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Home > Ted 2 (2015)
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Ted 2 (2015)

Ted 2 (2015)

Ted 2 is a comedy film released in 2015. Directed by Seth MacFarlane, the movie follows the adventures of the foul-mouthed, yet lovable, teddy bear, Ted. In this sequel, Ted, voiced by MacFarlane himself, must prove his humanity in a court of law to gain legal rights to marry his girlfriend, Tami-Lynn, played by Jessica Barth. Mark Wahlberg reprises his role as John Bennett, Ted's best friend, who helps him navigate the legal system. Other notable cast members include Amanda Seyfried as Sam Jackson, a youthful lawyer aiding in their case, and Morgan Freeman as legendary civil rights attorney, Patrick Meighan. With its hilarious and heartwarming storyline, Ted 2 is a must-watch comedy. If you're interested, you can play and download the sounds from the movie here.

A baby?
A baby? Like really?
A broken marriage and make it work again?
A German shepherd and a baby, together.
A ha! What it is, man! Dynomite.
A ha. They got him.
A hundred and fifty years ago
A little bit. I learned when I was a kid.
A little boy named John Bennett made a wish
A lube or something? A magazine?
A non entity with no rights under the law.
A slave by the name of Dred Scott
A synthetic cotton poly blend.
A talking teddy bear is about to marry his girlfriend,
A whole hallway with our conversation.
About every chick that throws herself at you.
Across the world, fucking Thomas Jefferson.
After all, you know, Ted spent many years
Ah, Ms. Jackson. Do come in.
Ah, rock on, Ted.
Ah, she won't notice.
Ah, you hear that, Johnny?
Ah! Ah! Shit, Shit, Shit!
Ah! Oh, Shit!
All I know is I feel stuff.
All I know is I feel stuff.
All right, come in.
All right, fine, I will. Just stop looking at that shit, please!
All right, great.
All right, I got Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson
All right, I'll help you. But we got to have a game plan.
All right, let's do this.
All right, let's go.
All right, let's start with a person.
All right, Starbucks. Okay, now, who's in the Starbucks?
All right, there, you happy?
All right, two can play this Where's Waldo shit, you son of a bitch!
All right, we've heard from these guys.
All right, yeah, thanks.
All right, you ready? Yep.
All right? I was just hurting because I knew I'd lost.
All right. I think I can handle the defense.
All right. I'll shoot him an e mail right now,
All right. We'll be back tomorrow afternoon.
ALLISON: Sorry, buddy. No can do.
An ability to understand complex emotions
And (GASPS) he had a dick! He had an awesome dick!
And a capacity for empathy.
And a gun, to protect us all!
And a shamrock tattoo on his calf? Nope.
And America doesn't give a shit about anything.
And as history has shown us, that wasn'tjustice
And as soon as I'm done fucking myself,
And Brown v. the Board of Education.
And for what it's worth, as far as I'm concerned,
And forget about the most important aspect of this case.
And found me love I thought was here to stay
And from what I know about you,
And give Sam and Diane here some alone time, eh?
And honest to God,
And I believe that a just court must, by definition,
And I bet you can't even spot him.
And I don't think I ought to be treated any different.
And I have.
And I know who my friends are.
And I own four houses on Baltic Ave.
And I say that's a violation of the Constitution.
And I swear to God, if we lose,
And I tried, you know?
And I would get a more experienced lawyer in return.
And I... I can't believe it's official.
And I'll be back with $200.
And I'll stick a bottle of Newman's Own in you.
And I'm afraid this isn't gonna work out.
And I'm gonna see if I can find a soda can or something
And I've hired her on as a junior associate here at the firm.
And if I may inquire,
And if that is not big enough news,
And in the naive minds of sheltered innocents.
And is that enforced by law?
And it seems to me that once the law devalues one kind of life,
And it was one of the best highs I ever had.
And it's all up to him now.
And it's happening again today.
And live from New York, it's Saturday Night! (APPLAUSE)
And lock up minorities for no good legal reason.
And make me come down there, tough guy?
And making them watch Tyler Perry.
And my fucking nose came off.
And my sperm count's a little low.
And no matter how many
And not because some of you might laugh
And pass things over to DJ Nightshade.
And plus, after seeing your laptop,
And plus, your baby will be a fucking superhero!
And remember, you're the one
And saving it up for you know who
And see if I can stop by tonight.
And she's probably still fucking billing us!
And sneak out with the sperm. it'll be easy!
And somebody handed ner a bunch of balloons
And soon afterward, they adopted a fine, young baby boy.
And that, in the eyes of the world, I'll always be property.
And that's all that's important.
And that's at rest.
And The Importance of Being Earnest, which was very disappointing.
And the Thirteenth Amendment did so many years ago.
And then we're gonna make millions of Teds.
And then you would get a hungry, young attorney
And there is our first impression.
And think how awesome the baby will be.
And this is exactly what you've been doing to the fags!
And this man, sitting next to me,
And unfortunately, the public doesn'tjudge by reason.
And vetted your personal histories,
And we ain't fought in, like, a week.
And what is that stuffing made of?
And when I have him, I'll call you with the code phrase.
And when the next conflict comes along,
And while I'm sympathetic to your cause,
And why would we do this?
And will be recognized in the terms set
And yet, on this bright, sunny, Boston afternoon,
And you can't appeal an emotional conviction.
And you gave up your own life to save mine.
And you get the best lawyer in the world on the defense.
And you guys can do all kinds of drugs together.
And you, my friend, are an oppressed minority.
And you're not a cheater. I mean, I think your balls are perfect.
And you're sitting there basically banging my lawyer,
And your air conditioner's making aloud noise
And, honestly, it's the more serious one.
And, look, regardless of all this shit,
And, therefore, invalid and hereby annulled.
And, uh, I won't be followed?
And, uh, why does Ted not possess a, uh, male appendage?
And, um, I'm wondering, what do you think
And... (WHOOSHES) Gone!
Anyone who can inspire that kind of love in another person
Apollo Creed Clubber Lang.
Are any of you gonna sit there and tell me
Are those Tootsie Rolls just, like, to take?
Are you gonna let me finish talking?
Are you gonna let me finish talking?
Are you guys just saying Monopoly stuff?
Are you hard?
Are you okay? Johnny, you all right?
Are you still shaking off that hangover from the bachelor party?
Are you submitting?
Are you sure you can get him?
Are you Ted?
Argues that the standards for personhood include self awareness,
Arizona State. Hey, now many times you been fucked on a houseboat?
As an actor, you rely on subtle
As far as I'm concerned,
As for complex emotions and the capacity for empathy,
As much as anybody I've ever known.
As one might purchase a baseball glove or a Big Wheel.
Ask me when will the day be
Assisting in the betterment of your race.
At his office in New York.
At least you figured it out early.
At my friend's apartment, if you wanna join.
At one point in your career that would've been enough.
At the fact that I'm representing a teddy bear.
At this very low point in my life,
Attention, everyone. IVlay I have your attention, please.
Au right.
Aw, buddy, I love you for that.
Aw, come on, pal. Come on.
Aware of his own consciousness.
Aware of his own consciousness.
Baby, we're gonna be fine.
Baggins, Plissken, Ventura, Montoya, Burgundy,
Bah, bah, bah!
Be careful.
Beautiful ceremony.
Because I can't do this no more. it's too much.
Because I've been informed that you're technically...
Because Teddy ain't got no dick.
Because that's where I went to school.
Because the stakes are so significant.
Because they got that little baby keeping them together.
Because we're not really working with much money.
Because you are a good man, David Hasselhoff
Because you are spiraling out of control here.
Because you said that you could help us.
Because you've been staring at it, and you want it.
Before you got naked with that hamburger?
Being back in that church again.
Besides, we just broke into Tom Brady's house and tried to jerk him off...
Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse.
BJs here! Get your BJs! Get your red hot BJs!
BOTH: Whoa!
Bottom line is, insemination is not possible.
Bullshit! You better ask my ancestors.
But after awhile,
But do you mind if I ask how old you are?
But I came back five minutes later,
But I got to tell you, there's some awesome shit in that barn.
But I need you to go to the waiting area now, please.
But I think what we're probably gonna do is
But I think you'll be impressed with my client.
But I'm going to this after hours thing
But I'm gonna have to let you go.
But if we suddenly decide to share that gift,
But it was a good time for you to vandalize my Chrysler though.
But just stuff it under the seat for now.
But let's make one thing clear.
But not if nobody finds out.
But she was always just trying to change me
But that and the trial are the only two things you fucked up. So, uh...
But that is so fucked up!
But they patted us down on the way in here. Where'd you even hide it?
But this bear is alive.
But this is actually a really big case.
But we all know it's an object made of copper and steel.
But we don't know any lawyers. All our friends make sandwiches.
But we're going to the right place.
But we've become such a high profile case,
But you have fun porking Gollum here, while I'm left with shit!
But you know what? Who gives a shit? Right?
But you've just been so bummed out
But, uh, (SIGHS) all we got is Tami's income these days since nobody will hire me.
By smooth talk and a haircut,
By the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Calrissian, Balboa, Rambo, Griswold, Stifler, Bickle, Gump,
Came to life back in the mid '80s right here in Boston,
Can you help me get home?
Can't be bad to feel so good
Capable of love.
Check out Tami Lyon's asshole brother
Child World toy store.
Child World toy store. You fucking heard me.
Clockwise rim job. Counterclockwise rim job!
Clubber Lang. (LAUGHS) Fucking...
Come here!
Come here.
Come on, guys. I mean, are we done here? I got to go.
Come on, let's get out of here!
Come on, make some fucking comedy.
Come on, one drink and I promise I won't tell anybody
Come on, put your legs into it.
Come on, read between the lines, Sam. it's Fuck
Come on, there's an empty supply room downstairs.
Come on, you gotta move. They're right on our ass. I am, I'm moving.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. We got to get out of here before the cops show up.
Comic Con fans,
Congratulations, Ted.
Contact Bob Jennings atJavHsH
Cookie Crisp in your bum bumzies. I'm sovvvvy. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)
Corleone, Wonka, Zhivago, Lebowski, Venkman, Spengler,
Could've been a leader, a role model.
Crazy son of a bitch!
Crazy son of a bitch.
Cut the shit.
Dear God! Dear God in heaven!
Dear Ted, you are no longer a Papa Gino's rewards member.
Dear Ted, your Chase bank account
Dear Ted, your Discover card has been revoked.
Deserves to be called human.
Did you find it difficult as an actor, playing opposite a car?
Did you see which way they went?
Did you write your dissertation
Do I have fuck me eyes?
Do you know how devastated I was?
Do you love Tami Lynn?
Do you love your wife?
Do you remember what it is?
Do you understand?
Do you, Tami Lynn IVlcCafferty,
Does it mean we can't have a baby?
Does your dog deserve human rights?
Doing out in the middle of a...
Don't let the goose get me!
Don't touch my pony. Sorry.
Don't wait too long to be right.
Don't you get too scared
Donald Trump's hair would look to quickly file a similar lawsuit.
Down that hallway, to the left.
Down tonight, okay? This is a party.
Dress up like we're into this shit and fuck with the nerds.
Dude, have you seen the guys in Boston?
Dude, take a closer look. It's your kid.
Dude, that's fucking awesome! Congratulations!
Eat my pussy! Have some apples!
Eff yeah.
Especially that song they sing at the Red Sox games.
Even when you weren't.
Ever heard of any of them? No, but I'm pretty sure Mr. T could kick their ass!
Every once in a while when he's too hammered.
Everybody always says that about their salad.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Ew. I mean, awesome! (CHUCKLES)
Exactly how many beers did you have
Excuse me, Doctor, your wife's on the phone.
Excuse me, excuse me.
Excuse me, I'll be right back.
F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Facial changes and cues from your co stars.
Fantastic. So, I'm one hour away from being a real person.
FEMALE NEWSCASTER: Also in the news, a pending court case
Fine, I got it. Done.
Fine! Fine! Go torture that asshole!
For all you've done, all you're doing for us.
For its civil rights ramifications.
For new toy ideas from any and all employees?
For purchasing marijuana in 2003?
For taking time out of their busy schedules
For the sperm.
For their Fourth of July barbecues.
For us to make an actual bong.
Forget it. Now, look, you haven't
Forgive me, that's a normal ovary.
Fresh cakes.
Fresh cakes.
Fresh cakes.
Fresh cakes.
Fresh cakes.
Fuck yeah!
Fuck you!
Fuck, let's do it. There he is!
Fuck, okay.
Fuck, that's a big one.
Fuck! Dude, that's somebody's kid!
Fuckin' A right, I do!
Fulfill their dreams of having children.
Get away from him, you bastard!
Get off me!
Get off me!
Get out of here! What? He's a celebrity.
Get out of my house!
Get out of the way!
Get out! Get the fuck out!
Get some therapy. Get out!
Get the fuck out of here!
Get the fuck out of the car!
Get the fuck out, you piece of dog shit.
Get your ass up here and kick my ass!
Get your BJs here.
Give him a milligram of epinephrine.
Go get my Cookie Crisp out of his ass.
Go on.
Go to hell!
Go! Skywalker, Solo, Vader, Kenobi, Palpatine,
God damn it, that underwear had shit on it!
God damn it, you will not wreck this night
God damn it!
God damn it!
God damn it! What the hell's wrong with you?
God, that sounds fucked up. Listen, I don't wanna die.
Goldner and the board cannot know about this until we have him.
Good eye, good eye.
Good morning. Now...
Good to meet you. John. Nice to meet you.
Good, good.
Goodbye, John.
Grant basic human rights to all those who deserve them,
Great, great! Here, follow me.
Guaranteed first ballot Hall of Famer.
Guilty! Speculation!
GUY: Hey, Ted!
Ha! Fuck you. Fuck you.
Hang on. I got to post this on Facebook.
Happy endings can come true for anyone.
Happy QUV
Has been terminated clue to a lack of citizenship.
Hasbro can have no connection to this.
Hasbro will be unveiling a brand new line
Hasbro would double its profits overnight.
Hashtag Grr, Mondays.
Hashtag My amazing summer.
Have some Cookie Crisp. You need something nutritional.
Have you guys at least tried marriage therapy?
Have you seen this?
Having a doll up here on the stand
He could be anywhere. We're not gonna find him.
He didn't make it.
He doesn't mean that. Please forgive me, I'm sorry.
He drove a chick into a lake.
He got a little wasted, so these two dudes took him out back to sober up.
He is the top civil rights attorney in America.
He just reminds me of when I was a kid.
He knows where this is going. Okay.
He lost.
He needs help.
He puked a pile of cotton all over this little girl in a stroller
He really is extraordinary, isn't he?
He treated me good!
He was stable a minute ago and now he's unresponsive.
He'll help us. Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse...
He's a gourmet chef. So he knows how to toss a salad.
He's a sucker for media.
He's a teddy bear on his own in New York, for God's sakes
He's after me. You got to get over here.
He's beautiful. Come on! I'll trade you. Catch.
He's gonna love it. Go, go, go!
He's my best friend.
He's never lost a casein his life.
He's not an animal.
He's not cheap,
He's the only guy in the world whose sperm
He's way more of a person than lots of other people.
Hearsay! Briefcase! Bailiff l Disregard!
Hell yeah! You know what we do?
Hello, ****!
Hello? There's something happening.
Hello? You're dicks.
Here it comes. Okay, okay. I'm ready.
Here you go, guys.
Here. Look, it says, Did you mean black cocks?
Hey, 20 bucks I can toss a Cookie Crisp into his ass crack.
Hey, be careful with that, huh.
Hey, Bennett!
Hey, check it out. Nerd fight.
Hey, come on.
Hey, congrats, you mofos.
Hey, do you think I could take a picture with you?
Hey, Doc, itworked out hilarious. Thanks.
Hey, fuck your Chrysler!
Hey, guys, be careful out there. Some nerd spilled his lunch.
Hey, hey! Big day, huh, bud?
Hey, hey! Maybe we get one of them Harrison Ford lawyers
Hey, hey. What do you say we do the thing, huh? That'll cheer you up.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, I did my community service.
Hey, I don't have to take this shit from a fucking Pontiac.
Hey, I remember you from the wedding.
Hey, I'm really sorry! Yeah, me, too.
Hey, if you guys want to bang,
Hey, it must be weird for you guys,
Hey, it's okay. One foot in front of the other.
Hey, Johnny, come on. it's almost 7:00. We got to get up there.
Hey, Johnny, how about a beer, huh?
Hey, Johnny! You did it!
Hey, Johnny.
Hey, Johnny. Johnny.
Hey, listen, I got an idea.
Hey, listen. Don't let her drag you
Hey, Rick! It is Ted.
Hey, Sam, how's your boring salad?
Hey, Sam, why do you have a duffel bag that says Arizona State?
Hey, Sam, you want in on this?
Hey, shut up, lady!
Hey, so, uh, listen, I got, uh...
Hey, spaz
Hey, Ted, let me ask you something.
Hey, Ted! Come on! I'm sorry.
Hey, this is my new boyfriend, Rick.
Hey, thunder buddies for life, remember?
Hey, watch that floor. Comes up fast, man.
Hey, we just ran into your buddy Ted.
Hey, we've been fighting right alongside you the whole way.
Hey, what the hell you doing walking around dressed like Star Wars?
Hey, what's going on? What are you doing here?
Hey, what's the deal here? You guys ever gonna make out or what?
Hey, when I'm done here, how about a drink?
Hey, you go pull a bad back, bitch!
Hey, you know what? If the baby works out, we should get a dog.
Hey, you know, maybe someday, if you wish hard enough,
Hey, you shut the fuck up!
Hey, you were always real to me, buddy.
Hey! Must be the money
Hey! Um, are you, uh, Tom Brady?
Hey! What the hell!
Hey. You didn't let us down, Sam. You did your best.
Hi, I'm calling for Patrick Nleighan. This is Samantha Jackson.
Hi, Mr. Nleighan. Thank you so much for taking my call.
Hi, Ted.
Hi. Have any of you guys seen a talking teddy bear run through here?
Hi. How is he? Is he gonna come out of it?
High five.
His name's Fuck Scott Fitzgerald?
His personal life is our business.
Ho! Fuck you, thunder!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Holy shit! Donny!
Holy shit! Dude, what's the matter? What happened?
Holy shit! Hey, Ted!
Holy shit! Johnny!
Holy shit! Perfect spiral!
Holy Shit! YOU?
Holy shit! Zombie! He's a fucking zombie!
Honest to God, Joy, I don't know how to fix this.
Honestly, I don't know.
How about a location? Let's go with a location.
How about this? I'm gonna go check out the barn
How about, in a relationship with John Bennett?
How am I supposed to explain that to everybody?
How are you feeling, John?
How come you don't have a guy?
How far are we?
How far away does he live?
How Long Has That Van Been There?
How soon before it devalues another?
HOW the hell did it fall?
How would you categorize your relationship with Ted?
How you doing?
I $66.
I acted like an asshole.
I am gonna come up there and I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!
I am not an animal!
I am Samantha Jackson.
I am the face of the business! Okay?
I am trying to climb the corporate fence, here!
I am. That's me, yeah.
I can make this company a billion dollars.
I can never get a signal in your apartment. Hey, can I use your laptop?
I can see it from here, thanks,yeah
I can't legally keep you on as an employee
I certainly do.
I completely agree.
I could assign her to your case, pro bono.
I could find some happiness
I didn't think you had any left.
I do.
I don't care what any fucking piece of paper says. You're my wife.
I don't have a driver's license, I don't pay taxes.
I don't have any papers or nothing.
I don't know exactly what makes a person a person.
I don't know how my life works without you.
I don't know what kind of mojo was in
I don't know what to say.
I don't know, man. I got to do something
I don't know, Ms. Jackson. We've done everything we can
I don't know, Teddy. Something's got to change, you know?
I don't know!
I don't know. But it's gonna be okay.
I don't think he should want to be considered a person.
I don't understand. We would have made such great parents.
I don't wanna put a big glass cock in my mouth.
I don't want to waste too much of your time.
I don't want to. I don't have to.
I don't want tojinx it, but I think so.
I feel like he might take it pro bono.
I feel terrible.
I finally meet someone and you're giving me shit for it?
I fucked her with a pack of Freedent.
I fucking love this place.
I get migraines.
I got Kramer vs Kramer, Alien vs Predator, and Freddy vs Jason
I got no job, no marriage and no life!
I got some big news to tell ya.
I got to be honest with you. I'm.
I got to feed with a pitchfork when he's 16.
I got to get some parts, for the billing.
I got you, motherfucker! (ALL SCREAMING)
I got, uh, Ernest Goes to Camp, Ernest Goes to Jail
I have $40, here.
I have a boyfriend.
I have a college degree.
I have some big plans for you, Ted.
I hope it's true
I hope your kids get bird flu!
I invite you
I just did a line with a dude in the men's room
I just don't want you to get mobbed when people recognize you.
I just got a call from the Labor Department.
I just love you so much.
I just love you so much.
I just love you, buddy.
I just want a Ted for my very own.
I know it's not making you rich.
I know, I know, I know. And... And that's why...
I know, I know. it's just that...
I know, me too.
I know, we haven't! it's...
I know. And after I watched his
I know. Come on, it's okay, though.
I know. My uncle gave me all the details.
I let you guys down all over again.
I love my wife. Okay? My wife.
I love our gun dog baby family.
I love you so much, Teddy.
I love you so much!
I love you so much.
I love you too, baby. I'll see you soon.
I love you too, pal. I really do. (SOBBING)
I love you too!
I love you, too, baby.
I love you.
I mean saying his name three times.
I mean, adoption's great, right?
I mean, aren't you supposed to be fighting
I mean, doesn't your insurance cover that or something?
I mean, everything seemed like it was gonna be so perfect.
I mean, fucking Steven Tyler?
I mean, hell, this is the firstjob I ever had.
I mean, honestly, I don't know. Um...
I mean, how the hell do you take
I mean, I've never voted.
I mean, if you ask me, we got to fight it.
I mean, it's like we have a common goal or something, right?
I mean, maybe more like a hammer or an orange, but yeah.
I mean, maybe you should check again or something, you know?
I mean, Tami's the woman I love.
I mean, we can't take this lying down, right? We got to do something.
I mean, we wanna get high, too.
I need a full report on all the placement of our merchandise.
I need clothes for work. All right, Teddy?
I need Shep Wild.
I need you to come with me now.
I noticed you always use urinal four,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
I put a frowny face on Facebook!
I put my cell number on there, too.
I really love that Neil Diamond.
I really tried everything I could to be the man that she wanted.
I replace the cakes.
I rest. We could totally be lawyers.
I said I would consider it.
I saw what you did on TV.
I saw you eating lunch alone! You're a loser!
I say we go to court!
I should never have let you drive.
I should've married Robert DiCicco. I really should've.
I still get a shot! JOHN: Yes!
I swear to God, I'll kick your goddamn ass! Who was it?
I swear to God, not messing with you.
I think I want to sleep on a bed made of your voice.
I think you'd make an awesome mom.
I think you're bleeding us dry, is what I think you're doing.
I thought that was you. What's happening, man?
I totally fucking got you!
I used to pitch for the softball team at Arizona State.
I wanna have a baby.
I want to feel useful, you know?
I was even cast as a lawnmower
I was playing snow plows, tractors,
I was reluctant to bring it up because
I was such a big fan of yours in the early '90s
I was talking. I was just talking, just now, until you interrupted me.
I was thinking about just tearing them down and building a hotel.
I was wrong.
I will run you down like roadkill
I will.
I won second prize in a beauty contest. That's $50 right there.
I won't be able to perform the implantation procedure.
I won't be any fun then, will I?
I won't forget what you've done for me here today.
I work for Mattel.
I would do at this moment
I would first like to thank the ladies and gentlemen of the jury
I would prefer that you do.
I would, like, kick so much ass at mommin'! (CHUCKLES)
I... I mean, they say, uh, Trix are for kids in the commercials.
I'd like to take your case, Ted.
I'd, uh, like to ask a few questions about this breakfast cereal.
I'll drive. You can take a nap.
I'll fucking throw shit! (GRUNTS)
I'll get right down to it.
I'll give you a minute.
I'll rephrase.
I'll see you in heaven, Ted.
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm 26.
I'm a fucking pro!
I'm a little nervous. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)
I'm afraid I have bad news.
I'm alive.
I'm at Comic Con, but, John, it's Donny! He's here!
I'm blinking it in!
I'm confident you'll make the right decision.
I'm cooking your fucking steak. What do you think I'm doing?
I'm doing this for you. I'm getting ready. I got to go in and perform.
I'm Dr. Danzer.
I'm fine. I was thinking about Lori.
I'm glad you guys are so happy!
I'm gonna fucking cut thatjudge
I'm gonna get a huge migraine in the parking lot in about 20 minutes.
I'm gonna go fifty shades of bear on you tonight.
I'm gonna try.
I'm happy to see everyone has made a full recovery.
I'm John Bennett.
I'm just kidding. I'm fucking with you. Come on!
I'm listening.
I'm naming the store after you.
I'm not a person?
I'm not gonna make that same mistake again.
I'm not gonna remember a movie I've never seen
I'm not into it.
I'm out.
I'm quite sure.
I'm Raphael.
I'm really fucking scared of you, you little fucking bear!
I'm scared, Teddy!
I'm so glad I'm finally caught. I wanted to be caught!
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, pot!
I'm so sorry, sir. I forgot. I'll get it right away.
I'm so sorry. I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional.
I'm sorry I turned you away.
I'm sorry to say I won't be taking your case.
I'm sorry you're not who I hoped you'd be.
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, buddy. I don't mean to mess up your big day.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear that. Could you repeat that, please?
I'm sorry, I just don't want something
I'm sorry, Your Honor. I'm on my period.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. But as of today, you're fired.
I'm sorry. I, uh...
I'm sorry. You three are gonna have to wait outside.
I'm sowwy!
I'm standing up for me and I'm standing up for the homos!
I'm starving. What the hell are you doing over there?