHONE: Ladies and gentlemen,
Any questions?
Anyhoo... tractor's running.
Are they upset?
Are you aware there's a player in Michigan winning millions every month?
Are you depositing a penny?
Are you having a stroke?
Are you sure?Hmm.
As you can see by our returns, it works.
As you might have imagined it,
At a good garage sale.
Aw, you're disappointed in me?
Bathroom lights?No. That'd be stupid.
Because he calculated that was a smarter purchase.
Because I will do that.Well, that is fun.
Because I'm here all day.
Because it looks like a "1",
Because it's an adventure.
Because it's not fair to the regular players.
Because it's what you need to dig a grave.
Because nobody at the lottery figured out what I did.
Because right now we're losing
Because she knows it'll work.
Because the day would come when you could help them.
Because they were free.
Because this is mine.
Because you don't do anything.
Because you had calculated there was,
Because you knew that once everybody saw it,
Been better.
Before you realized there was a flaw in the math.
Believe me, I wanted to.
Best euro I've ever spent.
Beyond dropping out of school because I blew my entire tuition?
Bill just wants to keep his share of GS Strategies.
Bill, I'd like to introduce you to GS Investment Strategies.
Bill, you need a new frog.
BILL: But they're not hoping to get lucky.
BILL: Come on!
BILL: Hey!
BILL: I'm gonna get you first.
BILL: Jerry and Marge dissolved our betting group
BILL: Jerry did finally give in and buy himself a new truck,
BILL: These are my friends, Jerry and Marge Selbee.
BILL: We doubled it!
Bill?BILL: Hey, Jerry. Hey, Marge.
Binomial distribution only considers two factors.
BOTH: Whoo!
BOY 1: I told you we should have...
BOY 2: Did you get the pretzels?GIRL 3: Yeah.
BOY 2: Yeah.
Boy, oh, boy.
BOY: Bathroom vacancy grid.
Brats and... Oh.HOWARD: Cheddar?
Bring in the whole town.
But anybody that wins above 60,000 is in the public record.
But binomial distribution doesn't consider the third factor.
But by using it, we've introduced a variable that changes it.
But I hid it behind the Yoo hoo this morning so that nobody would get it.
But I'd rob a bank if it gave us something to talk about.
But I've been running simulations during the drawings, and it's right.
But if we create a roll down when nobody expects it, we take it all.
But if you flipped it 5,000 times, the probability gets closer to 50%.
But in the end, you're just seeing less.
But instead...
But it only works if you can bet big.
But it took a long time for me to figure people out.
But it turns out it's this room that matters.
But it's also like being retired,
But it's going to take time,
But it's online,
But it's over.
But last time I checked, my father never made $1 million in a night.
But look at this guy. Wins big every three weeks.
But on the roll down weeks,
But the game has been a huge success for the state.
But the reason you won't share the pot is because you have nothing else.
But then I thought, "Heck, the prom ends at midnight,
But then on the long drive here,
But there are dividends that you can access.
But they said you're only allowed one per location,
But they'll still turn your mouth blue.
But this story doesn't start there.
But this... this popcorn's very stale. Ugh.
But we're behind on our bills, and don't have enough for a share?
But we're so close.
But what the hell? Put me in for 1,000. [LAUGHS]
But, uh, I just can't have customers in here.
But, you know, every system can use an improvement.
By the way, a bunch of us are pooling money
Bye bye.
Can I get dressed first?
Can that be right?
Can we show Pop Pop?
Can you get money from your dad?I'm not asking him for shit.
Can you stay open later?
Card was declined, Helen. I'm sorry.
Cashing tickets for people who owe child support, or have a warrant,
Come on, pull over.We're only a mile from home.
Come on.
Darn right.DOUG: Are you going to also come by
Darn!JERRY: Whoa!
Depends which ocean you're on.
Did that woman just rob you?
Did you check for other claims?Yes. There was one.
Did you ever think maybe the world wasn't passing you by?
Do I like fishing? I do? Okay.Yeah, you took me once.
Do you accept other forms of payment?
Do you have 10 grand?No.
Do you not see all these empty cubicles?
Do you really think we're the only ones who know?
Does it?
Does laughing at you count?
Doesn't look like much.
Doesn't mean they won't.
Don't need a logo.Logos help.
Don't need an appointment.Okay.
Doug, put it on top there.Yup. All right.
Doug, the Porters lost power in their barn and they want you to come take a look.
Doug, would you watch the grill for a second?
DOUG: Dad...
DOUG: Jesus.
DOUG: Oh, God. Here we go.
DOUG: Okay, talk to me. So you wanna renovate it?
DOUG: That was your one job. You did so good.You okay?
Drive for two hours, get a free burger.
Dude, it's over. Nobody wants to do it anymore.
Dude, we might not ever need a real job.
Dude.Whatever. It worked.
Eating too fast.
Eight thousand WinFall tickets is, like...
Eight thousand.
Enjoy your golden years.
ERIC: Hey, only take a piece if you contributed to the fund.
ERIC: Oh, my God.
Evart should start selling houses for a dollar, like they do in Tuscany.
Everybody rides.
Everybody seems to think it is.
Everything I had to do.
Except the letter "I," which they skip
Except they didn't see it.
Feeling trapped in a gross hotel, filling bins with losing tickets
Feels like we really are robbing a bank.
Find me a headline that I can
Fine. I'll do it on my own.
Fingers on the laces.Yeah.
Five times a year.
Folks, those numbers, one more time, are 23, 45, 01, 25, 06 and 21.
For him to retire.I know.
For that long without breaking a hip,
For the lottery tonight.
For the town of Evart.
For what he fears will be the last time.
From my source at the AG's office.
From whom?
Full house.
Full time online travel agent.
Gerald Selbee, every three weeks.
Get the festival going, and finish rebuilding before it pushes back.
Get to your location and don't leave until you print all your tickets.
Getting up before dawn just like he has every day for 42 years,
GIRL 1: It's gonna be insane.
GIRL 2: Crazy.
GIRL: Yes!BOY 1: Whoo!
Give or take.
Go big or go home. [CHUCKLES]
Go on, sit on down.
Go, go, go.
Going to work at the Corn Flakes factory,
Good evening, folks, and welcome to this week's WinFall lottery roll down.
Good luck happens, same as bad.
Good luck, it happens same as bad?
Good luck. Yeah.Thanks.
Got it all right here.
Got the wrong room. Got the wrong room.
Grab your tickets, have a seat and let's get right to it.
Great move, genius.
Guess you haven't run the math out on that, huh?
Ha ha! I see you! Go get 'em, boy!
Hah. Reminds me of our wedding night.
Ham radio. We're gonna hit some dead zones.
Have a good walk home.HOWARD: Okay.
Have to play the one in Massachusetts now.
Have you?
He and Shirley get to use the hot tub whenever they want.
He called your bluff, okay? There's nothing we can do but accept it.
He finally got to use his gift to connect to people.
He just doesn't know the formula for "I miss you."
He made how much?
He thinks I'm studying to be a lawyer, like him.
He wants a war? We'll give him one.
He wants to know. What do you think?
He was 16, 17.
He was talking about a girl that he liked.
He wouldn't have come, Howard.
He'll be okay.
He's right. It's not who we are.
He's the best line manager we ever had, right?
He's wants to bring in other partners from the firm.
He's won this much?Yeah.
HEATHER: Hey, Doug?
Heck, I can do anything.
HELEN: [SIGHS] Dang it. Maybe I have cash. Let me just...
HELEN: Thanks, Leon.
Here are the keys.
Here you go.
Here you go.
Here you go. That's for you.
Here you go.Thank you.
Here, let me show you...
Here. So, if you take a coin
Here's to 46 more years.
Hey, buddy. How's school?Uh, Dad.
Hey, Dad, if I lived here, I would welcome that.
Hey, hey! Hey. Hey!
Hey, I got two more shareholders.
Hey, Jerry.
Hey, Jerry.
Hey, Jerry. Making a deposit?
Hey, kid, those are buy one, get one free,
Hey, Mindy.
Hey, Raj!
Hey, so how many days do you think we'll need?
Hey, Steve.
Hey, Steve.Hey, Rhoda.
Hey, uh, if we're gonna do this again,
Hey, what is GS whatever?
Hey, when's the part where you get to turn in all the winners?
Hey, why are there ultrasonic sensors on our toilet stalls?
Hey, would you hand me a 10 mil?Yeah.
Hey, you know, I've been working on that Eat, Pray, Lovetrip for you.
Hey, you should be traveling.
Hey, you think we can get one of those offices downtown, like Steve's?
Hey. Bill! Bill, what happened?
Hey. I finished early tonight.
Hey. I got an idea.Yeah?
Hey. What happens if somebody wins the jackpot
His lottery calculation won a grand total of $27 million.
Hmm. How's my account?
Hmm. No. No.HOWARD: Yep.
Holy cow!
Holy... It's jazz fest?What?
Hopefully this was your week.Okay.
House always wins.
How are we on batteries?
How are you at logos?Good.
How are you helping them?
How badly do you want to go and just count all those tickets?
How did you guys do this for weeks?
How did you... We missed the final play.
How do you make a living with only six clients?
How many weekends you have left.
How you started working here in high school?
How's the boat?
Howard got him a deal on it, but his commission is that
HOWARD: Ah, I'm just sad we couldn't have had it when Prince was around.
HOWARD: No, a little more than that.
HOWARD: Thank you so much.MARGE: All right. Well, goodnight.
HOWARD: To Jerry.DOUG: All right.
HOWARD: Yes, you can.I can count. I just don't like to count.
HOWARD: You know, every town has a thing.
HOWARD: Yup. All the shareholders are chipping in.
Huh, that's a good point.What is? I wasn't making a point.
I already got us one right next to his.
I am checking.
I am sorry.
I am.
I believe we are done.
I can bring you another one.
I can do it.Let's get rolling.
I can't even remember the last time that we had...
I can't get mine to open.
I cannot believe you are my accountant.
I counted nickels with you because it was something I understood.
I did buy this.
I did everything I was supposed to do.
I did say that.
I did.
I didn't calculate the frequency of probability.
I didn't know a better way to spend time with you.
I didn't say he was a retiree.
I didn't think it would be playing the lottery,
I don't do clicks. I do news.
I don't eat meat, Dad.
I don't have any other appointments. I have six clients.
I don't have many regular clothes.
I don't have to be. Um...
I don't know what that is.BILL: Marge?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't really need your capital anymore.
I don't think I can get out if I tried.
I don't think that's a thing.
I don't think they know how to open the newsletter.
I don't think this door locks.
I don't want you to.
I don't. I just became an online travel agent. See the posters?
I figured out the math, and I won $15,000.
I found a flaw in the lottery.
I gave $20 to Shirley's lottery pool.
I gave him that line.
I get confused by them all.HOWARD: You don't care. You don't care.
I got some great rates.
I got the coupons.
I got the key.
I got tired of walking in there and seeing feet under every stall.
I guess it wouldn't be a prom without dumb teenagers.
I guess it's not such a big deal now.
I guess we fire up some of that delicious motel coffee
I had no idea.
I had some questions about the WinFall game.
I had to try it.
I have a dorm.
I have a meeting.
I have a pig on a tractor.
I have an army of bettors. You won't even have to leave your rocking chairs.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I have Windows, I think.
I just bought a Corvette.Yeah, I can see that.
I just don't understand this.It's just math.
I just got a cruise I gotta cancel now.
I just knew that I wanted to.
I just need you out of the game.
I kind of have a system.
I kinda wish we'd won the jackpot. Just once.
I know my line is shutting down, but...
I know you've waited a really long time
I know, but you and Dad, you gotta have fun together.
I know. We need to work on it.
I like stale.
I mean, downtown is back, the jazz fest is coming.
I mean, I never get to spend time with you guys, and, you know...
I mean, it looks right.
I mean, not that year, because the girl sued us.Yeah.
I mean, we're supposed to be doing stuff together anyway, right?
I mean, WinFall takes in 100 grand a day,
I mean, you've been taking care of this place for years.
I meant the empty bag of Oreos.
I missed my chance.
I myself invested in a very luxurious man cave.
I need a headline.
I need a new frog.
I need to find someone like you.
I ordered a second machine from the lottery,
I said I would take a shift.
I saw you eat seven Oreos.
I suppose I can go to Ace...Wait a minute.
I think I still owe you a prom night.
I think I'll walk home tonight.
I think one of those investors might actually kill me.
I think we're gonna need more Oreos.
I thought an alarm would go off and they'd start yelling at me.
I thought it was supposed to be more without the split.
I wanna have fun.
I wanna have fun.
I wanna make a withdrawal.
I was always good with math,
I was just checking to see how we did. Um, you know, curious.
I wish he would.
I wish you all the best of luck.
I won a free ticket last week, which lost.
I won the jackpot before we ever started.
I would help, but, uh, I can't count.
I wouldn't charge much.
I... felt silly.
I... I found this flaw in the game,
I'd like to ask you some questions about GS Investment Strategies.
I'd like to withdraw $2,000.
I'd sleep in the car if I had to.
I'd still be at the factory if they didn't cut my line.
I'll be back in a couple of days with a deposit.
I'll be in your business, Pop Pop.
I'll call you in a month for my next appointment.
I'll give you a hand.All right.
I'll print you one, Shirley.
I'll work it out.I know you will.
I'm busy.Well, can you show us how it works?
I'm disappointed.
I'm doing one on the lottery.
I'm going to miss it.Yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna drive down to Grand Rapids more often.
I'm gonna get a beer.
I'm gonna need to charge you for using the microwave.
I'm gonna take you up on that.
I'm in, too.
I'm in. Can I be in?
I'm just trying to do the right thing.
I'm playing the lottery, and I'm winning.
I'm playing the lottery.
I'm sad to report that, due to some new variables in the game...
I'm sure that helps out on the farm, but at Harvard,
I'm telling you, Dottie has done such a great job with this bookstore.
I'm thinking about it anyway.DAWN: Okay.
I'm too old to wait it out.
I'm undergoing some marital trauma at the moment.
I'm watching a program.
I've never done anything criminal like this.
I've waited 40 years for it to be just us,
I've watched you spend so much of your life
I've worked all my life.
If I told you that, you wouldn't come.
If it does, we'll get a ride.Yeah.
If the Harvard team can trigger a roll down, they run the game.
If there's a roll down, he's going to play.
If we keep winning, we could actually hire somebody to play there.
If we sell shares, we'll have more capital to invest.
If we're going to have a fund for the town,
If you bet at least 10 grand, the odds tilt towards the buyer.
If you count the letters, uh,
If you let me put that in stocks, I could probably get you 10%.
If you push against something, it's gonna push back.
If you wanna get that going, push your button.
In fact, his Corvette is actually in one of our parking spots.
Increases above the amount that you would pay to play.
Is give up on a problem before you find a solution.
Is he okay?
Is it?Yeah.
Is just a memory I will never ever forget.
Is that's all bullshit.
Is there a bar at this motel?
Is your dad in on this?
It came in!What did?
It doesn't seem like work.
It is if you wanna sell the idea. I took a class on marketing.
It is jazz fest.
It is more fun when you're here.
It is now.
It means that on the roll down weeks,
It never rolls down before three.
It rolled down last night, and we missed it.
It starts with Jerry,
It takes weeks for a roll down, right?
It was fun.
It was more than just a game to him.
It won't be hard. I mean...
It would have been nice to just throw the football or something.
It wouldn't have felt the same.
It'll be an adjustment.
It'll take four days of betting,
It's 500 a share.Okay.
It's a liability.
It's a small town that's not exactly in its prime.
It's all work shirts.
It's always just math.
It's because they don't care.
It's been three years.
It's getting paper cuts in a motel filled with prostitutes and drug dealers.
It's just math.
It's just math. Nothing personal.
It's just not for me.
It's like having a job.
It's like sorting through coins, looking for buffalo nickels,
It's never been a gift. It's been a trick.
It's Newton's law.
It's not about the math. It's about being human.
It's not against the rules to buy tickets.
It's not gambling.
It's not gambling. It seems like a risk, but the market...
It's not that.
It's not. I'm evaluating
It's Steve.
It's stuffed inside the Frosted Mini Wheats box.
It's that simple.Do you have a logo?
It's the only way I can make sense of things.
It's time to risk it.
Jer and Marge!
Jerry can explain it to you.
JERRY OVER PHONE: I will be sending out an official shareholder report.
Jerry, how much is a Euro?
Jerry, pull over.
JERRY: All right. Well, go ahead...
JERRY: And that about does it.
JERRY: Beautiful plastic china.
JERRY: Gin, or poker, or cribbage,
JERRY: Hello, hello, everybody.WOMAN: Oh, hey!
JERRY: Hey. Oh.Oh. Got our dinner.
JERRY: Holy cow!
JERRY: I may just do that.
JERRY: I tried to answer all their questions in the newsletter.
JERRY: If we bet the whole $15,000...
JERRY: It's a math problem, really.
JERRY: It's taking everything in me not to do it right now.
JERRY: Let's get started.
JERRY: Morning, Leon.LEON: Morning, Jerry.
JERRY: Ninety eight.
JERRY: Ninety nine.
JERRY: Oh, there's Steve.
JERRY: Okay.
JERRY: So here's the thing.
JERRY: Sorry, the motel's not so great.
JERRY: Well, we got 8,000 tickets to check.[MARGE SIGHS]
JERRY: Well, we'll have to take care of that.
JERRY: Yeah, how about that?
JERRY: Yeah.DOUG: All right.
Jerry's got it all worked out.
Just being overlooked and pushed around.
Just better odds.
Just like Howard did.
Just poke around for something.
Just yours, plus six more.Yes!
Kind of lost the magic ever since Steely Dan stopped touring.
LAWYER: Yes. You get everything.
Leon will regret that.
Leon, what happened to WinFall?
LEON: Better odds.
LEON: Hey, Jer.
LEON: I know you're good for it.
Let me give you some paper.
Let me just have it for one minute.
Let me just take one minute.
Let's be a little stupid. Huh?
Let's do this!
Let's go. Pack up your stuff. You're coming home.
Let's go.Oh.
Let's not... Let's not open that.
Let's ride.
Like a kangaroo.[JERRY LAUGHS]
Like many of their friends and neighbors,
Like what?
Listen, as much as I'd like to see if you can stand behind that thing
Literally the only time I was going to get to use that today.
Lives in Michigan. A retired factory worker.
Look at the winnings in Sunderland, from only two locations.
Look at this.
Look it up.
Look, first off, I can say that we're doing pretty darn well.
Look, I'm...
Look, we're really only hurting each other by playing at the same time,
Look, you gotta be more aggressive.
Look, you had a good run.
Looks like money well spent.Yeah.
Looks like the numbers a crazy man drew on his cell wall.
Lots and lots of lottery tickets.
Lottery officials expressed their surprise at the discovery
Lure people here.
Made you a fresh pot. French roast.JERRY: Oh.
Make it six, then.
Makes it fair for anybody who plays.
MAN: Hey. Why don't you tell these guys
MAN: Jerry! Marge!JERRY: Huh.
MAN: Thank you.
MAN: Yeah!
MAN: Yeah.
Managing it, it's gonna be a full time job.
Marge, how long is this gonna take?
MARGE: How would they know how much to bet?
MARGE: No, Shirley, it's not criminal.
MARGE: Okay, here we go.
MARGE: So glad you got the day off.
MARGE: The Pick and Shovel. [LAUGHS]
MARGE: What?They're moving out the WinFall machine.
MARTIN: Lottery winners get a lot of clicks.
MARTIN: Tyler Langford.
Maya Jordon. Boston Globe.
Maya Jordon. Boston Globe.
MAYA: The lottery?
Maybe you were meant to be here.
Me, too, but I mean, I didn't expect this. Look at you guys. It's like Up.[LAUGHS]
Me, too.
MIDGE: Okay. Have a good day.
Mmm hmm.
Mmm hmm.
Mmm hmm. I know.
Mmm.I told you it'd be worth the drive.
Morning, Leon.Morning, Jerry.
Most days, I don't even leave the house.
Most of them think a firewall is something in their chimney, so...
Moving on to our next...[TV STOPS]
Mr. Grazio?
My appointment is at 10: 00.
My dad gave me enough money to take you to the prom.
My goodness.
My goodness.DOUG: Good job. You didn't spoil it.
Nah. It's gonna be more fun. You take that.
Nah. This one works.
No criminal record.
No more cigarette burns, huh?Yeah.
No teacher to pull us apart.
No thanks, Bill.All right. Ow!
No way is this enough.[BOY CHUCKLES]
No, I mean, you know, just someone that's still fertile.
No, I only drink Jager and Red Bull. But thank you.
No, I was disappointed that I let a selfish kid like you get to me. Huh.
No, I'd be happy to.
No, it's only about a 10 hour drive if our truck doesn't break down.
No, Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy! No, no, no, no, Liz.
No, no, no, I'm good. It sounds great.
No, no. That's okay.
No, not you. You're insignificant.
No, she's just pissed off 'cause I filed for divorce,
No, thank you.
No, that's impossible. It's only the second week.
No, that's still meat.
No, then you're not gonna learn about the numbers.
No, you don't need to do that.
No, you said you didn't know
No, you said you'd come at 10: 00.
No. 16,000.$16,000.
No. He... Um...
No. I'm in charge.
No. No, no, no, no.
No. No.
No. No. It rolled down.
No. No. This is a shareholder meeting. It's not a party.
No. State lottery commission.
No. Uh...
No. We're assholes.
No. We're gonna play the lottery.
No. We're professional lottery players.
No.Yeah, well, I guess people will just
No.You can't hold it?
Nobody cared.
Nobody knew what you could do.
Not a third, which is human error, or a fourth,
Not all the time. But I think that's why I like it.
Not every time.
Not everybody can pull off 42 years
Not just for the state.
Not much of a name.
Not really. But I don't have a boat.
Not you. Me.
Now it's too late to do anything else.