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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6 is a television series that aired in the year 2001. It is one of the most beloved and iconic supernatural series of its time, captivating audiences with its unique blend of action, drama, and witty humor. The show follows the life of Buffy Summers, a high school girl turned vampire slayer, as she battles the forces of evil in the fictional town of Sunnydale.

The cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6 brings the characters to life with their exceptional performances. Sarah Michelle Gellar portrays the titular character, Buffy Summers, a strong and independent young woman burdened with the responsibility of protecting the world from vampires and other supernatural threats. Alongside her is Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Buffy's best friend and a powerful witch. Nicholas Brendon plays the role of Xander Harris, the loyal and witty friend who provides comic relief in intense situations.

The season introduces new challenges that force the characters to grow and evolve. Buffy returns from the dead, only to face feelings of isolation, depression, and a complicated relationship with her friends. Willow, consumed by grief, delves deeper into dark magic, which has its consequences. The season tackles mature themes, exploring addiction, sexuality, and the complexities of human relationships, all while maintaining its signature blend of action and supernatural elements.

The music of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6 is another standout aspect of the show. The soundtrack includes a variety of genres, ranging from alternative rock to haunting melodies. Bands such as Bif Naked, Darling Violetta, and Nerf Herder have contributed memorable tracks that perfectly complement the show's atmosphere. The music heightens the emotional impact of pivotal scenes and helps establish the unique vibe and tone of the series.

If you're a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6 and want to relive the magic, you can now play and download the sounds from the show. Immerse yourself in the world of Buffy, whether it's Buffy's empowering battle theme or the hauntingly beautiful tunes that accompany emotional moments. The soundtrack captures the essence of the series and allows fans to reminisce about their favorite episodes and characters.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6 remains a beloved and influential series that continues to captivate new audiences even years after its original broadcast. Its compelling storytelling, exceptional cast, and memorable music make it a must-watch for fans of supernatural dramas. So, put on your headphones, and get ready to plunge into the world of vampires, demons, and the indomitable Buffy Summers. Play and download these unforgettable sounds to relive the exciting and emotional journey of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

A 600 pound Chirago demon making like Yma Sumac, that one will stay with you.
A big fiery bug thing!
A blimp. But I can see how one would make that airplane mistake.
A book of protection spells. Anti magic. Our last resort.
A bullet usually travels faster than this, of course.
A cheque?
A classic double decker with a twist a pure beefy patty above the mid bun
A cocker spaniel could do it.
A concept involving opposing theories:
A couple of rare things charmed objects and a conjurer's harp.
A dancing demon No, something isn't right there
A dark force fuelled by grief.
A diamond was stolen from the museum last night. A big one.
A diamond was stolen from the museum last night. A big one.
A Fisherman's Medley and a Kid's Meal.
A friend.
A ghost, is it? Go and haunt the living, like a good spook.
A girl is dead because of me.
A girl who sleeps with a vampire she hates?
A girl, she was hurt.
A glimpse of your future, harnessed by magic.
A guy.
A house in Bel Air with a generously sized swimming pool.
A killer isn't a slayer. Being a slayer means something you can't conceive of.
A little confused. I mean, I'm all sweaty, and trapped,
A little debt collecting, perhaps?
A little haunting type stuff. Boo, scary. Everything's normal.
A little tape. A dab of Krazy Glue.
A little.
A lot can happen in a year.
A man can change.
A man can change.
A man shouldn't use immortality as an excuse to let himself go.
A Manic Panic freak he's macking with in the middle of the room.
A minute till midnight.
A mummy hand.
A muscle cramp?
A nerd goes into hiding, he really hides.
A pocketful of goldfish. It didn't work out.
A pretty toy.
A robot, yeah! And I kicked her synthetic ass. You should've seen the sparks...
A robot.
A snail driving a car very slowly.
A spell from who?
A sweet pad like this goes empty for a few days, he'll lose it for sure.
A symbolic act commemorating the new order around here,
A teenager. And we have no idea what's wrong with us. A hospital's our best bet.
A tiny piece of metal.
A vampire got me hot. One.
A vampire with a soul?
A world of no.
A Xander Harris original. I love it. Thank you, guys!
About me shutting up?
About up to here. If you could see my hand, it's kind of above my shoulders.
About what you're gonna do now.
About what?
About what?
About Xander? Don't worry, you'll figure out a way to...
Absolutely. She'll never even know...
Accept our humble gratitude for your offering.
Accept our offering
Action figures... fully deployed.
Actually living with supervillains was not in the deal.
Actually, I'm trying to not think about it.
Actually, kinda under those rubber feet that keep the ladder steady.
Actually, my face kinda found him.
Actually, not everything.
Actually, there's an eensy something I could use a little help with.
Actually, yes.
Actually, you won't be building so much as lifting and toting.
Adonai, Helomi, Pine
Adonai, Helomi, Pine.
Adonai, Helomi.
Afraid I'm gonna...?
Afraid to give me the chance?
Afraid to give me the chance?
After all, I wasn't exactly hiding.
After I was brought back...
After I'm done with her.
After the moon went down.
After the other night, I'd say all bets are off for what he's capable of.
After Willow gave us the engagement party, I figured she'd help,
After your exercises.
Again with the comfort.
Again, I say "Huh?"
Again? You've done enough, sweetie.
Ah, good for you.
Ah, it's a fair cop. You caught me, Slayer.
Ah, that's sweet. You run.
Ah, well. That works out nicely, then.
Ah! Wait here, OK? I got an idea
Aha! I got it! Here's our villain, right here!
Aha! I got it! Here's our villain, right here!
Ahh. They're dipping into the classics. You gotta respect that.
Ain't love grand?
Air as a life source.
Air conditioner's busted.
Air. Sweet mother oxygen.
Alexander, do you realise that the usher sat us in the third row?
Alive and kickin' after all!
All Gone With The Wind, with the rising music, and the rising... music.
All growed up.
All I had to do was say something earlier
All I know is we have to have it to finish the spell, so it's good stuff in my book.
All in one quick,
All of it. You, Sunnydale... And I was just some nutcase in LA.
All of you did it. You stupid children. Did you think the blood wouldn't reach you?
All right, all right. What do you...
All right, come on, boys. We'll locate Mr Spike and...
All right, somebody wanna tell me what's going on here?
All right, that's the last one.
All right, we've finished the first part. Time for phase two. Is the van fired up?
All right, we've finished the first part. Time for phase two. Is the van fired up?
All right, Willow, you need to get outta there. Just get everyone out.
All right, Xander, you hit the demon bars. Dig up any info on a new player in town.
All right.
All right. Count of three.
All right. Dude... chill.
All right. Dude... chill.
All right. Into the breach with you.
All right. It'll be our little secret.
All right. Let's make this quick.
All right. Listen to me. Buffy. Buffy.
All right. Stand back.
All right. You do what you need to do.
All right. You work on that, then. We need to go. Ready, Randy?
All round you, Slayer, so don't try anything.
All that matters is that they're happy. Everything else is thick gravy goodness.
All the emotion and the pain
All the joy life sends
All the twists and bends
All these demons are starting to look alike.
All these melodies
All they bring each other is pain.
All those hearts laid open, that must sting
All those secrets you've been concealing
All those times I told Spike to get lost.
All we know is that it was a good place and she was happy there.
All we're saying is she's acting different. She's not herself.
All you have to do is sit pretty, and laugh when I tell a good one.
All you said was lose the mural.
Almost made a new one, which I think is...
Almost seven. God, I just closed my eyes for a minute.
Almost there. C'mon. There we go.
Alone at last.
Alone? Willow, he can't. It's too strong.
Along with anyone else helping those dead men walking.
Already been looted. Sorry.
Already made it. See you this afternoon?
Also, I didn't know if you had plans, but I thought maybe we could...
Also, this lamp's in critical condition.
Always use more hands.
Am I marrying a demon?
Am I supposed to just stumble upon someone
Amy said I could help you. But did Amy say how you could help me?
Amy, if you really are my friend, you better stay away from me.
Amy, is she...? How is she adjusting?
Amy, is she...? How is she adjusting?
An invisible slayer's gotta be way more effective than the standard variety
An unpleasant tactile experience, like putting my hand in pudding.
An, honey, we're looking for invisibility spells here.
An, honey, we're nearing your point, right?
An, it's a very complicated question.
An, stop.
An, that was Buffy. She's working late, so I might have to go...
An, would you hand me that one next to you?
Ancient mummy hand.
Ancient mummy hand.
And a big Sunnydale round of applause for Tito the Amazing, plumber extraordinaire.
And a lot of monsters.
And a monster. Sort of a Sunnydale souvenir, we thought.
And a natural at the supernatural, I should trust my intuition.
And a slice of processed chicken product below the mid bun.
And a slight tingly scalp.
And a toast to the bride's dermatologically challenged family shrub.
And a waste like you gets to live.
And actually, we prefer "justice demon". OK? FYl.
And after he's always going on and on about being the only one that understands me.
And all you get is left behind.
And also I can't have any chocolate, or peanuts or egg yolks.
And as for your work, you need me.
And be sure to remove the items from the shelf.
And bring sweet death.
And Buffy's laughin', I've no doubt
And Buffy's OK too? Enjoying the refreshing sanity and so forth?
And burn the earth to a cinder.
And by the time I interview for a new job and go through a training process...
And can I write a children's book called that?
And checking out Buffy on the van's remote surveillance.
And chicks, chicks, chicks.
And clear everything was.
And cut way back on the cat.
And did you hear about Tom and Nicole?
And did you hear about Tom and Nicole?
And do not take my chips.
And ever since, I've had this painful hole inside.
And every day I thought how I would somehow get here,
And every single verse
And ex vengeance demons and the sister that was a big ball...
And for taking this stuff with you.
And freak Buffy too strong for construction work.
And funnel its energy through Proserpexa's effigy
And funny, funny health code violations but it wasn't like it is here.
And getting out of my parents' house.
And Giles flew away, and, well, you're looking a little magicked out.
And given Willow all that magic that made her, like, ten times more powerful.
And go back where they came from.
And got through it all. So can you.
And guess how much they hate me.
And have enough to start a nice college fund for Dawn,
And have everything work out exactly as I dreamed.
And have them redo the Summers interview.
And he has the sweetest smile and the nicest body, and he loves me.
And he was Mom's.
And hide under the bed? It's not my style.
And how are you... really?
And how long have you known that your girlfriend's Tinkerbell?
And hurry up, before...
And I ain't in no hurry to leave it. Are you?
And I betcha that's tiring, that... thing you're doin' there...
And I betcha that's tiring, that... thing you're doin' there...
And I can't be a man.
And I can't take it any more.
And I can't understand... anything.
And I cannot tie this tie. Where's your best man? Isn't she supposed to do this?
And I couldn't stop
And I didn't figure you were here cadging my whiskey cos life is full of bloody peaches.
And I don't understand why you'd drag Dawn into it.
And I ended up with word salad.
And I feel sick,
And I figured this was probably the fastest way to...
And I got the whole "sunlight issue".
And I hate you. I hate you both.
And I have no idea what Riley and Mrs Riley's wedding was like.
And I have some things to do. I thought if anybody'd understand...
And I have to tell you, I don't think that's a skin condition.
And I just want to be
And I keep almost being in charge, but then I'm not.
And I mean straight time, no loop de loop mummy hand repeat o vision.
And I miss them. And sometimes...
And I plan to stay. Indefinitely.
And I should have said it before.
And I still love you. If you're worried, you can be worried.
And I think I actually heard him clean his glasses.
And I think I'm kinda gay.
And I think Willow in particular could use a real morale booster.
And I think you got exactly enough magic between you
And I wanna be there when it does.
And I wanna stay here, with you and Willow and Tara. Understand?
And I wanted to buy you a can of Olde English "800".
And I was finished.
And I was insane to think...
And I was just wonderin'...
And I was like all over her, boo boo boo...
And I was loved.
And I was warm.
And I will therefore fix it. I got her head back on, didn't I?
And I wish you were never born.
And I'd say that makes us pretty much unstoppable.
And I'll always love you. "
And I'll step in because...
And I'm bizarre. At least I didn't dump you to hang out with an ex rat.
And I'm far from convinced she's come out of all this undamaged.
And I'm here strictly by your invocation
And I'm not here to bust your chops about your stupid scheme either.
And I'm off my guard. Happy.
And I'm pretty sure I drooled on you, so just please tell me how awful it was.
And I'm sick of waiting to tell everyone about us.
And I'm sorry but I'm really gonna have to hold you to that.
And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for...
And I'm still finding nothing of the Steal a Diamond, Freeze a Guy variety.
And I'm supposed to what? Walk away?
And I'm sure we'll talk to him all the time, right? It's not like he's...
And I'm sure your demon horde won't think any the less of you.
And I'm the idiot that dug it out.
And I'm the reason that you're standing still
And I've been sleeping with Spike.
And I've tried.
And if I don't see that things are improving,
And if she is running low on magics,
And if we bump into each other, I'll clue her that you're on the lookout
And if you don't want anything nasty to happen to her, you'd better meet us. Alone.
And if you really aren't, you better stay away from me.
And if you try,
And insane asylums are the comfy alternative?
And it all just leaves me with this stress and bossiness stored up,
And it didn't come from you. It came from me
And it freezes me
And it hurts me more than you've ever guessed
And it just leaks out.
And it made me panic, so that's why I kept a couple of things.
And it made the demon.
And it was hurt and sadness. "
And it'll grieve me cos I love you so
And it's killing me.
And it's not just slayer status I'm talking about. It's you.
And it's not the muscles, baby. It's the brains.
And it's not what magic is for.
And just think...
And let Buffy tell us what she needs.
And let it
And let it...
And let it...
And let me rest in peace
And let me rest in peace
And let me rest in peace
And let them hippity hop over my flesh?
And let you rest at last
And let's not forget the recent forgetting.
And look at me. Look at stupid Buffy. Too dumb for college.
And making herself a playmate to do magic with.
And many double dates with us so we have someone else to talk to, yay!
And maybe he shouldn't be going at all, but we can't talk about that.
And maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off.
And maybe the word you should be looking for is "congratulations".
And men really like to watch that kind of stuff, don't they? Men like Xander.
And miss the big treat? That would break the old guy's little heart.
And Mom.
And more of a paperwork type.
And move your Uncle Rory to a table five near the bar.
And my family, who are monsters, stay at our place?
And my job at the magic shop?
And never can be told
And nice to me.
And no matter how hard you try to convince yourself it isn't, it's real.
And no No. 2 pencils have been provided,
And no wonder, with the whole coming back from the grave and whatnot.
And none of us look all hatchety murdery, so we're probably safe here.
And none of you knew.
And not one of you bunch has the midichlorians to stop her.
And now everyone's scared to say anything to you.
And now everyone's scared to say anything to you.
And now I can again all right?
And now I can again all right?
And now I look at them...
And now I'm not.
And now it has to stop.
And now it's gone and I feel kinda shaky and like I need it, Buffy.
And now she's messing with forces that wanna hurt her. All of us.
And now she's some kind of selling stuff person?
And now there's cartoons.
And now they're gone.
And now they're gonna hatch a bunch of baby demon things?
And now what is it?
And now... Willow's a junkie.
And only to make sure that you're not alone. This has nothing to do with... anyone else.
And only to make sure that you're not alone. This has nothing to do with... anyone else.
And our one loose end has been taken care of... by the Slayer.
And over,
And over, and over.
And pledge to be your friend,
And poor Xander. Everything is so screwed up.
And ruin your life like you ruined mine
And sent you here to bring Willow down?
And she got you to start talking about things that bothered you at home?
And she will walk through the fire
And she's gone.
And she's gonna be powerful.
And she's... I don't know, some kinda machine.
And Slayers heal fast. Real fast.
And so anyway...
And so the world said "Fine, but if you have that, you have to take this too. "
And so would you.
And so you shall!
And sometimes I wish I could just make them stop.
And sometimes they're good, and... sometimes they're... less good.
And sometimes they're good, and... sometimes they're... less good.
And Spike is missing in action somewhere with Dawn
And start trying to make things better for Buffy.
And start. And all the stuff in the middle.
And still have time to get a soft shoe in
And stop with the bloody hero trip for a sec. We'd all be the better for it.
And take you by the hand
And Tara wants you to stop. She loves you.
And Tara's in her new place and everything? She's all settled in?
And tell me you're up for that. I so don't wanna see Spike right now.
And that doesn't usually lead to hugs and puppies.
And that makes them worry even more.
And that suit!
And that Sunnydale and all of this...
And that will never happen again.
And that would be bad.
And that's what you watchers are good at, right? Watching.
And that's why she shut me out.
And the burnout factor is, like, nothing.
And the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that...
And the demon attacks could be completely unrelated events,
And the first thing we're gonna do is find Buffy and re visible her...
And the flip side? Steve.
And the forms next to the cash register say that Rupert and Anya own the shop together.
And the gum under the tables? You should give it a good sc**** before you leave.
And the only person that I can even stand to be around is a neutered vampire
And the people that work here, they're kind of strange, you know.
And the Slayer will never even know what hit her.
And the social services lady put me through a wringer. Says she's gonna "watch" me.
And the two of us, natural enemies, thrown together to fight the forces of darkness.
And the world came rushing back.
And then a seer in the coven told me about Tara.
And then about you.
And then he has to say stuff like...
And then I can't wear it in public.
And then I...
And then she brought back the stuff that they left:
And then suddenly you guys did what you did.
And then that thing happened.
And then to rise above it.
And then wake up at 4am terrified.
And then we can invite over some strangers and ask them to feed you candy.
And then we'll do your hands.
And then we'll still have you back, which is...
And then we're done, right? We each take our share and we call it a day.
And then went straight to the dark arts books and sucked them dry.
And then what?
And then you come back...
And then you have to guess what it is.
And then you have to slice right through the centre of the meat.
And then you hit me with a cocktail wiener, and then you insulted my heritage.
And then, bam!
And then, next thing you know, Buffy.
And there's no one in the world who has the power to stop me now.
And there's no one in the world who has the power to stop me now.
And there's not a one
And there's not, you know, a dead person.
And they completely freaked out.
And they had other stuff. Razor scooters, pictures of the Vulcan woman on Enterprise.
And they have us disposing of the bodies. How sick is that?
And this giant snake came out of my mouth, and there was all this energy crackling,
And this one... is for getting kicked in the face.
And this pack of demons interrupted, but I totally kept it together.
And this takes a while,
And this time away will help us sort through things.
And this time away will help us sort through things.
And this...
And those aren't code names, like Big Dog or Falcon or...?
And three, high school's...
And three, high school's...
And to my wife, Jessica.
And to that, an extreme "see you later".
And to that, an extreme see you later.
And two others can perform spells to alter perception.
And vengeance. Don't forget vengeance.
And was tryin' to figure out what kind of dangerous contraband he had.
And we all know how splendidly that turned out for Mickey.
And we all know how well those rules work.
And we asked for this huge gift Buffy.
And we both know I'm not the only one thinking it.
And we didn't even have to...
And we'll get through it, all right? We'll do something.
And we're all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare
And we're just sitting here. Why are we just sitting? Why aren't we doing something?
And we're paying for the rest.
And we're the only ones who are really alive.
And what if it all goes to Hell, and for ever?
And what then? Even if they kill that Wicca bitch, you think they're gonna let us walk?
And what's with all the carrots?
And when I am... things are gonna change.
And when I do, things are gonna change.
And when the music starts
And why am I fightin' other vampires?
And why don't you try removin' that broomstick from your...
And why you come to be with me
And Willow will make you two boneless chickens skinless too.
And Willow...
And Xander thinks maybe they can still get back together, but he hurt her a lot.
And Xander's family. I haven't seen them that bad since my Bat Mitzvah.
And you are lucky to be alive, you rank, arrogant amateur!
And you can meet it, but you never will
And you can sing along
And you can support your deadbeat sister.
And you can't chant if you're sleeping.
And you can't imagine what they see in you?
And you can't tell the ones you love
And you cannot protect me from that.
And you did want it dead, right?
And you do inspire a...
And you don't wanna do that again.
And you get the dagger of Lex for free with it.
And you have more fingers. Which is good,
And you have the audacity to crawl in here and demand restoration?
And you just love to play the thought
And you just slide down so smooth.
And you keep playin' with rules you make up as you like. You know what I am.
And you knew me. "
And you know something, sweetness?
And you know what they say: If at first you don't succeed...
And you know what they say. Those of us who fail history?
And you like me, too.
And you never have to.
And you seem awfully quick to forget about 'em.
And you seem awfully quick to forget about 'em.
And you still taste like strawberries.
And you think I have something to do with this?
And you think this is dumb, don't you?
And you wanna know why, little fella?
And you want to return to your former self?
And you want to return to your former self?
And you want to return to your former self?
And you were too afraid to tell anyone.
And you will be my queen
And you'd never met her before?
And you're her sweet cookie face.
And you're still... remarkably strong.
And your firm yet supple... tight embrace!
And your mother taught you about life.
And, Anya, I really have no clue what their wedding was like.
And, Buffy, it's OK if you don't.
And, Buffy?
And, Dawnie, there are two words I want you to get used to: "punitive damages".
And, frankly, she always had a thing for me, even when she was shagging you.
And, hey, I still wanna hang.
And, in the end, I'm the only one that can save it
And, look, I'm right back where I started.
And, of course, the 40 Siamese that you owe me.
And, please, just stay still.
And, should she survive...
And, uh... coming back is...
And, while I was dead, it got squandered on luxuries like food and clothing.
And, yeah, maybe it's been a long time, but... it's not like you forget how.
And, yeah, maybe it's been a long time, but... it's not like you forget how.
And, you know, everyone's safe.
And... I love you so much.
And... I mean, the girl's hot too.
And... we'd be able to bring Tara back.
And... were you always this tall?
Andrew and Jonathan don't.
Andrew. They're in jail with no clue she's coming.
Andrew's demon pet has done some number on the Slayer.
Another eight hours right after these eight hours?
Another one for the fire, boys.
Answer me.
Ante up.
Ante up.
Any "I wish" can end in horrible grossness.
Any other suggestions?
Any reminder of what it is that she's trying to stay away from
Any suggestions on how to get there?
Any way...
Any way...
Anya has a theory. She thinks Martha Stewart froze that guy.
Anya is a wonderful former vengeance demon.
Anya says pretty bad. I'm kinda taking her word for it.
Anya was just...
Anya, Giles is gonna leave the store to you when he goes. What more do you want?
Anya, hold on, OK? Tell her you didn't do this. Tell her it's a mistake.
Anya, I love you. I wanna make this work.
Anya, I promise, your waiting days are almost over.
Anya, if I tell them we're engaged right after you dared me to,
Anya, it wasn't her fault.
Anya, teleport us out of here, please. Take us with you.
Anya, this register report for January looks a bit off. Pull the files again.
Anya, what do you...
Anya, whatever's happening to the pylon will probably happen to her.
Anya, Xander's my friend. I know what he did was wrong.
Anya, you wanna marry me?
Anya, you wanna marry me?
Anya, you wanna marry me?
Anya, you're gonna have to break this down for us a little.
Anya! What's wrong with you?
Anya's entertaining a vengeance demon named Hallie.
Anya's right. This is the way life's supposed to work out.
Anya's... Anya was saying she knows where Willow is.
Anyanka, there's an easier way.
Anybody home?
Anyone would notice me?
Anything to make these feelings stop. I just wanted it to stop.
Anything we can do to fast forward? We need to find Warren before anyone else gets hurt.
Anyway, I don't think we need to work that much on your strength.
Anyway, I just wanted to return my uniform.
Anyway, I still have to select the bridesmaids' dresses.
Anyway, please, it's cool. It's not like I even needed Tara to stay over.
Anyway, she's not at the house, and I really, really need to find her.
Anyway, what did I call you?
Aradia, hear my words.
Are friends with?
Are Jonathan and Andrew up there with you?
Are there drinks in your world?
Are they? They're coming apart.
Are we having a conversation?
Are we really gonna do this?
Are we really gonna kill her?
Are you afraid I'm gonna...
Are you afraid I'm gonna...
Are you done yet? Or can we talk some more about our feelings?
Are you feeling any change? Can you talk?
Are you guys all right? Are you injured?
Are you guys even listening? I need feedback, people.
Are you hurt?
Are you hurt? You're not moving so well.
Are you kidding? It was like a meat party in my mouth.
Are you listening? This is the one place they won't be safe.
Are you mad at me?
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Are you OK?
Are you ready to go?
Are you ready to go?
Are you saying that Buffy could be like she was before any of this happened?
Are you saying you don't trust me?
Are you saying you won't give me my loan?
Are you saying you're gonna leave me?
Are you saying you're gonna leave me?
Are you saying you're gonna leave me?
Are you sure we can trust him? I mean, we all have heads too.
Are you sure we can trust him? I mean, we all have heads too.
Are you sure we'll be able to watch Buffy without her noticing?
Are you sure you're all right? I'm sorry about everything.
Are you sure you're OK? You look a little...
Are you worried?
Aren't you Mr Dicey Semantics? You think you can just take anything you want?
Arr, and help ye shall have.
Arr! Careful, me mateys!
Arrange 'em like table settings. Guests snap photos. Breaks the ice.
As a social experience rather than a learning experience.
As far as rebellious teenagers go, you're square.
As in your being almost out of it.
As long as Dawn's all right.
As long as I stay, you'll always turn to me...
As long as we're both here, you might as well tag along. As a team, we could...
As long as we're both here, you might as well tag along. As a team, we could...
As much you'd like it to be.
As OK as anyone who had snakes coming out of their mouth.
As parents, we have a responsibility to create the right attitude.
As proprietor of a magic shop, I propose we fight them.
As soon as we put one Suvolte down, a dozen take its place.
As the secret ingredient.
As you see, we provide the best in progressive learning.
As, for example, snakes? How come you didn't tell us how much...
Aside from costing you a bundle.
Aside from hell bikers, there's nothing in our way.
Ask me again why I can never love you.
Ask me again why I could never love you.
Ask me again why I could never love you.
Ask questions, throw punches, find out what's in the air.
Ask your best friend Spider Man. If you won't support me...
Asmodea, bring forth...
At least I'm not asking you to perform the rite of self flagellation.
At least the demons almost hit you on their way out of town.
At least, in theory she is, but she doesn't seem to...
At least, nothing that would explain why things near Buffy become invisible.
At midnight he's going to take her to the underworld to be his queen.
At peace.
At some time you gotta recharge, no matter how juiced up you are.
At table four, apparently.
At the Double Meat Palace, and...
At the Palace, you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
At the top of your game, you crushed men like him.
At this rate you're going to burn out and...
Attacked? A vampire?
Audit. I guess I could do that.
Axe not gonna cut it.
Baby, come on! Get up!
Baby, tell those bats that everything is gonna be all right. I promise.
Baby, this is what's really important.
Back in the jungle, we had not one, but two hard core shamans working for us.
Back off, Will. I got her.
Back off.
Back to basics. A little old fashioned state of the art hacker action.
Back to basics. A little old fashioned state of the art hacker action.
Back to the empire of the nerds.
Back to Xander's brains and guts...
Back we will go to my kingdom below
Back when I saw my first vampires,
Back when we shared a bed. I should've done the world a favour.
Bad guy fighting action.
Bad move, bad move, bad move.
Bad news is, I can't read a word of it.
Banks, armoured car routes, corporate vaults. This is big.
Basically, your pipes are shot. The whole system's gonna have to be replaced.
Battle gear. Lightweight Kevlar, state of the art.
Be a bigger wuss
Be a bigger wuss.
Be brave. Live.
Be careful. Warren's gone all Mighty Mouse. Emphasis on the "might".
Be more grateful.
Be right back.
Be strong, baby, OK? I know you're afraid.
Be your queen?
Beady Eyes is right, we're needed!
Because Buffy would want you to.
Because he's with Willow. And if something happened, I'd know.
Because I can't bear to see you suffer.
Because I don't love you.
Because I let it happen.
Because I love you
Because I wanted to be part of the Double Meat experience?
Because it clearly could get serious before it's passed
Because it's not limited to one specific place,
Because it's Superman's book, you moron!
Because of Tara?
Because she's gonna be beautiful.
Because social phenomena don't have unproblematic objective existences,
Because that's the way love's supposed to be, right?.
Because the tower was built by crazy people and I don't think it's holding up very well.
Because they were figments!
Because you deserved it, bitch!
Because you don't really feel that way.
Because you were... He'll come right back. I'll call him. Someone'll call him.
Because you're protecting people. Keeping them from being hurt.
Because... I'm still getting used to the miracle of a steady paycheck
Because... with the whole idiot thing.
Become meaningless.
Before I rip you a new one.
Before it's too late.
Before knowing and nothing.
Before school. Peanut butter and jelly. I don't eat, but Dawn takes one every day.
Before someone turns you into a toad.