Are you dance brother alright
Blow me
Can you see my ass lately
Did you brush your teeth
Do we want to do this tonight or in the morning
Do you remember maine
Do you understand what i'm talking about
Does your mom know you drink coffee
Don't say that OK
Feel like a big mouse
Freddy krueger
Go back
Hey how you doing
Hey I stop smoking cigarettes
Honey I have some bad news
How would you like to spend the next several nights wondering if you're crazy I have work bomb uncle
How you doing
I don't believe I heard you say that
I don't think you do
I got a few questions for you
I guess sure
I would like the blogger roman up mya
I'm your uncle buck
I've been over your house since you moved in
Is scared or what
Is that a fact
Is there any particular reason why you're giving me such a hard time
It maybe that's analogy or something
John Candy Sounds Sound
Oh baloney
Oh no
OK bye bye
Pack a few things i'm on my way
Shut my load into you whether you like her not
That's one of my specialties
We gotta get together
Well i'll be picking splinters out of it from now until the day I die
Well it's funny you didn't mention this before
What are you drunk
What do I have to talk dirty
What was that
Who are you
You get the pole out of your keister we're going to get along just fine