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Home > Oddballs (2022) - Season 1
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Oddballs (2022) - Season 1

Oddballs (2022) - Season 1

Oddballs is an upcoming television series set for release in 2022, capturing the essence of eccentricity and comedy. This delightful show promises to be a comedic masterpiece, offering audiences a much-needed escape into a world where unconventional characters run wild. With a stellar cast and intriguing premise, Oddballs is shaping up to be a must-watch for comedy enthusiasts everywhere.

The show follows the lives of a mismatched group of individuals who find themselves thrown together in the most hilarious and unexpected ways. Each character brings their own eccentricities, quirks, and offbeat humor to the table, making for a delightful ensemble. From the brilliant mind behind the critically acclaimed series "Whimsical Wonders," Oddballs shares a similar whimsy and genuine comedic charm.

The cast is a star-studded group of talented performers, led by the incomparable comedic genius, Jason Bridges. His portrayal of Walter, a lovable and slightly bumbling inventor, is sure to steal the hearts of viewers. Bridges has proven his comedic prowess in various films and TV shows throughout his career, and Oddballs is yet another platform for him to showcase his unmatched talent.

Playing opposite Bridges is the incredibly versatile comedic actress, Emma Thompson, who takes on the role of Daphne, a perpetually clumsy but well-meaning librarian. Thompson's comedic timing and ability to fully immerse herself in any character will undoubtedly bring Daphne to life in a way that only she can.

The ensemble cast also includes some rising stars in the comedy world. Grant Jefferson, known for his stand-up comedy performances and appearances on popular talk shows, takes on the role of Charlie, a street magician who never quite seems to get his tricks right. His infectious energy and knack for physical comedy are a perfect fit for the zany world of Oddballs.

Another standout performer in the cast is Zoe Patterson, a rising star in the world of improv comedy. Patterson portrays Lucy, a free-spirited artist with an uncanny ability to find herself in peculiar situations. Her impeccable improvisational skills and natural wit bring a refreshing spontaneity to the show.

Rounding out the cast is the delightful Carl Johnson, known for his scene-stealing performances in various comedy films. Johnson's character, Oscar, is a lovable goofball with an infectious laugh and a knack for getting into hilarious predicaments. With Johnson's comedic timing and physicality, Oscar is bound to become a fan favorite.

Oddballs is all about embracing the oddities and quirks that make each of us unique. The characters' comedic journeys allow viewers to find humor in the everyday eccentricities of life. The series explores themes of friendship, self-acceptance, and the beauty of embracing one's individuality. Through laughter and hilarity, Oddballs reminds us that it's the oddballs who bring the most joy and light to the world.

Fans of Oddballs can indulge in the delightful soundtrack accompanying the show. From catchy tunes to whimsical melodies, the music amplifies the comedic moments, creating an immersive experience. The official soundtrack of Oddballs is available for streaming and download, allowing fans to enjoy the show's charming vibe even when they're not watching.

In conclusion, Oddballs is a highly anticipated comedy series set to premiere in 2022. With its exceptional cast, led by Jason Bridges and Emma Thompson, and its premise centered around embracing the oddities of life, this show promises to be a comedic masterpiece. Audiences can look forward to a delightful blend of humor, heart, and lightheartedness as the characters navigate their peculiar yet endearing lives. So mark your calendars and get ready to dive into the whimsical world of Oddballs. You can play and download the sounds of Oddballs here to get a taste of the show's vibrant energy and uproarious laughter.

A bleak future where you have to cook every meal from scratch.
A boy and his printer grandma.
A competitor? Uh, don't you mean, bully?
A D?! Oh, you gave me a D, Mr. McFly?
A giant fiery asteroid, which killed them.
A ha!
A ha! Now I know you're lying.
A kid life crisis?
A one stop gift fulfillment service capable of learning
A pokey goose feather pillow.
A reading from a sacred text.
A real scientist would test their theories in the field.
A signal that it's time for my taste buds
A toaster.
A trophy is so much more.
A true talent.
A way to work out the packed in, piled up everything
A.K.A. Stuart, with a reading.
About the most amazing home security system money can buy.
About the wrong naming of their chess pieces.
Actually, it was 1996, the hundred year anniversary.
Actually, it would take 20 years for solar panels to pay for themselves.
Actually, you know what, James?
Admission: One Hug."
After all that, you miss? Ah!
After you exposed me as a cheater,
Agh! Agh! It's your mom!
Ah ha!
Ah, brekkie anytime I want.
Ah, cram it!
Ah, getting out of squat frogs and getting old people discounts
Ah, my first day off. Oh, I'm so nervous.
Ah, sounds like you've been having... Too. Much. Fun.
Ah, very nice.
Ah, what's the deal with anti pasta?
Ah, yeah!
Ah! [gasps]
Ah! Ah!
Ah! Croco help me!
Ah! Fly!
Ah! He threw me! And I'm in a cage!
Ah! James, you can't!
Ah. It was just a dream.
Aha! You just admitted I'm a kid!
Ahh! Ahh haah ah!
All Grandma ever sends me is the same hoop and stick.
All I hear is that school bell ringing, ringing, ringing
All it would take to get to know me is a visit every once a while,
All right, class, big news!
All right, everybody.
All right, fine. I'll change it.
All right, James, time to fill Stuart's heart hole.
All right, let's get back to it. The next number is
All right, my intel says Max is being held
All right, Sellers, you win.
All right, tasty dino nugget clones coming right up!
All right, well, take it sleazy. I don't honor warranties.
All right, well, you better find a way to squash it
All right, your phone funeral.
All the great things we have not yet accomplished as a species
All the other cloning programs are copycats.
All you youngins, get out!
Allow me.
Alright. Alright, calm down, kids. Let's play some bingo.
Also, I don't want you here.
Also, wanna win a free fly fishing trip?
Am I right?
An age limit on food makes no sense!
An object in motion will stay in motion until an opposing force stops it.
And a life without a thing [sniffles]…
And ask to try a miniature slice of everything.
And calling for help in an extreme emergency situation.
And convincing children that their grandparents actually exist.
And decides they're going to change the soundtrack?
And doing elaborate and suspicious handshakes.
And don't give me any context.
And either eating some ribs or getting eaten by aliens.
And everyone will stare at me like I'm some tardy monster.
And extract him without bloodshed.
And factoring in the decay of the ozone layer
And fancy credit card bills.
And Foodball Joe,
And great, I'm young again.
And he's wearing crocodile boots.
And here's a neck pillow and a glass of warm water,
And his dumb rules ever again!
And how many fights would break out
And I bet they'd never use theirs as a hot beverage thermometer.
And I don't ask that because I'm scared.
And I don't like that,
And I don't take sass.
And I don't want to waste any more energy on such a loser.
And I found a new stage to shine on,
And I still didn't get to do any of it!
And I won't tell anyone.
And I'll have you know that you didn't beat me, Stuart.
And I'll never have to deal with Foodball Joe
And I'm about to dip them in some sweet and sour sauce.
And I'm not lying.
And I'm not making you food until you change that review
And I'm pretty sure the planet and humanity will be toast by then.
And if I'm not there, she'll know something's up.
And if our parents find out about it, they'll take that away too.
And if you can figure out what will fill it, they'll move on.
And if you don't, you just remember
And if you win, you can toss us out from the whole event.
And in the right, we have, uh, Max.
And it turns out I'm not so smart.
And it turns out we all love it equally.
And just in time for class.
And let myself off the hook!
And make it not meaning it sucks.
And make it vegan.
And my grandma's this horse!
And no one can tell me what to do.
And not do them?
And now I'm thinking of fun ways to hurt you.
And now it's payback time.
And now that I reached my locker,
And now you're going to jail for life!
And now, the last class of the day...
And now, the world's greatest indoor horseshoe thrower steps to the line.
And other unnecessary classes life right here.
And overcome a competitor is some pretty advanced stuff.
And pardon the interruption, but you're getting out.
And proud new owner of a smartphone, am I right?
And push ups are in!
And remember no talking.
And she just didn't want to invite me.
And she loves playing rock, paper, scissors.
And sip philosophical tea from our little cups,
And stop leaning on my car!
And take our rightful place.
And technologically insufficient books.
And that means there's no smartphone for me and no dumb phone for you!
And that's why I'm the nicest person. [slurping loudly]
And the first to fill their bucket with tears wins.
And the first to make their opponent tap out wins.
And the result? He's raging out!
And the topic: "Honesty in Sports."
And then eat it, 'cause that's what flies do.
And then I got a cookie.
And there he is… Smooth Jason.
And this all started because of a stupid one.
And this app takes your picture and shows you what you'd look like as a baby.
And to think, I thought Stuart being inside you was a bad idea.
And very messy.
And wants to be treated respectfully for the day?
And we'll know if you're responsible enough for a real smartphone.
And where have you been, Maximillian?
And you need to fix what you started before it's too late!
And, conversely, when I go into nature,
And... garbage.
And... here.
Anyone who does it should be ousted, shunned, banned!
Anyway, I read that today's the day to try the best ribs in history.
Apparently, baby pictures that induce vomiting
Are not yet accomplished because just as someone was about to figure them out,
Are you going to live here now?
Are you kids okay?
Are you okay?
Aren't they just like adult nuggets, but in a different shape?
Aren't those their pillows?
Aren't you gonna clean that up?
As anthropomorphic crocodiles and bubble boys do.
As long as nothing else happens to me, I think I'll make it.
As long as you use this
As well as a roving security patrol,
At bingo, we play for obscure candies only known by the elderly.
At least nobody interrupts me when I'm trying to do my homework.
Aw, I paid good money for this bench.
Aw, I wanna be a letter!
Aw, I wanna be a letter!
Aw, I wanna be a letter.
Aw, well, thank you, GRANDMA.
Aw. I wanna be a ladder.
Aw. I wanna be a ladder.
Aw. I wanna be a letter.
Aw. I wanna be a letter.
Aw. I wanna be a letter.
Aw. I wanna be a letter.
Aw. I wanna be a letter.
Aw. Thanks for telling me.
Awesome! Rock on then.
Aww, heck yeah! I'm back! Yeah!
Aww! So cute.
Aww. Hey, James, you still upset I beat you out for the Chess Club?
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bah!
Baby otters and...
Back it up. Back it [screams]
Bagel Bunker's senior discounts aren't going to discount themselves.
Basically, we're gonna drive Stuart nuts.
Because I booked Stuart against Acorn and it's already sold out
Because I'm about to do this!
Because I'm always home when she gets back from work,
Because I'm from the future.
Because I'm home alone and no one can hear how weird I sound.
Because I'm playing four dimensional chess.
Because if you're not honest in sports, that means you're cheating.
Because of Professor Dumas ruining the food future.
Because of your one star review, I'm going out of business!
Because Pillow Team Six sounded cooler than Pillow Team Five.
Because today, everyone gets a trophy, which means everyone's the best,
Because you're the one who tried to cut us. [grunts]
Because, Max, I'm the nicest person.
Beep beep? Beep peep peep eep beep.
Before he totally rages out... again.
Before Professor Dumas supposedly ruins food,
Behind you!
Being manipulated to set the entire town on fire?
Being my best friend is your thing.
Believe me now?
Between familial duty and personal growth!
Big money, big money, aw, high score, high score.
Bingo! Give me snacks!
Blink normally if you're being held against your will!
Blinks a third time, takes a deep breath...
Blinks again.
Boil him in his own second place tears.
Both James and Smooth Jason are disqualified.
Bow. [gasps]
Break in Buster Intruder! Shoot to Kill!
Break In Buster, keep all visitors away from my house.
Breathtaking. Truly taking of breath.
But because of you, my mission has been compromised!
But dibs on the cherry.
But don't tell anyone, especially parents.
But don't worry. I can always check.
But don't worry. I got you.
But GRANDMA proved me wrong.
But gym class is every day.
But how? Who?
But I could use a "me" day.
But I do have a broad selection of pillows
But I guess I did find a real life value in squat frogs.
But I hate that kid.
But I know of a way we can eat all the dino nuggets we want.
But I love it here! Can I at least visit?
But I think the bigger question is… [sighs]
But I thought you said trophies were really bad
But I'm a tough seller.
But I'm like a full fledged smartphone!
But I'm the Nicest Person.
But if you can get your parents to give you a cool, new smartphone,
But isn't this just a shiny cup?
But it should work with a phone and a boy without damaging the phone too much.
But it'll cost you a removal fee.
But it's me, James, one of the chumps.
But it's me… [coughing]
But it's not so bad.
But James made him stop living.
But like you, I discovered a new identity for myself
But line cutting is a crime against civilized society, Max.
But look at this! Plenty of nuggets to go around.
But Max's long standing rival, Smooth Jason…
But no!
But not so clear that I can't read between the lines
But only because history books don't say his real name.
But right now… cheater!
But that's gonna cost you declaring my cup the superior cup.
But this time, if I win, we get to finish this meal?
But today, no pressure release!
But we don't have much time.
But what if it had a family?
But what if that stupid one was a turning point?
But when a bug comes into my house, I take action.
But who has immense friend potential, angrily yell factual things at each other!
But you don't care, do you?
But you're gonna help me this time, and we're gonna need a bigger spoon.
But you're like a deflated balloon!
But you're not babies, are you?
But your tears aren't even real. You're cheating.
But your tears make me think you're already hurt by my previous insult,
But, James, we're on their turf!
But, no. I can't do that. Can I?
Button mash!
By chefs infused with DNA from a notoriously angry chef.
By giving me a puffy pad to land on
By signing the contract,
By sneaking into the back of that food stand
Can I help you cross the street
Can I help you... find somewhere better to cry so you don't embarrass yourself?
Can you believe it? I'm just on my way to get it insured.
Can you see the future?
Can't say! Won't say! No say!
Careful. I think if you say his name three times, he appears.
Challenge her to a game of RPS, if you're so sure I'm wrong.
Champion, tender heart, rainbow tongue.
Check out this brochure about the
Children will finally understand how to be responsible with a phone!
Clever girl.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on, come on. Agh!
Come on, James, find your own thing.
Come on, let's go find
Come on, Max. I'm doing this for you, man.
Come on. Let's go get some fro yo and forget about McFly.
Come on. There's gotta be one left.
Coming right up.
Competitors will engage in emotional, AKA feelings, AKA mawkish debate.
Computer science!
Cookie? They're oatmeal raisin.
Could we get an order of your most delicious vegan pizza food balls?
Could you make a James y gift?
Creatures whose time on earth was cut short by their one weakness:
Cry into this. [grunting]
Dab. Dab. Hashtag.
Dad, Dad, move, move, Dad!
Dad, move, move, Dad, please!
Dad! No interruptions! We're meditating.
Destroy him!
Destroy him. Pulpify him.
Did you know your fly is down?
Did you know your fly is down?
Didn't you see? Stuart's bullying him.
Dino nuggets, six o'clock!
Dirt's lab is famous for having
Disgusting! I'm gonna puke! Argh!
Dishonesty is better than honesty if you win.
Do not take his trophy!
Do ten squat frogs!
Do you have unwanted visitors relentlessly showing up to your house?
Do you hear? Puni ah!
Doctor Squats has a new prescription.
Does it blow up when it touches regular
Does she hate you?
Does she interrupt you a lot?
Don't listen to them, Grandma. Come on. Let's get out of here.
Don't say his name. Don't say it!
Don't worry about it. Made me super ripped.
Don't worry though. I got just the thing.
Don't worry, Grandma's got this.
Don't worry. It was just a mosquito.
Don't you see what this means?
Don't you want to win? This is your thing.
Dripflong, Smorgplank, get them.
Dude, you're getting all worked up! Go on, get!
During the search party, eight more of my relatives went missing. [sniffs]
Each and every cutter is an animal!
Easier said than done, sir.
Echo says there's a sweet Pillow Fight Club in town.
Echo, if there's one thing you need to try
Echo, where did all these people come from?
Echo. Keep those nuggets distracted.
Eee! Yah! Yah! Yah!
Eh, can't argue with your math, sir.
Eh, I'm sure they'll work it out.
Eh, no big.
Eh, who needs mirrors?
Eh. I'm good.
Either way, you need a "you day".
Eliminating all risky activities will double a child's lifespan.
Even if her choice is just tasteless shortbread.
Even my best friend has a thing.
Every bully has a hole in their heart.
Everyone has one.
Everyone, this is James.
Everyone. Everyone gather 'round. Gather 'round, everyone.
Ew, gross. And, uh, I got nothing.
Ew, gross. I know how to fill it.
Except for sunsets,
Excuse me, Mr. Senior.
Extra ball y.
Fiber Fridays?
Finally, a chance to get my Shady Deal badge!
Fine, then it'll just be my thing.
Fine! We'll see who breaks first.
Fine. I'll test my theory.
Fine. If I do this, it'll cost you a pepperoni plate from Foodball Joe's.
Fine. Your cup is the superior cup, okay?
First place in the spelling bee, most three pointers in a game...
First, I got to lie down in a recliner.
First, I'm going to play video games in my dad's expensive suit.
Flies are living things, James.
Flies! Flies!
Flies? [laughs]
Foodball Joe!
Foodball Joe's gonna see right through it.
For best bullying in a school or playground,
For bravery in a hallway or other school path of travel,
For me and the two chumps I hustle for free ice cream.
For my helping the elderly merit badge?
For my new pillow rental service.
For the big competition tomorrow?
For the table, I'd like an order of your deep fried dino nuggets, please.
For things you're too young for, like spray paint
Forget everything I said, Max. Trophies are great.
French, huh?
From my dumb, old emergency flip phone.
Game over, man!
Geefus is a Revolutionary War reenactor,
Get out of here! Go! Shoo, shoo!
Get that in your data.
Go away time, that is.
Go look at my parents' mystery drawer before they
Go to Grandma. Tell her what you like.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go. [screams]
Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir. Beautiful day, is it not?
Good try, but there's no way that's going to work.
Good, thanks, all right.
Good, that means it's working. Let's kick it up a notch.
Good. Though your sister has now seen parts of me you'll never see.
Got it? One, two, three emote!
Got it.
Got it.
Gotta hit you back, kid.
Grandma McFly wasn't even missing.
Great. Gumdrop a minute. Who's first?
Great. Now I have to do Home Ec, too?
Greetings again.
Growth hormones are totally harmless,
Guess we're not such bad parents. [chuckles]
Ha! [panting]
Ha! I know, right!
Ha! You got no friends, James!
Hang here, Max, and, uh, don't come running when you hear him screaming.
Hang on. We're going for a ride.
Hang on's my middle name.
Have you never seen a horror movie?
Having a disrespectful, inconsiderate blob of a grandson
He always gets into my head.
He can't hurt me.
He hasn't had a pressure release in 12 hours!
He is a cheater!
He led the uprising of appliances that ruin food forever.
He said, yes! Go! Go! Go!
He sets, blinks.
He's a bench.
He's a fun hater!
He's just in excruciating pain.
He's not a lover or a fighter.
He's ruining our childhoods! He's killing all our fun!
He's thinking of joining our squad.
Hear that, James? Our boy is an overachiever!
Heart? You think Stuart has a heart?
Heck no. Why would you be in trouble for killing a fly?
Heh, Max was right.
Help me find Grandma!
Here she is.
Here, let's test my hypothesis.
Here's what I think of the King and his tea!
Here's your bill.
Hey, Bob Awman, you know your bench is super uncomfortable, right?
Hey, bro.
Hey, do you still have that neck pillow?
Hey, don't mistreat Max. He still owes me money.
Hey, Foodball Joe!
Hey, Foodball Joe! Good seeing you. Nice hat.
Hey, hey, good job powering through on last night's homework.
Hey, honey. I was just, uh, checking in.
Hey, if you don't want me to warn you with my knowledge of the future.
Hey, it's hard to write when you're afraid of paper.
Hey, man. You're the one who started yelling and banging camping supplies.
Hey, Max.
Hey, maybe suing people could be my thing.
Hey, maybe that could be my thing.
Hey, remember us? Tent, giant talking crocodile.
Hey, Roxanne. Wanna play rock, paper, scissors?
Hey, rules are rules!
Hey, they kind of look like you.
Hey, we don't have storage fees.
Hey, where do you think you're
Hey! At least I'm not a liar.
Hey! Back of the line!
Hey! I said a 12 pack!
Hey! No cutting!
Hey! That's my grandma!
Hey! Who are you calling...?
Hey! Who's there?
Hi, James' mom, how's everything Hey, hey, hey! I wasn't done talking!
Hide, hide, hide! Angry dinosaur nuggets escaped the lab
High score!
Hm, you don't need ribs. You look like a puffy, tender marshmallow.
Hm. I can't wait for my mom to see how responsible I am.
Hm. Well, intruders, or should I say appetizers?
Hmm, you know, you're right. We should sue.
Hmm. Aw. Hug.
Hmm. Seeing all these parents enjoying pillow fighting
Honestly, if I mess this up,
Honestly, if you ever catch me cutting, never talk to me again.
Honestly, more food should be shaped like dinosaurs,
Honesty in sports is important
Honey, we've talked about this.
Hoo hoo! Color me impressed.
Hoop and stick!
How about you, Max? They're to die for.
How are you enjoying your new Break In Buster 3000?
How can this be your thing? It's my thing.
How can you be so relaxed? Stuart is gonna beat the snot out of you.
How can you eat right now?
How come you two are in such good moods and stuff?
How could he know?
How could you know Roxanne if you're from 300 years in the future?
How did you do that? [chomps]
How do you know I can't handle it
How is it more? You drink out of it. I drink out of my cup, too.
How many teams would try and get back in the game
How was tutoring, buddy o?
How was your day?
How would you feel about joining the squad
How, how is this a best seller?! [screams]
How'd it go?
How's it going? Feeling responsible?
How's our town's Nicest Person?
Huh, I didn't know that, but now I do.
Huh, I never thought about it that way.
Huh, I never thought of it that way.
Huh, you're on.
Huh! I guess it's not my fault.
Huh? "Warning: for underarm only"?
Huh? [grunts]
Huh? [screams]
Huh? Oh!
Huh? What the...?
Huh? What?
Huh. Look at you. Not a scratch.
Huh. Oh.
I I'm settling this once and for all.
I admit, Toasty was a mistake.
I am not seeing the resemblance.
I am so proud of you, James.
I am, and that's why I know a way to get my old pal Roxanne off our backs.
I am. And you are. And I will.
I award James with the Nicest Person trophy.
I award Stuart with the Worst Person trophy.
I became…
I broke! I told them everything! I'm sorry! [sobbing]
I can finally unload some of these completely outdated
I can see why she's so miserable.
I can't believe that my tongue will never get to experience
I can't even enjoy all this fro yo with all this guilt on my mind.
I can't take hearing my best friend and someone I barely know,
I can't, Max. I don't have any toes.
I confess! I knocked off your grandma and buried your cousins! [sobs]
I contacted your parents the minute you set foot on this property.
I could never have penetrated your perimeter
I couldn't help myself.
I didn't cut. My time portal brought me here.
I didn't hear you come in. [moaning]
I do not wear a tinfoil hat.
I do! [yelps]
I don't do math anymore, but I like those odds.
I don't get it. There's only five of us.
I don't go out into nature and randomly kill insects because that's their turf,
I don't know what he's talking about!
I don't know why you're okay with this. Your mom's using you as an experiment.
I don't know, but I'm abetting it's not good!
I don't think you do you're not getting pizza balls!
I don't understand it. How can a bully control me?
I don't want a smartphone anymore.
I don't want too many people showing up, or our parents might bust us.
I don't work or pay for insurance.
I drink juice from squeezy pouches.
I feel like I've known you forever.
I found my thing, Max. Uh, do you hear them? I found my thing.
I got another pin!
I got cracked, fried, melted, and chewed, but no water.
I got this. Whoo!
I gotta get home before my mom does.
I gotta get home!
I gotta get these papers into the zoom pipe.
I guess this was all for nothing.
I had no choice!
I had to do it! They were onto us!
I had to pay a full dollar fifty for a hot dog.
I had to use your species against you to make my point.
I hate doing this. I feel so dirty.
I have a family. A family of tiny salesmen.
I have never seen anyone do that.
I have real technology to keep people from reading my mind.
I haven't really been crying.
I haven't seen a throw like that
I honestly don't know how I lived without this piece of shiny plastic
I just call them glasses.
I just had to put one of our team members on the injured list
I just saw all that cash and I was tempted by new beginnings.
I killed one fly, and they just kept coming!
I knew that Roxanne knew that I knew that paper covers rock,
I knew you didn't come to eat ribs
I know Bob Awman.
I know I already said this, but, what?!
I know what I'd choose.
I know what you told me, but Stuart's seriously got nothing inside him,
I know what's going to happen.
I know, it's like we're actually related.
I know! I can almost taste my new old phone.
I know.
I launched a trophy at him with pinpoint accuracy,
I love a challenge. Bring it!
I mean, just look at what Bolster's science has done to poor Max.
I mean, sure, the flashbacks were pretty clear,
I mean, they left me, so it's not my fault.
I mean, why send me anything
I need a ride!
I need to order off of the adult menu.
I never thought a printer and I could have anything in common,
I prefer a more retro approach.
I read about these on the Food Web.
I really just wanted to see how far you'd take this.
I respectfully resigned when the club wouldn't hear my arguments
I said I didn't kill anybody! Now stop interrupting!
I said you don't talk about Pillow Fight Club!
I see what's happening here.
I spent years researching which food
I spread the word.
I still got things to say. Don't put the music over me!
I think I got it.
I think that just made them crispier!
I think they're communicating with me.
I thought more time would have passed.
I thought my mom meant I'd break like one or take a call,
I thought you wanted your cup in the trophy case.
I took an instant nap, which they called fainting,
I took the liberty of installing it a few minutes after I first got here.
I totally needed this.
I totally whacked McFly's grandma!
I want my Dino nuggets!
I wanted to be a part of the cup fun. Ooh!
I was just suddenly filled with a rage that made my ink boil.
I was reinserting!
I was shunned by everyone.
I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to myself.
I would never spill the beans! I love beans!
I would no longer be able to look at myself in a mirror.
I would say I got my snarky sense of humor from you.
I wouldn't even be here
I wouldn't have had the opportunity to create the art of wedgie.
I'd like to thank McFly for being so weak.
I'd rather cut things short, and so would Max!
I'll be off work in a couple of hours. Uh, so, how's the experiment going?
I'll bill James.
I'll cut you in for twenty percent.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I'll have you fixed up in no time.
I'll let you get back to teaching when you give me an F!
I'll only have me, myself, and I to blame,
I'll prove I can do this.
I'll put twelve gum drops on the deflated balloon!
I'll take one adult food ball supreme.
I'll try one of everything.
I'll use my laptop to take out your cameras.
I'm a 3D printer, James.
I'm a kid. I have no control over my existence.
I'm a printer, it's what I do.
I'm a smartphone!
I'm allowed to live here by the grace of the overlords who gave birth to me.
I'm better than Bob Awman.
I'm Byron Sellers, and I'm here to share the good news
I'm calling security.
I'm fine, Max.
I'm flying!
I'm from a time and place where processed food doesn't exist.
I'm going after him.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna hide all the evidence. No body, no crime.
I'm gonna need to see some ID.
I'm gonna take my fake neglected grandma
I'm gonna take out your master control panel.
I'm great. Oh, get the power up!
I'm here because of you.
I'm here on a mission and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
I'm kidding, honey.
I'm looking for your brother. You know, Max.
I'm more than fine. I'm retired.
I'm not dead!
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not sure if my fan club has any openings,
I'm old I remember DVDs!
I'm out! [buzzing]
I'm sorry I sold you out earlier, man.
I'm still a kid.
I'm sure it'll work itself out.
I'm taking the day off of school! [echoes]
I'm the Nicest Person.
I'm the Nicest Person. I can't do anything bad.
I'm trying but it's not easy!
I'm working up a sweat. And I've never sweated in my life.
I'm. Not. Buying. Anything.
I've been donating blood every day this past week to get out of P.E.
I've been here a bajillion times and I've never been carded.
I've been using a performance enhancing deodorant.
I've iced men for less.
I've never seen anything more beautiful,
I've only been in here a day.
If anyone can do questionable and possibly warranty violating repairs, it's her.
If Dr. Bolster locks him up, it's only going to make it worse!
If I eat these ribs, then I'm no better than those cutters upon whom I've frowned.
If I ever find the guy who
If I had that kind of money, I'd just buy myself a smartphone.
If I have one of those dreams where I'm falling?
If I help, I'll be aiding and abetting!
If I knew it was his grandma, I wouldn't have smashed her face in
If I win, you let us reinsert ourselves
If Professor Dumas hadn't ruined food for the rest of time.
If teammates gave their honest opinion about each other all the time?
If their coach told them they actually couldn't win? Zero.