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Man with a Plan (2016) - Season 4

Man with a Plan (2016) - Season 4

"Man with a Plan" is a television show that premiered in 2016 and is currently in its fourth season. Created by Jackie Filgo and Jeff Filgo, this sitcom follows the life of Adam Burns, a father who must navigate the challenges of being a stay-at-home dad while his wife, Andi, returns to work. With its relatable humor and endearing characters, "Man with a Plan" has gained a loyal fanbase and continues to entertain audiences.

The main character, Adam Burns, is portrayed by the talented and well-known actor Matt LeBlanc. LeBlanc, known for his iconic role as Joey Tribbiani in the hit show "Friends," delivers a fantastic performance as the lovable and sometimes clueless dad. Adam is a contractor who trades in his hard hat for a diaper bag when his wife goes back to work full-time.

Liza Snyder portrays Adam's wife, Andi Burns, in "Man with a Plan." Snyder skillfully brings Andi to life as a strong and independent working woman who struggles to balance her career and family life. Andi's return to work creates a shift in the dynamic of the household and provides the show with many comedic moments.

Adam and Andi have three children, and their hilarious interactions with them make up a significant portion of the show's humor. Emme (Hala Finley) is the eldest daughter, Teddy (Matthew McCann) is the middle child, and the youngest is Kate (Grace Kaufman). Each child brings their own unique personality to the show, allowing for a wide range of comedic situations.

Adam's brother, Don Burns, is portrayed by Kevin Nealon. Nealon's deadpan comedic style shines through in his portrayal of Don, who often offers Adam advice, albeit questionable at times. Don's presence adds an additional layer of humor to the series, as his own parenting style clashes with Adam's.

Furthermore, starring in "Man with a Plan" is Stacy Keach as Joe Burns, Adam and Don's father. Keach brings a stern, yet charming, presence to the show as he occasionally dispenses wisdom to his sons. Although Joe's screen time may be limited, his character adds a sentimental touch to the family dynamics.

As the episodes progress, viewers witness the daily challenges and triumphs of the Burns family. From dealing with teenage rebellion to navigating toddler tantrums, "Man with a Plan" explores the ups and downs of parenting with comedic flair. The show cleverly tackles relatable topics, such as sibling rivalries and managing work-life balance, ensuring that audiences of all ages can find something to enjoy.

In addition to its talented cast, "Man with a Plan" captivates viewers with its excellent writing and comedic timing. The series expertly weaves together witty dialogue and physical comedy to keep audiences entertained. The cleverly crafted scripts allow the actors to shine, creating a seamless blend of comedy and heartwarming moments.

For fans of "Man with a Plan" or anyone curious about the show, the sounds and soundtrack of the series can be played and downloaded here. The delightful theme music, composed by John Kimbrough, sets the tone for each episode. The playful and catchy tune perfectly captures the essence of the show, inviting viewers to join the Burns family on their hilarious adventures.

"Man with a Plan" continues to be a beloved sitcom with its fourth season, captivating audiences with its relatable humor and engaging characters. The stellar cast, led by Matt LeBlanc, brings the Burns family to life, providing endless laughs and heartwarming moments. Whether you're a parent or simply enjoy a good comedy, "Man with a Plan" is sure to entertain you with its delightful portrayal of family life.

A And we promise that we will never get involved
A bottle of wine in the other!
A can of shrimp?
A cougar needs to hunt.
A dad's got to do what a dad's got to do. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy.
A different lifestyle?
A dog that could see into other dimensions.
A drink?
A Happy Burger wrapper!
A job comes along that is truly horrific, like five hours of dress shopping.
A lady so boring she was named after a tree.
A little bit, yeah.
A little. Nothing dangerous. I just need time to run a few errands.
A man's life expectancy would be 30
A nice bottle of wine and a couple of dead mice?
A sibling relationship has a lot in common with a spousal relationship,
A tale of two hats.
A volcano's bad enough, but a supervolcano will take your head right off.
A waitress came to our table and she said,
A woman so boring she was named after a tree.
A woman so perfect, her only mistake was having a second son.
About my birthday.
About the waitress you love so much?
About you giving yourself strep throat when Teddy was sick.
Absolutely not.
According to that, you have one son with three arms.
Act like a family, for God sakes.
Actually, if you want to get closer to a woman,
Actually, this time I talked.
Actually, yes, there is something we can do.
Adam and I always wanted to meet nudists. We have so many questions,
Adam Burns, parent/legal guardian.
Adam got strep throat, and part of me thought he enjoyed it.
Adam is talking about the dish best served cold.
Adam lied to me?
Adam puts too much pressure on himself,
Adam told me that he and Joe
Adam, 20 years ago, you made a promise to me
Adam, a boat doesn't have feelings. It's a boat.
Adam, Andi, I'm Dr. Felicia. Come on back to my office.
Adam, I think we need to do some real soul searching here, you know?
Adam, it sounds like some of this is resonating for you.
Adam, we were supposed to be teaching him a lesson,
Adam, what's happening?
Adam, what's important
Adam, where's your father?
Adam, you risked your most important relationship for this,
Adam, you seem stressed.
Adam, you're so funny.
Adam? Adam, I just got off the phone with my doctor
Adam? It's Lowell. I did a bad thing.
Adventurous, but safe.
After dinner, I'll go to bed, and you can talk to her.
After I asked the school nurse to the eighth grade formal.
After my divorce, I was alone so much,
After we didn't ditch them.
After what Adam said this morning.
After you took all the pressure off me,
Agreed. That is a bad time for a commercial break.
Ah, always remember two words, "Just kidding."
Ah, I I can't.
Ah, it'll be okay. We'll just get her drunk. [chuckles]
Ah, look who's here.
Ah, that would require Teddy taking one thought,
Ah, there she is.
Ah, this is such a surprise. [chuckles] You're here.
Ah, you're gonna have to be more specific.
Ah. Good morning.
Ahoy, Captain.
Alice, let's dance.
All he wanted to do was sit in his teacher's lap.
All I know is Joe lied about where he was the other night, and Adam's helping him.
All right, boy. Look like a guy who really needs a boat.
All right, fine.
All right, girls, I'll take you.
All right, here's one for you, too.
All right, I got something.
All right, I want to go with him.
All right, I'll be right back. Don't move.
All right, I'll do it.
All right, I'll touch her. I don't want to be rude. [chuckles]
All right, let's get going, Bev. I feel like fish sticks for dinner.
All right, let's get to work. You have Jen's e mail password.
All right, let's think about this.
All right, Lowell, I need your help. You are my most trustworthy friend.
All right, no need to hurt people's feelings here.
All right, no one's home. I'm gonna check if my dad's hat is here.
All right, nobody likes that guy.
All right, now you just need to shift the conversation
All right, smart guy, military school's off.
All right, so all I have to do is get Andi to suggest a boat.
All right, so everybody get out, and we'll start over again.
All right, so we'll tell Lowell the news, and then you will make him feel better
All right, so...
All right, that's it. [sighs]
All right, we're here because someone took my boat out,
All right, you can pay me back with some elbow grease.
All right, you go there.
All right! All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Don and I will go down to the Bainbridge
All right. I'll ask your brother.
All right. I'm taking off.
All right. It's report card day.
All right. Keep an eye on him.
All right. Using underhanded means to get what I want. Now, this feels like me.
All right. Wait a minute. Let's not go bananas.
All the teen moms in Pittsburgh get their start right here.
All you did was fill it with these pillows.
Along with other roadside attractions,
Already took two. Kids are at school.
Also, Marcy didn't really hurt her ankle.
Also, there was no O'Bannon job.
Although I don't know why I would. She never tells me anything.
Although these do help.
And all your yelling is just convincing me even more that I'm right.
And also because I put a tracking app on her phone.
And away we go.
And by the way, I shouldn't even know you haven't been fooling around,
And can I just say that you look beautiful,
And certain numbers you have to do outside.
And damn it, we love you!
And Don and I are taking you out to dinner to celebrate.
And Don doesn't know how to do the work, but Dad can tell him.
And drove us to our next campsite.
And ever since then, it's been one long striptease
And every winter, Marcy hoses down her front walk so people slip on the ice.
And find out if there is something she has secretly always wanted to do.
And from now on, I will try to be more sensitive to your feelings.
And get this, she's a year older than him.
And I am not letting this go until I get one.
And I believe this is the moment you referred to as "go time."
And I bought us some fake candles so that we don't start another sex fire.
And I can't say it until you say your thing.
And I can't stand it!
And I didn't tell her everything. I didn't say a word
And I don't appreciate her making you tell me things.
And I figured, why not be the best Jessica?
And I found just the right person to make sure you do.
And I had to sit in the library with Mrs. Branch,
And I have this candle in one hand and...
And I have to take it because of one promise I made in a church 20 years ago.
And I just want to remind you that you made a promise.
And I know where she keeps her diary.
And I know you got matching blue hats to wear when you did it.
And I know you put a lot of pressure on yourself about these things.
And I like your new hairdo, Andi.
And I love when you show your sensitive side.
And I saw a documentary on a marching band that got sucked up by a twister.
And I thought about what you said.
And I thought it was you because I found your hat.
And I was in trouble a lot. I had a full mustache in fifth grade.
And I was like, and I wrote this down so I'd remember it,
And I will get my "after."
And I will love you until the end of time.
And I won't have anybody to celebrate with.
And I would make the argument that of the two,
And I, for one, am a very satisfied customer.
And I'll bring Andi with me.
And I'll just say this: Everything is on the table.
And I'll put a hint to it in my nightstand.
And I'm not gonna take it anymore, because I am a door.
And I'm the one who told him
And I've already made some very special plans.
And I've had a lot of dates end with a friendly handshake.
And if a guy calls you after 10:00, he only wants one thing.
And if a guy calls you before 10:00, he's just trying to beat the other guy.
And if he agrees with you, I will drop this boat idea forever.
And if I see you around here again, I'll give you a smoky eye
And if I was a stripper, you'd be paying full price.
And if it'll save time, I will put my own nuts in that box.
And if you do cheat, she's not gonna like that either.
And if you don't, that's the state of Pennsylvania talking. Not me.
And if you get there before dark, they let you slide down it.
And if you had fallen for one of those, we wouldn't even be here.
And if you like Teddy,
And if you want to get anywhere, you gotta come through us.
And in sexier news, Adam and I were mistaken for strippers.
And instead of telling her mom she makes her crazy, Andi puts me in the middle.
And it has a gummy jalapeño in it.
And it just made me think that maybe we're not setting the best example.
And it stops now. [snaps fingers]
And it was so smart of you to save money by not buying flowers.
And it was the greatest feeling in the world.
And it won't stop Kate from helping him.
And it worked. Ha!
And it's a little delicate.
And it's all thanks to you.
And it's really uncomfortable.
And it's worse because I'm dressed like one.
And last night, I had to stay at the hospital for some pre op tests.
And last Thursday Frank sneezed too loud, and I just had it.
And magic can't be faked.
And make her think I kept it.
And me freaking out just made Kate dig her heels in even more.
And my shampoo.
And next week, at Jeremy's roller skating party,
And no longer feel comfortable naked.
And no sitting on the bed.
And nobody was getting any sleep, I brushed my teeth with his toothbrush.
And none of those will ever come anywhere near my favorite friend.
And now Adam is working the same scam to get a boat.
And now is when you apologize for always excluding me.
And now it's here.
And now my friends think he's weird.
And now she says I'm cut off in the bedroom
And now that things are resolved between you two,
And our pack is scarier 'cause we got the T. rex.
And perfect for each other, that there was magic.
And pick up dinner and [gasps]
And scream it to the world.
And second of all, you could never be less of a man to me.
And she promised not to yell "girl" anymore.
And she says you don't romance her.
And she thinks she's ready for her DMV road test.
And she was trying to get rid of the evidence.
And since you're dating the cat groomer, the four of us could be couple friends.
And some guy was selling his bass boat real cheap in the parking lot,
And stay with Dad while I go put out this fire.
And that "no" sticks?
And that bird got the best sleep of his life.
And that this thing did me no good.
And that's just a good rule in general.
And that's when I knew it was right.
And the doctor just took it away.
And the first ten customers get lots of free stuff.
And the handlebars came off?
And the kids who did homework will get nice, cushy office jobs
And the lies are the bananas they give you every couple of miles.
And the only one thoughtful enough to plan that for me is my favorite person.
And then Adam tells me to make coffee because he'll "be right there."
And then he lied about it. Yeah. He did that. While we were married.
And then he panics and comes up with some weird idea.
And then pick me up the next day.
And then sleeping with other people who ate beans in an airtight box.
And then some sap comes along, smokes a jazz cigarette and says,
And then we go to Jalapeño Kevin's?
And then we would've thought it was funny.
And then you're dead.
And then, of course, there was the end.
And then, when I wake up, all the bad stuff will be over.
And there are no villagers there to see him get eaten,
And they don't look like a couple of ankle doctors.
And they give you unlimited juice.
And they were standing there holding a boom box over their heads.
And they're good with words that make you feel bad. Like "appalled."
And they're into some kinky stuff.
And to think I almost wore matching hats with you.
And try that new restaurant, Jalapeño Kevin's?
And turn it into a neat stack of bricks on the pallet over there.
And usually on the way, I pick up a burger.
And we are never gonna talk about it again.
And we decided that she was old enough to go to the mall by herself,
And we had to sit there for three hours
And we have to use that to take back control.
And we just found out they learned how to work in packs.
And we were like, "Meh," you know?
And we're enlightened, so we don't feel anger.
And we're like, "Whoa."
And we've decided what needs to be done.
And wear a tank top and gym shorts so he knows it's me.
And what better way to surprise you
And when I get back, all the messiness will be over.
And when I say "I," I mean you made me feel bad.
And when I say "we," I mean you.
And when I was running home, trying to keep my dress down...
And when you hear this,
And where better to do that than not here?
And yet the murdering continued.
And you don't want to change that story?
And you haven't heard the best part.
And you know what that is?
And you let me lie to you while you were lying to me?
And you rode all the way home with your head out the window like a dog.
And you seem perfectly comfortable with that.
And you still didn't say anything!
And you used to be married to Frank. We're halfway there.
And you want to have kids with some new woman?
And you were in the middle.
And you. You get your hands off my man.
And you're okay with that?
And you're proud of this?
And you're sitting down and he's standing up,
And you're still married. It's a mystery.
And you've been so wonderful to me from the first moment that we met.
And your phone works. Interesting. I made six pots of coffee!
And, Don, the house you bought was the pork chop you threw at my head.
And, yes, I will be taking the survey after.
Andi doesn't have to take care of Marcy, so she takes the girls shopping.
Andi had to go off the pill, and none of the other options are good.
Andi is not gonna like this surprise.
Andi loves theater. Everybody knows that. So I'll take her to a play.
Andi, everything looks beautiful.
Andi, honey, you have to believe me.
Andi, if you want to say something, say it.
Andi, it's our 20th anniversary. I want to go the extra mile.
Andi, okay, I gotta come clean.
Andi's going to be home soon. Open that drawer.
Andi's got lots of pictures of owls in here.
Andi's home. I'd better warn her outside, away from anything breakable.
Andi's onto us. You have to come to the hospital
Anyway, can you give me a ride to the SATs Saturday?
Anyway, that's what can happen to you.
Apart from the crippling guilt.
Are Are you okay?
Are we the worst people in the world? No.
Are you Chef Boyardee or Bruce Lee?
Are you feeling anything?
Are you guys Buddhists too?
Are you not coming to work anymore? It's been two days.
Are you okay? I know RVs aren't really your thing.
Are you on drugs?
Are you saying that my only contribution to this house is pillows?
Are you sure you want to do this?
Are you trying to tell the neighborhood you've given up?
Around something she didn't know I knew about her.
Arthur, DMV clerk/hedge fund playboy.
As far as I'm concerned, she could stay here forever.
As soon as I saw you behind the wheel...
As soon as you called me a man, I knew I was in trouble.
As the universe giving me a sign that we were meant to be...
Ask if they validate parking.
Ask me some trivia questions.
Asking them to love us.
At 3:00 in the morning?
At a doctor's office.
At first, I was really mad that you embarrassed me.
At least he didn't get the beans, so we'll eat these for dinner.
At least you weren't hunting owls.
At one point, a bald eagle landed on the basket.
At some point, kids stop doing their homework.
At the auction, I made all the decisions,
At which point I needed a boat.
Attention! I, Kate Burns, hereby quit this job because I have to go to college.
Aw, of course I can, my little working girl.
Aw, thank you, Bev.
Aw, well, I'm happy for you.
Aw, you don't have to rub it in.
Aw. Honey, what's wrong? Are you okay?
Aw. Thanks for making us talk, Adam. You know, you did this.
Aw. That's sweet. I thought you were just cheap.
Aw. Wait, there's Marcy.
Aw. You did it. [chuckles] You yelled it, but you did it.
Babe, we have no reason to be.
Bachelorette party?
Back off, Karen. You know, you, you are a bad influence.
Bandi. The best Andi.
Be my guest.
Because all your stuff's out there. Come on! Come on.
Because he has those big, sad eyes.
Because he was a ringer, a phony, a fraud.
Because I didn't think our baby was ready to go out into the world alone.
Because I didn't want to go to the mall, and I thought I could use that.
Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Because I feel so much pressure about the business.
Because I had to be perfect to convince myself that I was happy.
Because I have no idea where I left my wallet.
Because I realized if I ever needed it, you could do it.
Because I've known about the pacemaker all day.
Because if you hit her with a knee jerk "no"
Because it works.
Because it's Jalapeño Kevin's.
Because it's too well done or not well done enough.
Because it's you and me, together, without Don,
Because no man wants to say that.
Because of the shadow government.
Because she told me to.
Because the answer to that can't be "forever."
Because the thing I couldn't tell you is over.
Because the villagers don't believe him when the wolf shows up.
Because there's something bottled up inside you.
Because they think a cat is stuck in the wall?
Because this is Jurassic Park,
Because tonight she surprised me with a booty call.
Because we came to this country as Pilgrims
Because we couldn't leave before Don and Marcy.
Because we don't have a boat.
Because we stopped noticing what was so great about them.
Because without our no, it's chaos.
Because you exclude me.
Because you'd all drown in Jacuzzis filled with beer.
Because your grandparents split up, all right?
Because, uh, I need to talk to you about something,
Been there.
Before I hit the cat groomer phase of being single.
Before this, I don't even think I could say "bra" to you.
Before you fired up your propaganda machine.
Being able to do it whenever I want is the whole reason I got married.
Believe me, if there was a solution, we would have found it.
Besides all the love.
Bev Burns is a wonderful woman.
Bev runs this family.
Bev told me.
Bev, are you meeting Joe's needs?
Bev, do you think your system was healthy for your boys or your relationship?
Bev, I want to talk to you about the party.
Bev, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.
Bev, this is fun!
Bev? I had Sweet Treats bakery recreate the cake from your wedding.
Book the test.
Boy, I am glad I got married
Boy, I gotta tell you, Lowell. This really hurts.
Brakes are good.
Bring the thunder, baby.
Brunch. Because you can drink in the morning
Burns Brothers Construction will not be flipping that house.
But But But what about your future?
But can't go in? [scoffs]
But Dad, you're always inviting Don over here to do stuff.
But delightful to watch.
But did we settle on a price for me not telling Teddy about it?
But don't don't worry, we'll be fine.
But everything worked out. Look at us! We're in love.
But first, Adam,
But Frank's got a winner with that car wash.
But Grandpa says they always short him a couple.
But he didn't want anyone else to know, especially Don.
But he is definitely suspect number one.
But he really went to Vegas for the weekend?
But here I am, going to pick up Teddy at soccer,
But hey, hey. Andi can't know.
But I already have one, so I don't need college.
But I am mad. Don and Marcy cheated on us!
But I am not.
But I bet with your help I could nail it.
But I bet your new mom will agree with me.
But I can straighten you out right here.
But I can tell it's true 'cause it is not going well.
But I can't help myself.
But I didn't know it was such a big one.
But I didn't tell him what's going on. I mean, nothing's going on!
But I didn't want you to worry about me worrying about you,
But I don't want to get that blue stuff on my nice auction shirt.
But I forgot I was with this family.
But I got to be honest, you are right in the middle
But I have to lie to Andi.
But I haven't even done the thing
But I haven't told you.
But I invented these. It's Tater Tots with cheese and hot sauce.
But I just need something to push it over the top.
But I like being a person.
But I only want to eat for a day. Give me my fish, Lowell.
But I started counting at 98.
But I think you can only do that from Apple headquarters.
But I want to be in it so bad.
But I wanted to surprise you with my own idea.
But I was just telling Marcy that, um...
But I wasn't allowed to hear the rest because Joe is shoe intolerant.
But I will leave you with this final thought.
But I'd be willing to share that with you.
But I'm in that family. Why didn't they invite me?
But I'm well aware it's our 20th anniversary,
But I've always been the one who took care of everything.
But if he had thumbs, I bet he would have written a note.
But if you're gonna have girls over, which, congratulations...
But in this situation, we have the benefit of clarity.
But instead, you did all the work.
But isn't the guilt I'm feeling punishment enough? I think so.
But it has "Kevin" in it, so I know it won't be too spicy.
But it might be worth making some changes since Dr. Chuck said so.
But it turns me on so much.
But it turns out I'm deathly allergic to cats.
But it was gone.
But it was your idea.
But it's a big step forward.
But it's not just what you say, it's how you say it.
But it's only 6:30.
But it's still a great memory.
But Lowell's a grown man. You need to let him make his own choices.
But Marcy cooks dinner. If I cook it, there'll be two dinners.
But my muscles were real and so were my feelings for you.
But my thing is "I accept your apology."
But nobody believes you.
But not this marriage. No, no, no. Every moment with you is a gift.
But nothing. I just thought he did a nice job describing it.
But now it's too open.
But now let's see if there's an underlying cause.
But now my birthday will always be the day my boys' relationship ended.
But now that I know more about you, I think we should lower our expectations.
But now that I'm a parent, watching it happen to you...
But now you do. Go on the cruise, it'll be fun.
But now you're wearing it, which means this is bigger than I thought.
But now, you're just avoiding her.
But on the way here, I realized, I can tell you everything,
But on the way home, we realized we already love you.
But once they talk to the doctor, they relax.
But only for the love of my father.
But she cheated on me.
But Teddy's not.
But thank you, and I know you'll do great.
But thanks for stopping at the mini mart.
But that got me in the door.
But that's my favorite show, and I always have to watch it alone.
But that's the best pill.
But the doctor did recommend one thing
But the one you just gave me is.
But the party needs to be perfect or she'll be disappointed.
But the thing is, I've left Andi's father.
But the two of you won't shut up about it.
But then I thought you wouldn't have made such a big deal
But then we got involved and ruined everything.
But then you screamed at me from the heart.
But there could be some fumes.
But there's a lot of lookie loos walking their dogs.
But they still speak like fourth years,
But this is 100% true!
But this is your only chance to yell "nice jugs" without getting in trouble.
But this looks like you're not trying at all.
But this reminds me of when my ex was cheating on me.
But to get the decisions, I also have to have the pressure?
But we already had babies. And we don't need any more.
But we don't know anybody here.
But we don't mean anything by it.
But we have no idea where she is.
But we saw you from across the room and thought maybe we should be friends.
But we should never, ever do this again.
But we still can't have sex.
But we went by, and they weren't there.
But we're not ready.
But what I'm hearing is,
But what's our second favorite thing to do in the bedroom?
But when a lion's chasing you, you can run a little faster.
But when I look out in the driveway and don't see a boat there,
But when she didn't, I thought she was ignoring me,
But with one small adjustment.
But you have inspired me.
But you have to work together.
But you know where I'm a captive audience?
But you pretended to take care of her so you could get out of going to the mall.
But you whiffed.
But you work for the man. You're his stooge.
But you're not saying it like it's a compliment.
But you're over her now?
But you're so pretty when you say it, so you say it.
But your hands aren't clean either. You knew Marcy wasn't sick anymore,
But, Joe, you're married to Bev.
But, um, it's good,
But, you know, it just didn't seem fair.
Buy 'em anyway, though. We'll see.
By any chance, is she marrying a guy named Lowell?
By next week we'll be seasick, sunburned and peeing in a lake, like God intended.
By telling him how much he means to you as a friend.
By the way, Parker told me that you tried to feed him spaghetti.
Can I come sit with you guys yet?
Can I have $20?
Can I talk to Grandma?
Can my Build A Bear have his shorts back?
Can we afford Harvard? No. Right in the sweet spot.
Can we still go out for ice cream even though she said no?
Can we talk outside?
Can you believe this? We know you're lying.
Can you drive this rig home?
Can you get your hands on an ice cream truck?
Can you give us a couple minutes alone?
Can you take him to your place and fix him up?
Can't drink beer and pee off the side of a family, though.
Can't say I'm gonna miss the stories.
Can't sleep 'cause you're upset about Don?
Can't we just do something with this license?
Care to tell me what happened back there?
Case closed, we got him.
Check it out. You got to cook what you kill.
Cheese and crackers.
Chuck can't save you now.
Chuck's not here. Run!
Clinically speaking, Adam, you're super wrong.
Come guess what kind of meat it is with me.
Come on, Bev. Reverse engines.
Come on, Detective Handsome. Let's crack this case.
Come on, go for it.
Come on, Grandpa.
Come on, Joe.
Come on, let's get a boat!
Come on, tight pants.
Come on, you don't get it, man.
Come on! Come on.
Come on. Hug your husband.
Come on. It's funny.
Come on. Once more for me?
Come on. This place is full of lonely couples.
Come to the hospital. I'll prove it.
Cool, cool.
Copy that.
Correct. Next.
Could we improve? Probably not.
Dad and I have to have a private meeting about that.
Dad said no, but I think they look fine.
Dad was just faking it to get Alice to leave.
Dad would never get a pacemaker and not tell me.
Dad, I need you to tell Andi the truth about where we were tonight.
Dad, I thought you and Marcy had a shadow government.
Dad, will you just tell me what's going on?
Dad? I want to talk to you Oh.
Dad's eyes got big, and Mom's lip trembled.
Dad's teaching me about girls.
Dead grandpa's homemade chair, Adam.
Deep down, they're all teachers.
Did he give you a can of shrimp and no way to open it?
Did he think we were gonna buy that "lifestyle" stuff?
Did the talk with my mom not go well?
Did we? 'Cause Teddy's not even here anymore.
Did you choke it out so I could see your soft and gentle side?
Did you get a lap dance from a Smurf?
Did you lose a bet?
Did you see that?
Did you tell him about the time Don said he was going to the car wash
Did you use a Groupon?
Did you...
Dinnertime, grunt.
Disappointed? I'm having vodka and waffles.
Do Do that thing where you unbutton my buttons.
Do it in the bathroom when your wife's not home like the rest of us!
Do it, Andi.
Do it. Press it.
Do we know you?
Do you have to hold your pencil like that, all sexy?
Do you know what blankets hide?
Do you know what they do in that room? It is barbaric!
Do you like Teddy?
Do you mind if I, uh... if I look at your wedding album?
Do you really want to know, or do you want to just enjoy the magic?
Do you see it?
Do you think Andi seemed happy when she saw the RV?
Do you think he messed up on purpose, knowing I would take over?
Do you think he'll come back?
Do you think she's having a good time?
Do you think they took your boat together?
Do you?
Doctor has a knife, I have a knife. Fair is fair.
Does it involve a supervolcano?
Does it?
Does no one see that?
Doesn't mean she wants to get back together.
Doing stuff without Don.
Don and Marcy don't know what they lost, okay?
Don and my dad acted like they didn't even know what I was talking about.
Don bought a house we didn't agree on, so he got a slushy in his lap.
Don carries pocket bacon.
Don does paint a bleak picture.
Don found him?
Don probably loves me.
Don told Marcy everything.
Don took it.
Don, Adam, and Joe are up to something.
Don, cut it out.
Don, give Adam your snacks.
Don, how did you know Marcy wanted to go on a balloon ride?
Don, Marcy, come on back. I'm Dr. Felicia.
Don, maybe you could talk some sense into Teddy, huh?
Don, there you are.
Don, you be Madison.
Don, you can't quit.
Don's favorite place.
Don's house doesn't look bad. It's got a cute bay window.
Don't answer. Just curl up into a ball.
Don't ask. He's got a theory.
Don't be. With your good looks and my hours of lonely research,
Don't blame yourself. We were in shock.
Don't do this to me tonight, Andi.
Don't get cocky. You started this.
Don't get too excited. I'm just keeping my options open.
Don't get your hopes up. We don't have those.
Don't listen to them. Listen to me.
Don't make me choose sides. I pick you.
Don't question me about space, Marcy. I'm an expert.
Don't raise your hands, or they'll think you're bidding.
Don't stand there and watch the ball leave the park.
Don't think of it as bad chicken. Think of it as freedom chicken.
Don't think of me as Mom, just think of me as a random customer
Don't underestimate me.
Don't worry about it. I've got a guy.
Don't worry, I got this.
Don't worry, Teddy. We'll figure this out.
Don't you say that.
Dr. Chuck always sides with me.
Dr. Chuck could be your answer, Adam. I say get on the Chuckwagon.
Dr. Chuck said that Marcy was wrong to control my fashion choices.
Dr. Chuck says it's my fault.
Dr. Chuck, huh?
Dr. Felicia thinks I should be more assertive.
Dr. Felicia was brutal. She pounded me like a speed bag.
Drive me to the lake, and pay for everything.
During the walk, you ask her to the party.
Eat before you come over here.
Eh, I'm good with super wrong. Do you take checks?
Eh, we'll talk after a couple margaritas.
Eight six the cake, kids. Eighty six, go, go, go.
Empty bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
Enjoy the drive home.
Especially my bride. I didn't want you to worry.
Especially when Dad said, "Hurry and get out."
Even the man bear steak thief? [chuckles]
Evening, Mr. Burns. I'm here to drop off your boat.
Eventually with the car running.
Every day I do that to keep him from being tempted by bad ideas.
Every day they get a little older and a little tireder.
Every time I woke up, one of them was in my room.
Everybody feels uneasy,
Everybody gets wiped out except me and five young women.
Everyone in the world's got a look alike.
Everyone, Adam would like to say a few words.
Everything flows from problem number one: How do we get Teddy to do his homework?
Everything hurts.
Everything's in order.
Excellent job, ladies. Let's get out of here.
Except for any little fibs I'm currently in the middle of,
Except I saw you take it.
Except when you try to steal a monkey from the zoo.
Except with less of me screaming "why" into a pillow.
Excuse me?
Explain yourself, mister.
Face it.
Face it. You've lost the battle of the sexes.
Fast, and then not so fast.
Fight is definitely better than flight.
Fine, but don't forget to turn the asparagus down to a simmer, a simmer.
Fine, forget the picture.
Fine, I admit it.
Fine, I'll have a bagel.
Fine, just let the air out of her tire, then offer to push her bike home.
Fine, you can come back over. But you can never say that word again.
Fine. I can't do it right now. I'm in the middle of something.