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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4, created in 2013, is an animated television show that has captured the hearts of fans all around the world. This beloved series follows the adventures of a group of magical ponies as they learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and the power of harmony. With its vibrant animation, captivating characters, and infectious musical numbers, this show has become a cultural phenomenon.

In Season 4, the cast of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic continues to charm viewers with their endearing personalities and captivating storylines. The main ponies include Twilight Sparkle (voiced by Tara Strong), the studious and loyal leader of the group; Rainbow Dash (Ashleigh Ball), the brave and competitive athlete; Pinkie Pie (Andrea Libman), the energetic and unpredictable party pony; Rarity (Tabitha St. Germain), the fashionista with an eye for beauty; Fluttershy (Andrea Libman), the gentle and kind animal lover; and Applejack (Ashleigh Ball), the hardworking and dependable farm pony.

Throughout Season 4, this lovable group of ponies embarks on exciting adventures and faces various challenges that test their friendship. The season features a multitude of episodes showcasing the ponies’ individual strengths and how they come together to overcome obstacles. From magical journeys to save the kingdom of Equestria from dark forces to heartwarming tales of friendship, every episode offers a unique and meaningful story for both young and old.

One of the standout aspects of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4 is its exceptional soundtrack. The series is known for its catchy songs, which are woven seamlessly into the narrative. Whether it's a duet between friends or a solo ballad expressing deep emotions, the music of My Little Pony enhances the storytelling and adds a layer of emotional depth to the show. The songs are performed by the talented voice actors behind the ponies, creating a truly immersive experience for the viewers.

For fans of the series, the sounds of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4 are a cherished treasure. Whether it's the atmospheric background music that accompanies every adventure or the uplifting melodies that celebrate the power of friendship, these sounds bring back memories of the beloved show. Fortunately, fans can easily access and enjoy these sounds by playing or downloading them here. This online platform allows fans to immerse themselves in the magical world of ponies anytime they want, bringing joy and nostalgia with every note.

As the popularity of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4 continues to grow, so does the fandom surrounding the show. From fan art and fanfiction to conventions and cosplay, fans of all ages have found ways to express their appreciation for this delightful series. My Little Pony has proven that it is not just a show but a symbol of the enduring power of friendship, creativity, and love.

In conclusion, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 4 is a delightful television show that has captured the hearts of millions. With its lovable characters, engaging storylines, and unforgettable music, this series has become a cultural phenomenon. The sounds of this beloved show can be played and downloaded here, allowing fans to relive their favorite moments anytime they desire. So, gather your friends and embark on a magical journey filled with laughter, life lessons, and the power of friendship!

A celebration was held.
A Cheesy Sense? Ah! Double Amazing!
A confusing pep talk, but nonetheless,
A couple weeks ago.
A crystal cruet?
A demonstration of a better life.
A demonstration of a better time.
A dented vintage pie tin.
A gift from someone close to you.
A good designer never reveals her tricks.
A great sounding dude!
A hunk of ricotta?
A legendary water pony like you?
A letter from Ponyville, I presume?
A lion tamer's chair?
A little more magic practice and lifting brooms'll be a cinch.
A little more to the left!
A little of both, actually.
A magic trick!
A message for Princess Twilight.
A paint brush too?
A pair of Party Pony Planners in Ponyville?
A phenomenon? What's that?
A pony could have.
A pony who stops entire armies of bad guys
A Ponyville gala in Town Square...
A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to 48 moons.
A really bad feeling about this.
A remedy!
A rock slide, of course.
A secret.
A silent cider auction and tasting...
A snack? A hoof massage?
A snake charming flute?
A spit wad to the eye would have been no laughing matter.
A stake out.
A swim meet sounds pretty safe.
A test that will determine if you can join
A thousand pardons, O Great and Honorable Spike
A trade is only fair if both ponies end up
A tragic accident at her shampoo factory in Maretropolis
A true friend knows that you're speaking up
A Turkey Call?
A whole day to celebrate Starswirl the Bearded.
A whole stand filled with Discord shaped lamps?
A whole two seconds faster.
A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same.
A.K. Yearling has made it pretty clear
A.K. Yearling IS Daring Do!
A.K. Yearling just might be my favorite author.
Aaa boo yah!
Aaah, yourself.
Abandoning his true nature to make "friends"
About bein' able to forgive each other for mistakes.
About freaking out.
About her lackadaisical approach to studying.
About me practicing with the competition.
About meeting him.
About my ex costume designer?
About showin' Pinkie Pie how awesome a family we really are.
About stuff like that.
About tests like you.
About that shadowy figure overhead.
About the amazing waterfall we went down.
About the history of Apples.
About the mysterious chest,
About the only thing that didn't get packed.
About the play besides the dresses?
About this before.
About those objects that could lead us to the location
About to call it a night?
Absolutely not!
Absolutely nothing!
According to my official Goof Off Rule Book...
According to that pattern there.
According to the rules of the Exchange,
Act casual.
Action stations!
Actually I was looking for Spike.
Actually no.
Actually Spike, I've got one last pile of bags over there.
Actually, I could use a slightly rusty old horse shoe.
Actually, I do.
Actually, I saved the best for last.
Actually, it was me.
Actually, it's not dyed.
Actually, it's not dyed.
Actually, just a touch of this fabric could be perfect with it.
Actually, my sister hasn't offered to take me
Actually, no. This is very much real.
Actually, we're the Pony Tones minus one tone.
Admiral Fair Weather.
Admiral Fairy Flight.
Admit you made those dresses too good on purpose.
After a sip you may see why the sky is day
After a while, they could even help
After all the favors they did for you?
After all you've been through with us,
After all, everypony is unique and individual.
After all, if Cheese really is the super duperest
After all, Sapphire Shores is THE Pony of Pop
After all, you're good at everything.
After all, you're the one that wanted the Pony Tones
After all...
After becoming the official flying squadron
After everything I put up with all week long.
After the Summer Sun Celebration.
After the way he has betrayed you,
After this fiasco.
After tomorrow.
After you.
Agh! Celebrities.
Agh! For the love of...!
Agh! I can't.
Agh! I give up.
Agh! I think I threw my neck out.
Agh! Wha?
Agh! What am I going to do with all of these now?
Ah well, better late than never.
Ah yes, I had forgotten that was today.
Ah, Miss Rarity, come to see the show, I presume.
Ah, not quite.
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Ah! Could this day get any better?
Ah! I don't want to hear it!
Ah! I just can't believe all the things
Ah! I'm here. I'm here!
Ah! Pinkie! You're real!
Ah! That's perfect!
Ah. It's safe.
Ahem! Yes, quite, quite correct!
Ahem. Sorry.
Ahhhh! Help!
Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin
Alas, this whole "raging forest" situation
All aboard for Ponyville!
ALL Aboard!
All aboard!
All because of you!
All eyes glued directly on you.
All I care about is that AMAZING RED RIBBON."
All I know is the sky's split in two
All I wanted was for us to have some peaceful,
All made from a fabulous new fabric
All of my friends.
All of them?
All of these things were Sweetie Belle's idea.
All of this is one headpiece?
All of us?
All of you had tough choices to make,
All of you.
All our friends came out to see it tonight.
All right fine, you got yourself a dea
All right then!
All right, all right.
All right, but this is the last one.
All right, everypony!
All right, everypony!
All right, everypony!
All right, I'll do it!
All right, now everypony split up.
All right, party ponies!
All right, ponies. Listen up!
All right, Pony Tones, let's run through that again!
All right, Power Ponies, here's the plan.
All right, so what kind of antique chicken do you want?
All right, team!
All right, the winning routine needs to show
All right, y'all,
All right, y'all.
All right?
All right.
All right. Everypony STOP!
All right. Fine.
All right. This is ridiculous.
All righty, then.
All that's needed now is a good night's rest.
All the praise in the world means nothing
All those years apart before being reunited?
All to yourself.
All we gotta do is bring this thing to the chicken stand
All we need is some fabric and you'll be back in business.
All we need now is more tonic!
All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest,
All you had to do was bring it to me.
Almost all of us have super powers.
Almost there.
Although I do so wish that "anything" had turned out
Although, I must admit, these ruins are a fright.
Always check and recheck.
Always comes through when we need him.
Always glad to pass on my love of learning for learning's sake.
Am I making myself absolutely, 100% crystal clear?
Am I not an Apple after all?
Am I?
Amazing collection.
Amazing Pony Tones!
Amazing thing I've ever seen!
Amusing. But we have no time for such things.
An ancient castle is no place for a bunny.
An awesome spectacular party thrower?
An elite flying squadron performed
An elite team of aerial performers were chosen
An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan,
An experienced flyer like me knows how to multi task.
An item of significant importance
Ancient ruins are filled with all sorts of things
And a lotta hard work.
And a one two three four!
And a swimming hole, a pool should be no problem at all.
And a whole bunch of practice.
And accidentally sendin' plants into choking fits!
And actually, this was kind of your fault.
And after all, if that tonic lets you swim in a river
And after that, for when we win gold medals
And after that?
And all I seem to do is...
And all is well.
And all it's going to cost is all our stuff!
And all the embroidered cuffs.
And all win gold medals, you can have ours...
And all you've put up with,
And an attitude and
And an extra "Woo" for good measure.
And anniversary...
And Applejack approved!
And Applejack is the one responsible for it!
And Applejack is the one responsible for it!
And Applejack will have slaved over those Apple Brown Bettys
And at such peril.
And at the celebration of the first Celestial Year of Peace,
And be back in plenty of time
And be back to the exhibit in no time.
And being loyal to my friends...
And being mean.
And being part of the Wonderbolts Reserves
And blinds them long enough to get them off their course
And bonus: I can do it with my fire breath.
And brought him down to the ground, and now?
And by the time I'm done, I've calmed myself enough
And by tomorrow?
And catch her so I can reverse the spell.
And changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones.
And check on you any minute!
And check this out.
And check this out.
And confident, but let's leave the flying
And could nurse me back to health.
And creating and creating!
And divert them from their path!
And do I need to remind you how much I...
And do stop being a vampire bat.
And does her own part on top if it all!
And doesn't want her to get an owie?
And don't forget we've gotta catch the early train
And don't forget; now you'll get seeds that will
And downtrodden I still am?
And Earth Pony will bow to my will
And even though I didn't find anything out
And even though they may look a teeny bit scary,
And everything, right?
And facing them with you just made me realize even more
And feeling like the hugest failure ever.
And finally, Sweet Apple Acres.
And find the others.
And finding this book for me.
And first place would go to her.
And for all her babbling, Pinkie Pie was right about one thing.
And for good measure.
And fourth cousin twice removed part,
And freak out over the medal count.
And from the looks of it,
And generously supporting the Ponyville Pet Center!
And get us back to Ponyville.
And ginormous!
And git on with the gobblin'!
And give them another bit to replace this one.
And give you so many details,
And going to the Equestria Games than others.
And good riddance!
And Granny Smith discovered the first Granny Smith
And half of it was destroyed by Nightmare Moon.
And have their coronation ceremony preserved
And he does.
And he was in her pocket the whole time?
And he'll be a terrific headliner.
And headline the Rainbow Dash Birth Aversary Bash!
And heard you flying towards me and muttering from a mile away.
And help keep other, more dangerous insects away.
And Her Awesome Best Friends goes to...
And her backup dancers.
And her Equestria wide tour launches in Canterlot next week,
And her little dragon, too.
And here I thought we were friends.
And here it is.
And here it is.
And Hide From Each Other While I Play The Organ Party.
And how could you possibly make all those outfits
And how do you figure that?
And how do you propose we do that?
And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?
And how generous they were with you.
And how is our patient doing?
And I already feel like I'm missing something.
And I also know just what I want to do next.
And I also know we wanna head Southeast.
And I am a bit late as it... is?
And I am just the pony to help.
And I am so glad I did!
And I can get Sweet Apple Acres all ready for the cider tasting.
And I can like fashion just as much.
And I can like plowing fields and hauling apples just as much.
And I can't wait to make the page in my scrapbook
And I do appreciate your help ever so much.
And I don't even have to take turns
And I don't know anypony who's that interested in farming.
And I felt the same terrifying aches and pains I always do,
And I had a terrible time with these froofy sleeves.
And I happen to be the premiere party planner
And I have failed.
And I have!
And I hope you have fun with Cadance!
And I hope you realize
And I just couldn't stop myself.
And I kept posing at the top of the stairs,
And I know it like the back of my hoof!
And I know just the princess who can stop him.
And I know just the Princess who could stop him.
And I know just what to do!
And I know you're gonna love it
And I lashed out.
And I mean brand new: Hotel Chic.
And I mean CRUSH!
And I need your help
And I packed you a basket of nice fresh apples
And I predict that you are about to ask me
And I really wanted to keep it that way.
And I repaid them with unkindness.
And I say: if there are no pies,
And I shall do the honor of singing!
And I suppose it's just a coincidence that Trenderhoof
And I think I know how you can even improve it.
And I think I need your expertise.
And I thought whatever.
And I want to be an Apple more than ever!
And I want to see all four hooves off the ground
And I was so afraid Twilight would be disappointed in us.
And I wasn't able to finish everything on that list?
And I will begin by using my magic to lift this broom.
And I will take what should have been mine long ago.
And I... I don't wish to be rude,
And I'm about to go inside and see her!
And I'm Admiral Fairy Flight, from the 7th squadron.
And I'm gonna be the first!
And I'm gonna get it!
And I'm happy to see you.
And I'm honored.
And I'm never going to be ready to perform my part.
And I'm not about to let the Power Ponies stop me.
And I'm pretty sure you've made enough.
And I'm ready to take the horseshoe...
And I'm really looking forward to the performance.
And I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash.
And I'm sportin' some sort of get up worn
And I'm sportin' some sort of get up worn
And I'm sure you won't.
And I'm thinking Big Mac sold a huge order of apples
And if Big Mac, Granny Smith and I ever have to be away
And if I can't get 'em done,
And if so, could her skill, quick wits and courage
And if they're not, this rare opportunity to focus
And if we haven't captured your interest just yet,
And if we want to get back to Ponyville,
And if ya hadn't snuck out like you did,
And if you want to trade for a mint comic,
And impenetrable arrow defense?
And in the meantime, this pest and his vermin friends
And is good at games and...well?
And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not!
And it just takes a little extra confidence to remember
And it means everything to me that ya'll think
And it was perfect!
And it would be even more amazing if you could perform
And it'll obey you.
And it's a race for Rainbow Dash.
And it's all my fault.
And it's all your fault!
And it's covered in spikes, like me!
And it's gonna be more country
And it's not like anypony else has color coordinated horseshoes
And it's obvious Pinkie really wants us to hit it off.
And its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan.
And joined forces with Tirek.
And joined forces with Tirek.
And judgin' by how fast it's movin',
And just because I oughta...
And keep it held together with sugar pine sap.
And keep the rest of Equestria from becoming plant food.
And keep trouble away."
And keep your emotions in check!
And keep your emotions in check!
And learn new things.
And learn something too.
And let you have your day.
And let's do the routine as it was.
And live on a farm.
And look who's not the Princess' entourage anymore.
And magical!
And make it to the games?
And make sure you don't even try casting a spell
And make you something you would like.
And Maud, we're sorry that you felt the only way to spare
And maybe a wash?
And maybe someday other ponies will read it
And me!
And my best sister friend are going to become bestest friends.
And my common sense says
And my personal heroes.
And MY sister!
And neither does all this flying business.
And neither would you.
And night.
And no apples!
And no matter what your sport is,
And not just going.
And nothing will stop us!
And now here we are...
And now I get to be a part of this amazing family too?
And now I have it.
And now I know more than ever that you must leave
And now look at her!
And now she's off acting like a filly again.
And now that my chores are done, since there's no one else here,
And now Twilight, if you and Fluttershy wouldn't mind helping
And now we're supposed to bring the whole class?
And now we've all got super powers.
And now you are no longer of any use to me.
And now, Rarity from Ponyville with her brand new line...
And now, thanks to that Flim Flam tonic, I don't have to.
And now, the anthem of
And now, um, the Cloudsdale anthem, as sung by Spike.
And of course a locally sourced menu of delicious treats.
And of course we do understand
And of course you'll all want cake, won't you?
And of course, there's Granny Smith
And of course, you recognize Commander Easy Glider.
And of course, you'll all want cake, won't you?
And once I do, I can forget Rarity thinking of me
And once we were done, we'd trade.
And only by one medal.
And only you can make it right with you again.
And our happy reunion.
And over here will be the climax of the Festival,
And passed.
And Pegasi, like me!
And Pegasi.
And Princess Cadance overseeing
And Princess Celestia.
And read stories and tell you all about me!
And retire from archeology in splendor.
And second I know y'all will all adore
And secured control of the Amulet of Atonement,
And see how we do.
And she did it for me. She did it all for me!
And she showed me how to string the pieces
And she was right there.
And she's an Alicorn.
And she's honest and loves forest things
And she's really smart and loves reading, just like Twilight.
And shouldn't you be on your way to pick up Maud
And show me your flag carrying skills.
And since the rule is that a trade is fair
And since you never know who you can trust,
And so am I!
And so breakfast related.
And so can I.
And so the Games conclude as they always do
And sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend
And sound like your lovely self again!
And spend the rest of the week there.
And stop the Everfree Forest from invading!
And store them backstage later.
And stuff because I'm friends with a famous Princess.
And such a stickler for details.
And take care of the chores yourself for the afternoon.
And take care of things on your own.
And tell her what I think
And that breeze is very important.
And that is exactly what I'm gonna do!
And that is how it's done.
And that magic protects the pollen they're carrying
And that makes me miserable.
And that pony is...
And that Princess will be me!
And that shy filly was living her dream in the shadows
And that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
And that there is nothing you can do to stop it.
And that was the only way they listened.
And that was the whole problem!
And that will totally bring all my bestest friends together
And that you don't have to have super powers
And that you shouldn't let anypony pressure you
And that!
And that's final.
And that's not all it does, folks
And that's the reason I asked y'all to come over quick.
And that's Twilight's Welcome to Ponyville party!
And the audience is almost fully seated.
And the chicken for a lamp.
And the effect that friendship would have upon him.
And the Elements are connected to all of us.
And the Elements of Harmony to stop it.
And the entire line is in this same adorable pattern
And the game is on!
And the lamp for an Orthros, just like you asked.
And the light catches a group of Breezies right in their eyes
And the loser?
And the loser?
And the other judges.
And the Pony of Ceremonies organizes the whole thing
And the Ponyville flag? You sure?
And the ring Caballeron just stole
And the runway ballroom is all the way across town.
And the spell book, but
And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich.
And the theme is,
And the town where friendship reigns is our home.
And the way she smashed that huge rock into dust?
And the winner of Best Writer Director Actor
And then couldn't remember which things we'd done
And then I dip, and then we turn...
And then I saw Fluttershy and Rarity,
And then I walk over and light the torch.
And then put it back in the deck so you can't look at it and
And then she turned it into a wardrobe just like mine,
And then spent so much time trying to figure out
And then Suri stole them!
And then the thing just lit. It was amazing!
And then there's me.
And then you tried to stop her from doing that, right?
And then, when you choke, they'll turn on you
And there is nopony who can save you from this fate!
And there is nothing you can do to keep me
And there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest
And there you'll be by my side.
And there's something interesting about the sections
And there's the hoop.
And these clouds moving in sure aren't from around here.
And they all want in!
And they need me now.
And they only have two days to get that pollen back
And they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be
And they won't be able to laugh at us when they're so busy
And they wouldn't listen to me any other way.
And this here is the complete record of our family tree.
And this is Fluttershy doing her stare.
And this is how you repay me?
And this one reminds me of the day I got it,
And this situation has bad luck written all over it.
And this will all be over soon.
And this year's Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange over.
And this?
And though the Hall of Hooves
And thus protecting the basin
And Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes.
And tonight's the closing ceremony.
And transferred that desire into Fluttershy.
And try as we might, us Earth Ponies
And turn it into something fabulous.
And two ponies are now trapped inside its walls!
And um...
And unappreciative castles.
And was hoping you could help me.
And we are
And we are sure to meet our fundraising goal!
And we aren't due for rain until
And we could never have a party without you!
And we have to choose the perfect ones
And we haven't been on one as a family in a real long time...
And we just don't have time.
And we need to do it now!
And we really and truly did enjoy learning
And we want you to be one too!
And we were wondering if you would consider performing
And we WILL make it to the games
And we would never let one thing like that
And we wouldn't be who we are if we didn't go in after her.
And we, of course, already HAVE our Cutie Marks.
And we'll be winners just as soon as we practice.
And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness
And we're going to need all the light we can get.
And we're sorry we couldn't see it sooner.
And we're still going to qualify!
And we're totally cool with it.
And welcome to the 12th Annual Ponyville Turkey Call!
And well, it might take some time for me
And what about all that aqua batic stuff we just did?
And what about the flagpole?
And what about those pies you're supposed to deliver?
And what about your hip?
And what are they doing here, anyway?
And what do you get?
And what from me?
And what in tarnation is going on with the sky?
And what is the delightful frock you're wearing now saying?
And what would you like to learn, little one?
And whatever it is, we're gonna keep it as far away
And whatever you do, don't let go of it!
And when I read it, I knew in my heart it was true.
And when they spit them out,
And when you're as fabulous as I am...
And which things we hadn't done
And while they're at it, every other apple in the orchard.
And who exactly are you?
And who said you had to?
And who they're related to.
And why do you want to become a Cutie Mark Crusader so badly?
And why the jumpin' junebugs are you blue?
And will get separated from each other!
And will sing them for you now, loud and proud,
And win this thing?
And with seconds to spare.
And with that, I declare this trial
And with this book, I can make that happen with such ease.
And with this I have struggled.
And without even putting in the effort to learn her own skills
And Wonderbolts are the best fliers there are.
And working for this designer is such a great opportunity.
And would you look at those adorable little packs
And yet you arrive seconds before we begin?
And you can't throw a Finished Ringing The School Bell party
And you did not tell me this?
And you didn't look completely petrified by the fact
And you didn't think to mention it earlier?
And you have my certified "Pinkie Party Promise"
And you know why I'm qualified to coach you?
And you never know when they'll do something nice for you.
And you should go with the team that surely will!
And you sounded better than ever, big brother!
And you sounded better than ever, big brother!
And you speak my language, too?
And you wanted to change everything in Equestria.
And you were right.
And you will be with us
And you'll be horribly humiliated,
And you're goin' to the Games!
And you're quite certain
And you're sure it's not that cave?
And you're totally fine.
And your bracelet makes it appear.
And your knowledge of jokes and pranks
And, of course, a Ponyville fashion show.
And, you know, I don't think any pony was jealous
Angel, you really shouldn't have run off like that.
Angel? Angel?
Another few times before you try it on your own.
Another town, another party.
Another visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters, I presume?
Answer me, or you'll regret it!
Any chance I could catch an encore performance?
Any idea why all this is happenin'?
Any ideas?
Any last words?
Any luck?
Any minute now.
Anypony else got a sneaking suspicion
Anypony who can do that on her own, well,
Anything else?
Anything for my favorite dragon and most supportive friend.
Appaloosa State Fair's Produce Competition.
Apparently, somepony has intruded
Apple Bloom!
Apple Bloom?
Apple bucking day, take 2.
Apple family heirlooms home with ya?
Apple Family's Zap Apple Jam Extraordinaire!
Apple Jewel?
Applebloom doesn't have her apple seedling,
Applebloom, go ahead.
Applejack, do you remember when you had to tell everypony
Applejack, if you're scared, you can just admit it.
Applejack, what is it?
Applejack, what's going on?
Applejack, when you go big, you really go big.
Applejack, when you're family, you make the time.
Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that.
Applejack! You gotta help stop the tornado
Applejack's just over reactin' a bit.
Applesauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousin
Applesauce tunnel for Applejack.
Are about to come through Ponyville.