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Shane is a classic Western film that was released in 1953. It was directed by George Stevens and is based on the novel of the same name by Jack Schaefer. This iconic movie is known for its stunning cinematography and powerful performances that have made it a beloved film for generations.

The lead role of Shane was played by the talented Alan Ladd, who brought depth and charisma to the character. Ladd's portrayal of Shane, a mysterious drifter with a dark past, captivated audiences and solidified him as a Hollywood legend. He was joined by Jean Arthur, who played Marian Starrett, a strong-willed homesteader's wife caught in a conflict between her husband and the ruthless cattle baron, Rufus Ryker, portrayed by Emile Meyer.

The cast also included Van Heflin as Joe Starrett, Marian's husband and the moral center of the film. Heflin's performance showcased his versatility as an actor, embodying a character torn between his principles and the violent realities of the West. Additionally, Brandon de Wilde stole hearts as young Joey Starrett, providing a sense of innocence and vulnerability in the midst of the unfolding drama.

The film beautifully depicts the struggle between homesteaders and ranchers, highlighting the challenges faced by those trying to build a life in the untamed American West. Shane, who possesses remarkable skills with a six-shooter, becomes entangled in this conflict when he befriends the Starretts and takes it upon himself to protect them from Ryker and his henchmen.

The themes in Shane resonate with audiences to this day. It explores the dichotomy of violence and heroism, as Shane grapples with his own demons while striving to protect those he cares about. The film's breathtaking landscapes and gripping action sequences, coupled with its exploration of morality and the human condition, make it a truly timeless piece of cinema.

In addition to the compelling narrative, the movie's score plays a significant role in setting the atmosphere and enhancing the emotional impact of each scene. The hauntingly beautiful music was composed by Victor Young, earning him an Academy Award nomination. From the iconic opening notes to the climactic moments of the film, Young's score adds resonance and depth to Shane's themes and memorable moments.

If you are a fan of Western films or simply appreciate classic cinema, Shane is a must-watch. The performances, story, and overall production values make it a true gem of its genre. You can experience the riveting tale of Shane and the American West by playing and downloading the movie here.

Whether you're drawn to the romance of a bygone era or crave a captivating, action-packed story, Shane has something to offer. It continues to be hailed as one of the greatest Westerns ever made and has left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape. So don't miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in this masterpiece of American cinema. Play and download the sounds of Shane today for an unforgettable experience.

A gun is a tool, Marian.
A gun's as good or as bad
A gunfighter out of Cheyenne named Wilson.
A homesteader, he can't run but a few beef,
A hothead.
A jug. It's the 4th.
A man has to be what he is, Joey.
A place where people can come
A real get together.
A silly kind of a pride.
A sodbuster tried to kill Wilson.
A sodbuster tried to pull on Wilson.
A stranger, decked out like a gunfighter.
A whole bunch came in.
Afraid not, Joey.
After all, there's just so many hands in a deck of cards.
Ain't a marshal within 100 miles.
Ain't fit for women to see.
Ain't nothing to be afraid of in town.
Ain't that right, Swede?
All right, I'll tell them.
All right, Joey. Come on.
All right, Marian,
All right, you've told me.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All set?
All that, just for us?
All the things that will be.
All the way to Cheyenne.
Am I going to have to fight you, too?
An ax, a shovel, or anything.
And a brand sticks.
And a school.
And better than most.
And bring up their families.
And don't come back.
And drink with the men?
And fence me off from water.
And fenced in and fed right, that's the thing.
And forgive us our trespasses
And grow up to be strong and straight.
And haul that load of wire from Graftors?
And he worked hard for it.
And he's going to have to pay for it.
And here's to me,
And his wife hear some words of comfort said over her man.
And I couldn't do what I got to do
And I figure we'd be doing wrong,
And I know if anything happened to me,
And I want to tell you something, Ryker.
And I've got to move my stock because of it.
And kiss me good night, Mother?
And lead us not into temptation,
And mother wants you!
And Mr. Shipstead's, too.
And no hard feelings.
And nothing but work, work, work?
And now?
And scared the missus half to death.
And so the creek runs dry sometimes,
And stay out of here.
And supposing I don't?
And take out irrigation water,
And tell her everything's all right,
And that's for certain.
And the finest girl that ever lived,
And the power and the glory forever.
And then people move in
And there are some who like two guns.
And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
And they reach for their pistols,
And this stump could say it beat us.
And us in the right.
And we ain't going to do it.
And we'll all start hoeing spuds. Is that it?
And we'll go into town for our supplies.
And we'll put her right back up.
And we'll... we'll figure out something.
And what with his garden and the hogs and milk,
And who knows what comes next?
And yelling what they'd do next.
And you ain't getting my claim.
And you say we have no right to the range.
And you thinking that I'd showed yellow?
And you were both wonderful.
And you'll find me reasonable.
And, Joey...
And, uh, Ed Howells.
And, uh, Johnson.
And, uh, this here is Joey.
And... and what's more,
Another man was there, but just likely he's hired by Ryker.
Another one puts it through the belt of his pants.
Any of the rest of you care to join me
Anything else I can do you for?
Anything I can do you for?
Anything to keep you from drawing your time?
Anything wrong with that?
Anything you say.
Anytime I please.
Anytime you want to go to town, Shipstead,
Are gonna take the juice out of them...
Are you doing this just for me?
Are you going to get him out, or will I have to?
Are you mad?
Aren't you going to wear your six shooter?
Aren't you, Shane?
As many badmen as you do.
As the man using it.
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Aw, Shane.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Bang, bang, bang!
Bang, bang, bang.
Bang, bang, bang.
Bang, bang, bang.
Bang, bang!
Bang, bang.
Bang, bang.
Bang, bang...
Be quiet. The men want to talk.
Be seeing you.
Beat his brains out.
Been a long time since I've seen a Jersey cow.
Bet you can shoot.
Bluff, huh?
Boss, looks like Lewis is going back.
Both of them.
Break his neck.
Brother Rufe wants to see you.
Brother Rufe's come to pay you a little visit.
Bust him.
Bust that mug of his.
But could you?
But deliver us from evil,
But he can sure grow grain and cut hay
But I do appreciate it, Shane.
But I doubt it.
But I guess now's a pretty good time to lay things bare.
But I see things...
But I sure can smell 'em.
But I'll kill him if I have to.
But I'll tell you one thing,
But if I were you, Joey,
But if we're going to have a meeting,
But it... it won't be long till supper.
But just help with the work.
But just vat, Yoe?
But one's all you need if you can use it.
But running cattle on open ranges
But something's go to give.
But the new man is quick, terribly quick.
But the others are all in this.
But the Ryker brothers roughed him up,
But there's too many, Shane.
But why, Pa? Honest. Why didn't he?
But Yoe said we shouldn't go alone.
But you can't, Joe.
But you didn't find this country.
But you're no match for Wilson.
But your own sweat and muscle.
But, Shane, there's too many.
But, uh, no man ever gave it up as easy as I did.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
Bye, little Joe.
Called a pig farmer.
Came in to pick up some wire for Joe Starett.
Can I offer you some water?
Can you shoot as good as Shane, Pa?
Can't break the mold.
Can't go on forever.
Can't I ride home behind you?
Can't what?
Can't ya?
Can't you ask nothing but questions?
Can't you see maybe this is a chance?
Cattle we brought in were hazed off by Indians and rustlers.
Chris Calloway.
Chris just fumigated a sodbuster.
Chris just put the run on a sodbuster.
Chris went around afterwards bragging
Close the gate, Joey.
Come back here.
Come back!
Come eat before things get cold.
Come here a minute.
Come in and put your clothes on.
Come in. Come in.
Come on in, please.
Come on, girl!
Come on, men.
Come on, men. Let's get to Lewis' place.
Come on, now, you can't get away.
Come on, now, you're holding everybody up!
Come on, Red.
Come on, shoo!
Come on, Son.
Come on, Son.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Coming right in.
Coming, mother!
Cool off a bit.
Could I see it again?
Could you whip him, Pa?
Could you whip Shane?
Couldn't wait. Come on in.
Deal me out.
Did you ask him to stay the night, Joe?
Did you hear me?
Did you say guns?
Did you see anybody else coming?
Did you see that, Rufe?
Did you think you was going to come in here
Didn't expect to find any fences around here.
Dirty pig farmer.
Do you think I could go on living with you,
Do you want more of this?
Do you?
Doesn't Joey?
Don't anybody go.
Don't even think that.
Don't forget to close the gate on your way out.
Don't forget to shut that gate.
Don't get to liking Shane too much.
Don't I mean anything to you, Joe?
Don't it smell better in here, Grafton?
Don't let him go, Shane.
Don't let them bluff you, Ernie.
Don't point that thing.
Don't push it, Calloway.
Don't say anything.
Don't start. Torrey didn't say it was Wilson.
Don't talk about Ryker,
Don't try. I listened to you too much already.
Don't you go alone.
Don't you like him, Mother?
Done enough working for others.
Ernie Wright here.
Ernie, we're going to hear everybody in their turn.
Ernie's quit. He's getting out today.
Even if that was true,
Even this for me?
Everybody, come here, I ... Marian...
Except for one man here.
Except it ain't yours.
Excuse me.
Expecting trouble?
Farm rig?
Fast on the draw.
Fence cut, steers drove in.
First real home we've ever had.
For all of us here in this valley.
For any more that vant to come around looking for trouble.
For Joe and little Joe.
For quite a spell.
For running Ernie Wright off his claim.
For Thine is the kingdom
For you, Marian...
Fred Lewis here.
Fred, I told Shane to stay away from trouble.
Fred, if you ain't at that funeral,
From now on,
From where we're drinking.
Get 'em up.
Get after him, Chris.
Get him out of here.
Get him.
Get off that horse.
Get off the bed, Joey. Go on.
Get out of here.
Get your land, your own land.
Give the bottle to Will.
Give us this day our daily bread,
Go ahead! Give her a kiss.
Go ahead.
Go ahead. Nobody's holding you.
Go get him, Chris.
Go get him, Chris.
Go in town to kill Ryker.
Go on with the meeting, Joe.
Go on, Joe, give her a kiss.
Go on, Joey.
Go on, son. Please.
Go outside and play.
Go play outside!
Go to town. I'm going to see about this.
God didn't make all this country
Going somewhere?
Good afternoon, Mrs. Starett.
Good enough.
Good evening, ma'am.
Good luck, anyway.
Good morning, Joe.
Good morning, Joey.
Good night, Joey.
Good night, Joey.
Good night, Ma.
Good night, Pa.
Good night, Son.
Goodbye, Axel. Goodbye, John.
Goodbye, Joe.
Goodbye, Marian.
Goodbye, Mrs. Starett.
Gosh almighty!
Got any ready made pants that might fit me?
Got any soda pop?
Got himself hooked, by golly!
Got to celebrate that.
Guns aren't going to be my boy's life.
Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
Had one once,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Hang one on him, Chris.
Have him walk around when he comes to.
Have you got gunpowder?
He didn't even say goodbye.
He didn't hear you.
He didn't wear his gun today.
He didn't, did he?
He didn't.
He don't want to go to jail.
He got thirsty and went on.
He had more sense than we thought.
He had no right.
He let this Chris buffalo him in Grafton's saloon.
He only wants to grow beef.
He picked on a stranger.
He said he didn't want you
He say it be safe.
He says to tell you he's a reasonable man.
He sent for me.
He thinks he can shoo us off of here like chickens.
He thinks he's a reasonable man.
He thinks the whole world belongs to him.
He tried to pull on Wilson.
He tried to reach for a...
He was fast,
He wears a black hat.
He wouldn't go without taking that.
He wouldn't say nothing,
He'd never been able to shoot you if you'd seen him.
He'd never even have cleared the holster, would he, Shane?
He'll be all right.
He'll be moving on one day, Joey.
He'll come.
He'll do to us what he done to Torrey.
He'll kill you.
He'll make out all right.
He'll see you at Grafton's.
He's a fine man.
He's a gunfighter.
He's getting a little sleep.
He's got a long trip,
He's got it, though. That's what counts.
He's got us on the run.
He's holding it for me at the store.
He's no cowpuncher.
He's not going, Joey.
He's packed up, kit and kaboodle.
He's proved that much.
He's running because he's a coward.
He's so good.
He's teaching me to shoot.
Heard you were coming in.
Heh heh heh heh heh.
Heh heh heh.
Hello, boy.
Hello, Calloway.
Hello, Ernie!
Hello, Joe.
Hello, Reb.
Hello, Yank.
Hello, Yank.
Here comes Joe Starett.
Here they come again!
Here, have some of this.
Here, let's fix this.
Here, Marian. Hide this.
Here, men, stop this.
Here, men!
Here, stop this!
Here, you can... you can wash up right here.
Here... many more, Joe.
Here's to the independence of the sovereign state of Alabama.
Here's to you, Ryker,
Here's your soda pop, Mister.
Hey, a fire.
Hey, Will, who's tending bar around here?
Hey, Will.
Hey! Come here.
Him and Lee and all the rest of them rebs.
Him. That makes eight.
Hold it, Shane.
Hold me.
Hold on, young fella.
Hold on. We wanted to see how pretty you were.
Holsteins and...
Homesteaders you mean, don't you?
Honey, you get ready.
Honey, you're the most honest
Hope good luck for you, too.
Hope you don't mind my cutting through your place.
How about it, son?
How are you, Ernie?
How did you know it was me?
How do I know? I've never seen him shoot.
How do you feel about it, son?
How he put the run on a sodbuster.
How is it?
How much do I owe you?
How would I ever explain that to him?
How would you like to work for me?
How you feeling, Shane?
Howdy, Joe.
Howdy, Shane.
Howdy, Starett.
Howdy, Starett.
Hurry up, Ma!
Hyah! Hyah!
I ain't letting them down.
I already tell your wife.
I always figured on being reasonable.
I am.
I bet you two could lick anyone.
I bet you wouldn't leave
I built it myself.
I came to get your offer, Ryker.
I came to inform you.
I can shoot just as straight as that...
I can't have any run in with the law.
I can't tell Joe what's right, Marian.
I changed my mind.
I could blast you out of here right now.
I could get him to draw without any trouble.
I did, Joey.
I didn't ask him his name.
I didn't come to argue.
I didn't do much.
I didn't know there was any wild game in town, Joey.
I didn't let that scare me.
I don't figure you.
I don't have to guess what's on your mind.
I don't know about me.
I don't know.
I don't like this business.
I don't see a pig in sight.
I don't see nobody else standing there.
I don't see none,
I don't want him killed.
I don't want it to happen to my man.
I don't want my troubles to be yours.
I don't want no gun slinging.
I don't want no trouble, Starett.
I don't want trouble with your father.
I don't want you to be sorry, Starett.
I don't want you to.
I don't want...
I don't wear one myself.
I figured you could talk freer
I gave up my independence 10 years ago today.
I go for Starett.
I got a bad shoulder yet from a Cheyenne arrowhead.
I got enough. Don't try to talk me out of it.
I got no quarrel with you, Shane.
I got that beef contract for the reservation.
I got to be going on.
I guess I spook kind of easy these days.
I guess I'm going to have to.
I guess most of you don't know Shane here.
I guess Ryker's war party has been around
I guess they named a lot of that...
I guess we all know why we're here.
I guess you don't hear very well, sodbuster.
I had enough of Ryker.
I had some business to attend to.
I had something I wanted to talk over with you, Starett.
I hate you!
I have something very important to tell you.
I haven't said it all.
I heard him tell mother.
I hope you'll stay, Mr. Shane.
I I've been thinking a lot,
I just wanted you to see my rifle.
I knew it just as well as anything.
I knew it.
I knew you could, Shane.
I know I'm kind of slow sometimes, Marian,
I know she does!
I know what I want to say. Start with me.
I know you ain't afraid.
I know, but I wish you wouldn't talk that way.
I know, Mother.
I know.
I know. It's Ernie Wright.
I like a man who watches things go on around.
I like Starett, too,
I like working for Starett.
I love him almost as much as I love Pa.
I made you a fair proposition.
I mean business.
I mean they'll have to shoot me and carry me out.
I need a man like you.
I need white flour and 4 pounds of coffee.
I never thought I'd live to hear myself say that,
I pass Lewis, him and his missus, and Yohnson.
I promise something will be done.
I reckon something's come over me.
I reckon that's a good idea.
I said I'd stay for one more hand.
I said, get going.
I saw it all, Mother, every bit of it.
I saw your gun in there one day.
I seen you in town.
I sure do.
I sure figured you for a better man.
I swear, I...
I take you for a fair man, Starett.
I tell you what.
I tell you, I'll kill him if I have to.
I think they get out of here.
I think ve should get out of here.
I think we know...
I think we've all agreed we're going to stick.
I thought I smelled pigs.
I thought I told you if you wanted to keep healthy,
I thought you were a goner.
I took a look at it.
I tried it, and it didn't work for me.
I vas across the street and hear anger in the voices.
I vill help.
I vish she vould hurry so ve could get going.
I want you to know I like Joe Starett.
I was getting to it.
I was just asking about sody pop,
I was scared.
I was teaching Joey how to do a little shooting.
I wasn't pointing at anybody, Mother.
I wish more men around here would drink it.
I wish they'd give me some bullets for this gun.
I wish we could forget him.
I wish you'd stay here.
I wouldn't ask you where you're bound.
I wouldn't have lived as long as I have already
I wouldn't know a Ryker from your Jersey cow.
I wouldn't pull on Wilson, Shane.
I wouldn't push too far if I were you.
I wouldn't trade places with any man in this world.
I wrapped it up careful in the blanket again.
I, too, vill stay.
I... I don't know,
I... I feel like eating.
I... I take that back what I...
I'd kind of been expecting that.
I'd leave a thing like this alone.
I'd like it to be my idea.
I'd like to go, too, but I got to mind the girls.
I'll barter the two chickens I brought for it.
I'll buy your homestead.
I'll double.
I'll get the word around.
I'll have this out with Ryker.
I'll just lay it on the barrel head.
I'll open the gate for you.
I'll pay the damages.
I'll pay you for what's broke.
I'll pay you top wages.
I'll put it right on.
I'll put on my .38 and go into town
I'll race you to the barn.
I'll ride with you.
I'll see ya.
I'll see your brother.
I'll string along with that,
I'll sure take it bad of you.
I'll take him.
I'll teach you myself once I get the time, Joey.
I'm a friend of Starett's.
I'm a soldier who's fought in real battles.
I'm all right, Joey.
I'm coming with you.
I'm getting out, I tell you.
I'm going in there.
I'm going into Grafton's and get a bottle for the picnic.
I'm going into this with my eyes open.
I'm going outside with him.
I'm going to need all of my range.
I'm going to show them it's Independence Day.
I'm heading north.
I'm here to tell you, for one,
I'm not belittling what you and the others did.
I'm not dealing with you.
I'm pulling stakes.
I'm quitting Ryker.
I'm saying that Stonewall Jackson was trash himself.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of trouble.
I'm sorry, Shane.
I'm sorry.
I'm staying.
I'm supposed to say, "I'm busted, but you're welcome."
I'm talking that way.
I'm through fooling, Grafton.
I'm wore down and out,
I'm working for myself.
I'm working for Starett.
I'm your friend.
I've gone along with the new law.
I've had enough.
I've heard about you.
I've heard that you're a low down Yankee liar.
I've stayed away from gun play.
I've warned him twice, but he's pigheaded,
If he did, he did right.
If I could hire me a man that...
If I hadn't always knowed that I could trust you.
If I have to kill him...
If I wasn't pretty tough.
If I weren't around.
If it comes to a fight.
If it hurt bad enough.
If it is Wilson, he's fast, fast on the draw.
If there wasn't a single gun left in this valley,
If they just leave us alone,
If this don't beat all.
If we wasn't the same.
If you caught them cutting our fence?
If you get to liking him too much.
If you hadn't packed up and left it...
If you saw him?
If you want to.
In case you want to know, that's, uh...
In drinking a toast to the independence
In her wedding dress.
In my bar, in there.
In the air with your finger. Giddyup!
In the time it takes to hitch up a team?
Including yours.
Is going to eat this last biscuit,
Is he a friend of yours?
Is past.
Is Shane going to be at the meeting tonight?
Is that fair?
Is that one of them?
Is that the way real gunfighters do?
Is there anything wrong with him?
Is waiting for women.
Isn't there anything I can say that will change things?
It ain't a shooting.
It ain't that bad.
It ain't with me, Wilson?
It does smart.
It goes with him, though.
It had better come to more than just poking holes
It looks like Shipstead.
It means he'll make his mark someday.
It takes too much space for too little results.
It took this many to say that?
It was all Shane.
It was an easy chair, Joey.
It was no place for you, Joey.
It was ugly,
It won't hold.
It won't take much to stampede the rest.
It won't work. Tell him.
It would be easy.
It wouldn't change things.
It wouldn't take much to bait him.
It'd help if you could see Shipstead and Torrey, huh?
It's a chance I got to take.
It's a downright dirty shame.
It's a go.
It's a long story, Joey.
It's all right. Everything's all right.
It's because you mean so much to me that I've got to go.
It's been a long time since I got store bought clothes.
It's bloody.
It's fine.
It's getting so I don't like to ride at night.
It's Independence Day,
It's Joe Starett's anniversary.
It's just pride, that's all.
It's just stubs now.
It's just too much to give up...
It's Lewis' place.
It's Mr. Shipstead.
It's no good at all...
It's no use, Joe.
It's no use.
It's not certain over 10 or 15 paces.
It's not just you, Joe.
It's Starett we want.
It's too late to finish this now.
It's your own conscience eating on you.
Ja, dat is enough of dat, now.
Ja, Mama.
Ja, Marian!
Ja, we make big celebration.
Jack Wilson?
Joe don't want you going into town by yourself.
Joe Starett, if it's any of your business.
Joe, don't go in.